build(aio): add checkContentRules processor (#22759)

This processor will enable us to write rules about
how the content should appear, such as:

* no headings in markdown content
* only one sentence per line
* no single character parameter names
* etc.

PR Close #22759
This commit is contained in:
Pete Bacon Darwin 2018-03-13 22:24:47 +00:00 committed by Igor Minar
parent af46d097ff
commit e0ae74d40e
3 changed files with 178 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module.exports = new Package('angular-base', [
// overrides base packageInfo and returns the one for the 'angular/angular' repo.
.factory('packageInfo', function() { return require(path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT, 'package.json')); })

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* A processor that can run arbitrary checking rules against properties of documents
* The configuration for the processor is via the `docTypeRules`.
* This is a hash of docTypes to rulesets.
* Each rules set is a hash of properties to rule functions.
* The processor will run each rule function against each matching property of each matching doc.
* An example rule might look like:
* ```
* function noMarkdownHeadings(doc, prop, value) {
* const match = /^\s?#+\s+.*$/m.exec(value);
* if (match) {
* return `Headings not allowed in "${prop}" property. Found "${match[0]}"`;
* }
* }
* ```
module.exports = function checkContentRules(log, createDocMessage) {
return {
* {
* [docType]: {
* [property]: Array<(doc: Document, property: string, value: any) => string|undefined>
* }
* }
docTypeRules: {},
failOnContentErrors: false,
$runAfter: ['tags-extracted'],
$runBefore: ['processing-docs'],
$process(docs) {
const errors = [];
docs.forEach(doc => {
const docErrors = [];
const rules = this.docTypeRules[doc.docType] || {};
if (rules) {
Object.keys(rules).forEach(property => {
const ruleFns = rules[property];
ruleFns.forEach(ruleFn => {
const error = ruleFn(doc, property, doc[property]);
if (error) {
if (docErrors.length) {
errors.push({ doc, errors: docErrors });
if (errors.length) {
log.error('Content contains errors');
errors.forEach(docError => {
const errors = docError.errors.join('\n ');
log.error(createDocMessage(errors + '\n ', docError.doc));
if (this.failOnContentErrors) {
throw new Error('Stopping due to content errors.');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
var testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package');
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');
describe('checkContentRules processor', function() {
let processor, logger;
beforeEach(function() {
const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-base-package')]);
const injector = dgeni.configureInjector();
processor = injector.get('checkContentRules');
logger = injector.get('log');
it('should exist on the injector', () => {
it('shpuld run at the right time', () => {
it('should do nothing if not configured', () => {
const docs = [{ docType: 'test', description: '## heading 2' }];
expect(docs).toEqual([{ docType: 'test', description: '## heading 2' }]);
it('should run configured rules against matching docs', () => {
const nameSpy1 = jasmine.createSpy('name 1');
const nameSpy2 = jasmine.createSpy('name 2');
const nameSpy3 = jasmine.createSpy('name 3');
const descriptionSpy1 = jasmine.createSpy('description 1');
const descriptionSpy2 = jasmine.createSpy('description 2');
const descriptionSpy3 = jasmine.createSpy('description 3');
processor.docTypeRules = {
'test1': {
name: [nameSpy1, nameSpy3],
description: [descriptionSpy1, descriptionSpy3]
'test2': {
name: [nameSpy2],
description: [descriptionSpy2]
const docs = [
{ docType: 'test1', description: 'test doc 1', name: 'test-1' },
{ docType: 'test2', description: 'test doc 2', name: 'test-2' }
expect(nameSpy1).toHaveBeenCalledWith(docs[0], 'name', 'test-1');
expect(nameSpy2).toHaveBeenCalledWith(docs[1], 'name', 'test-2');
expect(nameSpy3).toHaveBeenCalledWith(docs[0], 'name', 'test-1');
expect(descriptionSpy1).toHaveBeenCalledWith(docs[0], 'description', 'test doc 1');
expect(descriptionSpy2).toHaveBeenCalledWith(docs[1], 'description', 'test doc 2');
expect(descriptionSpy3).toHaveBeenCalledWith(docs[0], 'description', 'test doc 1');
it('should log errors if the rule returns error messages', () => {
const nameSpy1 = jasmine.createSpy('name 1').and.returnValue('name error message');
const descriptionSpy1 = jasmine.createSpy('description 1').and.returnValue('description error message');
processor.docTypeRules = {
'test1': {
name: [nameSpy1],
description: [descriptionSpy1]
const docs = [
{ docType: 'test1', description: 'test doc 1', name: 'test-1' },
{ docType: 'test2', description: 'test doc 2', name: 'test-2' }
expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Content contains errors');
expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`name error message
description error message
- doc "test-1" (test1) `);
it('should throw an error if `failOnContentErrors` is true and errors are found', () => {
const errorRule = jasmine.createSpy('error rule').and.returnValue('some error');
processor.docTypeRules = {
'test': { description: [errorRule] }
processor.failOnContentErrors = true;
const docs = [
{ docType: 'test', description: 'test doc' },
expect(() => processor.$process(docs)).toThrowError('Stopping due to content errors.');