fix(ivy): ngcc should compile entry-points in the correct order (#25862)
The compiler should process all an entry-points dependencies before processing that entry-point. PR Close #25862
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -4,10 +4,17 @@ set -e -x
PATH=$PATH:$(npm bin)
ivy-ngcc fesm2015,esm2015
ivy-ngcc --help
# node --inspect-brk $(npm bin)/ivy-ngcc -f esm2015
# Did it add the appropriate build markers?
# - fesm2015
ls node_modules/@angular/common | grep __modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi
# - esm2015
ls node_modules/@angular/common | grep __modified_by_ngcc_for_esm2015
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
"@types/shelljs": "^0.7.8",
"@types/source-map": "^0.5.1",
"@types/systemjs": "0.19.32",
"@types/yargs": "^11.1.1",
"@webcomponents/custom-elements": "^1.0.4",
"angular": "npm:angular@1.7",
"angular-1.5": "npm:angular@1.5",
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@
"conventional-changelog": "1.1.0",
"convert-source-map": "^1.5.1",
"cors": "2.8.4",
"dependency-graph": "^0.7.2",
"diff": "^3.5.0",
"domino": "2.0.1",
"entities": "1.1.1",
@ -12,10 +12,14 @@
"dependencies": {
"reflect-metadata": "^0.1.2",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"canonical-path": "0.0.2",
"chokidar": "^1.4.2",
"convert-source-map": "^1.5.1",
"dependency-graph": "^0.7.2",
"magic-string": "^0.25.0",
"source-map": "^0.6.1"
"shelljs": "^0.8.1",
"source-map": "^0.6.1",
"yargs": "9.0.1"
"peerDependencies": {
"@angular/compiler": "0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER",
@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ declare module 'canonical-path' {
export var delimiter: string;
export function parse(p: string): ParsedPath;
export function format(pP: ParsedPath): string;
@ -7,85 +7,53 @@
import * as path from 'canonical-path';
import {existsSync, lstatSync, readFileSync, readdirSync} from 'fs';
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
import {PackageTransformer} from './transform/package_transformer';
import {DependencyHost} from './packages/dependency_host';
import {DependencyResolver} from './packages/dependency_resolver';
import {EntryPointFormat} from './packages/entry_point';
import {EntryPointFinder} from './packages/entry_point_finder';
import {Transformer} from './packages/transformer';
export function mainNgcc(args: string[]): number {
const formats = args[0] ? args[0].split(',') : ['fesm2015', 'esm2015', 'fesm5', 'esm5'];
const packagePaths = args[1] ? [path.resolve(args[1])] : findPackagesToCompile();
const targetPath = args[2] ? args[2] : 'node_modules';
const options =
.option('s', {
alias: 'source',
describe: 'A path to the root folder to compile.',
default: './node_modules'
.option('f', {
alias: 'formats',
array: true,
describe: 'An array of formats to compile.',
default: ['fesm2015', 'esm2015', 'fesm5', 'esm5']
.option('t', {
alias: 'target',
describe: 'A path to a root folder where the compiled files will be written.',
defaultDescription: 'The `source` folder.'
const transformer = new PackageTransformer();
packagePaths.forEach(packagePath => {
formats.forEach(format => {
// TODO: remove before flight
console.warn(`Compiling ${packagePath} : ${format}`);
transformer.transform(packagePath, format, targetPath);
const sourcePath: string = path.resolve(options['s']);
const formats: EntryPointFormat[] = options['f'];
const targetPath: string = options['t'] || sourcePath;
const transformer = new Transformer(sourcePath, targetPath);
const host = new DependencyHost();
const resolver = new DependencyResolver(host);
const finder = new EntryPointFinder(resolver);
try {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints(sourcePath);
entryPoint => formats.forEach(format => transformer.transform(entryPoint, format)));
} catch (e) {
return 1;
return 0;
// TODO - consider nested node_modules
* Check whether the given folder needs to be included in the ngcc compilation.
* We do not care about folders that are:
* - symlinks
* - node_modules
* - do not contain a package.json
* - do not have a typings property in package.json
* - do not have an appropriate metadata.json file
* @param folderPath The absolute path to the folder.
function hasMetadataFile(folderPath: string): boolean {
const folderName = path.basename(folderPath);
if (folderName === 'node_modules' || lstatSync(folderPath).isSymbolicLink()) {
return false;
const packageJsonPath = path.join(folderPath, 'package.json');
if (!existsSync(packageJsonPath)) {
return false;
const packageJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync(packageJsonPath, 'utf8'));
if (!packageJson.typings) {
return false;
// TODO: avoid if packageJson contains built marker
const metadataPath =
path.join(folderPath, packageJson.typings.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '.metadata.json'));
return existsSync(metadataPath);
* Look for packages that need to be compiled.
* The function will recurse into folders that start with `@...`, e.g. `@angular/...`.
* Without an argument it starts at `node_modules`.
function findPackagesToCompile(folder: string = 'node_modules'): string[] {
const fullPath = path.resolve(folder);
const packagesToCompile: string[] = [];
.filter(p => !p.startsWith('.'))
.filter(p => lstatSync(path.join(fullPath, p)).isDirectory())
.forEach(p => {
const packagePath = path.join(fullPath, p);
if (p.startsWith('@')) {
} else {
return packagesToCompile.filter(path => recursiveDirTest(path, hasMetadataFile));
function recursiveDirTest(dir: string, test: (dir: string) => boolean): boolean {
return test(dir) || readdirSync(dir).some(segment => {
const fullPath = path.join(dir, segment);
return lstatSync(fullPath).isDirectory() && recursiveDirTest(fullPath, test);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {resolve} from 'canonical-path';
import {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import {EntryPoint, EntryPointFormat} from './entry_point';
export const NGCC_VERSION = '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER';
function getMarkerPath(entryPointPath: string, format: EntryPointFormat) {
return resolve(entryPointPath, `__modified_by_ngcc_for_${format}__`);
* Check whether there is a build marker for the given entry point and format.
* @param entryPoint the entry point to check for a marker.
* @param format the format for which we are checking for a marker.
export function checkMarkerFile(entryPoint: EntryPoint, format: EntryPointFormat): boolean {
const markerPath = getMarkerPath(entryPoint.path, format);
const markerExists = existsSync(markerPath);
if (markerExists) {
const previousVersion = readFileSync(markerPath, 'utf8');
if (previousVersion !== NGCC_VERSION) {
throw new Error(
'The ngcc compiler has changed since the last ngcc build.\n' +
'Please completely remove `node_modules` and try again.');
return markerExists;
export function writeMarkerFile(entryPoint: EntryPoint, format: EntryPointFormat) {
const markerPath = getMarkerPath(entryPoint.path, format);
writeFileSync(markerPath, NGCC_VERSION, 'utf8');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as path from 'canonical-path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
* Helper functions for computing dependencies.
export class DependencyHost {
* Get a list of the resolved paths to all the dependencies of this entry point.
* @param from An absolute path to the file whose dependencies we want to get.
* @param resolved A set that will have the resolved dependencies added to it.
* @param missing A set that will have the dependencies that could not be found added to it.
* @param internal A set that is used to track internal dependencies to prevent getting stuck in a
* circular dependency loop.
* @returns an object containing an array of absolute paths to `resolved` depenendencies and an
* array of import specifiers for dependencies that were `missing`.
from: string, resolved: Set<string>, missing: Set<string>,
internal: Set<string> = new Set()): void {
const fromContents = fs.readFileSync(from, 'utf8');
if (!this.hasImportOrReeportStatements(fromContents)) {
// Parse the source into a TypeScript AST and then walk it looking for imports and re-exports.
const sf =
ts.createSourceFile(from, fromContents, ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015, false, ts.ScriptKind.JS);
// filter out statements that are not imports or reexports
// Grab the id of the module that is being imported
.map(stmt => stmt.moduleSpecifier.text)
// Resolve this module id into an absolute path
.forEach(importPath => {
if (importPath.startsWith('.')) {
// This is an internal import so follow it
const internalDependency = this.resolveInternal(from, importPath);
// Avoid circular dependencies
if (!internal.has(internalDependency)) {
this.computeDependencies(internalDependency, resolved, missing, internal);
} else {
const externalDependency = this.tryResolveExternal(from, importPath);
if (externalDependency !== null) {
} else {
* Resolve an internal module import.
* @param from the absolute file path from where to start trying to resolve this module
* @param to the module specifier of the internal dependency to resolve
* @returns the resolved path to the import.
resolveInternal(from: string, to: string): string {
const fromDirectory = path.dirname(from);
// `fromDirectory` is absolute so we don't need to worry about telling `require.resolve`
// about it - unlike `tryResolve` below.
return require.resolve(path.resolve(fromDirectory, to));
* We don't want to resolve external dependencies directly because if it is a path to a
* sub-entry-point (e.g. @angular/animations/browser rather than @angular/animations)
* then `require.resolve()` may return a path to a UMD bundle, which may actually live
* in the folder containing the sub-entry-point
* (e.g. @angular/animations/bundles/animations-browser.umd.js).
* Instead we try to resolve it as a package, which is what we would need anyway for it to be
* compilable by ngcc.
* If `to` is actually a path to a file then this will fail, which is what we want.
* @param from the file path from where to start trying to resolve this module
* @param to the module specifier of the dependency to resolve
* @returns the resolved path to the entry point directory of the import or null
* if it cannot be resolved.
tryResolveExternal(from: string, to: string): string|null {
const externalDependency = this.tryResolve(from, `${to}/package.json`);
return externalDependency && path.dirname(externalDependency);
* Resolve the absolute path of a module from a particular starting point.
* @param from the file path from where to start trying to resolve this module
* @param to the module specifier of the dependency to resolve
* @returns an absolute path to the entry-point of the dependency or null if it could not be
* resolved.
tryResolve(from: string, to: string): string|null {
try {
return require.resolve(to, {paths: [from]});
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Check whether the given statement is an import with a string literal module specifier.
* @param stmt the statement node to check.
* @returns true if the statement is an import with a string literal module specifier.
isStringImportOrReexport(stmt: ts.Statement): stmt is ts.ImportDeclaration&
{moduleSpecifier: ts.StringLiteral} {
return ts.isImportDeclaration(stmt) ||
ts.isExportDeclaration(stmt) && !!stmt.moduleSpecifier &&
* Check whether a source file needs to be parsed for imports.
* This is a performance short-circuit, which saves us from creating
* a TypeScript AST unnecessarily.
* @param source The content of the source file to check.
* @returns false if there are definitely no import or re-export statements
* in this file, true otherwise.
hasImportOrReeportStatements(source: string): boolean {
return /(import|export)\s.+from/.test(source);
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {DepGraph} from 'dependency-graph';
import {DependencyHost} from './dependency_host';
import {EntryPoint} from './entry_point';
* Holds information about entry points that are removed because
* they have dependencies that are missing (directly or transitively).
* This might not be an error, because such an entry point might not actually be used
* in the application. If it is used then the `ngc` application compilation would
* fail also, so we don't need ngcc to catch this.
* For example, consider an application that uses the `@angular/router` package.
* This package includes an entry-point called `@angular/router/upgrade`, which has a dependency
* on the `@angular/upgrade` package.
* If the application never uses code from `@angular/router/upgrade` then there is no need for
* `@angular/upgrade` to be installed.
* In this case the ngcc tool should just ignore the `@angular/router/upgrade` end-point.
export interface InvalidEntryPoint {
entryPoint: EntryPoint;
missingDependencies: string[];
* Holds information about dependencies of an entry-point that do not need to be processed
* by the ngcc tool.
* For example, the `rxjs` package does not contain any Angular decorators that need to be
* compiled and so this can be safely ignored by ngcc.
export interface IgnoredDependency {
entryPoint: EntryPoint;
dependencyPath: string;
* The result of sorting the entry-points by their dependencies.
* The `entryPoints` array will be ordered so that no entry point depends upon an entry point that
* appears later in the array.
* Some entry points or their dependencies may be have been ignored. These are captured for
* diagnostic purposes in `invalidEntryPoints` and `ignoredDependencies` respectively.
export interface SortedEntryPointsInfo {
entryPoints: EntryPoint[];
invalidEntryPoints: InvalidEntryPoint[];
ignoredDependencies: IgnoredDependency[];
* A class that resolves dependencies between entry-points.
export class DependencyResolver {
constructor(private host: DependencyHost) {}
* Sort the array of entry points so that the dependant entry points always come later than
* their dependencies in the array.
* @param entryPoints An array entry points to sort.
* @returns the result of sorting the entry points.
sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints: EntryPoint[]): SortedEntryPointsInfo {
const invalidEntryPoints: InvalidEntryPoint[] = [];
const ignoredDependencies: IgnoredDependency[] = [];
const graph = new DepGraph<EntryPoint>();
// Add the entry ponts to the graph as nodes
entryPoints.forEach(entryPoint => graph.addNode(entryPoint.path, entryPoint));
// Now add the dependencies between them
entryPoints.forEach(entryPoint => {
const entryPointPath = entryPoint.esm2015;
if (!entryPointPath) {
throw new Error(`Esm2015 format missing in '${entryPoint.path}' entry-point.`);
const dependencies = new Set<string>();
const missing = new Set<string>();
||||, dependencies, missing);
if (missing.size > 0) {
// This entry point has dependencies that are missing
// so remove it from the graph.
removeNodes(entryPoint, Array.from(missing));
} else {
dependencies.forEach(dependencyPath => {
if (graph.hasNode(dependencyPath)) {
// The dependency path maps to an entry point that exists in the graph
// so add the dependency.
graph.addDependency(entryPoint.path, dependencyPath);
} else if (invalidEntryPoints.some(i => i.entryPoint.path === dependencyPath)) {
// The dependency path maps to an entry-point that was previously removed
// from the graph, so remove this entry-point as well.
removeNodes(entryPoint, [dependencyPath]);
} else {
// The dependency path points to a package that ngcc does not care about.
ignoredDependencies.push({entryPoint, dependencyPath});
// The map now only holds entry-points that ngcc cares about and whose dependencies
// (direct and transitive) all exist.
return {
entryPoints: graph.overallOrder().map(path => graph.getNodeData(path)),
function removeNodes(entryPoint: EntryPoint, missingDependencies: string[]) {
const nodesToRemove = [entryPoint.path, ...graph.dependantsOf(entryPoint.path)];
nodesToRemove.forEach(node => {
invalidEntryPoints.push({entryPoint: graph.getNodeData(node), missingDependencies});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as path from 'canonical-path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
* The possible values for the format of an entry-point.
export type EntryPointFormat = 'esm5' | 'fesm5' | 'esm2015' | 'fesm2015' | 'umd';
* An object containing paths to the entry-points for each format.
export type EntryPointPaths = {
[Format in EntryPointFormat]?: string;
* An object containing information about an entry-point, including paths
* to each of the possible entry-point formats.
export type EntryPoint = EntryPointPaths & {
/** The path to the package that contains this entry-point. */
package: string;
/** The path to this entry point. */
path: string;
/** The path to a typings (.d.ts) file for this entry-point. */
typings: string;
interface EntryPointPackageJson {
fesm2015?: string;
fesm5?: string;
esm2015?: string;
esm5?: string;
main?: string;
types?: string;
typings?: string;
* Try to get entry point info from the given path.
* @param pkgPath the absolute path to the containing npm package
* @param entryPoint the absolute path to the potential entry point.
* @returns Info about the entry point if it is valid, `null` otherwise.
export function getEntryPointInfo(pkgPath: string, entryPoint: string): EntryPoint|null {
const packageJsonPath = path.resolve(entryPoint, 'package.json');
if (!fs.existsSync(packageJsonPath)) {
return null;
// According to,
// `types` and `typings` are interchangeable.
const {fesm2015, fesm5, esm2015, esm5, main, types, typings = types}: EntryPointPackageJson =
JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath, 'utf8'));
// Minimum requirement is that we have esm2015 format and typings.
if (!typings || !esm2015) {
return null;
// Also we need to have a metadata.json file
const metadataPath = path.resolve(entryPoint, typings.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '') + '.metadata.json');
if (!fs.existsSync(metadataPath)) {
return null;
const entryPointInfo: EntryPoint = {
package: pkgPath,
path: entryPoint,
typings: path.resolve(entryPoint, typings),
esm2015: path.resolve(entryPoint, esm2015),
if (fesm2015) {
entryPointInfo.fesm2015 = path.resolve(entryPoint, fesm2015);
if (fesm5) {
entryPointInfo.fesm5 = path.resolve(entryPoint, fesm5);
if (esm5) {
entryPointInfo.esm5 = path.resolve(entryPoint, esm5);
if (main) {
entryPointInfo.umd = path.resolve(entryPoint, main);
return entryPointInfo;
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as path from 'canonical-path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {DependencyResolver, SortedEntryPointsInfo} from './dependency_resolver';
import {EntryPoint, getEntryPointInfo} from './entry_point';
export class EntryPointFinder {
constructor(private resolver: DependencyResolver) {}
* Search the given directory, and sub-directories, for Angular package entry points.
* @param sourceDirectory An absolute path to the directory to search for entry points.
findEntryPoints(sourceDirectory: string): SortedEntryPointsInfo {
const unsortedEntryPoints = walkDirectoryForEntryPoints(sourceDirectory);
return this.resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(unsortedEntryPoints);
* Look for entry points that need to be compiled, starting at the source directory.
* The function will recurse into directories that start with `@...`, e.g. `@angular/...`.
* @param sourceDirectory An absolute path to the root directory where searching begins.
function walkDirectoryForEntryPoints(sourceDirectory: string): EntryPoint[] {
const entryPoints: EntryPoint[] = [];
// Not interested in hidden files
.filter(p => !p.startsWith('.'))
// Ignore node_modules
.filter(p => p !== 'node_modules')
// Only interested in directories (and only those that are not symlinks)
.filter(p => {
const stat = fs.lstatSync(path.resolve(sourceDirectory, p));
return stat.isDirectory() && !stat.isSymbolicLink();
.forEach(p => {
// Either the directory is a potential package or a namespace containing packages (e.g
// `@angular`).
const packagePath = path.join(sourceDirectory, p);
if (p.startsWith('@')) {
} else {
// Also check for any nested node_modules in this package
const nestedNodeModulesPath = path.resolve(packagePath, 'node_modules');
if (fs.existsSync(nestedNodeModulesPath)) {
return entryPoints;
* Recurse the folder structure looking for all the entry points
* @param packagePath The absolute path to an npm package that may contain entry points
* @returns An array of entry points that were discovered.
function getEntryPointsForPackage(packagePath: string): EntryPoint[] {
const entryPoints: EntryPoint[] = [];
// Try to get an entry point from the top level package directory
const topLevelEntryPoint = getEntryPointInfo(packagePath, packagePath);
if (topLevelEntryPoint !== null) {
// Now search all the directories of this package for possible entry points
walkDirectory(packagePath, subdir => {
const subEntryPoint = getEntryPointInfo(packagePath, subdir);
if (subEntryPoint !== null) {
return entryPoints;
* Recursively walk a directory and its sub-directories, applying a given
* function to each directory.
* @param dir the directory to recursively walk.
* @param fn the function to apply to each directory.
function walkDirectory(dir: string, fn: (dir: string) => void) {
return fs
// Not interested in hidden files
.filter(p => !p.startsWith('.'))
// Ignore node_modules
.filter(p => p !== 'node_modules')
// Only interested in directories (and only those that are not symlinks)
.filter(p => {
const stat = fs.lstatSync(path.resolve(dir, p));
return stat.isDirectory() && !stat.isSymbolicLink();
.forEach(subdir => {
subdir = path.resolve(dir, subdir);
walkDirectory(subdir, fn);
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import {FileParser} from '../parsing/file_parser';
import {Esm2015Renderer} from '../rendering/esm2015_renderer';
import {Esm5Renderer} from '../rendering/esm5_renderer';
import {FileInfo, Renderer} from '../rendering/renderer';
import {checkMarkerFile, findAllPackageJsonFiles, getEntryPoints, writeMarkerFile} from './utils';
import {checkMarkerFile, writeMarkerFile} from './build_marker';
import {EntryPoint, EntryPointFormat} from './entry_point';
@ -47,67 +47,68 @@ import {checkMarkerFile, findAllPackageJsonFiles, getEntryPoints, writeMarkerFil
* - Other packages may re-export classes from other non-entry point files.
* - Some formats may contain multiple "modules" in a single file.
export class PackageTransformer {
transform(packagePath: string, format: string, targetPath: string = 'node_modules'): void {
const sourceNodeModules = this.findNodeModulesPath(packagePath);
const targetNodeModules = resolve(sourceNodeModules, '..', targetPath);
const packageJsonPaths =
// Ignore paths that have been built already
.filter(packageJsonPath => !checkMarkerFile(packageJsonPath, format));
const entryPoints = getEntryPoints(packageJsonPaths, format);
export class Transformer {
constructor(private sourcePath: string, private targetPath: string) {}
entryPoints.forEach(entryPoint => {
const outputFiles: FileInfo[] = [];
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
allowJs: true,
maxNodeModuleJsDepth: Infinity,
rootDir: entryPoint.entryFileName,
transform(entryPoint: EntryPoint, format: EntryPointFormat): void {
if (checkMarkerFile(entryPoint, format)) {
// Create the TS program and necessary helpers.
// TODO : create a custom compiler host that reads from .bak files if available.
const host = ts.createCompilerHost(options);
let rootDirs: string[]|undefined = undefined;
if (options.rootDirs !== undefined) {
rootDirs = options.rootDirs;
} else if (options.rootDir !== undefined) {
rootDirs = [options.rootDir];
} else {
rootDirs = [host.getCurrentDirectory()];
const packageProgram = ts.createProgram([entryPoint.entryFileName], options, host);
const typeChecker = packageProgram.getTypeChecker();
const dtsMapper = new DtsMapper(entryPoint.entryRoot, entryPoint.dtsEntryRoot);
const reflectionHost = this.getHost(format, packageProgram, dtsMapper);
const outputFiles: FileInfo[] = [];
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {
allowJs: true,
maxNodeModuleJsDepth: Infinity,
rootDir: entryPoint.path,
const parser = this.getFileParser(format, packageProgram, reflectionHost);
const analyzer = new Analyzer(typeChecker, reflectionHost, rootDirs);
const renderer = this.getRenderer(format, packageProgram, reflectionHost);
// Create the TS program and necessary helpers.
// TODO : create a custom compiler host that reads from .bak files if available.
const host = ts.createCompilerHost(options);
let rootDirs: string[]|undefined = undefined;
if (options.rootDirs !== undefined) {
rootDirs = options.rootDirs;
} else if (options.rootDir !== undefined) {
rootDirs = [options.rootDir];
} else {
rootDirs = [host.getCurrentDirectory()];
const entryPointFilePath = entryPoint[format];
if (!entryPointFilePath) {
throw new Error(
`Missing entry point file for format, ${format}, in package, ${entryPoint.path}.`);
const packageProgram = ts.createProgram([entryPointFilePath], options, host);
const typeChecker = packageProgram.getTypeChecker();
const dtsMapper = new DtsMapper(dirname(entryPointFilePath), dirname(entryPoint.typings));
const reflectionHost = this.getHost(format, packageProgram, dtsMapper);
// Parse and analyze the files.
const entryPointFile = packageProgram.getSourceFile(entryPoint.entryFileName) !;
const parsedFiles = parser.parseFile(entryPointFile);
const analyzedFiles = => analyzer.analyzeFile(parsedFile));
const parser = this.getFileParser(format, packageProgram, reflectionHost);
const analyzer = new Analyzer(typeChecker, reflectionHost, rootDirs);
const renderer = this.getRenderer(format, packageProgram, reflectionHost);
// Transform the source files and source maps.
analyzedFiles, sourceNodeModules, targetNodeModules, renderer));
// Parse and analyze the files.
const entryPointFile = packageProgram.getSourceFile(entryPointFilePath) !;
const parsedFiles = parser.parseFile(entryPointFile);
const analyzedFiles = => analyzer.analyzeFile(parsedFile));
// Transform the `.d.ts` files (if necessary).
// TODO(gkalpak): What about `.d.ts` source maps? (See
if (format === 'esm2015') {
analyzedFiles, sourceNodeModules, targetNodeModules, dtsMapper));
// Transform the source files and source maps.
...this.transformSourceFiles(analyzedFiles, this.sourcePath, this.targetPath, renderer));
// Write out all the transformed files.
outputFiles.forEach(file => this.writeFile(file));
// Transform the `.d.ts` files (if necessary).
// TODO(gkalpak): What about `.d.ts` source maps? (See
if (format === 'esm2015') {
...this.transformDtsFiles(analyzedFiles, this.sourcePath, this.targetPath, dtsMapper));
// Write the built-with-ngcc markers
packageJsonPaths.forEach(packageJsonPath => { writeMarkerFile(packageJsonPath, format); });
// Write out all the transformed files.
outputFiles.forEach(file => this.writeFile(file));
// Write the built-with-ngcc marker
writeMarkerFile(entryPoint, format);
getHost(format: string, program: ts.Program, dtsMapper: DtsMapper): NgccReflectionHost {
@ -150,13 +151,6 @@ export class PackageTransformer {
findNodeModulesPath(src: string): string {
while (src && !/node_modules$/.test(src)) {
src = dirname(src);
return src;
analyzedFiles: AnalyzedFile[], sourceNodeModules: string, targetNodeModules: string,
dtsMapper: DtsMapper): FileInfo[] {
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import {checkMarkerFile, writeMarkerFile} from '../../src/packages/build_marker';
import {EntryPoint} from '../../src/packages/entry_point';
function createMockFileSystem() {
'/node_modules/@angular/common': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/common.js",
"fesm5": "./fesm5/common.js",
"typings": "./common.d.ts"
'fesm2015': {
'common.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'http.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'http/testing.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'testing.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'http': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "../fesm2015/http.js",
"fesm5": "../fesm5/http.js",
"typings": "./http.d.ts"
'testing': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "../../fesm2015/http/testing.js",
"fesm5": "../../fesm5/http/testing.js",
"typings": "../http/testing.d.ts"
'other': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'testing': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "../fesm2015/testing.js",
"fesm5": "../fesm5/testing.js",
"typings": "../testing.d.ts"
'node_modules': {
'tslib': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'node_modules': {
'other-lib': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'/node_modules/@angular/no-typings': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/index.js"
'fesm2015': {
'index.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'index.d.ts': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'/node_modules/@angular/other': {
'not-package.json': '{ "fesm2015": "./fesm2015/other.js" }',
'package.jsonot': '{ "fesm5": "./fesm5/other.js" }',
'/node_modules/@angular/other2': {
'node_modules_not': {
'lib1': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'not_node_modules': {
'lib2': {
'package.json': '{ }',
function restoreRealFileSystem() {
function createEntryPoint(path: string): EntryPoint {
return {path, package: '', typings: ''};
describe('Marker files', () => {
describe('writeMarkerFile', () => {
it('should write a file containing the version placeholder', () => {
writeMarkerFile(createEntryPoint('/node_modules/@angular/common'), 'fesm2015');
readFileSync('/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', 'utf8'))
writeMarkerFile(createEntryPoint('/node_modules/@angular/common'), 'esm5');
readFileSync('/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', 'utf8'))
expect(readFileSync('/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_esm5__', 'utf8'))
describe('checkMarkerFile', () => {
it('should return false if the marker file does not exist', () => {
expect(checkMarkerFile(createEntryPoint('/node_modules/@angular/common'), 'fesm2015'))
it('should return true if the marker file exists and contains the correct version', () => {
'/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
expect(checkMarkerFile(createEntryPoint('/node_modules/@angular/common'), 'fesm2015'))
it('should throw if the marker file exists but contains the wrong version', () => {
'/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', 'WRONG_VERSION',
expect(() => checkMarkerFile(createEntryPoint('/node_modules/@angular/common'), 'fesm2015'))
'The ngcc compiler has changed since the last ngcc build.\n' +
'Please completely remove `node_modules` and try again.');
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as path from 'canonical-path';
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {DependencyHost} from '../../src/packages/dependency_host';
const Module = require('module');
interface DepMap {
[path: string]: {resolved: string[], missing: string[]};
describe('DependencyHost', () => {
let host: DependencyHost;
beforeEach(() => host = new DependencyHost());
describe('getDependencies()', () => {
it('should not generate a TS AST if the source does not contain any imports or re-exports',
() => {
spyOn(ts, 'createSourceFile');
host.computeDependencies('/no/imports/or/re-exports.js', new Set(), new Set());
it('should resolve all the external imports of the source file', () => {
spyOn(host, 'tryResolveExternal')
.and.callFake((from: string, importPath: string) => `RESOLVED/${importPath}`);
const resolved = new Set();
const missing = new Set();
host.computeDependencies('/external/imports.js', resolved, missing);
it('should resolve all the external re-exports of the source file', () => {
spyOn(host, 'tryResolveExternal')
.and.callFake((from: string, importPath: string) => `RESOLVED/${importPath}`);
const resolved = new Set();
const missing = new Set();
host.computeDependencies('/external/re-exports.js', resolved, missing);
it('should capture missing external imports', () => {
spyOn(host, 'tryResolveExternal')
(from: string, importPath: string) =>
importPath === 'missing' ? null : `RESOLVED/${importPath}`);
const resolved = new Set();
const missing = new Set();
host.computeDependencies('/external/imports-missing.js', resolved, missing);
it('should recurse into internal dependencies', () => {
spyOn(host, 'resolveInternal')
(from: string, importPath: string) => path.join('/internal', importPath + '.js'));
spyOn(host, 'tryResolveExternal')
.and.callFake((from: string, importPath: string) => `RESOLVED/${importPath}`);
const getDependenciesSpy = spyOn(host, 'computeDependencies').and.callThrough();
const resolved = new Set();
const missing = new Set();
host.computeDependencies('/internal/outer.js', resolved, missing);
expect(getDependenciesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/internal/outer.js', resolved, missing);
.toHaveBeenCalledWith('/internal/inner.js', resolved, missing, jasmine.any(Set));
it('should handle circular internal dependencies', () => {
spyOn(host, 'resolveInternal')
(from: string, importPath: string) => path.join('/internal', importPath + '.js'));
spyOn(host, 'tryResolveExternal')
.and.callFake((from: string, importPath: string) => `RESOLVED/${importPath}`);
const resolved = new Set();
const missing = new Set();
host.computeDependencies('/internal/circular-a.js', resolved, missing);
function createMockFileSystem() {
'/no/imports/or/re-exports.js': 'some text but no import-like statements',
'/external/imports.js': `import {X} from 'path/to/x';\nimport {Y} from 'path/to/y';`,
'/external/re-exports.js': `export {X} from 'path/to/x';\nexport {Y} from 'path/to/y';`,
'/external/imports-missing.js': `import {X} from 'path/to/x';\nimport {Y} from 'missing';`,
'/internal/outer.js': `import {X} from './inner';`,
'/internal/inner.js': `import {Y} from 'path/to/y';`,
'/internal/circular-a.js': `import {B} from './circular-b'; import {X} from 'path/to/x';`,
'/internal/circular-b.js': `import {A} from './circular-a'; import {Y} from 'path/to/y';`,
describe('resolveInternal', () => {
it('should resolve the dependency via `Module._resolveFilename`', () => {
spyOn(Module, '_resolveFilename').and.returnValue('RESOLVED_PATH');
const result = host.resolveInternal('/SOURCE/PATH/FILE', '../TARGET/PATH/FILE');
it('should first resolve the `to` on top of the `from` directory', () => {
const resolveSpy = spyOn(Module, '_resolveFilename').and.returnValue('RESOLVED_PATH');
host.resolveInternal('/SOURCE/PATH/FILE', '../TARGET/PATH/FILE');
.toHaveBeenCalledWith('/SOURCE/TARGET/PATH/FILE', jasmine.any(Object), false, undefined);
describe('tryResolveExternal', () => {
it('should call `tryResolve`, appending `package.json` to the target path', () => {
const tryResolveSpy = spyOn(host, 'tryResolve').and.returnValue('PATH/TO/RESOLVED');
host.tryResolveExternal('SOURCE_PATH', 'TARGET_PATH');
expect(tryResolveSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('SOURCE_PATH', 'TARGET_PATH/package.json');
it('should return the directory containing the result from `tryResolve', () => {
spyOn(host, 'tryResolve').and.returnValue('PATH/TO/RESOLVED');
expect(host.tryResolveExternal('SOURCE_PATH', 'TARGET_PATH')).toEqual('PATH/TO');
it('should return null if `tryResolve` returns null', () => {
spyOn(host, 'tryResolve').and.returnValue(null);
expect(host.tryResolveExternal('SOURCE_PATH', 'TARGET_PATH')).toEqual(null);
describe('tryResolve()', () => {
it('should resolve the dependency via `Module._resolveFilename`, passing the `from` path to the `paths` option',
() => {
const resolveSpy = spyOn(Module, '_resolveFilename').and.returnValue('RESOLVED_PATH');
const result = host.tryResolve('SOURCE_PATH', 'TARGET_PATH');
expect(resolveSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('TARGET_PATH', jasmine.any(Object), false, {
paths: ['SOURCE_PATH']
it('should return null if `Module._resolveFilename` throws an error', () => {
const resolveSpy =
spyOn(Module, '_resolveFilename').and.throwError(`Cannot find module 'TARGET_PATH'`);
const result = host.tryResolve('SOURCE_PATH', 'TARGET_PATH');
describe('isStringImportOrReexport', () => {
it('should return true if the statement is an import', () => {
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('import {X} from "some/x";')))
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('import * as X from "some/x";')))
it('should return true if the statement is a re-export', () => {
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('export {X} from "some/x";')))
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('export * from "some/x";'))).toBe(true);
it('should return false if the statement is not an import or a re-export', () => {
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('class X {}'))).toBe(false);
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('export function foo() {}')))
expect(host.isStringImportOrReexport(createStatement('export const X = 10;'))).toBe(false);
function createStatement(source: string) {
return ts
.createSourceFile('source.js', source, ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015, false, ts.ScriptKind.JS)
describe('hasImportOrReeportStatements', () => {
it('should return true if there is an import statement', () => {
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('import {X} from "some/x";')).toBe(true);
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('import * as X from "some/x";')).toBe(true);
host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('blah blah\n\n import {X} from "some/x";\nblah blah'))
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('\t\timport {X} from "some/x";')).toBe(true);
it('should return true if there is a re-export statement', () => {
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('export {X} from "some/x";')).toBe(true);
host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('blah blah\n\n export {X} from "some/x";\nblah blah'))
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('\t\texport {X} from "some/x";')).toBe(true);
'blah blah\n\n export * from "@angular/core;\nblah blah'))
it('should return false if there is no import nor re-export statement', () => {
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('blah blah')).toBe(false);
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('export function moo() {}')).toBe(false);
expect(host.hasImportOrReeportStatements('Some text that happens to include the word import'))
function restoreRealFileSystem() { mockFs.restore(); }
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {DependencyHost} from '../../src/packages/dependency_host';
import {DependencyResolver} from '../../src/packages/dependency_resolver';
import {EntryPoint} from '../../src/packages/entry_point';
describe('DepencencyResolver', () => {
let host: DependencyHost;
let resolver: DependencyResolver;
beforeEach(() => {
host = new DependencyHost();
resolver = new DependencyResolver(host);
describe('sortEntryPointsByDependency()', () => {
const first = { path: 'first', esm2015: 'first/index.ts' } as EntryPoint;
const second = { path: 'second', esm2015: 'second/index.ts' } as EntryPoint;
const third = { path: 'third', esm2015: 'third/index.ts' } as EntryPoint;
const fourth = { path: 'fourth', esm2015: 'fourth/index.ts' } as EntryPoint;
const fifth = { path: 'fifth', esm2015: 'fifth/index.ts' } as EntryPoint;
const dependencies = {
'first/index.ts': {resolved: ['second', 'third', 'ignored-1'], missing: []},
'second/index.ts': {resolved: ['third', 'fifth'], missing: []},
'third/index.ts': {resolved: ['fourth', 'ignored-2'], missing: []},
'fourth/index.ts': {resolved: ['fifth'], missing: []},
'fifth/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: []},
it('should order the entry points by their dependency on each other', () => {
spyOn(host, 'computeDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies(dependencies));
const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([fifth, first, fourth, second, third]);
expect(result.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth, fourth, third, second, first]);
it('should remove entry-points that have missing direct dependencies', () => {
spyOn(host, 'computeDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies({
'first/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: ['missing']},
'second/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: []},
const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([first, second]);
{entryPoint: first, missingDependencies: ['missing']},
it('should remove entry points that depended upon an invalid entry-point', () => {
spyOn(host, 'computeDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies({
'first/index.ts': {resolved: ['second'], missing: []},
'second/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: ['missing']},
'third/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: []},
// Note that we will process `first` before `second`, which has the missing dependency.
const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([first, second, third]);
{entryPoint: second, missingDependencies: ['missing']},
{entryPoint: first, missingDependencies: ['missing']},
it('should remove entry points that will depend upon an invalid entry-point', () => {
spyOn(host, 'computeDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies({
'first/index.ts': {resolved: ['second'], missing: []},
'second/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: ['missing']},
'third/index.ts': {resolved: [], missing: []},
// Note that we will process `first` after `second`, which has the missing dependency.
const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([second, first, third]);
{entryPoint: second, missingDependencies: ['missing']},
{entryPoint: first, missingDependencies: ['second']},
it('should error if the entry point does not have the esm2015 format', () => {
expect(() => resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([{ path: 'first' } as EntryPoint]))
.toThrowError(`Esm2015 format missing in 'first' entry-point.`);
it('should capture any dependencies that were ignored', () => {
spyOn(host, 'computeDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies(dependencies));
const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([fifth, first, fourth, second, third]);
{entryPoint: first, dependencyPath: 'ignored-1'},
{entryPoint: third, dependencyPath: 'ignored-2'},
interface DepMap {
[path: string]: {resolved: string[], missing: string[]};
function createFakeComputeDependencies(dependencies: DepMap) {
return (entryPoint: string, resolved: Set<string>, missing: Set<string>) => {
dependencies[entryPoint].resolved.forEach(dep => resolved.add(dep));
dependencies[entryPoint].missing.forEach(dep => missing.add(dep));
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import {DependencyHost} from '../../src/packages/dependency_host';
import {DependencyResolver} from '../../src/packages/dependency_resolver';
import {EntryPoint} from '../../src/packages/entry_point';
import {EntryPointFinder} from '../../src/packages/entry_point_finder';
describe('findEntryPoints()', () => {
let resolver: DependencyResolver;
let finder: EntryPointFinder;
beforeEach(() => {
resolver = new DependencyResolver(new DependencyHost());
spyOn(resolver, 'sortEntryPointsByDependency').and.callFake((entryPoints: EntryPoint[]) => {
return {entryPoints, ignoredEntryPoints: [], ignoredDependencies: []};
finder = new EntryPointFinder(resolver);
it('should find sub-entry-points within a package', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/sub_entry_points');
const entryPointPaths = => [x.package, x.path]);
['/sub_entry_points/common', '/sub_entry_points/common'],
['/sub_entry_points/common', '/sub_entry_points/common/http'],
['/sub_entry_points/common', '/sub_entry_points/common/http/testing'],
['/sub_entry_points/common', '/sub_entry_points/common/testing'],
it('should find packages inside a namespace', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/namespaced');
const entryPointPaths = => [x.package, x.path]);
['/namespaced/@angular/common', '/namespaced/@angular/common'],
['/namespaced/@angular/common', '/namespaced/@angular/common/http'],
['/namespaced/@angular/common', '/namespaced/@angular/common/http/testing'],
['/namespaced/@angular/common', '/namespaced/@angular/common/testing'],
it('should return an empty array if there are no packages', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/no_packages');
it('should return an empty array if there are no valid entry-points', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/no_valid_entry_points');
it('should ignore folders starting with .', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/dotted_folders');
it('should ignore folders that are symlinked', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/symlinked_folders');
it('should handle nested node_modules folders', () => {
const {entryPoints} = finder.findEntryPoints('/nested_node_modules');
const entryPointPaths = => [x.package, x.path]);
['/nested_node_modules/outer', '/nested_node_modules/outer'],
// Note that the inner entry point does not get included as part of the outer package
function createMockFileSystem() {
'/sub_entry_points': {
'common': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('common'),
'common.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'http': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('http'),
'http.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'testing': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('testing'),
'testing.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'testing': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('testing'),
'testing.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'/namespaced': {
'@angular': {
'common': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('common'),
'common.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'http': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('http'),
'http.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'testing': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('testing'),
'testing.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'testing': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('testing'),
'testing.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'/no_packages': {'should_not_be_found': {}},
'/no_valid_entry_points': {
'some_package': {
'package.json': '{}',
'/dotted_folders': {
'.common': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('common'),
'common.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'/symlinked_folders': {
'common': mockFs.symlink({path: '/sub_entry_points/common'}),
'/nested_node_modules': {
'outer': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('outer'),
'outer.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
'node_modules': {
'inner': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('inner'),
'inner.metadata.json': 'metadata info',
function restoreRealFileSystem() { mockFs.restore(); }
function createPackageJson(packageName: string): string {
const packageJson: any = {
typings: `./${packageName}.d.ts`,
fesm2015: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
esm2015: `./esm2015/${packageName}.js`,
fesm5: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
esm5: `./esm2015/${packageName}.js`,
main: `./bundles/${packageName}.umd.js`,
return JSON.stringify(packageJson);
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import {getEntryPointInfo} from '../../src/packages/entry_point';
describe('getEntryPointInfo()', () => {
it('should return an object containing absolute paths to the formats of the specified entry-point',
() => {
const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo('/some_package', '/some_package/valid_entry_point');
package: '/some_package',
path: '/some_package/valid_entry_point',
typings: `/some_package/valid_entry_point/valid_entry_point.d.ts`,
fesm2015: `/some_package/valid_entry_point/fesm2015/valid_entry_point.js`,
esm2015: `/some_package/valid_entry_point/esm2015/valid_entry_point.js`,
fesm5: `/some_package/valid_entry_point/fesm2015/valid_entry_point.js`,
esm5: `/some_package/valid_entry_point/esm2015/valid_entry_point.js`,
umd: `/some_package/valid_entry_point/bundles/valid_entry_point.umd.js`,
it('should return null if there is no package.json at the entry-point path', () => {
const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo('/some_package', '/some_package/missing_package_json');
it('should return null if there is no typings field in the package.json', () => {
const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo('/some_package', '/some_package/missing_typings');
it('should return null if there is no esm2015 field in the package.json', () => {
const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo('/some_package', '/some_package/missing_esm2015');
it('should return null if there is no metadata.json file next to the typing file', () => {
const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo('/some_package', '/some_package/missing_metadata.json');
function createMockFileSystem() {
'/some_package': {
'valid_entry_point': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('valid_entry_point'),
'valid_entry_point.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_package_json': {
// no package.json!
'missing_package_json.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_typings': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('missing_typings', {exclude: 'typings'}),
'missing_typings.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_esm2015': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('missing_esm2015', {exclude: 'esm2015'}),
'missing_esm2015.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_metadata': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('missing_metadata'),
// no metadata.json!
function restoreRealFileSystem() {
function createPackageJson(packageName: string, {exclude}: {exclude?: string} = {}): string {
const packageJson: any = {
typings: `./${packageName}.d.ts`,
fesm2015: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
esm2015: `./esm2015/${packageName}.js`,
fesm5: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
esm5: `./esm2015/${packageName}.js`,
main: `./bundles/${packageName}.umd.js`,
if (exclude) {
delete packageJson[exclude];
return JSON.stringify(packageJson);
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import {EntryPoint, checkMarkerFile, findAllPackageJsonFiles, getEntryPoints, writeMarkerFile} from '../../src/transform/utils';
function createMockFileSystem() {
'/node_modules/@angular/common': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/common.js",
"fesm5": "./fesm5/common.js",
"typings": "./common.d.ts"
'fesm2015': {
'common.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'http.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'http/testing.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'testing.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'http': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "../fesm2015/http.js",
"fesm5": "../fesm5/http.js",
"typings": "./http.d.ts"
'testing': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "../../fesm2015/http/testing.js",
"fesm5": "../../fesm5/http/testing.js",
"typings": "../http/testing.d.ts"
'other': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'testing': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "../fesm2015/testing.js",
"fesm5": "../fesm5/testing.js",
"typings": "../testing.d.ts"
'node_modules': {
'tslib': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'node_modules': {
'other-lib': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'/node_modules/@angular/no-typings': {
'package.json': `{
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/index.js"
'fesm2015': {
'index.js': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'index.d.ts': 'DUMMY CONTENT',
'/node_modules/@angular/other': {
'not-package.json': '{ "fesm2015": "./fesm2015/other.js" }',
'package.jsonot': '{ "fesm5": "./fesm5/other.js" }',
'/node_modules/@angular/other2': {
'node_modules_not': {
'lib1': {
'package.json': '{ }',
'not_node_modules': {
'lib2': {
'package.json': '{ }',
function restoreRealFileSystem() {
describe('EntryPoint', () => {
it('should expose the absolute path to the entry point file', () => {
const entryPoint = new EntryPoint('/foo/bar', '../baz/qux/../quux.js', '/typings/foo/bar.d.ts');
it('should expose the package root for the entry point file', () => {
const entryPoint = new EntryPoint('/foo/bar', '../baz/qux/../quux.js', '/typings/foo/bar.d.ts');
describe('findAllPackageJsonFiles()', () => {
it('should find the `package.json` files below the specified directory', () => {
const paths = findAllPackageJsonFiles('/node_modules/@angular/common');
it('should not find `package.json` files under `node_modules/`', () => {
const paths = findAllPackageJsonFiles('/node_modules/@angular/common');
it('should exactly match the name of `package.json` files', () => {
const paths = findAllPackageJsonFiles('/node_modules/@angular/other');
it('should exactly match the name of `node_modules/` directory', () => {
const paths = findAllPackageJsonFiles('/node_modules/@angular/other2');
describe('getEntryPoints()', () => {
it('should return the entry points for the specified format from each `package.json`', () => {
const entryPoints = getEntryPoints(
entryPoints.forEach(ep => expect(ep).toEqual(jasmine.any(EntryPoint)));
const sortedPaths = => x.entryFileName).sort();
it('should return an empty array if there are no matching `package.json` files', () => {
const entryPoints = getEntryPoints([], 'fesm2015');
it('should return an empty array if there are no matching formats', () => {
const entryPoints = getEntryPoints(['/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json'], 'fesm3000');
it('should return an entry point even if the typings are not specified', () => {
const entryPoints =
getEntryPoints(['/node_modules/@angular/no-typings/package.json'], 'fesm2015');
describe('Marker files', () => {
describe('writeMarkerFile', () => {
it('should write a file containing the version placeholder', () => {
writeMarkerFile('/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json', 'fesm2015');
readFileSync('/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', 'utf8'))
writeMarkerFile('/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json', 'esm5');
readFileSync('/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', 'utf8'))
expect(readFileSync('/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_esm5__', 'utf8'))
describe('checkMarkerFile', () => {
it('should return false if the marker file does not exist', () => {
expect(checkMarkerFile('/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json', 'fesm2015')).toBe(false);
it('should return true if the marker file exists and contains the correct version', () => {
'/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER',
expect(checkMarkerFile('/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json', 'fesm2015')).toBe(true);
it('should throw if the marker file exists but contains the wrong version', () => {
'/node_modules/@angular/common/__modified_by_ngcc_for_fesm2015__', 'WRONG_VERSION',
expect(() => checkMarkerFile('/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json', 'fesm2015'))
'The ngcc compiler has changed since the last ngcc build.\n' +
'Please completely remove `node_modules` and try again.');
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
import {existsSync, readFileSync, readdirSync, statSync} from 'fs';
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import {join} from 'path';
const Module = require('module');
import {mainNgcc} from '../../src/ngcc/src/main';
@ -22,34 +23,31 @@ describe('ngcc main()', () => {
it('should run ngcc without errors for fesm2015', () => {
const commonPath = join('/node_modules/@angular/common');
const format = 'fesm2015';
expect(mainNgcc([format, commonPath])).toBe(0);
expect(mainNgcc(['-f', format, '-s', '/node_modules'])).toBe(0);
it('should run ngcc without errors for fesm5', () => {
const commonPath = join('/node_modules/@angular/common');
const format = 'fesm5';
expect(mainNgcc([format, commonPath])).toBe(0);
expect(mainNgcc(['-f', format, '-s', '/node_modules'])).toBe(0);
it('should run ngcc without errors for esm2015', () => {
const commonPath = join('/node_modules/@angular/common');
const format = 'esm2015';
expect(mainNgcc([format, commonPath])).toBe(0);
expect(mainNgcc(['-f', format, '-s', '/node_modules'])).toBe(0);
it('should run ngcc without errors for esm5', () => {
const commonPath = join('/node_modules/@angular/common');
const format = 'esm5';
expect(mainNgcc([format, commonPath])).toBe(0);
expect(mainNgcc(['-f', format, '-s', '/node_modules'])).toBe(0);
function createMockFileSystem() {
const packagesPath = join(process.env.TEST_SRCDIR, 'angular/packages');
const packagesPath = join(process.env.TEST_SRCDIR !, 'angular/packages');
mockFs({'/node_modules/@angular': loadPackages(packagesPath)});
spyOn(Module, '_resolveFilename').and.callFake(mockResolve);
function restoreRealFileSystem() {
@ -104,4 +102,24 @@ interface Directory {
function isInBazel() {
return process.env.TEST_SRCDIR != null;
function mockResolve(p: string): string|null {
if (existsSync(p)) {
const stat = statSync(p);
if (stat.isFile()) {
return p;
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
const pIndex = mockResolve(p + '/index');
if (pIndex && existsSync(pIndex)) {
return pIndex;
for (const ext of ['.js', '.d.ts']) {
if (existsSync(p + ext)) {
return p + ext;
return null;
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ filegroup(
@ -70,10 +72,13 @@ filegroup(
@ -84,12 +89,14 @@ filegroup(
@ -104,6 +111,7 @@ filegroup(
@ -132,6 +140,7 @@ filegroup(
@ -155,12 +164,19 @@ filegroup(
@ -168,6 +184,7 @@ filegroup(
@ -177,6 +194,8 @@ filegroup(
@ -184,6 +203,7 @@ filegroup(
@ -200,6 +220,7 @@ filegroup(
@ -226,6 +247,9 @@ filegroup(
@ -143,6 +143,10 @@
version "0.19.32"
resolved ""
version "11.1.1"
resolved ""
version "1.1.2"
resolved ""
@ -1905,6 +1909,10 @@ depd@~1.1.0, depd@~1.1.2:
version "1.1.2"
resolved ""
version "0.7.2"
resolved ""
version "0.0.1"
resolved ""
Reference in New Issue
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