@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ export const $BACKSLASH = 92;
export const $RBRACKET = 93;
const $CARET = 94;
const $_ = 95;
export const $BT = 96;
const $a = 97, $e = 101, $f = 102, $n = 110, $r = 114, $t = 116, $u = 117, $v = 118, $z = 122;
export const $LBRACE = 123;
@ -415,6 +415,10 @@ function isExponentSign(code: number): boolean {
return code == $MINUS || code == $PLUS;
export function isQuote(code: number): boolean {
return code === $SQ || code === $DQ || code === $BT;
function unescape(code: number): number {
switch (code) {
case $n:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import {
@ -16,7 +17,8 @@ import {
} from './lexer';
import {
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ export class Parser {
parseAction(input: string, location: any): ASTWithSource {
this._checkNoInterpolation(input, location);
var tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(input);
var tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(this._stripComments(input));
var ast = new _ParseAST(input, location, tokens, true).parseChain();
return new ASTWithSource(ast, input, location);
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ export class Parser {
this._checkNoInterpolation(input, location);
var tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(input);
var tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(this._stripComments(input));
return new _ParseAST(input, location, tokens, false).parseChain();
@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ export class Parser {
let expressions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < split.expressions.length; ++i) {
var tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(split.expressions[i]);
var tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(this._stripComments(split.expressions[i]));
var ast = new _ParseAST(input, location, tokens, false).parseChain();
@ -158,6 +160,28 @@ export class Parser {
return new ASTWithSource(new LiteralPrimitive(input), input, location);
private _stripComments(input: string): string {
let i = this._commentStart(input);
return isPresent(i) ? input.substring(0, i).trim() : input;
private _commentStart(input: string): number {
var outerQuote = null;
for (var i = 0; i < input.length - 1; i++) {
let char = StringWrapper.charCodeAt(input, i);
let nextChar = StringWrapper.charCodeAt(input, i + 1);
if (char === $SLASH && nextChar == $SLASH && isBlank(outerQuote)) return i;
if (outerQuote === char) {
outerQuote = null;
} else if (isBlank(outerQuote) && isQuote(char)) {
outerQuote = char;
return null;
private _checkNoInterpolation(input: string, location: any): void {
var parts = StringWrapper.split(input, INTERPOLATION_REGEXP);
if (parts.length > 1) {
@ -22,14 +22,16 @@ import {
} from './shared';
const _I18N_ATTR = "i18n";
const _NAME_ATTR = "name";
const _I18N_ATTR_PREFIX = "i18n-";
let _PLACEHOLDER_EXPANDED_REGEXP = RegExpWrapper.create(`\\<ph(\\s)+name=("(\\d)+")\\>\\<\\/ph\\>`);
let _PLACEHOLDER_EXPANDED_REGEXP = RegExpWrapper.create(`\\<ph(\\s)+name=("(\\w)+")\\>\\<\\/ph\\>`);
* Creates an i18n-ed version of the parsed template.
@ -313,19 +315,31 @@ export class I18nHtmlParser implements HtmlParser {
private _replacePlaceholdersWithExpressions(message: string, exps: string[],
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): string {
let expMap = this._buildExprMap(exps);
return RegExpWrapper.replaceAll(_PLACEHOLDER_EXPANDED_REGEXP, message, (match) => {
let nameWithQuotes = match[2];
let name = nameWithQuotes.substring(1, nameWithQuotes.length - 1);
let index = NumberWrapper.parseInt(name, 10);
return this._convertIntoExpression(index, exps, sourceSpan);
return this._convertIntoExpression(name, expMap, sourceSpan);
private _convertIntoExpression(index: number, exps: string[], sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {
if (index >= 0 && index < exps.length) {
return `{{${exps[index]}}}`;
private _buildExprMap(exps: string[]): Map<string, string> {
let expMap = new Map<string, string>();
let usedNames = new Map<string, number>();
for (var i = 0; i < exps.length; i++) {
let phName = getPhNameFromBinding(exps[i], i);
expMap.set(dedupePhName(usedNames, phName), exps[i]);
return expMap;
private _convertIntoExpression(name: string, expMap: Map<string, string>,
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {
if (expMap.has(name)) {
return `{{${expMap.get(name)}}}`;
} else {
throw new I18nError(sourceSpan, `Invalid interpolation index '${index}'`);
throw new I18nError(sourceSpan, `Invalid interpolation name '${name}'`);
@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ import {
} from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_ast';
import {isPresent, isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {isPresent, isBlank, StringWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Message} from './message';
import {Parser} from 'angular2/src/compiler/expression_parser/parser';
export const I18N_ATTR = "i18n";
export const I18N_ATTR_PREFIX = "i18n-";
var CUSTOM_PH_EXP = /\/\/[\s\S]*i18n[\s\S]*\([\s\S]*ph[\s\S]*=[\s\S]*"([\s\S]*?)"[\s\S]*\)/g;
* An i18n error.
@ -113,12 +114,15 @@ export function removeInterpolation(value: string, source: ParseSourceSpan,
parser: Parser): string {
try {
let parsed = parser.splitInterpolation(value, source.toString());
let usedNames = new Map<string, number>();
if (isPresent(parsed)) {
let res = "";
for (let i = 0; i < parsed.strings.length; ++i) {
res += parsed.strings[i];
if (i != parsed.strings.length - 1) {
res += `<ph name="${i}"/>`;
let customPhName = getPhNameFromBinding(parsed.expressions[i], i);
customPhName = dedupePhName(usedNames, customPhName);
res += `<ph name="${customPhName}"/>`;
return res;
@ -130,6 +134,22 @@ export function removeInterpolation(value: string, source: ParseSourceSpan,
export function getPhNameFromBinding(input: string, index: number): string {
let customPhMatch = StringWrapper.split(input, CUSTOM_PH_EXP);
return customPhMatch.length > 1 ? customPhMatch[1] : `${index}`;
export function dedupePhName(usedNames: Map<string, number>, name: string): string {
let duplicateNameCount = usedNames.get(name);
if (isPresent(duplicateNameCount)) {
usedNames.set(name, duplicateNameCount + 1);
return `${name}_${duplicateNameCount}`;
} else {
usedNames.set(name, 1);
return name;
export function stringifyNodes(nodes: HtmlAst[], parser: Parser): string {
let visitor = new _StringifyVisitor(parser);
return htmlVisitAll(visitor, nodes).join("");
@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse grouped expressions', () => { checkAction("(1 + 2) * 3", "1 + 2 * 3"); });
it('should ignore comments in expressions', () => { checkAction('a //comment', 'a'); });
it('should retain // in string literals',
() => { checkAction(`""`, `""`); });
it('should parse an empty string', () => { checkAction(''); });
describe("literals", () => {
@ -269,6 +274,14 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse conditional expression', () => { checkBinding('a < b ? a : b'); });
it('should ignore comments in bindings', () => { checkBinding('a //comment', 'a'); });
it('should retain // in string literals',
() => { checkBinding(`""`, `""`); });
it('should retain // in : microsyntax', () => { checkBinding('one:a//b', 'one:a//b'); });
describe('parseTemplateBindings', () => {
@ -424,6 +437,31 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse expression with newline characters', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ 'foo' +\n 'bar' +\r 'baz' }}`, `{{ "foo" + "bar" + "baz" }}`);
describe("comments", () => {
it('should ignore comments in interpolation expressions',
() => { checkInterpolation('{{a //comment}}', '{{ a }}'); });
it('should retain // in single quote strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ '' }}`, `{{ "" }}`);
it('should retain // in double quote strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ "" }}`, `{{ "" }}`);
it('should ignore comments after string literals',
() => { checkInterpolation(`{{ "a//b" //comment }}`, `{{ "a//b" }}`); });
it('should retain // in complex strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{"//a\'//b\`//c\`//d\'//e" //comment}}`, `{{ "//a\'//b\`//c\`//d\'//e" }}`);
it('should retain // in nested, unterminated strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ "a\'b\`" //comment}}`, `{{ "a\'b\`" }}`);
describe("parseSimpleBinding", () => {
@ -76,6 +76,36 @@ export function main() {
.toEqual([[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0], [HtmlAttrAst, 'value', '{{b}} or {{a}}']]);
it('should handle interpolation with custom placeholder names', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="FIRST"/> and <ph name="SECOND"/>', null, null))] =
'<ph name="SECOND"/> or <ph name="FIRST"/>';
`<div value='{{a //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} and {{b //i18n(ph="SECOND")}}' i18n-value></div>`,
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0],
[HtmlAttrAst, 'value', '{{b //i18n(ph="SECOND")}} or {{a //i18n(ph="FIRST")}}']
it('should handle interpolation with duplicate placeholder names', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="FIRST"/> and <ph name="FIRST_1"/>', null, null))] =
'<ph name="FIRST_1"/> or <ph name="FIRST"/>';
`<div value='{{a //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} and {{b //i18n(ph="FIRST")}}' i18n-value></div>`,
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0],
[HtmlAttrAst, 'value', '{{b //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} or {{a //i18n(ph="FIRST")}}']
it("should handle nested html", () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="e0">a</ph><ph name="e2">b</ph>', null, null))] =
@ -198,7 +228,7 @@ export function main() {
humanizeErrors(parse("<div value='hi {{a}}' i18n-value></div>", translations).errors))
.toEqual(["Invalid interpolation index '99'"]);
.toEqual(["Invalid interpolation name '99'"]);
@ -93,6 +93,47 @@ export function main() {
.toEqual([new Message('Hi <ph name="0"/> and <ph name="1"/>', null, null)]);
it('should replace interpolation with named placeholders if provided (text nodes)', () => {
let res = extractor.extract(`
<div i18n>Hi {{one //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} and {{two //i18n(ph="SECOND")}}</div>`,
new Message('<ph name="t0">Hi <ph name="FIRST"/> and <ph name="SECOND"/></ph>', null,
it('should replace interpolation with named placeholders if provided (attributes)', () => {
let res = extractor.extract(`
<div title='Hi {{one //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} and {{two //i18n(ph="SECOND")}}'
.toEqual([new Message('Hi <ph name="FIRST"/> and <ph name="SECOND"/>', null, null)]);
it('should match named placeholders with extra spacing', () => {
let res = extractor.extract(`
<div title='Hi {{one // i18n ( ph = "FIRST" )}} and {{two // i18n ( ph = "SECOND" )}}'
.toEqual([new Message('Hi <ph name="FIRST"/> and <ph name="SECOND"/>', null, null)]);
it('should suffix duplicate placeholder names with numbers', () => {
let res = extractor.extract(`
<div title='Hi {{one //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} and {{two //i18n(ph="FIRST")}} and {{three //i18n(ph="FIRST")}}'
new Message('Hi <ph name="FIRST"/> and <ph name="FIRST_1"/> and <ph name="FIRST_2"/>',
null, null)
it("should handle html content", () => {
let res = extractor.extract(
'<div i18n><div attr="value">zero<div>one</div></div><div>two</div></div>', "someurl");
Reference in New Issue