fix(compiler): fix bazel integration and make `perform-compile` more flexible

Needed to allow custom checking for diagnostics.
This commit is contained in:
Tobias Bosch 2017-08-31 10:02:27 -07:00 committed by Matias Niemelä
parent b1055a5edb
commit a69172f6ce
8 changed files with 128 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@angular/bazel": "file:../../dist/packages-dist/bazel",
"@angular/compiler-cli": "file:../../dist/packages-dist/compiler-cli",
"typescript": "~2.3.1"
"typescript": "~2.3.1",
"@types/source-map": "0.5.1"
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "ngc -p angular.tsconfig.json",

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ load("@angular//:index.bzl", "ng_module")
name = "app",
srcs = ["app.module.ts"],
name = "src",
srcs = glob(["*.ts"]),
deps = ["//src/hello-world"],
tsconfig = ":tsconfig.json",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import {platformBrowser} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {AppModuleNgFactory} from './app.module.ngfactory';

View File

@ -106,13 +106,14 @@ def _compile_action(ctx, inputs, outputs, config_file_path):
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "tsconfig") and ctx.file.tsconfig:
action_inputs += [ctx.file.tsconfig]
arguments = ["--node_options=--expose-gc"]
# One at-sign makes this a params-file, enabling the worker strategy.
# Two at-signs escapes the argument so it's passed through to ngc
# rather than the contents getting expanded.
if ctx.attr._supports_workers:
arguments = ["@@" + config_file_path]
arguments += ["@@" + config_file_path]
arguments = ["-p", config_file_path]
arguments += ["-p", config_file_path]
progress_message = "Compiling Angular templates (ngc) %s" % ctx.label,

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ nodejs_binary(
# Entry point assumes the user is outside this WORKSPACE,
# and references our rules with @angular//src/ngc-wrapped
entry_point = "angular/src/ngc-wrapped/index.js",
args = ["--node_options=--expose-gc"],
data = [

View File

@ -6,18 +6,17 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as ng from '@angular/compiler-cli';
import {CachedFileLoader, CompilerHost, FileCache, FileLoader, UncachedFileLoader, constructManifest, debug, parseTsconfig, runAsWorker, runWorkerLoop} from '@bazel/typescript';
import {BazelOptions, CachedFileLoader, CompilerHost, FileCache, FileLoader, UncachedFileLoader, constructManifest, debug, parseTsconfig, runAsWorker, runWorkerLoop} from '@bazel/typescript';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tsickle from 'tsickle';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
const EXT = /(\.ts|\.d\.ts|\.js|\.jsx|\.tsx)$/;
const NGC_GEN_FILES = /^(.*?)\.(ngfactory|ngsummary|ngstyle|shim\.ngstyle)(.*)$/;
// FIXME: we should be able to add the assets to the tsconfig so FileLoader
// knows about them
// FIXME should need only summary, css, html
const NGC_ASSETS = /\.(css|html|ngsummary\.json)$/;
// TODO(alexeagle): probably not needed, see
@ -42,54 +41,72 @@ function runOneBuild(args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}): boolean
let fileLoader: FileLoader;
if (inputs) {
fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(fileCache, ALLOW_NON_HERMETIC_READS);
// Resolve the inputs to absolute paths to match TypeScript internals
const resolvedInputs: {[path: string]: string} = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(inputs)) {
resolvedInputs[path.resolve(key)] = inputs[key];
} else {
fileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();
const [{options: tsOptions, bazelOpts, files, config}] = parseTsconfig(project);
const expectedOuts = config['angularCompilerOptions']['expectedOut'];
const {basePath} = ng.calcProjectFileAndBasePath(project);
const ngOptions = ng.createNgCompilerOptions(basePath, config, tsOptions);
if (!bazelOpts.es5Mode) {
ngOptions.annotateForClosureCompiler = true;
ngOptions.annotationsAs = 'static fields';
const compilerOpts = ng.createNgCompilerOptions(basePath, config, tsOptions);
const {diagnostics} = compile({fileLoader, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, files, expectedOuts});
return diagnostics.every(d => d.category !== ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
if (!tsOptions.rootDirs) {
throw new Error('rootDirs is not set!');
function relativeToRootDirs(filePath: string, rootDirs: string[]): string {
export function relativeToRootDirs(filePath: string, rootDirs: string[]): string {
if (!filePath) return filePath;
// NB: the rootDirs should have been sorted longest-first
for (const dir of rootDirs || []) {
const rel = path.relative(dir, filePath);
if (rel.indexOf('.') !== 0) return rel;
if (rel.indexOf('.') != 0) return rel;
return filePath;
const expectedOuts = [...config['angularCompilerOptions']['expectedOut']];
const tsHost = ts.createCompilerHost(tsOptions, true);
export function compile(
{fileLoader, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, files, expectedOuts, gatherDiagnostics}: {
fileLoader: FileLoader,
compilerOpts: ng.CompilerOptions,
bazelOpts: BazelOptions,
files: string[],
expectedOuts: string[], gatherDiagnostics?: (program: ng.Program) => ng.Diagnostics
}): {diagnostics: ng.Diagnostics, program: ng.Program} {
if (!bazelOpts.es5Mode) {
compilerOpts.annotateForClosureCompiler = true;
compilerOpts.annotationsAs = 'static fields';
if (!compilerOpts.rootDirs) {
throw new Error('rootDirs is not set!');
const writtenExpectedOuts = [...expectedOuts];
const tsHost = ts.createCompilerHost(compilerOpts, true);
const originalWriteFile = tsHost.writeFile.bind(tsHost);
tsHost.writeFile =
(fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
onError?: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles?: ts.SourceFile[]) => {
const relative = relativeToRootDirs(fileName, [tsOptions.rootDir]);
const expectedIdx = expectedOuts.findIndex(o => o === relative);
const relative = relativeToRootDirs(fileName, [compilerOpts.rootDir]);
const expectedIdx = writtenExpectedOuts.findIndex(o => o === relative);
if (expectedIdx >= 0) {
expectedOuts.splice(expectedIdx, 1);
writtenExpectedOuts.splice(expectedIdx, 1);
originalWriteFile(fileName, content, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
// Patch fileExists when resolving modules, so that ngc can ask TypeScript to
// resolve non-existing generated files that don't exist on disk, but are
// synthetic and added to the `programWithStubs` based on real inputs.
const generatedFileModuleResolverHost = Object.create(tsHost);
generatedFileModuleResolverHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
const match = /^(.*?)\.(ngfactory|ngsummary|ngstyle|shim\.ngstyle)(.*)$/.exec(fileName);
const match = NGC_GEN_FILES.exec(fileName);
if (match) {
const [, file, suffix, ext] = match;
// Performance: skip looking for files other than .d.ts or .ts
@ -112,22 +129,29 @@ function runOneBuild(args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}): boolean
moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, generatedFileModuleResolverHost);
// TODO(alexeagle): does this also work in third_party?
const allowNonHermeticRead = false;
const bazelHost = new CompilerHost(
files, tsOptions, bazelOpts, tsHost, fileLoader, ALLOW_NON_HERMETIC_READS,
files, compilerOpts, bazelOpts, tsHost, fileLoader, ALLOW_NON_HERMETIC_READS,
// The file cache is populated by Bazel with workspace-relative filenames
// so we must relativize paths before looking them up in the cache.
const originalGetSourceFile = bazelHost.getSourceFile.bind(bazelHost);
bazelHost.getSourceFile = (fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) => {
return originalGetSourceFile(relativeToRootDirs(fileName, [tsOptions.rootDir]));
const origBazelHostFileExist = bazelHost.fileExists;
bazelHost.fileExists = (fileName: string) => {
if (NGC_ASSETS.test(fileName)) {
return tsHost.fileExists(fileName);
return, fileName);
// TODO(tbosch): fix tsickle to still run regular transformers even
// if tsickle is not processing a file, and then remove this override,
// as this is only required to keep the ng transformer running,
// but produces e.g. too many externs.
bazelHost.shouldSkipTsickleProcessing = (fileName: string): boolean =>
bazelOpts.compilationTargetSrc.indexOf(fileName) === -1 && !NGC_NON_TS_INPUTS.test(fileName);
bazelOpts.compilationTargetSrc.indexOf(fileName) === -1 && !NGC_GEN_FILES.test(fileName);
const ngHost = ng.createCompilerHost({options: ngOptions, tsHost: bazelHost});
const ngHost = ng.createCompilerHost({options: compilerOpts, tsHost: bazelHost});
ngHost.fileNameToModuleName = (importedFilePath: string, containingFilePath: string) =>
relativeToRootDirs(importedFilePath, tsOptions.rootDirs).replace(EXT, '');
relativeToRootDirs(importedFilePath, compilerOpts.rootDirs).replace(EXT, '');
ngHost.toSummaryFileName = (fileName: string, referringSrcFileName: string) =>
ngHost.fileNameToModuleName(fileName, referringSrcFileName);
@ -149,18 +173,18 @@ function runOneBuild(args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}): boolean
customTransformers = {},
}) =>
program, bazelHost, tsickleOpts, bazelHost, ngOptions, targetSourceFile, writeFile,
program, bazelHost, tsickleOpts, bazelHost, compilerOpts, targetSourceFile, writeFile,
cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, {
beforeTs: customTransformers.before,
afterTs: customTransformers.after,
const {diagnostics, emitResult} =
ng.performCompilation({rootNames: files, options: ngOptions, host: ngHost, emitCallback});
const {diagnostics, emitResult, program} = ng.performCompilation(
{rootNames: files, options: compilerOpts, host: ngHost, emitCallback, gatherDiagnostics});
const tsickleEmitResult = emitResult as tsickle.EmitResult;
let externs = '/** @externs */\n';
if (diagnostics.length) {
console.error(ng.formatDiagnostics(ngOptions, diagnostics));
console.error(ng.formatDiagnostics(compilerOpts, diagnostics));
} else {
if (bazelOpts.tsickleGenerateExterns) {
externs += tsickle.getGeneratedExterns(tsickleEmitResult.externs);
@ -178,11 +202,11 @@ function runOneBuild(args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}): boolean
fs.writeFileSync(bazelOpts.tsickleExternsPath, externs);
for (const missing of expectedOuts) {
for (const missing of writtenExpectedOuts) {
originalWriteFile(missing, '', false);
return diagnostics.every(d => d.category !== ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
return {program, diagnostics};
if (require.main === module) {

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export {BuiltinType, DeclarationKind, Definition, PipeInfo, Pipes, Signature, Sp
export * from './src/transformers/api';
export * from './src/transformers/entry_points';
export {performCompilation, readConfiguration, formatDiagnostics, calcProjectFileAndBasePath, createNgCompilerOptions} from './src/perform_compile';
export * from './src/perform_compile';
// TODO(hansl): moving to Angular 4 need to update this API.
export {NgTools_InternalApi_NG_2 as __NGTOOLS_PRIVATE_API_2} from './src/ngtools_api';

View File

@ -129,13 +129,15 @@ export function exitCodeFromResult(result: PerformCompilationResult | undefined)
export function performCompilation(
{rootNames, options, host, oldProgram, emitCallback, customTransformers}: {
export function performCompilation({rootNames, options, host, oldProgram, emitCallback,
gatherDiagnostics = defaultGatherDiagnostics,
customTransformers}: {
rootNames: string[],
options: api.CompilerOptions,
host?: api.CompilerHost,
oldProgram?: api.Program,
emitCallback?: api.TsEmitCallback,
gatherDiagnostics?: (program: api.Program) => Diagnostics,
customTransformers?: api.CustomTransformers
}): PerformCompilationResult {
const [major, minor] = ts.version.split('.');
@ -144,18 +146,9 @@ export function performCompilation(
throw new Error('Must use TypeScript > 2.3 to have transformer support');
const allDiagnostics: Diagnostics = [];
function checkDiagnostics(diags: Diagnostics | undefined) {
if (diags) {
return diags.every(d => d.category !== ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error);
return true;
let program: api.Program|undefined;
let emitResult: ts.EmitResult|undefined;
let allDiagnostics: Diagnostics = [];
try {
if (!host) {
host = ng.createCompilerHost({options});
@ -163,25 +156,9 @@ export function performCompilation(
program = ng.createProgram({rootNames, host, options, oldProgram});
let shouldEmit = true;
// Check parameter diagnostics
shouldEmit = shouldEmit && checkDiagnostics([
...program !.getTsOptionDiagnostics(), ...program !.getNgOptionDiagnostics()
allDiagnostics.push(...gatherDiagnostics(program !));
// Check syntactic diagnostics
shouldEmit = shouldEmit && checkDiagnostics(program !.getTsSyntacticDiagnostics());
// Check TypeScript semantic and Angular structure diagnostics
shouldEmit =
shouldEmit &&
[...program !.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(), ...program !.getNgStructuralDiagnostics()]);
// Check Angular semantic diagnostics
shouldEmit = shouldEmit && checkDiagnostics(program !.getNgSemanticDiagnostics());
if (shouldEmit) {
if (!hasErrors(allDiagnostics)) {
emitResult = program !.emit({
@ -210,3 +187,40 @@ export function performCompilation(
return {diagnostics: allDiagnostics, program};
function defaultGatherDiagnostics(program: api.Program): Diagnostics {
const allDiagnostics: Diagnostics = [];
function checkDiagnostics(diags: Diagnostics | undefined) {
if (diags) {
return !hasErrors(diags);
return true;
let checkOtherDiagnostics = true;
// Check parameter diagnostics
checkOtherDiagnostics = checkOtherDiagnostics &&
checkDiagnostics([...program.getTsOptionDiagnostics(), ...program.getNgOptionDiagnostics()]);
// Check syntactic diagnostics
checkOtherDiagnostics =
checkOtherDiagnostics && checkDiagnostics(program.getTsSyntacticDiagnostics());
// Check TypeScript semantic and Angular structure diagnostics
checkOtherDiagnostics =
checkOtherDiagnostics &&
[...program.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(), ...program.getNgStructuralDiagnostics()]);
// Check Angular semantic diagnostics
checkOtherDiagnostics =
checkOtherDiagnostics && checkDiagnostics(program.getNgSemanticDiagnostics());
return allDiagnostics;
function hasErrors(diags: Diagnostics) {
return diags.some(d => d.category === ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error);