review: glossary.jade: patch up new contents.

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Zhimin YE (Rex) 2016-08-16 12:23:21 +01:00
parent e5995453ed
commit cdb162376e
1 changed files with 60 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ a#aot
## Ahead of Time (AOT) Compilation
## Ahead of Time (AOT) 提前编译
Angular applications can be compiled by developers at build-time.
@ -36,20 +38,30 @@ a#aot
to a Module Factory, meaning you don't need to include the Angular compiler in your javascript bundle.
Ahead of Time compiled applications also benefit from decreased load time and increased performance.
开发者可以在构造时(build-time)编译Angular应用程序。通过`Compiler-cli` - `ngc`编译应用程序,应用可以从一个模块工厂(Module Factory)直接启动意思是不再需要把Angular编译器添加到JavaScript包中。提前编译的应用程序将加载迅速并具有更高的性能。
<a id="angular-module"></a>
## Angular Module
## Angular模块
Helps us organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.
An Angular module identifies the components, directives, and pipes that are used by the application
along with the list of external Angular modules that the application needs, such as `FormsModule`.
Every Angular application has an application root module class. By convention the class is
called `AppModule` and resides in a file named `app.component.ts`.
See the [Angular Module](/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html) chapter for details and examples.
## Annotation
## 注解(Annotation)
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Note that you can often achieve this same goal using [Angular modules](#angular-module) instead.
## Binding
## 绑定(Binding)
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In Angular, there are two types of modules:
- [Angular modules](#angular-module).
- [Angular modules](#angular-module).
See the [Angular Module](/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html) chapter for details and examples.
- [Angular 模块](#angular-module).到[Angular Module](/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html)章节查看详情和例子。
- ES2015 modules as described in this section.
- 本节描述的ES2015模块。
Angular apps are modular.
@ -763,15 +785,23 @@ a#jit
## Observable
## Observable
We can think of an observable as an array whose items arrive asynchronously over time.
Observables help us manage asynchronous data, such as data coming from a backend service.
Observables are used within Angular itself, including Angular's event system and its http client service.
To use observables, Angular uses a third-party library called Reactive Extensions (RxJS).
Observables are a proposed feature for ES 2016, the next version of JavaScript.
为了利用`Observable`Angular使用了名为Reactive Extensions (RxJS)的第三方包。
在下个版本的JavaScript - ES 2016中`Observable`是建议的功能之一。
## Output
## 输出属性(Output)
@ -859,20 +889,39 @@ a#jit
<a id="reactive-forms"></a>
## Reactive Forms
## 动态表格Reactive Forms
A technique for building Angular forms through code in a component.
The alternate technique is [Template-Driven Forms](#template-driven-forms).
When building reactive forms:
- The "source of truth" is the component. The validation is defined using code in the component.
- “真理来源”于组件。表单验证在组件代码中定义。
- Each control is explicitly created in the component class with `new FormControl()` or with `FormBuilder`.
- 每个控制器都是在组件类中使用`new FormControl()`或者`FormBuilder`显性的创建的。
- The template input elements do *not* use `ngModel`.
- 模板中的`input`元素**不**使用`ngModel`。
- The associated Angular directives are all prefixed with `Form` such as `FormGroup`, `FormControl`, and `FormControlName`.
- 相关联的Angular指令全部以`Form`开头,比如`FormGroup`、`FormControl`和`FormControlName`。
Reactive forms are powerful, flexible, and great for more complex data entry form scenarios, such as dynamic generation
of form controls.
## Router
## 路由器(Router)
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## Service
## 服务
Components are great and all … but what do we do with data or logic that are not associated
with a specific view or that we want to share across components? We build services!
Applications often require services such as a hero data service or a logging service.
Our components depend on these services to do the heavy lifting.
A service is a class with a focused purpose.
We often create a service to implement features that are
independent from any specific view,
provide share data or logic across components, or encapsulate external interactions.
See the [Services](/docs/ts/latest/tutorial/toh-pt4.html) chapter of the tutorial to learn more.
## Structural Directive
## 结构型指令(Structural Directive)