From ad01e61fb31ed2e6338c9ccad4fa2aa293139e2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rex <> Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 22:13:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] translate: testing.jade to line 3266 --- public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade index 4729a47a61..29ce082007 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade @@ -3106,24 +3106,43 @@ a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部 The Angular testing utilities include the `TestBed`, the `ComponentFixture`, and a handful of functions that control the test environment. The [_TestBed_](#testbed-api-summary) and [_ComponentFixture_](#component-fixture-api-summary) classes are covered separately. + Angular测试工具包括`TestBed`、`ComponentFixture`和一些其他函数,用来控制测试环境。 + [_TestBed_](#testbed-api-summary)和[_ComponentFixture_](#component-fixture-api-summary)在这里分别解释了。 + Here's a summary of the stand-alone functions, in order of likely utility: + 下面是一些独立函数的总结,以使用频率排序: + table tr - th Function - th Description + th + :marked + Function + + 函数 + th + :marked + Description + + 描述 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>async</code> td :marked Runs the body of a test (`it`) or setup (`beforeEach`) function within a special _async test zone_. See [discussion above](#async). + + 在特殊的**async测试区域**运行测试(`it`)或者设置(`beforeEach`)的主体。 + 参见[上面的讨论](#async). tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>fakeAsync</code> td :marked Runs the body of a test (`it`) within a special _fakeAsync test zone_, enabling a linear control flow coding style. See [discussion above](#fake-async). + + 在特殊的**fakeAsync测试区域**运行测试(`it`)的主体,造就控制流更加线性的代码风格。 + 参见[上面的讨论](#fake-async). tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>tick</code> td @@ -3131,17 +3150,26 @@ table Simulates the passage of time and the completion of pending asynchronous activities by flushing both _timer_ and _micro-task_ queues within the _fakeAsync test zone_. + 在**fakeAsync测试区域**内触发**计时器**和**微任务**队列,以模拟时间的推移和未完成异步任务的完成。 + .l-sub-section :marked The curious, dedicated reader might enjoy this lengthy blog post, "<a href="" target="_blank">_Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules_</a>". + + 好奇和执着的读者可能会喜欢这篇长博客: + "<a href="" + target="_blank">_Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules_</a>". :marked Accepts an optional argument that moves the virtual clock forward the specified number of milliseconds, clearing asynchronous activities scheduled within that timeframe. See [discussion bove](#tick). + 接受一个可选参数,往前推移虚拟时间提供数字的毫秒数,清除在这段时间内的异步行为。 + 参见[上面的讨论](#tick) + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>inject</code> td @@ -3149,28 +3177,41 @@ table Injects one or more services from the current `TestBed` injector into a test function. See [above](#inject). + 从当前`TestBed`注入器注入一个或多个服务到测试函数。参见[上面](#inject)。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>discardPeriodicTasks</code> td :marked When a `fakeAsync` test ends with pending timer event _tasks_ (queued `setTimeOut` and `setInterval` callbacks), the test fails with a clear error message. + + 当`fakeAsync`测试以正在运行的计时器事件**任务**(排队中的`setTimeOut`和`setInterval`的回调)结束时, + 测试会失败,并显示一条明确的错误信息。 In general, a test should end with no queued tasks. When pending timer tasks are expected, call `discardPeriodicTasks` to flush the _task_ queue and avoid the error. + 一般来讲,测试应该以无排队任务任务结束。 + 当待执行计时器任务存在时,调用`discardPeriodicTasks`来触发**任务**队列,防止该错误发生。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>flushMicrotasks</code> td :marked When a `fakeAsync` test ends with pending _micro-tasks_ such as unresolved promises, the test fails with a clear error message. + + 当`fakeAsync`测试以待执行**微任务**比如未解析的承诺结束时,测试会失败并显示明确的错误信息。 In general, a test should wait for micro-tasks to finish. When pending microtasks are expected, call `flushMicrotasks` to flush the _micro-task_ queue and avoid the error. + 一般来说,测试应该等待微任务结束。 + 当待执行微任务存在时,调用`flushMicrotasks`来触发**微任务**队列,防止该错误发生。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>ComponentFixtureAutoDetect</code> td @@ -3178,6 +3219,9 @@ table A provider token for setting the default _auto-changeDetect_ from its default of `false`. See [automatic change detection](#automatic-change-detection) + 一个提供商令牌,用来设置**auto-changeDetect**的值,它默认值为`false`。 + 参见[自动变化检测](#automatic-change-detection) + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") <code>getTestBed</code> td @@ -3187,18 +3231,31 @@ table The `TestBed` instance exposes a few rarely used members that are not available as static methods. + 获取当前`TestBed`实例。 + 通常用不上,因为`TestBed`的静态类方法已经够用。 + `TestBed`实例有一些很少需要用到的方法,它们不是静态方法。 + .l-hr #testbed-class-summary :marked # _TestBed_ Class Summary + + # _TestBed_ 类总结 + The `TestBed` class is one of the principal Angular testing utilities. Its API is quite large and can be overwhelming until you've explored it first a little at a time. Read the early part of this chapter first to get the basics before trying to absorb the full API. + `TestBed`类是Angular测试工具的主要类之一。它的API很庞大,可能有点过于复杂,直到你一点一点的探索它们。 + 阅读本章前面的部分,了解了基本的知识以后,再试着了解完整API。 + The module definition passed to `configureTestingModule`, is a subset of the `@NgModule` metadata properties. + + 传递给`configureTestingModule`的模块定义是`@NgModule`元数据属性的子集。 + code-example(format="." language="javascript"). type TestModuleMetadata = { providers?: any[];