translate: router - pre-loading...
This commit is contained in:
@ -3687,25 +3687,44 @@ h3#can-load-guard <i>CanLoad守卫</i>: 保护特性模块的加载
+makeExcerpt('app/app-routing.module.5.ts (can load guard)', 'can-load-guard')
h3#preloading <i>Pre-Loading</i>: background loading of feature areas
h3#preloading <i>预加载</i>: 在后台加载特征区域
We've learned how to load modules on-demand, but we can also take advantage of loading feature areas modules in *advance*. The *Router*
supports **pre-loading** of asynchronous feature areas prior to navigation to their respective URL. Pre-loading allows us to to load our initial route
quickly, while other feature modules are loaded in the background. Once we navigate to those areas, they will have already been loaded
as if they were included in our initial bundle.
Each time a **successful** navigation happens, the *Router* will look through our configuration for lazy loaded feature areas
and react based on the provided strategy.
The *Router* supports two pre-loading strategies by default:
* No pre-loading at all which is the default. Lazy loaded feature areas are still loaded on demand.
* 完全不预加载,这是默认值。惰性加载特征区域仍然按需加载。
* Pre-loading of all lazy loaded feature areas.
* 预加载所有惰性加载的特征区域。
The *Router* also supports [custom preloading strategies](#custom-preloading) for fine control over which modules to pre-load.
We'll update our *CrisisCenterModule* to be loaded lazily by default and use the `PreloadAllModules` strategy
to load _all_ lazy loaded modules as soon as possible.
<a id="preload-canload"></a>
@ -3713,17 +3732,30 @@ h3#preloading <i>Pre-Loading</i>: background loading of feature areas
The *CanLoad* guard blocks loading of feature module assets until authorized to do so. If you want to both preload a module and guard
against unauthorized access, use the [CanActivate](#can-activate-guard) guard instead.
We'll update our route configuration to lazy load the *CrisisCenterModule*. We follow the same process as we did when we loaded the *AdminModule* asynchronously.
In the *crisis-center-routing.module.ts*, we'll change the *crisis-center* path to an *empty path* route.
We'll move our redirect and *crisis-center* route to our `AppRoutingModule` routes and use the `loadChildren` string to load the *CrisisCenterModule*.
The redirect is also changed to load the `/heroes` route on initial load.
Once we're finished, we'll remove the `CrisisCenterModule` from our `AppModule`'s imports.
Here are the updated modules _before enabling preload_:
@ -3741,29 +3773,47 @@ h3#preloading <i>Pre-Loading</i>: background loading of feature areas
with this `PreloadAllModules` token.
This tells the built-in *Router* pre-loader to immediately load **all** [unguarded](#preload-canload) feature areas that use `loadChildren`.
+makeExcerpt('app/app-routing.module.6.ts (preload all)', '')
Now when we visit `http://localhost:3000`, the `/heroes` route will load in the foreground, while the *CrisisCenterModule* and any other asynchronous feature
modules are _eagerly_ loaded in the background, waiting for us to navigate to them.
现在,访问 `http://localhost:3000` 时,`/heroes`路由将在前台加载,同时,*CrisisCenterModule*和其他异步特征模块将在后台被_主动_加载,等待我们导航到它们。
<a id="custom-preloading"></a>
### Custom Pre-Loading Strategy
### 自定义预加载策略
Pre-loading all modules works well in some situations, but in some cases we need more control over what gets loaded eagerly. This becomes more clear
as we load our application on a mobile device, or a low bandwidth connection. We may only want to preload certain feature modules based on user metrics
or other data points we gather over time. The *Router* lets us have more control with a **custom** preloading strategy.
We can define our own strategy the same way the **PreloadAllModules** modules strategy was provided to our *RouterModule.forRoot* configuration object.
Since we want to take advantage of this, we'll add a custom strategy that _only_ preloads the modules we select. We'll enable the preloading by using the *Route Data*,
which, as we learned, is an object to store arbitrary route data and and [resolve data](#resolve-guard).
因为想利用这点,我们将添加自定义策略,_只_预加载我们选择的模块。为了启用预加载,我们使用*Route Data*,正如我们学过的,它是储存的路由数据和[解析数据](#resolve-guard)对象。
We'll add a custom `preload` boolean to our `crisis-center` route data that we'll use with our custom strategy. To see it in action, we'll add
the `route.path` to the `preloadedModules` array in our custom strategy service. We'll also log a message
to the console for the preloaded module.
+makeExcerpt('app/app-routing.module.ts (route data preload)', 'preload-v2')
@ -3771,18 +3821,30 @@ h3#preloading <i>Pre-Loading</i>: background loading of feature areas
that loads its feature module asynchronously and determines whether to preload it. The `preload` method takes two arguments, the first being the `Route` that provides
the route configuration and a function that preloads the feature module.
We'll name our strategy **PreloadSelectedModules** since we _only_ want to preload based on certain criteria. Our custom strategy looks for the **`preload`** boolean
value in our `Route Data` and if its true, it calls the `load` function provided by the built-in `Router` pre-loader that eagerly loads feature modules.
自定义策略在`Route Data`中查询**`preload`**布尔值,如果它为`true`,就调用内置`Router`提供的`load`函数预主动加载这些特征模块。
+makeExcerpt('app/selective-preload-strategy.ts (preload selected modules)', '')
In order to use our custom preloading strategy, we import it into our `app-routing.module.ts` and replace the `PreloadAllModules` strategy. We also add
the `PreloadSelectedModules` strategy to the `AppRoutingModule` providers array. This allows the *Router* pre-loader to inject our custom strategy.
To confirm our *CrisisCenterModule* is being pre-loaded, we'll display our `preloadedModules` in the `Admin` dashboard. We already know how to use
an *ngFor* loop, so we'll skip over the details here. Since the `PreloadSelectedModules` is just a service, we can inject it into the `AdminDashboardComponent`
and wire it up to our list.
+makeExcerpt('app/admin/admin-dashboard.component.ts (preloaded modules)', '')
@ -3790,6 +3852,8 @@ h3#preloading <i>Pre-Loading</i>: background loading of feature areas
Once our application is loaded to our initial route, the *CrisisCenterModule* is loaded eagerly. We can verify this by logging in to the `Admin` feature area and
noting that the `crisis-center` is listed in the `Preloaded Modules` and logged to the console. We can continue to add feature modules to be selectively loaded eagerly.
一旦应用加载到初始路由,*CrisisCenterModule*被主动加载了。要验证它,登录到`Admin`特征区域,注意`crisis-center`被列到`Preloaded Modules`并输出到控制台。
<a id="final-app"></a>
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