build(browserstack): add a Gulp task to use Browser Stack locally
Closes #5116
This commit is contained in:
@ -189,6 +189,27 @@ tests respectively.
**Note**: **watch mode** needs symlinks to work, so if you're using windows, ensure you have the
rights to built them in your operating system.
### Unit tests with Sauce Labs or Browser Stack
First, in a terminal, create a tunnel with [Sauce Connect]( or [Browser Stack Local](, and valid credentials.
Then, in another terminal:
- Define the credentials as environment variables, e.g.:
export SAUCE_USERNAME='my_user'; export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY='my_key';
export BROWSER_STACK_USERNAME='my_user'; export BROWSER_STACK_ACCESS_KEY='my_key';
- Then run `gulp test.unit.js.(saucelabs|browserstack) --browsers=option1,option2,..,optionN`
The options are any mix of browsers and aliases which are defined in the [browser-providers.conf.js]( file.
They are case insensitive, and the `SL_` or `BS_` prefix must not be added for browsers.
Some examples of commands:
gulp test.unit.js.saucelabs --browsers=Safari8,ie11 //run in Sauce Labs with Safari 8 and IE11
gulp test.unit.js.browserstack --browsers=Safari,IE //run in Browser Stack with Safari 7, Safari 8, Safari 9, IE 9, IE 10 and IE 11
gulp test.unit.js.saucelabs --browsers=IOS,safari8,android5.1 //run in Sauce Labs with iOS 7, iOS 8, iOs 9, Safari 8 and Android 5.1
### E2E tests
1. `$(npm bin)/gulp build.js.cjs` (builds benchpress and tests into `dist/js/cjs` folder).
@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ gulp.task('test.all.dart', shell.task(['./scripts/ci/']));
// karma tests
// These tests run in the browser and are allowed to access
function getBrowsersFromCLI() {
var isSauce = false;
function getBrowsersFromCLI(provider) {
var isProvider = false;
var args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
var rawInput = args.browsers ? args.browsers : 'DartiumWithWebPlatform';
var inputList = rawInput.replace(' ', '').split(',');
@ -467,21 +467,24 @@ function getBrowsersFromCLI() {
// In case of non-sauce browsers, or browsers defined in karma-chrome-launcher (Chrome, ChromeCanary and Dartium):
// overrides everything, ignoring other options
outputList = [input];
isSauce = false;
isProvider = false;
} else if (browserProvidersConf.customLaunchers.hasOwnProperty("SL_" + input.toUpperCase())) {
isSauce = true;
outputList.push("SL_" + input.toUpperCase());
} else if (browserProvidersConf.sauceAliases.hasOwnProperty(input.toUpperCase())) {
outputList = outputList.concat(browserProvidersConf.sauceAliases[input]);
isSauce = true;
} else if (provider && browserProvidersConf.customLaunchers.hasOwnProperty(provider + "_" + input.toUpperCase())) {
isProvider = true;
outputList.push(provider + "_" + input.toUpperCase());
} else if (provider && provider == 'SL' && browserProvidersConf.sauceAliases.hasOwnProperty(input.toUpperCase())) {
outputList = outputList.concat(browserProvidersConf.sauceAliases[input.toUpperCase()]);
isProvider = true;
} else if (provider && provider == 'BS' && browserProvidersConf.browserstackAliases.hasOwnProperty(input.toUpperCase())) {
outputList = outputList.concat(browserProvidersConf.browserstackAliases[input.toUpperCase()]);
isProvider = true;
} else {
throw new Error('ERROR: unknown browser found in getBrowsersFromCLI()');
return {
browsersToRun: outputList.filter(function(item, pos, self) {return self.indexOf(item) == pos;}),
isSauce: isSauce
isProvider: isProvider
@ -502,21 +505,34 @@ gulp.task('', [''], function (done) {
gulp.task('test.unit.js.sauce', [''], function (done) {
var browserConf = getBrowsersFromCLI();
if (browserConf.isSauce) {
new karma.Server({
configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js',
singleRun: true,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 240000,
captureTimeout: 120000,
reporters: ['dots'],
browsers: browserConf.browsersToRun},
function(err) {done(); process.exit(err ? 1 : 0);}).start();
var browserConf = getBrowsersFromCLI('SL');
if (browserConf.isProvider) {
launchKarmaWithExternalBrowsers(['dots'], browserConf.browsersToRun, done);
} else {
throw new Error('ERROR: no Saucelabs browsers provided, add them with the --browsers option');
gulp.task('test.unit.js.browserstack', [''], function (done) {
var browserConf = getBrowsersFromCLI('BS');
if (browserConf.isProvider) {
launchKarmaWithExternalBrowsers(['dots'], browserConf.browsersToRun, done);
} else {
throw new Error('ERROR: no Browserstack browsers provided, add them with the --browsers option');
function launchKarmaWithExternalBrowsers(reporters, browsers, done) {
new karma.Server({
configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js',
singleRun: true,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 240000,
captureTimeout: 120000,
reporters: reporters,
browsers: browsers},
function(err) {done(); process.exit(err ? 1 : 0);}).start();
gulp.task('!test.unit.js/karma-server', function(done) {
var watchStarted = false;
var server = new karma.Server({configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js', reporters: 'dots'});
@ -655,29 +671,11 @@ gulp.task('test.unit.js/ci', function (done) {
gulp.task('test.unit.js.sauce/ci', function (done) {
new karma.Server({
configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js',
singleRun: true,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 240000,
captureTimeout: 120000,
reporters: ['dots', 'saucelabs'],
browsers: browserProvidersConf.sauceAliases.CI
function(err) {done(); process.exit(err ? 1 : 0);}
launchKarmaWithExternalBrowsers(['dots', 'saucelabs'], browserProvidersConf.sauceAliases.CI, done);
gulp.task('test.unit.js.browserstack/ci', function (done) {
new karma.Server({
configFile: __dirname + '/karma-js.conf.js',
singleRun: true,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 240000,
captureTimeout: 120000,
reporters: ['dots'],
browsers: browserProvidersConf.browserstackAliases.CI
function(err) {done(); process.exit(err ? 1 : 0);}
launchKarmaWithExternalBrowsers(['dots'], browserProvidersConf.browserstackAliases.CI, done);
gulp.task('test.unit.dart/ci', function (done) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user