refactor(router): convert PreActivation's resolve data to pure functions & remove PreActivation class (#26239)
PR Close #26239
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,19 +6,81 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {MonoTypeOperatorFunction, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Injector} from '@angular/core';
import {MonoTypeOperatorFunction, Observable, from, of } from 'rxjs';
import {concatMap, last, map, mergeMap, reduce} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {ResolveData} from '../config';
import {NavigationTransition} from '../router';
import {switchTap} from './switch_tap';
import {ChildrenOutletContexts} from '../router_outlet_context';
import {ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot, inheritedParamsDataResolve} from '../router_state';
import {wrapIntoObservable} from '../utils/collection';
export function resolveData(paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'emptyOnly' | 'always'):
MonoTypeOperatorFunction<NavigationTransition> {
import {getAllRouteGuards, getToken} from './check_guards';
export function resolveData(
rootContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts, paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'emptyOnly' | 'always',
moduleInjector: Injector): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<NavigationTransition> {
return function(source: Observable<NavigationTransition>) {
return source.pipe(switchTap(t => {
if (!t.preActivation) {
throw new Error('PreActivation required to resolve data');
return source.pipe(mergeMap(t => {
const {targetSnapshot, currentSnapshot} = t;
const checks = getAllRouteGuards(targetSnapshot !, currentSnapshot, rootContexts);
if (!checks.canActivateChecks.length) {
return of (t);
return t.preActivation.resolveData(paramsInheritanceStrategy);
return from(checks.canActivateChecks)
check => runResolve(
check.route, targetSnapshot !, paramsInheritanceStrategy, moduleInjector)),
reduce((_: any, __: any) => _), map(_ => t));
function runResolve(
futureARS: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, futureRSS: RouterStateSnapshot,
paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'emptyOnly' | 'always', moduleInjector: Injector) {
const resolve = futureARS._resolve;
return resolveNode(resolve, futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector)
.pipe(map((resolvedData: any) => {
futureARS._resolvedData = resolvedData;
|||| = {
...inheritedParamsDataResolve(futureARS, paramsInheritanceStrategy).resolve};
return null;
function resolveNode(
resolve: ResolveData, futureARS: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, futureRSS: RouterStateSnapshot,
moduleInjector: Injector): Observable<any> {
const keys = Object.keys(resolve);
if (keys.length === 0) {
return of ({});
if (keys.length === 1) {
const key = keys[0];
return getResolver(resolve[key], futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector)
.pipe(map((value: any) => { return {[key]: value}; }));
const data: {[k: string]: any} = {};
const runningResolvers$ = from(keys).pipe(mergeMap((key: string) => {
return getResolver(resolve[key], futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector)
.pipe(map((value: any) => {
data[key] = value;
return value;
return runningResolvers$.pipe(last(), map(() => data));
function getResolver(
injectionToken: any, futureARS: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, futureRSS: RouterStateSnapshot,
moduleInjector: Injector): Observable<any> {
const resolver = getToken(injectionToken, futureARS, moduleInjector);
return resolver.resolve ? wrapIntoObservable(resolver.resolve(futureARS, futureRSS)) :
wrapIntoObservable(resolver(futureARS, futureRSS));
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Injector} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable, OperatorFunction} from 'rxjs';
import {map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {Event} from '../events';
import {PreActivation} from '../pre_activation';
import {ChildrenOutletContexts} from '../router_outlet_context';
import {RouterStateSnapshot} from '../router_state';
export const setupPreactivation =
(rootContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts, currentSnapshot: RouterStateSnapshot,
moduleInjector: Injector, forwardEvent?: (evt: Event) => void) =>
map((snapshot: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const preActivation =
new PreActivation(snapshot, currentSnapshot, moduleInjector, forwardEvent);
return preActivation;
@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Injector} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable, from, of } from 'rxjs';
import {concatMap, every, first, last, map, mergeMap, reduce} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {LoadedRouterConfig, ResolveData, RunGuardsAndResolvers} from './config';
import {ActivationStart, ChildActivationStart, Event} from './events';
import {ChildrenOutletContexts, OutletContext} from './router_outlet_context';
import {ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot, equalParamsAndUrlSegments, inheritedParamsDataResolve} from './router_state';
import {andObservables, forEach, shallowEqual, wrapIntoObservable} from './utils/collection';
import {TreeNode, nodeChildrenAsMap} from './utils/tree';
class CanActivate {
readonly route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
constructor(public path: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[]) {
this.route = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
class CanDeactivate {
constructor(public component: Object|null, public route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {}
* This class bundles the actions involved in preactivation of a route.
export class PreActivation {
private canActivateChecks: CanActivate[] = [];
private canDeactivateChecks: CanDeactivate[] = [];
private future: RouterStateSnapshot, private curr: RouterStateSnapshot,
private moduleInjector: Injector, private forwardEvent?: (evt: Event) => void) {}
initialize(parentContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts): void {
const futureRoot = this.future._root;
const currRoot = this.curr ? this.curr._root : null;
this.setupChildRouteGuards(futureRoot, currRoot, parentContexts, [futureRoot.value]);
checkGuards(): Observable<boolean> {
if (!this.isDeactivating() && !this.isActivating()) {
return of (true);
const canDeactivate$ = this.runCanDeactivateChecks();
return canDeactivate$.pipe(mergeMap(
(canDeactivate: boolean) => canDeactivate ? this.runCanActivateChecks() : of (false)));
resolveData(paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'emptyOnly'|'always'): Observable<any> {
if (!this.isActivating()) return of (null);
return from(this.canActivateChecks)
(check: CanActivate) => this.runResolve(check.route, paramsInheritanceStrategy)),
reduce((_: any, __: any) => _));
isDeactivating(): boolean { return this.canDeactivateChecks.length !== 0; }
isActivating(): boolean { return this.canActivateChecks.length !== 0; }
* Iterates over child routes and calls recursive `setupRouteGuards` to get `this` instance in
* proper state to run `checkGuards()` method.
private setupChildRouteGuards(
futureNode: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, currNode: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>|null,
contexts: ChildrenOutletContexts|null, futurePath: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[]): void {
const prevChildren = nodeChildrenAsMap(currNode);
// Process the children of the future route
futureNode.children.forEach(c => {
c, prevChildren[c.value.outlet], contexts, futurePath.concat([c.value]));
delete prevChildren[c.value.outlet];
// Process any children left from the current route (not active for the future route)
prevChildren, (v: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, k: string) =>
this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(v, contexts !.getContext(k)));
* Iterates over child routes and calls recursive `setupRouteGuards` to get `this` instance in
* proper state to run `checkGuards()` method.
private setupRouteGuards(
futureNode: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, currNode: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>,
parentContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts|null, futurePath: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[]): void {
const future = futureNode.value;
const curr = currNode ? currNode.value : null;
const context = parentContexts ? parentContexts.getContext(futureNode.value.outlet) : null;
// reusing the node
if (curr && future.routeConfig === curr.routeConfig) {
const shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers = this.shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers(
curr, future, future.routeConfig !.runGuardsAndResolvers);
if (shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers) {
this.canActivateChecks.push(new CanActivate(futurePath));
} else {
// we need to set the data
|||| =;
future._resolvedData = curr._resolvedData;
// If we have a component, we need to go through an outlet.
if (future.component) {
futureNode, currNode, context ? context.children : null, futurePath);
// if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
} else {
this.setupChildRouteGuards(futureNode, currNode, parentContexts, futurePath);
if (shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers) {
const outlet = context !.outlet !;
this.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(outlet.component, curr));
} else {
if (curr) {
this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(currNode, context);
this.canActivateChecks.push(new CanActivate(futurePath));
// If we have a component, we need to go through an outlet.
if (future.component) {
this.setupChildRouteGuards(futureNode, null, context ? context.children : null, futurePath);
// if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
} else {
this.setupChildRouteGuards(futureNode, null, parentContexts, futurePath);
private shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers(
curr: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
mode: RunGuardsAndResolvers|undefined): boolean {
switch (mode) {
case 'always':
return true;
case 'paramsOrQueryParamsChange':
return !equalParamsAndUrlSegments(curr, future) ||
!shallowEqual(curr.queryParams, future.queryParams);
case 'paramsChange':
return !equalParamsAndUrlSegments(curr, future);
private deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(
route: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, context: OutletContext|null): void {
const children = nodeChildrenAsMap(route);
const r = route.value;
forEach(children, (node: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>, childName: string) => {
if (!r.component) {
this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(node, context);
} else if (context) {
this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(node, context.children.getContext(childName));
} else {
this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(node, null);
if (!r.component) {
this.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(null, r));
} else if (context && context.outlet && context.outlet.isActivated) {
this.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(context.outlet.component, r));
} else {
this.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(null, r));
private runCanDeactivateChecks(): Observable<boolean> {
return from(this.canDeactivateChecks)
mergeMap((check: CanDeactivate) => this.runCanDeactivate(check.component, check.route)),
every((result: boolean) => result === true));
private runCanActivateChecks(): Observable<boolean> {
return from(this.canActivateChecks)
concatMap((check: CanActivate) => andObservables(from([
this.fireActivationStart(check.route), this.runCanActivateChild(check.path),
every((result: boolean) => result === true));
// this.fireChildActivationStart(check.path),
* This should fire off `ActivationStart` events for each route being activated at this
* level.
* In other words, if you're activating `a` and `b` below, `path` will contain the
* `ActivatedRouteSnapshot`s for both and we will fire `ActivationStart` for both. Always
* return
* `true` so checks continue to run.
private fireActivationStart(snapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot|null): Observable<boolean> {
if (snapshot !== null && this.forwardEvent) {
this.forwardEvent(new ActivationStart(snapshot));
return of (true);
* This should fire off `ChildActivationStart` events for each route being activated at this
* level.
* In other words, if you're activating `a` and `b` below, `path` will contain the
* `ActivatedRouteSnapshot`s for both and we will fire `ChildActivationStart` for both. Always
* return
* `true` so checks continue to run.
private fireChildActivationStart(snapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot|null): Observable<boolean> {
if (snapshot !== null && this.forwardEvent) {
this.forwardEvent(new ChildActivationStart(snapshot));
return of (true);
private runCanActivate(future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<boolean> {
const canActivate = future.routeConfig ? future.routeConfig.canActivate : null;
if (!canActivate || canActivate.length === 0) return of (true);
const obs = from(canActivate).pipe(map((c: any) => {
const guard = this.getToken(c, future);
let observable: Observable<boolean>;
if (guard.canActivate) {
observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard.canActivate(future, this.future));
} else {
observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(future, this.future));
return observable.pipe(first());
return andObservables(obs);
private runCanActivateChild(path: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[]): Observable<boolean> {
const future = path[path.length - 1];
const canActivateChildGuards = path.slice(0, path.length - 1)
.map(p => this.extractCanActivateChild(p))
.filter(_ => _ !== null);
return andObservables(from(canActivateChildGuards).pipe(map((d: any) => {
const obs = from(d.guards).pipe(map((c: any) => {
const guard = this.getToken(c, d.node);
let observable: Observable<boolean>;
if (guard.canActivateChild) {
observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard.canActivateChild(future, this.future));
} else {
observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(future, this.future));
return observable.pipe(first());
return andObservables(obs);
private extractCanActivateChild(p: ActivatedRouteSnapshot):
{node: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, guards: any[]}|null {
const canActivateChild = p.routeConfig ? p.routeConfig.canActivateChild : null;
if (!canActivateChild || canActivateChild.length === 0) return null;
return {node: p, guards: canActivateChild};
private runCanDeactivate(component: Object|null, curr: ActivatedRouteSnapshot):
Observable<boolean> {
const canDeactivate = curr && curr.routeConfig ? curr.routeConfig.canDeactivate : null;
if (!canDeactivate || canDeactivate.length === 0) return of (true);
const canDeactivate$ = from(canDeactivate).pipe(mergeMap((c: any) => {
const guard = this.getToken(c, curr);
let observable: Observable<boolean>;
if (guard.canDeactivate) {
observable =
wrapIntoObservable(guard.canDeactivate(component, curr, this.curr, this.future));
} else {
observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(component, curr, this.curr, this.future));
return observable.pipe(first());
return canDeactivate$.pipe(every((result: any) => result === true));
private runResolve(
future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'emptyOnly'|'always'): Observable<any> {
const resolve = future._resolve;
return this.resolveNode(resolve, future).pipe(map((resolvedData: any): any => {
future._resolvedData = resolvedData;
|||| = {,
...inheritedParamsDataResolve(future, paramsInheritanceStrategy).resolve};
return null;
private resolveNode(resolve: ResolveData, future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<any> {
const keys = Object.keys(resolve);
if (keys.length === 0) {
return of ({});
if (keys.length === 1) {
const key = keys[0];
return this.getResolver(resolve[key], future).pipe(map((value: any) => {
return {[key]: value};
const data: {[k: string]: any} = {};
const runningResolvers$ = from(keys).pipe(mergeMap((key: string) => {
return this.getResolver(resolve[key], future).pipe(map((value: any) => {
data[key] = value;
return value;
return runningResolvers$.pipe(last(), map(() => data));
private getResolver(injectionToken: any, future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<any> {
const resolver = this.getToken(injectionToken, future);
return resolver.resolve ? wrapIntoObservable(resolver.resolve(future, this.future)) :
wrapIntoObservable(resolver(future, this.future));
private getToken(token: any, snapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): any {
const config = closestLoadedConfig(snapshot);
const injector = config ? config.module.injector : this.moduleInjector;
return injector.get(token);
function closestLoadedConfig(snapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): LoadedRouterConfig|null {
if (!snapshot) return null;
for (let s = snapshot.parent; s; s = s.parent) {
const route = s.routeConfig;
if (route && route._loadedConfig) return route._loadedConfig;
return null;
@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ import {createUrlTree} from './create_url_tree';
import {Event, GuardsCheckEnd, GuardsCheckStart, NavigationCancel, NavigationEnd, NavigationError, NavigationStart, NavigationTrigger, ResolveEnd, ResolveStart, RouteConfigLoadEnd, RouteConfigLoadStart, RoutesRecognized} from './events';
import {activateRoutes} from './operators/activate_routes';
import {applyRedirects} from './operators/apply_redirects';
import {checkGuards} from './operators/check_guards';
import {checkGuards, getAllRouteGuards} from './operators/check_guards';
import {recognize} from './operators/recognize';
import {resolveData} from './operators/resolve_data';
import {switchTap} from './operators/switch_tap';
import {PreActivation} from './pre_activation';
import {DefaultRouteReuseStrategy, RouteReuseStrategy} from './route_reuse_strategy';
import {RouterConfigLoader} from './router_config_loader';
import {ChildrenOutletContexts} from './router_outlet_context';
@ -167,9 +166,6 @@ function defaultMalformedUriErrorHandler(
return urlSerializer.parse('/');
type NavStreamValue =
boolean | {appliedUrl: UrlTree, snapshot: RouterStateSnapshot, shouldActivate?: boolean};
export type NavigationTransition = {
id: number,
currentUrlTree: UrlTree,
@ -188,7 +184,6 @@ export type NavigationTransition = {
currentRouterState: RouterState,
targetRouterState: RouterState | null,
guardsResult: boolean | null,
preActivation: PreActivation | null
@ -358,7 +353,6 @@ export class Router {
currentRouterState: this.routerState,
targetRouterState: null,
guardsResult: null,
preActivation: null
this.navigations = this.setupNavigations(this.transitions);
@ -481,15 +475,10 @@ export class Router {
t.targetSnapshot !);
map(t => {
const preActivation = new PreActivation(
t.targetSnapshot !, t.currentSnapshot, this.ngModule.injector,
(evt: Event) => this.triggerEvent(evt));
return {...t, preActivation};
checkGuards(this.rootContexts, this.ngModule.injector, (evt: Event) => this.triggerEvent(evt)),
this.rootContexts, this.ngModule.injector,
(evt: Event) => this.triggerEvent(evt)),
tap(t => {
const guardsEnd = new GuardsCheckEnd(
@ -512,7 +501,8 @@ export class Router {
// --- RESOLVE ---
switchTap(t => {
if (t.preActivation !.isActivating()) {
if (getAllRouteGuards(t.targetSnapshot !, t.currentSnapshot, this.rootContexts)
.canActivateChecks.length) {
return of (t).pipe(
tap(t => {
const resolveStart = new ResolveStart(
@ -520,7 +510,9 @@ export class Router {
this.serializeUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects), t.targetSnapshot !);
resolveData(this.paramsInheritanceStrategy), //
this.rootContexts, this.paramsInheritanceStrategy,
this.ngModule.injector), //
tap(t => {
const resolveEnd = new ResolveEnd(
||||, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl),
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import {of } from 'rxjs';
import {Routes} from '../src/config';
import {ChildActivationStart} from '../src/events';
import {checkGuards as checkGuardsOperator} from '../src/operators/check_guards';
import {PreActivation} from '../src/pre_activation';
import {Router} from '../src/router';
import {resolveData as resolveDataOperator} from '../src/operators/resolve_data';
import {NavigationTransition, Router} from '../src/router';
import {ChildrenOutletContexts} from '../src/router_outlet_context';
import {RouterStateSnapshot, createEmptyStateSnapshot} from '../src/router_state';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer} from '../src/url_tree';
@ -538,15 +538,15 @@ describe('Router', () => {
function checkResolveData(
future: RouterStateSnapshot, curr: RouterStateSnapshot, injector: any, check: any): void {
const p = new PreActivation(future, curr, injector);
p.initialize(new ChildrenOutletContexts());
p.resolveData('emptyOnly').subscribe(check, (e) => { throw e; });
of ({ targetSnapshot: future, currentSnapshot: curr } as Partial<NavigationTransition>)
.pipe(resolveDataOperator(new ChildrenOutletContexts(), 'emptyOnly', injector))
.subscribe(check, (e) => { throw e; });
function checkGuards(
future: RouterStateSnapshot, curr: RouterStateSnapshot, injector: any,
check: (result: boolean) => void): void {
of ({ targetSnapshot: future, currentSnapshot: curr } as any)
of ({ targetSnapshot: future, currentSnapshot: curr } as Partial<NavigationTransition>)
.pipe(checkGuardsOperator(new ChildrenOutletContexts(), injector))
.subscribe(t => check(!!t.guardsResult), (e) => { throw e; });
Reference in New Issue
Block a user