feat(compiler-cli): Add ability to get Symbol of Templates and Elements in component template (#38618)

Adds support to the `TemplateTypeChecker` for retrieving a `Symbol` for
`TmplAstTemplate` and `TmplAstElement` nodes in a component template.

PR Close #38618
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Scott 2020-08-27 13:35:34 -07:00 committed by Andrew Kushnir
parent c4556db9f5
commit cf2e8b99a8
3 changed files with 283 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -88,14 +88,7 @@ export interface FindOptions<T extends ts.Node> {
withSpan?: AbsoluteSourceSpan|ParseSourceSpan;
* Given a `ts.Node` with finds the first node whose matching the criteria specified
* by the `FindOptions`.
* Returns `null` when no `ts.Node` matches the given conditions.
export function findFirstMatchingNode<T extends ts.Node>(tcb: ts.Node, opts: FindOptions<T>): T|
null {
function getSpanFromOptions(opts: FindOptions<ts.Node>) {
let withSpan: {start: number, end: number}|null = null;
if (opts.withSpan !== undefined) {
if (opts.withSpan instanceof AbsoluteSourceSpan) {
@ -104,6 +97,18 @@ export function findFirstMatchingNode<T extends ts.Node>(tcb: ts.Node, opts: Fin
withSpan = {start: opts.withSpan.start.offset, end: opts.withSpan.end.offset};
return withSpan;
* Given a `ts.Node` with finds the first node whose matching the criteria specified
* by the `FindOptions`.
* Returns `null` when no `ts.Node` matches the given conditions.
export function findFirstMatchingNode<T extends ts.Node>(tcb: ts.Node, opts: FindOptions<T>): T|
null {
const withSpan = getSpanFromOptions(opts);
const sf = tcb.getSourceFile();
const visitor = makeRecursiveVisitor<T>(node => {
if (!opts.filter(node)) {
@ -120,6 +125,41 @@ export function findFirstMatchingNode<T extends ts.Node>(tcb: ts.Node, opts: Fin
return tcb.forEachChild(visitor) ?? null;
* Given a `ts.Node` with source span comments, finds the first node whose source span comment
* matches the given `sourceSpan`. Additionally, the `filter` function allows matching only
* `ts.Nodes` of a given type, which provides the ability to select only matches of a given type
* when there may be more than one.
* Returns `null` when no `ts.Node` matches the given conditions.
export function findAllMatchingNodes<T extends ts.Node>(tcb: ts.Node, opts: FindOptions<T>): T[] {
const withSpan = getSpanFromOptions(opts);
const results: T[] = [];
const stack: ts.Node[] = [tcb];
const sf = tcb.getSourceFile();
while (stack.length > 0) {
const node = stack.pop()!;
if (!opts.filter(node)) {
if (withSpan !== null) {
const comment = readSpanComment(node, sf);
if (comment === null || withSpan.start !== comment.start || withSpan.end !== comment.end) {
return results;
export function hasExpressionIdentifier(
sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, node: ts.Node, identifier: ExpressionIdentifier): boolean {
return ts.forEachTrailingCommentRange(sourceFile.text, node.getEnd(), (pos, end, kind) => {

View File

@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {AbsoluteFsPath} from '../../file_system';
import {isAssignment} from '../../util/src/typescript';
import {DirectiveSymbol, ElementSymbol, ExpressionSymbol, InputBindingSymbol, OutputBindingSymbol, ReferenceSymbol, Symbol, SymbolKind, TsNodeSymbolInfo, VariableSymbol} from '../api';
import {DirectiveSymbol, ElementSymbol, ExpressionSymbol, InputBindingSymbol, OutputBindingSymbol, Symbol, SymbolKind, TemplateSymbol, TsNodeSymbolInfo} from '../api';
import {ExpressionIdentifier, findFirstMatchingNode, hasExpressionIdentifier} from './comments';
import {ExpressionIdentifier, findAllMatchingNodes, findFirstMatchingNode, hasExpressionIdentifier} from './comments';
import {TemplateData} from './context';
import {TcbDirectiveOutputsOp} from './type_check_block';
* A class which extracts information from a type check block.
* This class is essentially used as just a closure around the constructor parameters.
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ export class SymbolBuilder {
private readonly typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker, private readonly shimPath: AbsoluteFsPath,
private readonly typeCheckBlock: ts.Node, private readonly templateData: TemplateData) {}
getSymbol(node: TmplAstTemplate|TmplAstElement): TemplateSymbol|ElementSymbol|null;
getSymbol(node: AST|TmplAstNode): Symbol|null;
getSymbol(node: AST|TmplAstNode): Symbol|null {
if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
// TODO(atscott): input and output bindings only return the first directive match but should
@ -33,10 +36,65 @@ export class SymbolBuilder {
return this.getSymbolOfInputBinding(node);
} else if (node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
return this.getSymbolOfBoundEvent(node);
} else if (node instanceof TmplAstElement) {
return this.getSymbolOfElement(node);
} else if (node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
return this.getSymbolOfAstTemplate(node);
return null;
private getSymbolOfAstTemplate(template: TmplAstTemplate): TemplateSymbol|null {
const directives = this.getDirectivesOfNode(template);
return {kind: SymbolKind.Template, directives};
private getSymbolOfElement(element: TmplAstElement): ElementSymbol|null {
const elementSourceSpan = element.startSourceSpan ?? element.sourceSpan;
const node = findFirstMatchingNode(
this.typeCheckBlock, {withSpan: elementSourceSpan, filter: ts.isVariableDeclaration});
if (node === null) {
return null;
const symbolFromDeclaration = this.getSymbolOfVariableDeclaration(node);
if (symbolFromDeclaration === null || symbolFromDeclaration.tsSymbol === null) {
return null;
const directives = this.getDirectivesOfNode(element);
// All statements in the TCB are `Expression`s that optionally include more information.
// An `ElementSymbol` uses the information returned for the variable declaration expression,
// adds the directives for the element, and updates the `kind` to be `SymbolKind.Element`.
return {
kind: SymbolKind.Element,
private getDirectivesOfNode(element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate): DirectiveSymbol[] {
const elementSourceSpan = element.startSourceSpan ?? element.sourceSpan;
const tcbSourceFile = this.typeCheckBlock.getSourceFile();
const isDirectiveDeclaration = (node: ts.Node): node is ts.TypeNode => ts.isTypeNode(node) &&
hasExpressionIdentifier(tcbSourceFile, node, ExpressionIdentifier.DIRECTIVE);
const nodes = findAllMatchingNodes(
this.typeCheckBlock, {withSpan: elementSourceSpan, filter: isDirectiveDeclaration});
return nodes
.map(node => {
const symbol = this.getSymbolOfTsNode(node);
if (symbol === null || symbol.tsSymbol === null) {
return null;
const directiveSymbol:
DirectiveSymbol = {...symbol, tsSymbol: symbol.tsSymbol, kind: SymbolKind.Directive};
return directiveSymbol;
.filter((d): d is DirectiveSymbol => d !== null);
private getSymbolOfBoundEvent(eventBinding: TmplAstBoundEvent): OutputBindingSymbol|null {
// Outputs are a `ts.CallExpression` that look like one of the two:
// * _outputHelper(_t1["outputField"]).subscribe(handler);
@ -110,10 +168,9 @@ export class SymbolBuilder {
const consumer = this.templateData.boundTarget.getConsumerOfBinding(attributeBinding);
let target: ElementSymbol|DirectiveSymbol|null;
let target: ElementSymbol|TemplateSymbol|DirectiveSymbol|null;
if (consumer instanceof TmplAstTemplate || consumer instanceof TmplAstElement) {
// TODO(atscott): handle bindings to elements and templates
target = null;
target = this.getSymbol(consumer);
} else {
target = this.getDirectiveSymbolForAccessExpression(node.left);
@ -154,15 +211,15 @@ export class SymbolBuilder {
const symbol = this.getSymbolOfVariableDeclaration(declaration);
if (symbol === null || symbol.tsSymbol === null || symbol.tsType === null) {
if (symbol === null || symbol.tsSymbol === null) {
return null;
return {
kind: SymbolKind.Directive,
tsSymbol: symbol.tsSymbol,
tsType: symbol.tsType,
shimLocation: symbol.shimLocation,

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@ -6,17 +6,69 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstElement, TmplAstTemplate} from '@angular/compiler';
import {TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstElement, TmplAstNode, TmplAstTemplate} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {absoluteFrom, getSourceFileOrError} from '../../file_system';
import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../file_system/testing';
import {InputBindingSymbol, OutputBindingSymbol, Symbol, SymbolKind, TypeCheckingConfig} from '../api';
import {ClassDeclaration} from '../../reflection';
import {DirectiveSymbol, ElementSymbol, InputBindingSymbol, OutputBindingSymbol, Symbol, SymbolKind, TemplateSymbol, TemplateTypeChecker, TypeCheckingConfig} from '../api';
import {getClass, ngForDeclaration, ngForTypeCheckTarget, setup as baseTestSetup, TypeCheckingTarget} from './test_utils';
runInEachFileSystem(() => {
describe('TemplateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNodeInComponentTemplate', () => {
describe('TemplateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode', () => {
describe('templates', () => {
describe('ng-templates', () => {
let templateTypeChecker: TemplateTypeChecker;
let cmp: ClassDeclaration<ts.ClassDeclaration>;
let templateNode: TmplAstTemplate;
let program: ts.Program;
beforeEach(() => {
const fileName = absoluteFrom('/main.ts');
const dirFile = absoluteFrom('/dir.ts');
const templateString = `
<ng-template dir #ref0 #ref1="dir" let-contextFoo="bar">
<div [input0]="contextFoo" [input1]="ref0" [input2]="ref1"></div>
const testValues = setup([
templates: {'Cmp': templateString},
source: `
export class Cmp { }`,
declarations: [{
name: 'TestDir',
selector: '[dir]',
file: dirFile,
type: 'directive',
exportAs: ['dir'],
fileName: dirFile,
source: `export class TestDir {}`,
templates: {},
templateTypeChecker = testValues.templateTypeChecker;
program = testValues.program;
const sf = getSourceFileOrError(testValues.program, fileName);
cmp = getClass(sf, 'Cmp');
templateNode = getAstTemplates(templateTypeChecker, cmp)[0];
it('should get symbol for the template itself', () => {
const symbol = templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(templateNode, cmp)!;
describe('input bindings', () => {
it('can retrieve a symbol for an input binding', () => {
const fileName = absoluteFrom('/main.ts');
@ -473,9 +525,117 @@ runInEachFileSystem(() => {
describe('for elements', () => {
it('for elements that are components with no inputs', () => {
const fileName = absoluteFrom('/main.ts');
const dirFile = absoluteFrom('/dir.ts');
const {program, templateTypeChecker} = setup(
templates: {'Cmp': `<child-component></child-component>`},
declarations: [
name: 'ChildComponent',
selector: 'child-component',
file: dirFile,
type: 'directive',
fileName: dirFile,
source: `
export class ChildComponent {}
templates: {'ChildComponent': ''},
const sf = getSourceFileOrError(program, fileName);
const cmp = getClass(sf, 'Cmp');
const nodes = templateTypeChecker.getTemplate(cmp)!;
const symbol = templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(nodes[0] as TmplAstElement, cmp)!;
it('element with directive matches', () => {
const fileName = absoluteFrom('/main.ts');
const dirFile = absoluteFrom('/dir.ts');
const {program, templateTypeChecker} = setup(
templates: {'Cmp': `<div dir dir2></div>`},
declarations: [
name: 'TestDir',
selector: '[dir]',
file: dirFile,
type: 'directive',
name: 'TestDir2',
selector: '[dir2]',
file: dirFile,
type: 'directive',
name: 'TestDirAllDivs',
selector: 'div',
file: dirFile,
type: 'directive',
fileName: dirFile,
source: `
export class TestDir {}
export class TestDir2 {}
export class TestDirAllDivs {}
templates: {},
const sf = getSourceFileOrError(program, fileName);
const cmp = getClass(sf, 'Cmp');
const nodes = templateTypeChecker.getTemplate(cmp)!;
const symbol = templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(nodes[0] as TmplAstElement, cmp)!;
const expectedDirectives = ['TestDir', 'TestDir2', 'TestDirAllDivs'].sort();
const actualDirectives =
symbol.directives.map(dir => program.getTypeChecker().typeToString(dir.tsType)).sort();
function onlyAstTemplates(nodes: TmplAstNode[]): TmplAstTemplate[] {
return nodes.filter((n): n is TmplAstTemplate => n instanceof TmplAstTemplate);
function getAstTemplates(
templateTypeChecker: TemplateTypeChecker, cmp: ts.ClassDeclaration&{name: ts.Identifier}) {
return onlyAstTemplates(templateTypeChecker.getTemplate(cmp)!);
function assertDirectiveSymbol(tSymbol: Symbol): asserts tSymbol is DirectiveSymbol {
function assertInputBindingSymbol(tSymbol: Symbol): asserts tSymbol is InputBindingSymbol {
@ -484,6 +644,14 @@ function assertOutputBindingSymbol(tSymbol: Symbol): asserts tSymbol is OutputBi
function assertTemplateSymbol(tSymbol: Symbol): asserts tSymbol is TemplateSymbol {
function assertElementSymbol(tSymbol: Symbol): asserts tSymbol is ElementSymbol {
export function setup(targets: TypeCheckingTarget[], config?: Partial<TypeCheckingConfig>) {
return baseTestSetup(
targets, {inlining: false, config: {...config, enableTemplateTypeChecker: true}});