+export class AppComponent { }
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/style-guide/ts/01-01/app/main.ts b/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/app/main.ts
similarity index 72%
rename from public/docs/_examples/style-guide/ts/01-01/app/main.ts
rename to public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/app/main.ts
index 46f9f2d024..ad256f0823 100644
--- a/public/docs/_examples/style-guide/ts/01-01/app/main.ts
+++ b/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/app/main.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-// #docregion
import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
-bootstrap(AppComponent, []);
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/dummy.spec.js b/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/dummy.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9bcf8842..0000000000
--- a/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/dummy.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-describe("Jasmine sample test", function () {
- it("1+1 should be 2", function () {
- var result = 1 + 1;
- expect(result).toBe(2);
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/example-config.json b/public/docs/_examples/styleguide/ts/example-config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/toh-5/e2e-spec.ts b/public/docs/_examples/toh-5/e2e-spec.ts
index f3955097b4..4266a2b5ce 100644
--- a/public/docs/_examples/toh-5/e2e-spec.ts
+++ b/public/docs/_examples/toh-5/e2e-spec.ts
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ describe('Tutorial', function () {
function getPageStruct() {
- hrefEles = element.all(by.css('my-app a'));
+ let hrefEles = element.all(by.css('my-app a'));
return {
hrefs: hrefEles,
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ describe('Tutorial', function () {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'dashboard element should be available');
let heroEle = page.topHeroes.get(3);
let heroDescrEle = heroEle.element(by.css('h4'));
- let heroDescr;
+ let heroDescr: string;
return heroDescrEle.getText().then(function(text) {
heroDescr = text;
return heroEle.click();
@@ -70,7 +69,8 @@ describe('Tutorial', function () {
let page = getPageStruct();
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'dashboard element should be present');
let viewDetailsButtonEle = page.myHeroesParent.element(by.cssContainingText('button', 'View Details'));
- let heroEle, heroDescr;
+ let heroEle: protractor.ElementFinder;
+ let heroDescr: string;
page.myHeroesHref.click().then(function() {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'dashboard element should NOT be present');
expect(page.myHeroesParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'myHeroes element should be present');
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ describe('Tutorial', function () {
- function editDetails(page, origValue, textToAdd) {
+ function editDetails(page: any, origValue: string, textToAdd: string) {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'dashboard element should NOT be present');
expect(page.myHeroesParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'myHeroes element should NOT be present');
expect(page.heroDetail.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see hero-details');
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/upgrade-phonecat-2-hybrid/e2e-spec.ts b/public/docs/_examples/upgrade-phonecat-2-hybrid/e2e-spec.ts
index 09f9bc6b7e..6ff865ac8c 100644
--- a/public/docs/_examples/upgrade-phonecat-2-hybrid/e2e-spec.ts
+++ b/public/docs/_examples/upgrade-phonecat-2-hybrid/e2e-spec.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
'use strict';
// Angular E2E Testing Guide:
diff --git a/public/docs/_examples/user-input/e2e-spec.ts b/public/docs/_examples/user-input/e2e-spec.ts
index 7ef2dcec24..22f8d96f63 100644
--- a/public/docs/_examples/user-input/e2e-spec.ts
+++ b/public/docs/_examples/user-input/e2e-spec.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe('User Input Tests', function () {
it('should support the click event', function () {
let mainEle = element(by.css('click-me'));
- let buttonEle =element(by.css('click-me button'));
+ let buttonEle = element(by.css('click-me button'));
expect(mainEle.getText()).not.toContain('You are my hero!');
buttonEle.click().then(function() {
expect(mainEle.getText()).toContain('You are my hero!');
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe('User Input Tests', function () {
it('should support the click event with an event payload', function () {
let mainEle = element(by.css('click-me2'));
- let buttonEle =element(by.css('click-me2 button'));
+ let buttonEle = element(by.css('click-me2 button'));
expect(mainEle.getText()).not.toContain('Event target is ');
buttonEle.click().then(function() {
expect(mainEle.getText()).toContain('Event target is BUTTON');
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ describe('User Input Tests', function () {
let inputEle = mainEle.element(by.css('input'));
let addButtonEle = mainEle.element(by.css('button'));
let heroEles = mainEle.all(by.css('li'));
- let numHeroes;
+ let numHeroes: number;
heroEles.count().then(function(count) {
numHeroes = count;
diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.jade
index 47471b1aca..a35155587e 100644
--- a/public/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.jade
+++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.jade
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ figure.image-display
-+makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js', 'parent-to-child')
++makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.ts', 'parent-to-child')
[Back to top](#top)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ figure.image-display
-+makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js', 'parent-to-child-setter')
++makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.ts', 'parent-to-child-setter')
[Back to top](#top)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ figure.image-display
-+makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js', 'parent-to-child-onchanges')
++makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.ts', 'parent-to-child-onchanges')
[Back to top](#top)
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ figure.image-display
-+makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js', 'child-to-parent')
++makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.ts', 'child-to-parent')
[Back to top](#top)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ a(id="countdown-tests")
-+makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js', 'countdown-timer-tests')
++makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.ts', 'countdown-timer-tests')
[Back to top](#top)
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ figure.image-display
-+makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js', 'bidirectional-service')
++makeExample('cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.ts', 'bidirectional-service')
[Back to top](#top)
diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade
index babc9a925b..11562d14f5 100644
--- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade
+++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.jade
@@ -3,1479 +3,6 @@ include ../_util-fns
This chapter is a *work in progress*.
- It describes the *release candidate* Component Router which
+ It will describe the forthcoming Component Router which
replaces the [*beta* router](router-deprecated.html).
- The Angular ***Component Router*** enables navigation from one [view](./glossary.html#view) to the next
- as users perform application tasks.
- We cover the router's primary features in this chapter, illustrating them through the evolution
- of a small application that we can [run live](/resources/live-examples/router/ts/plnkr.html).
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/plunker-separate-window-button.png' alt="pop out the window" align="right" style="margin-right:-20px")
- :marked
- To see the URL changes in the browser address bar,
- pop out the preview window by clicking the blue 'X' button in the upper right corner.
- ## Overview
- The browser is a familiar model of application navigation.
- We enter a URL in the address bar and the browser navigates to a corresponding page.
- We click links on the page and the browser navigates to a new page.
- We click the browser's back and forward buttons and the browser navigates
- backward and forward through the history of pages we've seen.
- The Angular ***Component Router*** ("the router") borrows from this model.
- It can interpret a browser URL as an instruction
- to navigate to a client-generated view and pass optional parameters along to the supporting view component
- to help it decide what specific content to present.
- We can bind the router to links on a page and it will navigate to
- the appropriate application view when the user clicks a link.
- We can navigate imperatively when the user clicks a button, selects from a drop box,
- or in response to some other stimulus from any source. And the router logs activity
- in the browser's history journal so the back and forward buttons work as well.
- We'll learn many router details in this chapter which covers
- * setting the [base href](#base-href)
- * importing from the [router library](#import)
- * [configuring a router](#route-config)
- * the [link parameters array](#link-parameters-array) that propels router navigation
- * navigating when the user clicks a data-bound [RouterLink](#router-link)
- * navigating under [program control](#navigate)
- * embedding critical information in the URL with [positional parameters](#positional-parameters)
- * creating a [child router](#child-router) with its own routes
- * setting a [default route](#default)
- * confirming or canceling navigation with [router lifecycle hooks](#lifecycle-hooks)
- * passing optional information in [matrix parameters](#matrix-parameters)
- * choosing the "HTML5" or "hash" [URL style](#browser-url-styles)
- We proceed in phases marked by milestones building from a simple two-pager with placeholder views
- up to a modular, multi-view design with child routes.
- But first, an overview of router basics.
- ## The Basics
- Let's begin with a few core concepts of the Component Router.
- Then we can explore the details through a sequence of examples.
- ### *<base href>*
- Most routing applications should add a `` element to the **`index.html`** just after the `` tag
- to tell the router how to compose navigation URLs.
- If the `app` folder is the application root, as it is for our sample application,
- set the `href` value *exactly* as shown here.
-+makeExample('router/ts/index.1.html','base-href', 'index.html (base href)')(format=".")
- ### Router imports
- The Angular Component Router is an optional service that presents a particular component view for a given URL.
- It is not part of the Angular 2 core. It is in its own library package, `@angular/router`.
- We import what we need from it as we would from any other Angular package.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.1.ts','import-router', 'app/app.component.ts (import)')(format=".")
- :marked
- We cover other options in the [details below](#browser-url-styles).
- ### Configuration
- When the browser's URL changes, the router looks for a corresponding **`RouteDefinition`**
- from which it can determine the component to display.
- A router has no route definitions until we configure it.
- The preferred way to simultaneously create a router and add its routes is with a **`@RouteConfig`** [decorator](glossary.html#decorator)
- applied to the router's host component.
- In this example, we configure the top-level `AppComponent` with three route definitions
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.2.ts', 'route-config', 'app.component.ts (excerpt)')(format=".")
- :marked
- There are several flavors of `RouteDefinition`.
- The most common by far is the named **`Route`** which maps a URL path to a component
- The `name` field is the route name which **must** be spelled in **PascalCase**
- to avoid potential confusion with the route `path`.
- The `:id` in the third route is a token for a route parameter. In a URL such as `/hero/42`, "42"
- is the value of the `id` parameter. The corresponding `HeroDetailComponent`
- will use that value to find and present the hero whose `id` is 42.
- We'll learn more about route parameters later in this chapter.
- ### Router Outlet
- Now we know how the router gets its configuration.
- When the browser URL for this application becomes `/heroes`,
- the router matches that URL to the `RouteDefinition` named *Heroes* and displays the `HeroListComponent`
- in a **`RouterOutlet`** that we've placed in the host view's HTML.
-code-example(format="", language="html").
- <!-- Routed views go here -->
- <router-outlet></router-outlet>
- ### Router Links
- Now we have routes configured and a place to render them, but
- how do we navigate? The URL could arrive directly from the browser address bar.
- But most of the time we navigate as a result of some user action such as the click of
- an anchor tag.
- We add a **`RouterLink`** directive to the anchor tag and bind it to a template expression that
- returns an array of route link parameters (the **link parameters array**). The router ultimately resolves that array
- into a URL and a component view.
- We see such bindings in the following `AppComponent` template:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.1.ts', 'template')(format=".")
- :marked
- We're adding two anchor tags with `RouterLink` directives.
- We bind each `RouterLink` to an array containing the string name of a route definition.
- 'CrisisCenter' and 'Heroes' are the names of the `Routes` we configured above.
- We'll learn to write more complex link expressions — and why they are arrays —
- [later](#link-parameters-array) in the chapter.
- ### Let's summarize
- The `@RouterConfig` configuration tied the `AppComponent` to a router configured with routes.
- The component has a `RouterOutlet` where it can display views produced by the router.
- It has `RouterLinks` that users can click to navigate via the router.
- The `AppComponent` has become a ***Routing Component***, a component that can route.
- Here are the key *Component Router* terms and their meanings:
- tr
- th Router Part
- th Meaning
- tr
- td Router
- td.
- Displays the application component for the active URL.
- Manages navigation from one component to the next.
- tr
- td @RouteConfig
- td.
- Configures a router with RouteDefinitions, each mapping a URL path to a component.
- tr
- td RouteDefinition
- td.
- Defines how the router should navigate to a component based on a URL pattern.
- tr
- td Route
- td.
- The most common form of RouteDefinition consisting of a path, a route name,
- and a component type.
- tr
- td RouterOutlet
- td.
- The directive (<router-outlet>) that marks where the router should display a view.
- tr
- td RouterLink
- td.
- The directive for binding a clickable HTML element to
- a route. Clicking an anchor tag with a routerLink directive
- that is bound to a Link Parameters Array triggers a navigation.
- tr
- td Link Parameters Array
- td.
- An array that the router inteprets into a routing instruction.
- We can bind a RouterLink to that array or pass the array as an argument to
- the Router.navigate method.
- tr
- td Routing Component
- td.
- An Angular component with an attached router.
- We've barely touched the surface of the router and its capabilities.
- The following detail sections describe a sample routing application
- as it evolves over a sequence of milestones.
- We strongly recommend taking the time to read and understand this story.
- ## The Sample Application
- We have an application in mind as we move from milestone to milestone.
- :marked
- While we make incremental progress toward the ultimate sample application, this chapter is not a tutorial.
- We discuss code and design decisions pertinent to routing and application design.
- We gloss over everything in between.
- The full source is available in the [live example](/resources/live-examples/router/ts/plnkr.html).
- Our client is the Hero Employment Agency.
- Heroes need work and The Agency finds Crises for them to solve.
- The application has two main feature areas:
- 1. A *Crisis Center* where we maintain the list of crises for assignment to heroes.
- 1. A *Heroes* area where we maintain the list of heroes employed by The Agency.
- Run the [live example](/resources/live-examples/router/ts/plnkr.html).
- It opens in the *Crisis Center*. We'll come back to that.
- Click the *Heroes* link. We're presented with a list of Heroes.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/hero-list.png' alt="Hero List" width="250")
- We select one and the application takes us to a hero editing screen.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/hero-detail.png' alt="Crisis Center Detail" width="250")
- Our changes take effect immediately. We click the "Back" button and the
- app returns us to the Heroes list.
- We could have clicked the browser's back button instead.
- That would have returned us to the Heroes List as well.
- Angular app navigation updates the browser history as normal web navigation does.
- Now click the *Crisis Center* link. We go to the *Crisis Center* and its list of ongoing crises.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/crisis-center-list.png' alt="Crisis Center List" )
- We select one and the application takes us to a crisis editing screen.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/crisis-center-detail.png' alt="Crisis Center Detail")
- This is a bit different from the *Hero Detail*. *Hero Detail* saves the changes as we type.
- In *Crisis Detail* our changes are temporary until we either save or discard them by pressing the "Save" or "Cancel" buttons.
- Both buttons navigate back to the *Crisis Center* and its list of crises.
- Suppose we click a crisis, make a change, but ***do not click either button***.
- Maybe we click the browser back button instead. Maybe we click the "Heroes" link.
- Do either. Up pops a dialog box.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/confirm-dialog.png' alt="Confirm Dialog" width="300")
- We can say "OK" and lose our changes or click "Cancel" and continue editing.
- The router supports a `routerCanDeactivate` lifecycle hook that gives us a chance to clean-up
- or ask the user's permission before navigating away from the current view.
- Here we see an entire user session that touches all of these features.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/router-anim.gif' alt="App in action" )
- Here's a diagram of all application routing options:
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/complete-nav.png' alt="Navigation diagram" )
- This app illustrates the router features we'll cover in this chapter
- * navigating to a component (*Heroes* link to "Heroes List")
- * including a route parameter (passing the Hero `id` while routing to the "Hero Detail")
- * child routes (the *Crisis Center* has its own routes)
- * the `routerCanDeactivate` lifecycle hook (ask permission to discard unsaved changes)
- ## Milestone #1: Getting Started with the Router
- Let's begin with a simple version of the app that navigates between two empty views.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/router-1-anim.gif' alt="App in action" )
- ### Set the *<base href>*
- The Component Router uses the browser's
- [history.pushState](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API#Adding_and_modifying_history_entries)
- for navigation. Thanks to `pushState`, we can make our in-app URL paths look the way we want them to
- look, e.g. `localhost:3000/crisis-center`. Our in-app URLs can be indistinguishable from server URLs.
- Modern HTML 5 browsers were the first to support `pushState` which is why many people refer to these URLs as
- "HTML 5 style" URLs.
- We must **add a [<base href> element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/base) tag**
- to the `index.html` to make `pushState` routing work.
- The browser also needs the base `href` value to prefix *relative* URLs when downloading and linking to
- css files, scripts, and images.
- Add the base element just after the `` tag.
- If the `app` folder is the application root, as it is for our application,
- set the `href` value in **`index.html`** *exactly* as shown here.
-+makeExample('router/ts/index.1.html','base-href', 'index.html (base href)')(format=".")
- :marked
- HTML 5 style navigation is the Component Router default.
- Learn why "HTML 5" style is preferred, how to adjust its behavior, and how to switch to the
- older hash (#) style if necessary in the [Browser URL Styles](#browser-url-styles) appendix below.
- :marked
- #### Live example note
- We have to get tricky when we run the live example because the host service sets
- the application base address dynamically. That's why we replace the `` with a
- script that writes a `` tag on the fly to match.
- code-example(format="")
- <script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>
- :marked
- We should only need this trick for the live example, not production code.
- ### Import from the Component Router library
- The Component Router is not part of the Angular 2 core. It is in its own library.
- The router is an optional service because not all applications need routing and,
- depending on your requirements, you may need a different routing library.
- The Component Router library is in its own `@angular/router` package.
- We import what we need from it as we would from any Angular package:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.1.ts','import-router', 'app/app.component.ts (import)')(format=".")
- ### Booting with the router service providers
- Our app launches from the `main.ts` file in the `/app` folder so let's start there.
- It's short and all of it is relevant to routing.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/main.1.ts','all', 'main.ts')(format=".")
- We import our root `AppComponent` and Angular's `bootstrap` function as expected.
- We also import `ROUTER_PROVIDERS` from the router library.
- The router is a service implemented by a collection of *Dependency Injection* providers, most of which are identified in the
- We're booting Angular with `AppComponent` as our app's root component and
- registering providers, as we often do, in the providers array in the second parameter of the `bootstrap` function.
- Providing the router providers at the root makes the Component Router available everywhere in our application.
- :marked
- Learn about providers, the `provide` function, and injected services in the
- [Dependency Injection chapter](dependency-injection.html).
- ### The *AppComponent* shell
- The root `AppComponent` is the application shell. It has title at the top, a navigation bar with two links,
- and a *Router Outlet* at the bottom where the router swaps views on and off the page. Here's what we mean:
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/shell-and-outlet.png' alt="Shell" width="300" )
- The corresponding component template looks like this:
- ### *RouterOutlet*
- `RouterOutlet` is a component from the router library.
- The router displays views within the bounds of the `` tags.
- :marked
- A template may hold exactly one ***unnamed*** ``.
- ### *RouterLink* binding
- Above the outlet, within the anchor tags, we see [Property Bindings](template-syntax.html#property-binding) to
- the `RouterLink` directive that look like `[routerLink]="[...]"`. We imported `RouterLink` from the router library.
- The template expression to the right of the equals (=) returns a *link parameters array*.
- A link parameters array holds the ingredients for router navigation:
- * the name of the route that prescribes the destination component and a path for the URL
- * the optional route and query parameters that go into the route URL
- The arrays in this example each have a single string parameter, the name of a `Route` that
- we'll configure for this application with `@RouteConfig()`. We don't need to set route parameters yet.
- :marked
- Learn more about the link parameters array in the [appendix below](#link-parameters-array).
- ### *@RouteConfig()*
- A router holds a list of route definitions. The list is empty for a new router. We must configure it.
- A router also needs a **Host Component**, a point of origin for its navigations.
- It's natural to combine the creation of a new router, its configuration, and its assignment to a host component
- in a single step. That's the purpose of the `@RouteConfig` decorator which we put to good use here:
- The `@RouteConfig` decorator creates a new router.
- We applied the decorator to `AppComponent` which makes that the router's host component.
- The argument to `@RouteConfig()` is an array of **Route Definitions**.
- We're supplying two definitions:
- Each definition translates to a [Route](../api/router/Route-class.html) which has a
- * `path` - the URL path segment for this route
- * `name` - the name of the route
- * `component` - the component associated with this route.
- The router draws upon its registry of route definition when
- 1. the browser URL changes
- 2. we tell the router to go to a named route
- In plain English, we might say of the first route:
- 1. *When the browser's location URL changes to **match the path** segment `/crisis-center`, create or retrieve an instance of
- the `CrisisCenterComponent` and display its view.*
- 1. *When the application requests navigation to a route **named** `CrisisCenter`, compose a browser URL
- with the path segment `/crisis-center`, update the browser's address location and history, create or retrieve an instance of
- the `CrisisListComponent`, and display that component's list view.*
- ### "Getting Started" wrap-up
- We've got a very basic, navigating app, one that can switch between two views
- when the user clicks a link.
- We've learned how to
- * load the router library
- * add a nav bar to the shell template with anchor tags and `routerLink` directives
- * added a `router-outlet` to the shell template where views will be displayed
- * configure the router with `@RouterConfig`
- * set the router to compose "HTML 5" browser URLs.
- The rest of the starter app is mundane, with little interest from a router perspective.
- Here are the details for readers inclined to build the sample through to this milestone.
- Our starter app's structure looks like this:
- .file router-sample
- .children
- .file app
- .children
- .file app.component.ts
- .file crisis-list.component.ts
- .file hero-list.component.ts
- .file main.ts
- .file node_modules ...
- .file typings ...
- .file index.html
- .file package.json
- .file styles.css
- .file tsconfig.json
- .file typings.json
- Here are the files discussed in this milestone
- `router/ts/app/app.component.1.ts,
- router/ts/app/main.1.ts,
- router/ts/app/hero-list.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-list.component.ts,
- router/ts/index.html`,
- ',all,,',
- `app.component.ts,
- main.ts,
- hero-list.component.ts,
- crisis-list.component.ts,
- index.html`)
- ## Milestone #2: The Heroes Feature
- We've seen how to navigate using the `RouterLink` directive.
- Now we'll learn some new tricks such as how to
- * organize our app into *feature areas*
- * navigate imperatively from one component to another
- * pass information along in route parameters (`RouteParams`)
- To demonstrate, we'll build out the *Heroes* feature.
- ### The Heroes "feature area"
- A typical application has multiple *feature areas*, each an island of functionality
- with its own workflow(s), dedicated to a particular business purpose.
- We could continue to add files to the `app/` folder.
- That's unrealistic and ultimately not maintainable.
- We think it's better to put each feature area in its own folder.
- Our first step is to **create a separate `app/heroes/` folder**
- and add *Hero Management* feature files there.
- We won't be creative about it. Our example is pretty much a
- copy of the code and capabilities in the "[Tutorial: Tour of Heroes](../tutorial/index.html)".
- Here's how the user will experience this version of the app
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/router-2-anim.gif' alt="App in action" )
- ### Add Heroes functionality
- We delete the placeholder `hero-list.component.ts` that's in
- the `app/` folder.
- We create a new `hero-list.component.ts` in the `app/heroes/`
- folder and copy over the contents of the final `heroes.component.ts` from the tutorial.
- We also copy the `hero-detail.component.ts` and the `hero.service.ts` files
- into the `heroes/` folder.
- When we're done organizing, we have three *Hero Management* files:
- .file app/heroes
- .children
- .file hero-detail.component.ts
- .file hero-list.component.ts
- .file hero.service.ts
- We provide the `HeroService` in the application root `AppComponent`
- so that is available everywhere in the app.
- Now it's time for some surgery to bring these files and the rest of the app
- into alignment with our application router.
- ### New route definition with route parameter
- The new Heroes feature has two interacting components, the list and the detail.
- The list view is self-sufficient; we navigate to it, it gets a list of heroes and displays them.
- It doesn't need any outside information.
- The detail view is different. It displays a particular hero. It can't know which hero on its own.
- That information must come from outside.
- In our example, when the user selects a hero from the list, we navigate to the detail view to show that hero.
- We'll tell the detail view which hero to display by including the selected hero's id in the route URL.
- With that plan in mind, we return to the `app.component.ts` to make changes to the router's configuration
- First, we import the two components from their new locations in the `app/heroes/` folder:
- Then we update the `@RouteConfig` route definitions :
- The `CrisisCenter` and `Heroes` definitions didn't change.
- While we moved `hero-list.component.ts` to a new location in the `app/heroes/` folder, that only affects the `import` statement;
- it doesn't affect its route definition.
- We added a new route definition for the `HeroDetailComponent` — and this definition has a twist.
- Notice the `:id` token in the path. That creates a slot in the path for a **Route Parameter**.
- In this case, we're expecting the router to insert the `id` of a hero into that slot.
- If we tell the router to navigate to the detail component and display "Magneta", we expect hero `id` (15) to appear in the
- browser URL like this:
-code-example(format="." language="bash").
- localhost:3000/hero/15
- If a user enters that URL into the browser address bar, the router should recognize the
- pattern and go to the same "Magneta" detail view.
- :marked
- #### Route parameter or query parameter?
- Embedding the route parameter token, `:id`, in the route definition path is a good choice for our scenario
- because the `id` is *required* by the `HeroDetailComponent` and because
- the value `15` in the path clearly distinguishes the route to "Magneta" from
- a route for some other hero.
- A [query parameter](#query-parameter) might be a better choice if we were passing an *optional* value to `HeroDetailComponent`.
- ### Navigate to the detail imperatively
- *We don't navigate to the detail component by clicking a link*.
- We won't be adding a new anchor tag to the shell navigation bar.
- Instead, we'll *detect* when the user selects a hero from the list and *command* the router
- to present the hero detail view of the selected hero.
- We'll adjust the `HeroListComponent` to implement these tasks, beginning with its constructor
- which acquires the router service and the `HeroService` by dependency injection:
- We make a few changes to the template:
- The template defines an `*ngFor` repeater such as [we've seen before](displaying-data.html#ngFor).
- There's a `(click)` [EventBinding](template-syntax.html#event-binding) to the component's `onSelect` method
- which we implement as follows:
- It calls the router's **`navigate`** method with a **Link Parameters Array**.
- This array is similar to the *link parameters array* we met [earlier](#shell-template) in an anchor tag while
- binding to the `RouterLink` directive. This time we see it in code rather than in HTML.
- ### Setting the route parameters object
- We're navigating to the `HeroDetailComponent` where we expect to see the details of the selected hero.
- We'll need *two* pieces of information: the destination and the hero's `id`.
- Accordingly, the *link parameters array* has *two* items: the **name** of the destination route and a **route parameters object** that specifies the
- `id` of the selected hero.
- The router composes the appropriate two-part destination URL from this array:
-code-example(format="." language="bash").
- localhost:3000/hero/15
- ### Getting the route parameter
- How does the target `HeroDetailComponent` learn about that `id`?
- Certainly not by analyzing the URL! That's the router's job.
- The router extracts the route parameter (`id:15`) from the URL and supplies it to
- the `HeroDetailComponent` via the **RouteParams** service.
- As usual, we write a constructor that asks Angular to inject that service among the other services
- that the component require and reference them as private variables.
- Later, in the `ngOnInit` method,
- we ask the `RouteParams` service for the `id` parameter by name and
- tell the `HeroService` to fetch the hero with that `id`.
- :marked
- Angular calls the `ngOnInit` method shortly after creating an instance of the `HeroDetailComponent`.
- We put the data access logic in the `ngOnInit` method rather than inside the constructor
- to improve the component's testability.
- We explore this point in greater detail in the [OnInit appendix](#onInit) below.
- ### Navigating back to the list component
- The `HeroDetailComponent` has a "Back" button wired to its `gotoHeroes` method that navigates imperatively
- back to the `HeroListComponent`.
- The router `navigate` method takes the same one-item *link parameters array*
- that we wrote for the `[routerLink]` directive binding.
- It holds the **name of the `HeroListComponent` route**:
- ### Heroes App Wrap-up
- We've reached the second milestone in our router education.
- We've learned how to
- * organize our app into *feature areas*
- * navigate imperatively from one component to another
- * pass information along in route parameters (`RouteParams`)
- After these changes, the folder structure looks like this:
- .file router-sample
- .children
- .file app
- .children
- .file heroes
- .children
- .file hero-detail.component.ts
- .file hero-list.component.ts
- .file hero.service.ts
- .file app.component.ts
- .file crisis-list.component.ts
- .file main.ts
- .file node_modules ...
- .file typings ...
- .file index.html
- .file package.json
- .file styles.css
- .file tsconfig.json
- .file typings.json
- ### The Heroes App code
- Here are the relevant files for this version of the sample application.
- `router/ts/app/app.component.2.ts,
- router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.1.ts,
- router/ts/app/heroes/hero-detail.component.1.ts,
- router/ts/app/heroes/hero.service.ts`,
- null,
- `app.component.ts,
- hero-list.component.ts,
- hero-detail.component.ts,
- hero.service.ts`)
- ## Milestone #3: The Crisis Center
- The *Crisis Center* is a fake view at the moment. Time to make it useful.
- The new *Crisis Center* begins as a virtual copy of the *Heroes* feature.
- We create a new `app/crisis-center` folder, copy the Hero files,
- and change every mention of "hero" to "crisis".
- A `Crisis` has an `id` and `name`, just like a `Hero`
- The new `CrisisListComponent` displays lists of crises.
- When the user selects a crisis, the app navigates to the `CrisisDetailComponent`
- for display and editing of the crisis name.
- Voilà, instant feature module!
- There's no point to this exercise unless we can learn something.
- We do have new ideas and techniques in mind:
- * The application should navigate to the *Crisis Center* by default.
- * The user should be able to cancel unwanted changes.
- * The router should prevent navigation away from the detail view while there are pending changes.
- There are also a few lingering annoyances in the *Heroes* implementation that we can cure in the *Crisis Center*.
- * We currently register every route of every view at the highest level of the application.
- If we expand the *Crisis Center* with a 100 new views, we'll make 100 changes to the
- `AppComponent` route configuration. If we rename a *Crisis Center* component or change a route definition,
- we'll be changing the `AppComponent` too.
- * If we followed *Heroes* lead, we'd be adding the `CrisisService` to the providers in `app.component.ts`.
- Then both `HeroService` and `CrisisService` would be available everywhere although
- they're only needed in their respective feature modules. That stinks.
- Changes to a sub-module such as *Crisis Center* shouldn't provoke changes to the `AppComponent` or `main.ts`.
- We need to [*separate our concerns*](https://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2014/05/08/SingleReponsibilityPrinciple.html).
- We'll fix all of these problems and add the new routing features to *Crisis Center*.
- The most significant fix is the introduction of a **child *Routing Component***
- and its **child router**
- We'll leave *Heroes* in its less-than-perfect state to
- serve as a contrast with what we hope is a superior *Crisis Center*.
- ### A free-standing Crisis Center Feature Module
- The *Crisis Center* is one of two application workflows.
- Users navigate between them depending on whether they are managing crises or heroes.
- The `CrisisCenter` and `Heroes` components are children of the root `AppComponent`.
- Unfortunately, they and their related files are physically commingled in the same folder with the `AppComponent`.
- We'd prefer to separate them in their own *feature areas* so they can operate and evolve independently.
- Someday we might re-use one or the other in a different application.
- Someday we might load one of them dynamically only when the user chose to enter its workflow.
- Some might call it [yagni](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/Yagni.html) to even think about such things.
- But we're right to be nervous about the way *Heroes* and *Crisis Center* artifacts are
- bubbling up to the root `AppComponent` and blending with each other.
- That's a [code smell](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CodeSmell.html).
- Isolating feature area modules from each other looks good to us.
- :marked
- It's looking good as a general pattern for Angular applications.
- figure.image-display
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/component-tree.png' alt="Component Tree" )
- :marked
- * each feature area in its own module folder
- * each area with its own root component
- * each area root component with its own router-outlet and child routes
- * area routes rarely (if ever) cross
- We'll make the *Crisis Center* stand on its own and leave the *Heroes* as it is
- so we can compare the effort, results, and consequences.
- Then each of us can decide which path to prefer (as if we didn't already know).
- ### Child Routing Component
- We create a new `app/crisis-center` folder and add `crisis-center.component.ts` to it with the following contents:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.1.ts', 'minus-imports', 'crisis-center/crisis-center.component.ts (minus imports)')
- The `CrisisCenterComponent` parallels the `AppComponent`.
- The `CrisisCenterComponent` is the root of the *Crisis Center* area
- just as `AppComponent` is the root of the entire application.
- This `CrisisCenterComponent` is a shell for crisis management
- just as the `AppComponent` is a shell to manage the high-level workflow.
- `AppComponent` has a `@RouteConfig` decorator that defines the top-level routes.
- `CrisisCenterComponent` has a `@RouteConfig` decorator that defines *Crisis Center* child routes.
- The `CrisisCenterComponent` template is dead simple — simpler even than the `AppComponent` template.
- It has no content, no links, just a `` for the *Crisis Center* child views.
- It has no selector either. It doesn't need one. We don't *embed* this component in a parent template. We *navigate* to it
- from the outside, via a parent router (more on that soon).
- ### Service isolation
- We add the `CrisisService` to the component's providers array
- instead of registering it with the `bootstrap` function in `main.ts`.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.1.ts', 'providers')
- This step limits the scope of that service to the *Crisis Center* component and its sub-component tree.
- No component outside of the *Crisis Center* needs access to the `CrisisService`.
- By restricting its scope, we feel confident that we can evolve it independently without fear of breaking
- unrelated application modules — modules that *shouldn't have access to it anyway*.
- ### Child Route Configuration
- The `CrisisCenterComponent` is a *Routing Component* like the `AppComponent`.
- The `@RouteConfig` decorator that adorns the `CrisisCenterComponent` class defines routes in much the same way
- that we did earlier.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.1.ts', 'route-config', 'app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.ts (routes only)' )(format=".")
- The two routes terminate in the two *Crisis Center* child components, `CrisisListComponent` and `CrisisDetailComponent`.
- There is an *important difference* in the treatment of the root `AppComponent` paths and these paths.
- Normally paths that begin with `/` refer to the root of the application.
- Here they refer to the **root of the child component!**.
- The Component Router composes the final route by concatenating route paths beginning with the ancestor paths to this child router.
- In our example, there is one ancestor path: "crisis-center".
- The final route to the `CrisisDetailComponent` displaying the crisis whose `id` is 2 would be something like:
- localhost:3000/crisis-center/2
- We cannot know this simply by looking at the `CrisisCenterComponent` alone.
- We can't tell that it is a *child* routing component.
- We can't tell that its routes are child routes; they are indistinguiable from top level application routes.
- Such ignorance is intentional. The *Crisis Center* shouldn't know that it is the child of anything.
- Today it is a child component one level down.
- Tomorrow it might be the top level component of its own application.
- Next month it might be re-purposed in a different application.
- The *Crisis Center* itself is indifferent to these possibilities.
- *We* make it a child component of our application by reconfiguring the routes of the top level `AppComponent`.
- ### Parent Route Configuration
- Here is the revised route configuration for the parent `AppComponent`:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'route-config', 'app/app.component.ts (routes only)' )
- The last two *Hero* routes haven't changed.
- The first *Crisis Center* route has changed — *significantly* — and we've formatted it to draw attention to the differences:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'route-config-cc')(format=".")
- Notice that the **path ends with a slash and three trailing periods (`/...`)**.
- That means this is an incomplete route (a ***non-terminal route***). The finished route will be some combination of
- the parent `/crisis-center/` route and a route from the **child router** that belongs to the designated component.
- All is well.
- The parent route's designated component is the `CrisisCenterComponent` which is a *Routing Component* with its own router and routes.
- ### Default route
- The other important change is the addition of the `useAsDefault` property.
- Its value is `true` which makes *this* route the *default* route.
- When the application launches, in the absence of any routing information from the browser's URL, the router
- will default to the *Crisis Center*. That's our plan.
- ### Routing to the Child
- We've set the top level default route to go to the `CrisisCenterComponent`.
- The final route will be a combination of `/crisis-center/`
- and one of the child `CrisisCenterComponent` router's two routes. Which one?
- It could be either of them. In the absence of additional information, the router can't decide and must throw an error.
- We've tried the sample application and it didn't fail. We must have done something right.
- Look at the end of the child `CrisisCenterComponent`s first route.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.1.ts', 'default-route', 'app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.ts (default route)')(format=".")
- We see `useAsDefault: true` once again.
- That tells the router to compose the final URL using the path from the default *child* route.
- Concatenate the base URL with the parent path, `/crisis-center/`, and the child path, `/`.
- Remove superfluous slashes. We get:
- localhost:3000/crisis-center/
- ## Router Lifecycle Hooks
- Angular components have [lifecycle hooks](lifecycle-hooks.html). For example, Angular calls the hook methods of the
- [OnInit](../api/core/OnInit-interface.html) and [OnDestroy](../api/core/OnDestroy-interface.html)
- interfaces when it creates and destroys components.
- The router also has hooks for *its* lifecycle such as
- [CanActivate](../api/router/CanActivate-decorator.html), [OnActivate](../api/router/OnActivate-interface.html), and
- [CanDeactivate](../api/router/CanDeactivate-interface.html).
- These three hooks can change the way the router navigates *to* a component or *away* from a component.
- The router lifecycle hooks *supplement* the component lifecycle hooks.
- We still need the component hooks but the router hooks do what the component hooks cannot.
- For example, the component hooks can't stop component creation or destruction.
- They can't pause view navigation to wait for an asynchronous process to finish because they are synchronous.
- A *router* hook can permit or prevent a navigation.
- If the hook returns `true`, the navigation proceeds; if it returns `false`, the
- router cancels the navigation and stays on the current view.
- A hook can also tell the router to navigate to a *different* component.
- Router hook methods can act synchronously by returning a boolean value directly or
- act asynchronously by returning a promise that resolves to a boolean.
- Let's look at `CanDeactivate`, one of the most important router hooks.
- :marked
- We'll examine other router hooks in a future update to this chapter.
- ### *CanDeactivate*: handling unsaved changes
- Back in the "Heroes" workflow, the app accepts every change to a hero immediately without hesitation or validation.
- In the real world, we might have to accumulate the users changes.
- We might have to validate across fields. We might have to validate on the server.
- We might have to hold changes in a pending state until the user confirms them *as a group* or
- cancels and reverts all changes.
- What do we do about unapproved, unsaved changes when the user navigates away?
- We can't just leave and risk losing the user's changes; that would be a terrible experience.
- We'd like to pause and let the user decide what to do.
- If the user cancels, we'll stay put and allow more changes.
- If the user approves, the app can save.
- We still might delay navigation until the save succeeds.
- If we let the user move to the next screen immediately and
- the save failed (perhaps the data are ruled invalid), we would have lost the context of the error.
- We can't block while waiting for the server — that's not possible in a browser.
- We need to stop the navigation while we wait, asynchronously, for the server
- to return with its answer.
- We need the `CanDeactivate` hook.
- ### Cancel and Save
- Our sample application doesn't talk to a server.
- Fortunately, we have another way to demonstrate an asynchronous router hook.
- Users update crisis information in the `CrisisDetailComponent`.
- Unlike the `HeroDetailComponent`, the user changes do not update the
- crisis entity immediately. We update the entity when the user presses the *Save* button.
- We discard the changes if the user presses he *Cancel* button.
- Both buttons navigate back to the crisis list after save or cancel.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-detail.component.1.ts', 'cancel-save', 'crisis-detail.component.ts (excerpt)')(format=".")
- What if the user tries to navigate away without saving or canceling?
- The user could push the browser back button or click the heroes link.
- Both actions trigger a navigation.
- Should the app save or cancel automatically?
- We'll do neither. Instead we'll ask the user to make that choice explicitly
- in a confirmation dialog box that *waits asynchronously for the user's
- answer*.
- :marked
- We could wait for the user's answer with synchronous, blocking code.
- Our app will be more responsive ... and can do other work ...
- by waiting for the user's answer asynchronously. Waiting for the user asynchronously
- is like waiting for the server asynchronously.
- The `DialogService` (injected in the `AppComponent` for app-wide use) does the asking.
- It returns a [promise](http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_promises.html) that
- *resolves* when the user eventually decides what to do: either
- to discard changes and navigate away (`true`) or to preserve the pending changes and stay in the crisis editor (`false`).
- We execute the dialog inside the router's `routerCanDeactivate` lifecycle hook method.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-detail.component.1.ts', 'routerCanDeactivate', 'crisis-detail.component.ts (excerpt)')
- Notice that the `routerCanDeactivate` method *can* return synchronously;
- it returns `true` immediately if there is no crisis or there are no pending changes.
- But it can also return a promise and the router will wait for that promise to resolve to truthy (navigate) or falsey (stay put).
- **Two critical points**
- 1. The router hook is optional. We don't inherit from a base class. We simply implement the interface method or not.
- 1. We rely on the router to call the hook. We don't worry about all the ways that the user
- could navigate away. That's the router's job.
- We simply write this method and let the router take it from there.
- The relevant *Crisis Center* code for this milestone is
- `router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.1.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-detail.component.1.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis.service.ts
- `,
- null,
- `crisis-center.component.ts,
- crisis-list.component.ts,
- crisis-detail.component.ts,
- crisis.service.ts,
- `)
- ## Milestone #4: Query Parameters
- We use [*route parameters*](#positional-parameters) to specify a *required* parameterized value *within* the route URL
- as we do when navigating to the `HeroDetailComponent` in order to view-and-edit the hero with *id:15*.
-code-example(format="." language="bash").
- localhost:3000/hero/15
- Sometimes we wish to add *optional* information to a route request.
- For example, the `HeroListComponent` doesn't need help to display a list of heroes.
- But it might be nice if the previously-viewed hero were pre-selected when returning from the `HeroDetailComponent`.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/selected-hero.png' alt="Selected hero")
- That becomes possible if we can include hero Magneta's `id` in the URL when we
- return from the `HeroDetailComponent`, a scenario we'll pursue in a moment.
- Optional information takes other forms. Search criteria are often loosely structured, e.g., `name='wind*'`.
- Multiple values are common — `after='12/31/2015' & before='1/1/2017'` — in no particular order —
- `before='1/1/2017' & after='12/31/2015'` — in a variety of formats — `during='currentYear'` .
- These kinds of parameters don't fit easily in a URL *path*. Even if we could define a suitable URL token scheme,
- doing so greatly complicates the pattern matching required to translate an incoming URL to a named route.
- The **URL query string** is the ideal vehicle for conveying arbitrarily complex information during navigation.
- The query string isn't involved in pattern matching and affords enormous flexiblity of expression.
- Almost anything serializable can appear in a query string.
- The Component Router supports navigation with query strings as well as route parameters.
- We define query string parameters in the *route parameters object* just like we do with route parameters.
- ### Route Parameters or Query Parameters?
- There is no hard-and-fast rule. In general,
- *prefer a route parameter when*
- * the value is required.
- * the value is necessary to distinguish one route path from another.
- *prefer a query parameter when*
- * the value is optional.
- * the value is complex and/or multi-variate.
- ### Route parameters object
- When navigating to the `HeroDetailComponent` we specified the `id` of the hero-to-edit in the
- *route parameters object* and made it the second item of the [*link parameters array*](#link-parameters-array).
- The router embedded the `id` value in the navigation URL because we had defined it
- as a route parameter with an `:id` placeholder token in the route `path`:
- When the user clicks the back button, the `HeroDetailComponent` constructs another *link parameters array*
- which it uses to navigate back to the `HeroListComponent`.
- This array lacks a route parameters object because we had no reason to send information to the `HeroListComponent`.
- Now we have a reason. We'd like to send the id of the current hero with the navigation request so that the
- `HeroListComponent` can highlight that hero in its list.
- We do that with a route parameters object in the same manner as before.
- We also defined a junk parameter (`foo`) that the `HeroListComponent` should ignore.
- Here's the revised navigation statement:
- The application still works. Clicking "back" returns to the hero list view.
- Look at the browser address bar.
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/plunker-separate-window-button.png' alt="pop out the window" align="right" style="margin-right:-20px")
- :marked
- When running in plunker, pop out the preview window by clicking the blue 'X' button in the upper right corner.
- It should look something like this, depending on where you run it:
-code-example(format="." language="bash").
- localhost:3000/heroes?id=15&foo=foo
- The `id` value appears in the query string (`?id=15&foo=foo`), not in the URL path.
- The path for the "Heroes" route doesn't have an `:id` token.
- :marked
- The router replaces route path tokens with corresponding values from the route parameters object.
- **Every parameter _not_ consumed by a route path goes in the query string.**
- ### Query parameters in the *RouteParams* service
- The list of heroes is unchanged. No hero row is highlighted.
- :marked
- The [live example](/resources/live-examples/router/ts/plnkr.html) *does* highlight the selected
- row because it demonstrates the final state of the application which includes the steps we're *about* to cover.
- At the moment we're describing the state of affairs *prior* to those steps.
- The `HeroListComponent` isn't expecting any parameters at all and wouldn't know what to do with them.
- Let's change that.
- When navigating from the `HeroListComponent` to the `HeroDetailComponent`
- the router picked up the route parameter object and made it available to the `HeroDetailComponent`
- in the `RouteParams` service. We injected that service in the constructor of the `HeroDetailComponent`.
- This time we'll be navigating in the opposite direction, from the `HeroDetailComponent` to the `HeroListComponent`.
- This time we'll inject the `RouteParams` service in the constructor of the `HeroListComponent`.
- First we extend the router import statement to include the `RouteParams` service symbol;
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts','import-route-params', 'hero-list.component.ts (import)')(format=".")
- Then we extend the constructor to inject the `RouteParams` service and extract the `id` parameter as the `selectedId`:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts','ctor', 'hero-list.component.ts (constructor)')(format=".")
- :marked
- All route parameters are strings.
- The (+) in front of the `routeParameters.get` expression is a JavaScript trick to convert the string to an integer.
- We add an `isSelected` method that returns true when a hero's id matches the selected id.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts','isSelected', 'hero-list.component.ts (constructor)')(format=".")
- Finally, we update our template with a [Class Binding](template-syntax.html#class-binding) to that `isSelected` method.
- The binding adds the `selected` CSS class when the method returns `true` and removes it when `false`.
- Look for it within the repeated `
` tag as shown here:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts','template', 'hero-list.component.ts (template)')(format=".")
- When the user navigates from the heroes list to the "Magneta" hero and back, "Magneta" appears selected:
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/selected-hero.png' alt="Selected List" )
- The `foo` query string parameter is harmless and continues to be ignored.
- ### Child Routers and Query Parameters
- We can define query parameters for child routers too.
- The technique is precisely the same.
- In fact, we made exactly the same changes to the *Crisis Center* feature.
- Confirm the similarities in these *Hero* and *CrisisCenter* components,
- arranged side-by-side for easy comparison:
- `router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/heroes/hero-detail.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-detail.component.ts
- `,
- null,
- `hero-list.component.ts,
- crisis-list.component.ts,
- hero-detail.component.ts,
- crisis-detail.component.ts
- `)
- When we navigate back from a `CrisisDetailComponent` that is showing the *Asteroid* crisis,
- we see that crisis properly selected in the list like this:
- img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/selected-crisis.png' alt="Selected crisis" )
- **Look at the browser address bar again**. It's *different*. It looks something like this:
-code-example(format="." language="bash").
- localhost:3000/crisis-center/;id=3;foo=foo
- The query string parameters are no longer separated by "?" and "&".
- They are **separated by semicolons (;)**
- This is *matrix URL* notation — something we may not have seen before.
- :marked
- *Matrix URL* notation is an idea first floated
- in a [1996 proposal](http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/MatrixURIs.html) by the founder of the web, Tim Berners-Lee.
- Although matrix notation never made it into the HTML standard, it is legal and
- it became popular among browser routing systems as a way to isolate parameters
- belonging to parent and child routes. The Angular Component Router is such a system.
- The syntax may seem strange to us but users are unlikely to notice or care
- as long as the URL can be emailed and pasted into a browser address bar
- as this one can.
- ## Wrap Up
- As we end our chapter, we take a parting look at
- the entire application.
- We can always try the [live example](/resources/live-examples/router/ts/plnkr.html) and download the source code from there.
- Our final project folder structure looks like this:
- .file router-sample
- .children
- .file app
- .children
- .file crisis-center/...
- .file heroes/...
- .file app.component.ts
- .file dialog.service.ts
- .file main.ts
- .file node_modules ...
- .file typings ...
- .file index.html
- .file package.json
- .file styles.css
- .file tsconfig.json
- .file typings.json
- The pertinent top level application files are
- `router/ts/app/app.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/main.ts,
- router/ts/app/dialog.service.ts,
- router/ts/index.html
- `,
- null,
- `app.component.ts,
- main.ts,
- dialog.service.ts,
- index.html
- `)
- ### Crisis Center
- The *Crisis Center* feature area within the `crisis-center` folder follows:
- .file app
- .children
- .file crisis-center
- .children
- .file crisis-center.component.ts
- .file crisis-detail.component.ts
- .file crisis-list.component.ts
- .file crisis.service.ts
- `router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-center.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis-detail.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/crisis-center/crisis.service.ts
- `,
- null,
- `crisis-center.component.ts,
- crisis-list.component.ts,
- crisis-detail.component.ts,
- crisis.service.ts,
- `)
- ### Heroes
- The *Heroes* feature area within the `heroes` folder is next:
- .file app
- .children
- .file heroes
- .children
- .file hero-detail.component.ts
- .file hero-list.component.ts
- .file hero.service.ts
- `router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/heroes/hero-detail.component.ts,
- router/ts/app/heroes/hero.service.ts
- `,
- null,
- `hero-list.component.ts,
- hero-detail.component.ts,
- hero.service.ts
- `)
- ## Appendices
- The balance of this chapter is a set of appendices that
- elaborate some of the points we covered quickly above.
- The appendix material isn't essential. Continued reading is for the curious.
- ## Link Parameters Array
- We've mentioned the *Link Parameters Array* several times. We've used it several times.
- We've bound the `RouterLink` directive to such an array like this:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.3.ts', 'h-anchor')(format=".")
- We've written a two element array when specifying a route parameter like this
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/heroes/hero-list.component.1.ts', 'nav-to-detail')(format=".")
- These two examples cover our needs for an app with one level routing.
- The moment we add a child router, such as the *Crisis Center*, we create new link array possibilities.
- Recall that we specified a default child route for *Crisis Center* so this simple `RouterLink` is fine.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.3.ts', 'cc-anchor-w-default')(format=".")
- *If we had not specified a default route*, our single item array would fail
- because we didn't tell the router which child route to use.
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.3.ts', 'cc-anchor-fail')(format=".")
- We'd need to write our anchor with a link array like this:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.3.ts', 'cc-anchor-no-default')(format=".")
- Let's parse it out.
- * The first item in the array identifies the parent route ('CrisisCenter').
- * There are no parameters for this parent route so we're done with it.
- * There is no default for the child route so we need to pick one.
- * We decide to go to the `CrisisListComponent` whose route name is 'CrisisList'
- * So we add that 'CrisisList' as the second item in the array.
- * Voila! `['CrisisCenter', 'CrisisList']`.
- Let's take it a step further.
- This time we'll build a link parameters array that navigates from the root of the application
- down to the "Dragon Crisis".
- * The first item in the array identifies the parent route ('CrisisCenter').
- * There are no parameters for this parent route so we're done with it.
- * The second item identifies the child route for details about a particular crisis ('CrisisDetail').
- * The details child route requires an `id` route parameter
- * We add `id` of the *Dragon Crisis* as the third item in the array (`{id:1}`)
- It looks like this!
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.3.ts', 'Dragon-anchor')(format=".")
- If we wanted to, we could redefine our `AppComponent` template with *Crisis Center* routes exclusively:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/app.component.3.ts', 'template')(format=".")
- In sum, we can write applications with one, two or more levels of routing.
- The link parameters array affords the flexibility to represent any routing depth and
- any legal sequence of route names and (optional) route parameter objects.
- ## Appendix: Why use an *ngOnInit* method
- We implemented an `ngOnInit` method in many of our Component classes.
- We did so, for example, in the [HeroDetailComponent](#hero-detail-ctor).
- We might have put the `ngOnInit` logic inside the constructor instead. We didn't for a reason. The reason is *testability*.
- A constructor that has major side-effects can be difficult to test because it starts doing things as soon as
- we create a test instance. In this case, it might have made a request to a remote server, something it shouldn't
- do under test. It may even be impossible to reach the server in the test environment.
- The better practice is to limit what the constructor can do. Mostly it should stash parameters in
- local variables and perform simple instance configuration.
- Yet we want an instance of this class to get the hero data from the `HeroService` soon after it is created.
- How do we ensure that happens if not in the constructor?
- Angular detects when a component has certain lifecycle methods like
- [ngOnInit](../api/core/OnInit-interface.html) and
- [ngOnDestroy](../api/core/OnDestroy-interface.html) and calls
- them
- at the appropriate moment.
- Angular will call `ngOnInit` when we navigate to the `HeroDetailComponent`, we'll get the `id` from the `RouteParams`
- and ask the server for the hero with that `id`.
- We too can call that `ngOnInit` method in our tests if we wish ... after taking control of the injected
- `HeroService` and (perhaps) mocking it.
- ## Appendix: *LocationStrategy* and browser URL styles
- When the router navigates to a new component view, it updates the browser's location and history
- with a URL for that view.
- This is a strictly local URL. The browser shouldn't send this URL to the server
- and should not reload the page.
- Modern HTML 5 browsers support
- [history.pushState](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API#Adding_and_modifying_history_entries),
- a technique that changes a browser's location and history without triggering a server page request.
- The router can compose a "natural" URL that is indistinguishable from
- one that would otherwise require a page load.
- Here's the *Crisis Center* URL in this "HTML 5 pushState" style:
-code-example(format=".", language="bash").
- localhost:3002/crisis-center/
- Older browsers send page requests to the server when the location URL changes ...
- unless the change occurs after a "#" (called the "hash").
- Routers can take advantage of this exception by composing in-application route
- URLs with hashes. Here's a "hash URL" that routes to the *Crisis Center*
-code-example(format=".", language="bash").
- localhost:3002/src/#/crisis-center/
- The Angular Component Router supports both styles with two `LocationStrategy` providers:
- 1. `PathLocationStrategy` - the default "HTML 5 pushState" style.
- 1. `HashLocationStrategy` - the "hash URL" style.
- The router's `ROUTER_PROVIDERS` array sets the `LocationStrategy` to the `PathLocationStrategy`,
- making it the default strategy.
- We can switch to the `HashLocationStrategy` with an override during the bootstrapping process if we prefer it.
- :marked
- Learn about "providers" and the bootstrap process in the
- [Dependency Injection chapter](dependency-injection#bootstrap)
- ### Which Strategy is Best?
- We must choose a strategy and we need to make the right call early in the project.
- It won't be easy to change later once the application is in production
- and there are lots of application URL references in the wild.
- Almost all Angular 2 projects should use the default HTML 5 style.
- It produces URLs that are easier for users to understand.
- And it preserves the option to do **server-side rendering** later.
- Rendering critical pages on the server is a technique that can greatly improve
- perceived responsiveness when the app first loads.
- An app that would otherwise take ten or more seconds to start
- could be rendered on the server and delivered to the user's device
- in less than a second.
- This option is only available if application URLs look like normal web URLs
- without hashes (#) in the middle.
- Stick with the default unless you have a compelling reason to
- resort to hash routes.
- ### HTML 5 URLs and the *<base href>*
- While the router uses the "[HTML 5 pushState](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API#Adding_and_modifying_history_entries)"
- style by default, we *must* configure that strategy with a **base href**
- The preferred way to configure the strategy is to add a
- [<base href> element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/base) tag
- in the `` of the `index.html`.
- Without that tag, the browser may not be able to load resources
- (images, css, scripts) when "deep linking" into the app.
- Bad things could happen when someone pastes an application link into the
- browser's address bar or clicks such a link in an email link.
- Some developers may not be able to add the `` element, perhaps because they don't have
- access to `` or the `index.html`.
- Those developers may still use HTML 5 URLs by taking two remedial steps:
- 1. Provide the router with an appropriate `APP_BASE_HREF` value.
- 1. Use **absolute URLs** for all web resources: css, images, scripts, and template html files.
- :marked
- Learn about the [APP_BASE_HREF](../api/router/APP_BASE_HREF-let.html)
- in the API Guide.
- ### *HashLocationStrategy*
- We can go old-school with the `HashLocationStrategy` by
- providing it as the router's `LocationStrategy` during application bootstrapping.
- First, import the `provide` symbol for Dependency Injection and the
- `Location` and `HashLocationStrategy` symbols from the router.
- Then *override* the default strategy defined in `ROUTE_PROVIDERS` by
- providing the `HashLocationStrategy` later in the `bootstrap` providers array argument:
-+makeExample('router/ts/app/main.2.ts','', 'main.ts (hash URL strategy)')
diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.jade
index dcd58e4278..eb2634ad3c 100644
--- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.jade
+++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.jade
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ a(id='toc')
- `style-guide/ts/01-01/app/main.ts,
+ `style-guide/ts/01-01/main.ts,
- `app/main.ts,
+ `main.ts,
@@ -1656,17 +1656,18 @@ a(href="#toc") 回到顶部
#### Style 04-10
#### 风格04-10
- **Do** create a file that imports, aggregates, and re-exports items. We call this technique a **barrel**.
+ **Consider** creating a file that imports, aggregates, and re-exports items. We call this technique a **barrel**.
- **坚持**新建一个文件,用来导入、归集和重新导出项目。该技巧被称作**封装桶**。
+ **考虑**新建一个文件,用来导入、归集和重新导出项目。该技巧被称作**封装桶**。
- **Do** name this barrel file `index.ts`.
+ **Consider** naming this barrel file `index.ts`.
+ **考虑**把该封装桶文件命名为`index.ts`。
- **坚持**把该封装桶文件命名为`index.ts`。
@@ -1679,6 +1680,14 @@ a(href="#toc") 回到顶部
**Why?** A barrel reduces the number of imports a file may need.
+ :marked
+ **Why?** A barrel provides a consistent pattern to import everything exported in the barrel from a folder.
+ :marked
+ **Why?** This is consistent with a pattern from Node, which imports the index.js|ts file from a folder.
@@ -1868,7 +1877,7 @@ a(href="#toc") 回到顶部
-+makeExample('style-guide/ts/04-14/app/heroes/heroes.component.ts', 'example', 'app/heroes/heroes.component.ts')
++makeExample('style-guide/ts/04-14/app/+heroes/heroes.component.ts', 'example', 'app/+heroes/heroes.component.ts')
a(href="#toc") Back to top
@@ -2386,10 +2395,10 @@ a(href="#toc") 回到顶部
-+makeExample('style-guide/ts/06-03/app/shared/validate.directive.avoid.ts', 'example', 'app/shared/validate.directive.ts')(avoid=1)
++makeExample('style-guide/ts/06-03/app/shared/validator.directive.avoid.ts', 'example', 'app/shared/validator.directive.ts')(avoid=1)
-+makeExample('style-guide/ts/06-03/app/shared/validate.directive.ts', 'example', 'app/shared/validate.directive.ts')
++makeExample('style-guide/ts/06-03/app/shared/validator.directive.ts', 'example', 'app/shared/validator.directive.ts')
a(href="#toc") Back to top
@@ -2763,6 +2772,9 @@ a(href="#toc") 回到顶部
[![Use Extension](https://github.com/johnpapa/vscode-angular2-snippets/raw/master/images/use-extension.gif)](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=johnpapa.Angular2)
**Consider** using [snippets](https://atom.io/packages/angular-2-typescript-snippets) for [Atom](https://atom.io/) that follow these styles and guidelines.
diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade
index 843f3fcb19..42c5d51d49 100644
--- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade
+++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade
@@ -2344,14 +2344,14 @@ code-example(format="").
同样,我们的测试代码中有两个Protractor API调用内部使用了`$location`。该服务没有了,
我们就得把这些调用用一个WebDriver的通用URL API代替。第一个API是“重定向(redirect)”规约:
-+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat-3-final/e2e-spec.js', 'redirect', 'e2e-tests/scenarios.js')
++makeExample('upgrade-phonecat-3-final/e2e-spec.ts', 'redirect', 'e2e-tests/scenarios.ts')
And the second is the phone links spec:
第二个是“电话链接(phone links)”规约:
-+makeExample('upgrade-phonecat-3-final/e2e-spec.js', 'links', 'e2e-tests/scenarios.js')
++makeExample('upgrade-phonecat-3-final/e2e-spec.ts', 'links', 'e2e-tests/scenarios.ts')