From a324674968f10fa11e34efa0592bb460816b6e85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rexebin Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 20:37:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] translate: testing.jade line 1842 --- public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade | 115 +++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade index 32a9ae20fd..f035d694cb 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ block includes 1. [Test a component with inputs and outputs](#component-with-inputs-output) - 1. [测试拥有导入(inputs)和导出(outputs)的组件](#component-with-inputs-output) + 1. [测试拥有导入inputs和导出outputs的组件](#component-with-inputs-output) - [_triggerEventHandler_](#trigger-event-handler) @@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部 Such tests are easy to write with the help of the Angular testing utilities which include the `TestBed` class and some helper functions. - Angular测试工具包含了`TestBed`类和一些助手函数方法,在它们的帮助下,很容易编写上面那样的测试。 + Angular测试工具包含了`TestBed`类和一些辅助函数方法,在它们的帮助下,很容易编写上面那样的测试。 Tests written with these utilities are the main focus of this chapter. But they are not the only tests you should write. @@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部 The Angular testing utilities include the `TestBed` class and several helper functions from `@angular/core/testing`. - **Angular测试工具**包含了`TestBed`类和在`@angular/core/testing`中一些助手函数方法。 + **Angular测试工具**包含了`TestBed`类和在`@angular/core/testing`中一些辅助函数方法。 The `TestBed` creates an Angular testing module — an `@NgModule` class — that you configure to produce the module environment for the class you want to test. @@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部 第二和第三个测试显示了一个重要的局限性。 Angular测试环境**不会**知道测试改变了组件的`title`属性。 - **自动检测**只对**异步行为**比如承诺的解析,计时器和DOM时间做出反应。 + **自动检测**只对**异步行为**比如承诺的解析,计时器和DOM时间作出反应。 但是一个直接的,同步的组件属性值的变化时不会触发**自动检测**的。 测试必须手动调用`fixture.detectChange()`,来触发新一轮的变化检测周期。 @@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部 然后测试继续运行。 测试开始另一轮的变化检测(`fixture.detectChanges`),通知Angular使用名言来更新DOM。 - `getQuote`助手方法提取出显示元素文本,然后expect语句确认这个文本与预备的名言相符。 + `getQuote`辅助方法提取出显示元素文本,然后expect语句确认这个文本与预备的名言相符。 #fakeAsync #fake-async @@ -1615,48 +1615,98 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 返回顶部 #component-with-inputs-outputs :marked # Test a component with inputs and outputs + + # 测试带有导入inputs和导出outputs的组件 + A component with inputs and outputs typically appears inside the view template of a host component. The host uses a property binding to set the input property and uses an event binding to listen to events raised by the output property. + 带有导入和导出的组件通常出现在一个宿主组件的视图模板中。 + 宿主使用一个属性绑定来设置输入属性,使用事件绑定来监听输出属性触发的事件。 + The testing goal is to verify that such bindings work as expected. The tests should set input values and listen for output events. + 测试的目的是验证这样的绑定和期待的那样正常工作。 + 测试应该设置导入值并监听导出事件。 + The `DashboardHeroComponent` is tiny example of a component in this role. It displays an individual heroe provided by the `DashboardComponent`. Clicking that hero tells the the `DashboardComponent` that the user has selected the hero. + `DashbaordComponent`是一个非常小的这种类型的例子组件。 + 它显示一个由`DashboardCompoent`提供的英雄个体。 + 点击英雄告诉`DashbaordComponent`用户已经选择了这个英雄。 + The `DashboardHeroComponent` is embedded in the `DashboardComponent` template like this: + + `DashboardHeroComponent`是这样内嵌在`DashboardCompoent`的模板中的: + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html', 'dashboard-hero', 'app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html (excerpt)')(format='.') :marked The `DashboardHeroComponent` appears in an `*ngFor` repeater which sets each component's `hero` input property to the iteration value and listens for the components `selected` event. + + `DashboardHeroComponent`在`*ngFor`循环中出现,设置每个组件的`hero`input属性到迭代的值,并监听组件的`selected`事件。 Here's the component's definition again: + + 下面是组件的定义: + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.ts', 'component', 'app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.ts (component)')(format='.') :marked While testing a component this simple has little intrinsic value, it's worth knowing how. Three approaches come to mind: + + 虽然测试这么简单的组件没有什么内在价值,但是它的测试是值得学习的。 + 有三种候选测试方案: + 1. Test it as used by `DashboardComponent` + + 1. 把它当作被`DashbaordComponent`使用的组件来测试 + 1. Test it as a stand-alone component + + 1. 把它当作独立的组件来测试 + 1. Test it as used by a substitute for `DashboardComponent` + 1. 把它当作被`DashbaordComponent`的替代组件使用的组件来测试 + A quick look at the `DashboardComponent` constructor discourages the first approach: + + 简单看看`DashbaordComponent`的构造函数就否决了第一个方案: + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.ts', 'ctor', 'app/dashboard/dashboard.component.ts (constructor)')(format='.') :marked The `DashboardComponent` depends upon the Angular router and the `HeroService`. You'd probably have to replace them both with test doubles and that looks like a lot of work. The router seems particularly challenging. + + `DashbaordComponent`依赖Angular路由器和`HeroService`服务。 + 你必须使用测试复制品替换它们两个,似乎过于复杂了。 + 路由器尤其具有挑战性。 + .l-sub-section :marked - The [discussion below](#routed-component) covers testing components that requre the router. + The [discussion below](#routed-component) covers testing components that require the router. + + [下面](#routed-component) 覆盖了如何测试带有路由器的组件。 :marked The immediate goal is to test the `DashboardHeroComponent`, not the `DashboardComponent`, and there's no need to work hard unnecessarily. Let's try the second and third options. + 当前的任务是测试`DashboardHeroComponent`组件,而非`DashbaordComponent`,所以无需做不必要的努力。 + 让我们尝试第二和第三种方案。 + ## Test _DashboardHeroComponent_ stand-alone + + ## 独立测试_DashboardHeroComponent_ Here's the spec file setup. + + 下面是spec文件的设置。 +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts', 'setup', 'app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts (setup)')(format='.') :marked @@ -1664,15 +1714,26 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 返回顶部 Having compiled the components asynchronously with `compileComponents`, the rest of the setup proceeds _synchronously_ in a _second_ `beforeEach`, using the basic techniques described [earlier](#simple-component-test). + 异步`beforeEach`已经在[上面](#component-with-external-template)讨论过。 + 在使用`compileComponents`异步编译完组件后,接下来的设置执行另一个**同步**的`beforeEach`,使用[之前](#simple-component-test)解释过的基本知识。 + Note how the setup code assigns a test hero (`expectedHero`) to the component's `hero` property, emulating the way the `DashboardComponent` would set it via the property binding in its repeater. + 注意代码是如何将一个测试英雄(`expectedHero`)赋值给组件的`hero`属性的,模拟了`DashbaordComponent`在它的迭代器中通过属性绑定的赋值方式。 + The first test follows: + + 紧接着第一个测试: + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts', 'name-test', 'app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts (name test)')(format='.') :marked It verifies that the hero name is propagated through to template with a binding. There's a twist. The template passes the hero name through the Angular `UpperCasePipe` so the test must match the element value with the uppercased name: + + 它验证了英雄名字通过绑定被传递到模板了。这里有个意外曲折。模板将英雄名字传给Angular的`UpperCasePipe`, + 所以测试必须使用大写名字来匹配元素的值: +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.html')(format='.') :marked @@ -1681,56 +1742,96 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 返回顶部 — something not possible with [isolated unit tests](#isolated-component-tests) — at low cost and without resorting to much slower and more complicated end-to-end tests. + 这个小测试演示了Angular测试是如何验证组件的视图表现的 —— 这是[孤立的单元测试](#isolated-component-tests)无法实现的 + —— 它成本低,而且无需依靠更慢、更复杂的端对端测试。 + :marked The second test verifies click behavior. Clicking the hero should raise a `selected` event that the host component (`DashboardComponent` presumably) can hear: + + 第二个测试验证点击行为。点击英雄应该出发一个`selected`事件,可供宿主组件(`DashbaordComponent`)监听: +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts', 'click-test', 'app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts (click test)')(format='.') :marked The component exposes an `EventEmitter` property. The test subscribes to it just as the host component would do. + 这个组件公开一个`EventEmitter`属性。测试像宿主组件那样来描述它。 + The `heroEl` is a `DebugElement` that represents the hero `
`. The test calls `triggerEventHandler` with the "click" event name. - The "click" event binding responds by calling ``. + The "click" event binding responds by calling ``. + + `heroEl`是一个`DebugElement`,它代表了英雄所在的`
`。 + 测试用"click"事件名字来调用`triggerEventHandler`。 + 调用``时,"click"事件绑定作出响应。 If the component behaves as expected, `click()` tells the component's `selected` property to emit the `hero` object, the test detects that value through its subscription to `selected`, and the test should pass. + + 如果组件想期待的那样工作,`click()`通知组件的`selected`属性发出`hero`对象,测试通过订阅`selected`事件而检测到这个值,所以测试应该成功。 #trigger-event-handler :marked ### _triggerEventHandler_ + ### _triggerEventHandler_ + The Angular `DebugElement.triggerEventHandler` can raise _any data-bound event_ by its _event name_. The second parameter is the event object passed to the handler. + Angular的`DebugElement.triggerEventHandler`可以用**事件的名字**触发**任何数据绑定事件**。 + 第二个参数是传递给事件处理器的事件对象。 + In this example, the test triggers a "click" event with a null event object. + 本例中,测试用一个null事件对象触发一个"click"事件。 + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts', 'trigger-event-handler')(format='.') :marked The test assumes (correctly in this case) that the runtime event handler — the component's `click()` method — doesn't care about the event object. + + 测试假设(在这里应该这样)运行时间的事件处理器——组件的`click()`方法——不关心事件对象。 Other handlers will be less forgiving. For example, the `RouterLink` directive expects an object with a `button` property indicating the mouse button that was pressed. The directive throws an error if the event object doesn't do this correctly. + 其它处理器将会更加严格。 + 比如,`RouterLink`指令期待一个事件对象,并且该对象具有一个`button`属性,代表了已被按下的鼠标按钮。 + 如果该事件对象不具备上面的条件,指令便会抛出一个错误。 + #click-helper :marked Clicking a button, an anchor, or an arbitrary HTML element is a common test task. Make that easy by encapsulating the _click-triggering_ process in a helper such as the `click` function below: + + 点击一个按钮、一个链接或者任意一个HTML元素是很常见的测试任务。 + 把**click触发**过程封装到一个辅助方法中可以简化这个任务,比如下面的`click`辅助方法: +makeExample('testing/ts/testing/index.ts', 'click-event', 'testing/index.ts (click helper)')(format='.') :marked The first parameter is the _element-to-click_. You can pass a custom event object as the second parameter if you wish. The default is a (partial) left-button mouse event object accepted by many handlers including the `RouterLink` directive. + 第一个参数是**用来点击的元素**。如果你愿意,可以将一个自定义的事件对象传递给第二个参数。 + 默认的是一个(局部的)鼠标左键事件对象, + 它被许多事件处理器接受,包括`RouterLink`指令。 + header click() is not an Angular testing utility + header click()不是一个Angular测试工具 :marked The `click()` helper function is **not** one of the Angular testing utilities. It's a function defined in _this chapter's sample code_ and used by all of the sample tests. If you like it, add it to your own collection of helpers. + + `click()`辅助函数**不是**Angular测试工具之一。 + 它是一个在**本章的例子代码**中定义的函数方法,被所有测试例子所用。 + 如果你喜欢它,将它添加到你自己的辅助函数集。 :marked Here's the previous test, rewritten using this click helper. + + 下面是使用了click辅助函数重新编写的上一个测试: +makeExample('testing/ts/app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts', 'click-test-2', 'app/dashboard/dashboard-hero.component.spec.ts (click test revised)')(format='.')