Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Heavily based on images.
# Combines the node windowsservercore image with the Bazel Prerequisites (
# msys install taken from
# VS redist install taken from
# The nanoserver image won't work because MSYS2 does not run in it
# Before building this image, you must locally build node-windows:10.13.0-windowsservercore-1803.
# Clone and build using
# docker build -t node-windows:10.13.0-windowsservercore-1803 --build-arg core=microsoft/windowsservercore:1803 --build-arg target=microsoft/windowsservercore:1803 .
FROM node-windows:10.13.0-windowsservercore-1803
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
# Install 7zip to extract msys2
RUN Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing '' -OutFile 7z.exe
# For some reason the last letter in the destination directory is lost. So '/D=C:\\7zip0' will extract to '/D=C:\\7zip'.
RUN Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\\7z.exe' -ArgumentList '/S', '/D=C:\\7zip0' -NoNewWindow -Wait
# Extract msys2
RUN Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing '' -OutFile msys2.tar.xz
RUN Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\\7zip\\7z' -ArgumentList 'e', 'msys2.tar.xz' -Wait
RUN Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\\7zip\\7z' -ArgumentList 'x', 'msys2.tar', '-oC:\\' -Wait
RUN Remove-Item msys2.tar.xz
RUN Remove-Item msys2.tar
RUN Remove-Item 7z.exe
RUN Remove-Item -Recurse 7zip
# Add MSYS2 to PATH, and set BAZEL_SH
RUN [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $env:Path + ';C:\msys64\usr\bin', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
RUN [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BAZEL_SH', 'C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
# Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
RUN Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing '' -OutFile vc_redist.x64.exe
RUN Start-Process 'c:\\vc_redist.x64.exe' -ArgumentList '/Install', '/Passive', '/NoRestart' -NoNewWindow -Wait
RUN Remove-Item vc_redist.x64.exe
# Add a fix for as entry point to the container.
SHELL ["cmd", "/c"]
COPY "fix-msys64.cmd" "C:\\fix-msys64.cmd"
ENTRYPOINT cmd /C C:\\fix-msys64.cmd && cmd /c
CMD ["cmd.exe"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# BuildKite configuration
This folder contains configuration for the [BuildKite]( based CI checks for
this repository.
BuildKite is a CI provider that provides build coordination and reports while we provide the
CI runs are triggered by new PRs and will show up on the GitHub checks interface, along with the
other current CI solutions.
Currently it is only used for tests on Windows platforms.
## The build pipeline
BuildKite uses a pipeline for each repository. The `pipeline.yml` file defines pipeline
[build steps]( for this repository.
Run results can be seen in the GitHub checks interface and in the
[pipeline dashboard](
Although most configuration is done via `pipeline.yml`, some options are only available
in the online [pipeline settings](
## Infrastructure
BuildKite does not provide the host machines where the builds runs, providing instead the
[BuildKite Agent]( that should be run our own infrastructure.
### Agents
This agent polls the BuildKite API for builds, runs them, and reports back the results.
Agents are the unit of concurrency: each agent can run one build at any given time.
Adding agents allows more builds to be ran at the same time.
Individual agents can have tags, and pipeline steps can target only agents with certain tags via the
`agents` field in `pipeline.yml`.
For example: agents on Windows machines are tagged as `windows`, and the Windows specific build
steps list `windows: true` in their `agents` field.
You can see the current agent pool, along with their tags, in the
[agents list](
### Our host machines
We use [Google Cloud]( as our cloud provider, under the
[Angular project](
To access this project you need need to be logged in with a Google account that's a member of
For googlers this may be your account, for others it is an account.
In this project we have a number of Windows VMs running, each of them with several agents.
The `provision-windows-buildkite.ps1` file contains instructions on how to create new host VMs that
are fully configured to run the BuildKite agents as services.
Our pipeline uses [docker-buildkite-plugin](
to run build steps inside docker containers.
This way we achieve isolation and hermeticity.
The `Dockerfile` file describes a custom Docker image that includes NodeJs, Yarn, and the Bazel
pre-requisites on Windows.
To upload a new version of the docker image, follow any build instructions in `Dockerfile` and then
run `docker build -t angular/node-bazel-windows:NEW_VERSION`, followed by
`docker push angular/node-bazel-windows:NEW_VERSION`.
After being pushed it should be available online, and you can use the new version in `pipeline.yml`.
## Caretaker
BuildKite status can be found at
Issues related to the BuildKite setup should be escalated to the Tools Team via the current
caretaker, followed by Alex Eagle and Filipe Silva.
Support requests should be submitted via email to and cc Igor, Misko, Alex,
Jeremy and Manu
## Rollout strategy
At the moment our BuildKite CI uses 1 host VM running 4 agents, thus being capable of 4 concurrent
The only test running is `bazel test //tools/ts-api-guardian:all`, and the PR check is not
In the future we should add cache support to speed up the initial `yarn` install, and also Bazel
remote caching to speed up Bazel builds.
After the current setup is verified as stable and reliable the GitHub PR check can become mandatory.
The tests ran should also be expanded to cover most, if not all, of the Bazel tests.
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@echo off
REM Fix for
REM echo "Fixing msys64 folder..."
REM Touch all .dll files inside C:\msys64\
forfiles /p C:\msys64\ /s /m *.dll /c "cmd /c Copy /B @path+,, >NUL"
REM echo "Fixed msys64 folder."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- label: windows-test
- "yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive --network-timeout 100000"
- "yarn bazel test //tools/ts-api-guardian:all --noshow_progress"
- docker#v2.1.0:
image: "filipesilva/node-bazel-windows:0.0.2"
windows: true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# PowerShell script to provision a Windows Server with BuildKite
# This script follows
# Instructions
# VM creation:
# In Google Cloud Platform, create a Compute Engine instance.
# We recommend machine type n1-highcpu-16 (16 vCPUs, 14.4 GB memory).
# Use a windows boot disk with container support such as
# "Windows Server version 1803 Datacenter Core for Containers".
# Give it a name, then click "Create".
# VM setup:
# In the Compute Engine menu, select "VM Instances". Click on the VM name you chose before.
# Click "Set Windows Password" to choose a username and password.
# Click RDP to open a remote desktop via browser, using the username and password.
# In the Windows command prompt start an elevated powershell by inputing
# "powershell -Command "Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs" followed by Enter.
# Download and execute this script from GitHub, passing the token (mandatory), tags (optional)
# and number of agents (optional) as args:
# ```
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile provision.ps1
# .\provision.ps1 -token "MY_TOKEN" -tags "windows=true,another_tag=true" -agents 4
# ```
# The VM should restart and be fully configured.
# Creating extra VMs
# You can create an image of the current VM by following the instructions below.
# Then create a new VM and choose "Custom images".
# Script proper.
# Get the token and tags from arguments.
param (
[string]$tags = ""
[Int]$agents = 1
# Allow HTTPS
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
# Helper to add to PATH.
# Will take current PATH so avoid running it after anything to modifies only the powershell session path.
function Add-Path ([string]$newPathItem) {
$Env:Path+= ";" + $newPathItem + ";"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path",$env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
# Install Git for Windows
Write-Host "Installing Git for Windows."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile git.exe
Add-Path "C:\git\bin"
Remove-Item git.exe
# Download NSSM ( to run the BuildKite agent as a service.
Write-Host "Downloading NSSM."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath C:\nssm
Add-Path "C:\nssm\nssm-2.24-101-g897c7ad\win64"
# Run the BuildKite agent install script
Write-Host "Installing BuildKite agent."
$env:buildkiteAgentToken = $token
$env:buildkiteAgentTags = $tags
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# Configure the BuildKite agent clone and timestamp behavior
Add-Content C:\buildkite-agent\buildkite-agent.cfg "`ngit-clone-flags=--config core.autocrlf=input --config core.eol=lf --config core.longpaths=true --config core.symlinks=true`n"
Add-Content C:\buildkite-agent\buildkite-agent.cfg "`ntimestamp-lines=true`n"
# Register the BuildKite agent service using NSSM, so that it persists through restarts and is
# restarted if the process dies.
for ($i=1; $i -le $agents; $i++)
$agentName = "buildkite-agent-$i"
Write-Host "Registering $agentName as a service."
nssm.exe install $agentName "C:\buildkite-agent\bin\buildkite-agent.exe" "start"
nssm.exe set $agentName AppStdout "C:\buildkite-agent\$agentName.log"
nssm.exe set $agentName AppStderr "C:\buildkite-agent\$agentName.log"
nssm.exe status $agentName
nssm.exe start $agentName
nssm.exe status $agentName
# Restart the machine.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user