fix(ShadowCss): properly shim selectors after :host and :host-context (#10997)
fixes #5390 Before the change: // original CSS :host .foo .bar {...} .foo .bar {...} // translated to [_nghost-shh-2] .foo .bar {...} .foo[_ngcontent-shh-2] .bar[_ngcontent-shh-2] {...} Note that `.foo` and `.bar` where not scoped and would then apply to nested components. With this change those selectors are scoped (as they are without `:host`). You can explicitly apply the style to inner component by using `>>>` or `/deep/`: `:host >>> .foo`
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ListWrapper} from './facade/collection';
import {StringWrapper, isBlank, isPresent} from './facade/lang';
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ import {StringWrapper, isBlank, isPresent} from './facade/lang';
background: red;
* encapsultion: Styles defined within ShadowDOM, apply only to
* encapsulation: Styles defined within ShadowDOM, apply only to
dom inside the ShadowDOM. Polymer uses one of two techniques to implement
this feature.
@ -345,13 +344,13 @@ export class ShadowCss {
private _scopeSelector(
selector: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string, strict: boolean): string {
return selector.split(',')
.map((part) => { return StringWrapper.split(part.trim(), _shadowDeepSelectors); })
.map(part => part.trim().split(_shadowDeepSelectors))
.map((deepParts) => {
const [shallowPart, ...otherParts] = deepParts;
const applyScope = (shallowPart: string) => {
if (this._selectorNeedsScoping(shallowPart, scopeSelector)) {
return strict && !StringWrapper.contains(shallowPart, _polyfillHostNoCombinator) ?
this._applyStrictSelectorScope(shallowPart, scopeSelector) :
return strict ?
this._applyStrictSelectorScope(shallowPart, scopeSelector, hostSelector) :
this._applySelectorScope(shallowPart, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
} else {
return shallowPart;
@ -377,7 +376,7 @@ export class ShadowCss {
private _applySelectorScope(selector: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string):
string {
// Difference from webcomponentsjs: scopeSelector could not be an array
// Difference from webcomponents.js: scopeSelector could not be an array
return this._applySimpleSelectorScope(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
@ -395,38 +394,58 @@ export class ShadowCss {
// return a selector with [name] suffix on each simple selector
// e.g. > .zot becomes .foo[name].bar[name] > .zot[name] /** @internal */
private _applyStrictSelectorScope(selector: string, scopeSelector: string): string {
private _applyStrictSelectorScope(selector: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string):
string {
const isRe = /\[is=([^\]]*)\]/g;
scopeSelector =
StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(scopeSelector, isRe, (m: any /** TODO #9100 */) => m[1]);
const splits = [' ', '>', '+', '~'];
let scoped = selector;
scopeSelector = scopeSelector.replace(isRe, (_: string, string[]) => parts[0]);
const attrName = '[' + scopeSelector + ']';
for (let i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
const sep = splits[i];
const parts = scoped.split(sep);
scoped = parts
.map(p => {
// remove :host since it should be unnecessary
const t = StringWrapper.replaceAll(p.trim(), _polyfillHostRe, '');
if (t.length > 0 && !ListWrapper.contains(splits, t) &&
!StringWrapper.contains(t, attrName)) {
const m = t.match(/([^:]*)(:*)(.*)/);
if (m !== null) {
p = m[1] + attrName + m[2] + m[3];
return p;
const _scopeSelectorPart = (p: string) => {
var scopedP = p.trim();
if (scopedP.length == 0) {
return '';
if (p.indexOf(_polyfillHostNoCombinator) > -1) {
scopedP = this._applySimpleSelectorScope(p, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
} else {
// remove :host since it should be unnecessary
var t = p.replace(_polyfillHostRe, '');
if (t.length > 0) {
const matches = t.match(/([^:]*)(:*)(.*)/);
if (matches !== null) {
scopedP = matches[1] + attrName + matches[2] + matches[3];
return scopedP;
const sep = /( |>|\+|~)\s*/g;
const scopeAfter = selector.indexOf(_polyfillHostNoCombinator);
let scoped = '';
let startIndex = 0;
let res: RegExpExecArray;
while ((res = sep.exec(selector)) !== null) {
const separator = res[1];
const part = selector.slice(startIndex, res.index).trim();
// if a selector appears before :host-context it should not be shimmed as it
// matches on ancestor elements and not on elements in the host's shadow
const scopedPart = startIndex >= scopeAfter ? _scopeSelectorPart(part) : part;
scoped += `${scopedPart} ${separator} `;
startIndex = sep.lastIndex;
return scoped;
return scoped + _scopeSelectorPart(selector.substring(startIndex));
private _insertPolyfillHostInCssText(selector: string): string {
selector = StringWrapper.replaceAll(selector, _colonHostContextRe, _polyfillHostContext);
selector = StringWrapper.replaceAll(selector, _colonHostRe, _polyfillHost);
return selector;
return selector.replace(_colonHostContextRe, _polyfillHostContext)
.replace(_colonHostRe, _polyfillHost);
const _cssContentNextSelectorRe =
@ -444,30 +463,28 @@ const _cssColonHostRe = new RegExp('(' + _polyfillHost + _parenSuffix, 'gim');
const _cssColonHostContextRe = new RegExp('(' + _polyfillHostContext + _parenSuffix, 'gim');
const _polyfillHostNoCombinator = _polyfillHost + '-no-combinator';
const _shadowDOMSelectorsRe = [
/::shadow/g, /::content/g,
// Deprecated selectors
// TODO(vicb): see
// clang-format off
/\/shadow-deep\//g, // former /deep/
/\/shadow\//g, // former ::shadow
// clanf-format on
const _shadowDeepSelectors = /(?:>>>)|(?:\/deep\/)/g;
const _selectorReSuffix = '([>\\s~+\[.,{:][\\s\\S]*)?$';
const _polyfillHostRe = new RegExp(_polyfillHost, 'im');
const _polyfillHostRe = /-shadowcsshost/gim;
const _colonHostRe = /:host/gim;
const _colonHostContextRe = /:host-context/gim;
const _commentRe = /\/\*\s*[\s\S]*?\*\//g;
function stripComments(input:string):string {
function stripComments(input: string): string {
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(input, _commentRe, (_: any /** TODO #9100 */) => '');
// all comments except inline source mapping ("/* #sourceMappingURL= ... */")
const _sourceMappingUrlRe = /[\s\S]*(\/\*\s*#\s*sourceMappingURL=[\s\S]+?\*\/)\s*$/;
function extractSourceMappingUrl(input:string):string {
function extractSourceMappingUrl(input: string): string {
const matcher = input.match(_sourceMappingUrlRe);
return matcher ? matcher[1] : '';
@ -479,38 +496,39 @@ const CLOSE_CURLY = '}';
export class CssRule {
constructor(public selector:string, public content:string) {}
constructor(public selector: string, public content: string) {}
export function processRules(input:string, ruleCallback:Function):string {
export function processRules(input: string, ruleCallback: Function): string {
const inputWithEscapedBlocks = escapeBlocks(input);
let nextBlockIndex = 0;
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(inputWithEscapedBlocks.escapedString, _ruleRe, function(m: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
const selector = m[2];
let content = '';
let suffix = m[4];
let contentPrefix = '';
if (isPresent(m[4]) && m[4].startsWith('{'+BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER)) {
content = inputWithEscapedBlocks.blocks[nextBlockIndex++];
suffix = m[4].substring(BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER.length+1);
contentPrefix = '{';
const rule = ruleCallback(new CssRule(selector, content));
return `${m[1]}${rule.selector}${m[3]}${contentPrefix}${rule.content}${suffix}`;
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(
inputWithEscapedBlocks.escapedString, _ruleRe, function(m: any /** TODO #9100 */) {
const selector = m[2];
let content = '';
let suffix = m[4];
let contentPrefix = '';
if (isPresent(m[4]) && m[4].startsWith('{' + BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER)) {
content = inputWithEscapedBlocks.blocks[nextBlockIndex++];
suffix = m[4].substring(BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER.length + 1);
contentPrefix = '{';
const rule = ruleCallback(new CssRule(selector, content));
return `${m[1]}${rule.selector}${m[3]}${contentPrefix}${rule.content}${suffix}`;
class StringWithEscapedBlocks {
constructor(public escapedString:string, public blocks:string[]) {}
constructor(public escapedString: string, public blocks: string[]) {}
function escapeBlocks(input:string):StringWithEscapedBlocks {
function escapeBlocks(input: string): StringWithEscapedBlocks {
const inputParts = StringWrapper.split(input, _curlyRe);
const resultParts: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = [];
const escapedBlocks: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = [];
let bracketCount = 0;
let currentBlockParts: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = [];
for (let partIndex = 0; partIndex<inputParts.length; partIndex++) {
for (let partIndex = 0; partIndex < inputParts.length; partIndex++) {
const part = inputParts[partIndex];
if (part == CLOSE_CURLY) {
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import {CssRule, ShadowCss, processRules} from '@angular/compiler/src/shadow_css
import {beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, it} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {normalizeCSS} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/browser_util';
import {StringWrapper, isPresent} from '../src/facade/lang';
export function main() {
describe('ShadowCss', function() {
@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ export function main() {
const shadowCss = new ShadowCss();
const shim = shadowCss.shimCssText(css, contentAttr, hostAttr);
const nlRegexp = /\n/g;
return normalizeCSS(StringWrapper.replaceAll(shim, nlRegexp, ''));
return normalizeCSS(shim.replace(nlRegexp, ''));
it('should handle empty string', () => { expect(s('', 'a')).toEqual(''); });
@ -99,15 +97,17 @@ export function main() {
it('should handle :host', () => {
expect(s(':host {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host(.x,.y) {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host].x, [a-host].y {}');
expect(s(':host(.x,.y) > .z {}', 'a', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host].x > .z, [a-host].y > .z {}');
.toEqual('[a-host].x > .z[a], [a-host].y > .z[a] {}');
it('should handle :host-context', () => {
expect(s(':host-context(.x) {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host].x, .x [a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host-context(.x) > .y {}', 'a', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host].x > .y, .x [a-host] > .y {}');
.toEqual('[a-host].x > .y[a], .x [a-host] > .y[a] {}');
it('should support polyfill-next-selector', () => {
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ export function main() {
it('should support polyfill-unscoped-rule', () => {
let css = s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'#menu > .bar\';color: blue;}', 'a');
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, '#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
expect(css).toContain('#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}');
css = s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: "#menu > .bar";color: blue;}', 'a');
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, '#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
expect(css).toContain('#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}');
it('should support multiple instances polyfill-unscoped-rule', () => {
@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ export function main() {
s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'foo\';color: blue;}' +
'polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'bar\';color: blue;}',
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, 'foo {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, 'bar {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
expect(css).toContain('foo {;color:blue;}');
expect(css).toContain('bar {;color:blue;}');
it('should support polyfill-rule', () => {
let css = s('polyfill-rule {content: \' .bar\';color: blue;}', 'a', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('[a-host].foo .bar {;color:blue;}');
expect(css).toEqual('[a-host].foo .bar[a] {;color:blue;}');
css = s('polyfill-rule {content: " .bar";color:blue;}', 'a', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('[a-host].foo .bar {;color:blue;}');
expect(css).toEqual('[a-host].foo .bar[a] {;color:blue;}');
it('should handle ::shadow', () => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user