docs(quickstart): quickstart revised with verbose mode toggle button
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,64 @@ mixin makeJson( filePath, jsonConfig, title, stylePatterns)
!= styleString(jsonExtract, stylePatterns)
- // Open (and close) an explanation <div>. See QuickStart
function why(id, backTo) {
var id = "#"+id;
var el = document.querySelector(id);
if (el.hidden && backTo){
// the next line is required to work around a bug in WebKit (Chrome / Safari)
location.href = "#";
location.href = "#" + backTo;
function verbose(isVerbose) {
isVerbose = !! isVerbose;
var el = document.querySelector('');
|||| = isVerbose ? 'block' : 'none';
var el = document.querySelector('button.verbose.on');
|||| = isVerbose ? 'none' : 'block';
CCSStylesheetRuleStyle('main','.l-verbose-section', 'display',
isVerbose ? 'block' : 'none');
function CCSStylesheetRuleStyle(stylesheet, selectorText, style, value){
/* returns the value of the element style of the rule in the stylesheet
* If no value is given, reads the value
* If value is given, the value is changed and returned
* If '' (empty string) is given, erases the value.
* The browser will apply the default one
* string stylesheet: part of the .css name to be recognized, e.g. 'default'
* string selectorText: css selector, e.g. '#myId', '.myClass', 'thead td'
* string style: camelCase element style, e.g. 'fontSize'
* string value optional : the new value
var CCSstyle = undefined, rules, sheet;
for(var m in document.styleSheets){
sheet = document.styleSheets[m];
if(sheet.href && sheet.href.indexOf(stylesheet) != -1){
rules = sheet[document.all ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'];
for(var n in rules){
if(rules[n].selectorText == selectorText){
CCSstyle = rules[n].style;
if(value == undefined)
return CCSstyle[style]
return CCSstyle[style] = value
- var translatePath = function(filePath, region) {
- filePath = filePath.trim();
@ -134,6 +191,7 @@ mixin makeJson( filePath, jsonConfig, title, stylePatterns)
- return source;
- }
- var getFragFilePath = function (filePath, region) {
- filePath = filePath.trim();
- var extn = getExtn(filePath);
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
.then(null, console.error.bind(console));
<!-- #enddocregion systemjs -->
<!-- 3. Display the application -->
@ -45,5 +44,4 @@
<!-- #enddocregion my-app -->
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ nav a.router-link-active {
left: .1em;
.items li.selected:hover {
background-color: #BBD8DC !important;
background-color: #BBD8DC;
color: white;
.items .text {
@ -78,6 +78,11 @@
"intro": "Angular 1 applications can be incrementally upgraded to Angular 2."
"typescript-configuration": {
"title": "TypeScript Configuration",
"intro": "TypeScript configuration for Angular 2 developers"
"glossary": {
"title": "Glossary",
"intro": "Brief definitions of the most important words in the Angular 2 vocabulary"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
include ../../../../_includes/_util-fns
TypeScript is a primary language for Angular application development.
TypeScript is a dialect of JavaScript with design-time support for type-safety and tooling.
Browsers can't execute TypeScript directly. It has to be "transpiled" into JavaScript with the *tsc* compiler
and that effort requires some configuration.
This chapter covers some aspects of TypeScript configuration and the TypeScript environment
that are important to Angular developers.
## *tsconfig.json*
We typically add a TypeScript configuration file (`tsconfig.json`) to our project to
guide the compiler as it generates JavaScript files.
Get details about `tsconfig.json` from the official
[TypeScript wiki](
We created the following `tsconfig.json` for the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html):
+makeJson('quickstart/ts/tsconfig.1.json', null, 'tsconfig.json')(format=".")
The options and flags in this file are essential for Angular 2 applications.
<a id="noImplicitAny"></a>
### *noImplicitAny* and *suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors*
TypeScript developers disagree about whether the `noImplicitAny` flag should be `true` or `false`.
There is no correct answer and we can change the flag later.
But our choice now can make a difference in larger projects so it merits discussion.
When the `noImplicitAny` flag is `false` (the default),
the compiler silently defaults the type of a variable to `any` if it cannot infer
the type based on how the variable is used. That's what we mean by *implicit `any`*.
We initialized the `noImplicitAny` flag to `false` in the QuickStart
to make learning TypeScript development easier.
When the `noImplicitAny` flag is `true` and the TypeScript compiler cannot infer
the type, it still generates the JavaScript files. But it also **reports an error**.
Many seasoned developers prefer this stricter setting because type checking catches more
unintentional errors at compile time.
We can set a variable's type to `any` even when the `noImplicitAny` flag is `true`.
We do so when that seems like the best choice for the situation,
deliberately and explicitly, after giving the matter some thought.
If we set the `noImplicitAny` flag to `true`, we may get *implicit index errors* as well.
Most developers feel that *this particular error* is more annoying than helpful.
We can suppress them with the following additional flag.
## TypeScript Typings
Many JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, the Jasmine testing library, and Angular itself,
extend the JavaScript environment with features and syntax
that the TypeScript compiler doesn't recognize natively.
When the compiler doesn't recognize something, it throws an error.
We use [TypeScript type definition files](
— *d.ts files* — to tell the compiler about the libraries we load.
TypeScript-aware editors leverage these same definition files to display type information about library features.
Many libraries include their definition files in their npm packages where both the TypeScript compiler and editors
can find them. Angular is one such library.
Peek into the `node_modules/angular2/` folder of any Angular application to see several `...d.ts` files that describe parts of Angular.
**We do nothing to get *typings* files for library packages with bundled *d.ts* files.**
### Manual typings
Sadly, many libraries — jQuery, Jasmine, and Lodash among them — do *not* include `d.ts` files in their npm packages.
Fortunately, either their authors or community contributors have created separate *d.ts* files for these libraries and
published them in well-known locations.
The *typings* tool can find and fetch these files for us.
We installed the [typings]( tool
with npm (it's listed among the *devDependencies* in the `package.json`) and added an npm script
to run that tool automatically after *npm* installation completes.
+makeJson('quickstart/ts/package.1.json', {paths: 'scripts.postinstall'}, 'package.json (postinstall)')(format=".")
This *typings* tool command installs the *d.ts* files that we identify in a `typings.json` file
such as this one from the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html):
+makeJson('quickstart/ts/typings.1.json', null, 'typings.json')(format=".")
We identified only one *typings* file in the QuickStart, the *d.ts* file for
[es6-shim]( that brings ES2015/ES6
capabilities to our ES5 browsers.
QuickStart itself doesn't need this shim but many of the documentation samples do
and most of us would be disappointed if typical ES2015 features didn't work out-of-the-box.
We can also run the *typings* tool ourselves. The following command lists the locally installed typings files.
npm run typings -- list
The following command installs the typings file for the Jasmine test library and updates the `typings.config`
so we that we get it automatically the next time.
npm run typings -- install jasmine --ambient --save
The [–– option]( is important;
it tells npm to pass all arguments to the right of `--` to the *typings* command.
Learn about the features of the *typings* tool at its [site on github](
#### Typing file collisions
The TypeScript compiler does not tolerate redefinition of a type. For example, it throws an error if it's given two definitions for
the `Promise` type.
Double definitions are common. In fact, the `typings` tool deliberately creates
duplicate sets of typings (for reasons best explained elsewhere).
Look in the project structure for the *typings folder* where we should find something like:
.file typings
.file browser
.file ambient
.file es6-shim
.file es6-shim.d.ts
.file main
.file ambient
.file es6-shim
.file es6-shim.d.ts
.file browser.d.ts
.file main.d.ts
The `es6-shim` typings are duplicated and the `browser.d.ts` and `main.d.ts` have overlapping content.
We must tell the compiler to ignore one or the other.
We removed the `main` set from consideration in the `exclude` section of our `tsconfig.json` file:
+makeJson('quickstart/ts/tsconfig.1.json', {paths: 'exclude'}, 'tsconfig.json (exclude)')(format=".")
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -139,7 +139,29 @@
button.verbose {
font-size: ($unit * 3);
@media handheld and (max-width: $phone-breakpoint),
screen and (max-device-width: $phone-breakpoint),
screen and (max-width: $tablet-breakpoint) {
font-size: ($unit * 2);
button.verbose.on {display: none}
.l-verbose-section {
margin: 0px 0px ($unit * 4) 0px;
padding-left: ($unit * 2);
//background: lighten($light, 5%);
border-left: ($unit / 6) solid $grey;
border-radius: ($unit / 6);
.l-verbose-inherit {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border-left: 0;
border-radius: 0;
* Margins & Padding
Reference in New Issue
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