Merge pull request #133 from angular/kwalrath-dart-quickstart

dart quickstart: add transformer, use alpha.25
This commit is contained in:
Kathy Walrath 2015-06-03 13:31:10 -07:00
commit e3e8bb5689
1 changed files with 172 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -7,13 +7,20 @@
These instructions assume that you already have the Dart SDK
These instructions assume that you already have the
<a href="">Dart SDK</a>
and any tools you like to use with Dart.
If not, go
<a href="">download Dart</a>.
Then return here.
If you don't have a favorite editor already, try
<a href="">WebStorm</a>,
which comes with a Dart plugin.
You can also download
<a href="">Dart plugins for
other IDEs and editors</a>.
// STEP 1 - Create a project ##########################
Once you have the Dart SDK and any other tools you want, return here.
//- STEP 1 - Create a project ##########################
h2#section-install-angular 1. Create a project
@ -21,38 +28,39 @@ p.
Create a new directory, and put a file named
<code>pubspec.yaml</code> in it.
&gt; mkdir hello_world
&gt; cd hello_world
&gt; vim pubspec.yaml # Use your favorite editor!
&gt; <span class="blk">mkdir hello_world</span>
&gt; <span class="blk">cd hello_world</span>
&gt; <span class="blk">vim pubspec.yaml</span> # Use your favorite editor!
In <code>pubspec.yaml</code>, add the angular2 and browser packages as dependencies.
Angular 2 is changing rapidly, so specify an exact version:
In <code>pubspec.yaml</code>,
specify the angular2 and browser packages as dependencies,
as well as the angular2 transformer.
Angular 2 is changing rapidly, so provide an exact version:
code-example(language="yaml" format="linenums").
name: hello_world
version: 0.0.1
angular2: 2.0.0-alpha.23
browser: any
angular2: 2.0.0-alpha.25
browser: ^0.10.0+2
- angular2:
entry_points: web/main.dart
In the same directory, run <code>pub get</code>
to install the angular2 and browser packages
(along with the packages they depend on):
&gt; pub get
&gt; <span class="blk">pub get</span>
// PENDING: Create template? Link to pub/pubspec docs?
// Is browser really needed?
//- PENDING: Create template? Link to pub/pubspec docs?
// STEP 2 - Import Angular ##########################
//- STEP 2 - Import Angular ##########################
h2#section-transpile 2. Import Angular
@ -60,27 +68,20 @@ p.
Still in the same directory, create a <code>web</code> directory.
Create a file under <code>web</code> named <code>main.dart</code>.
&gt; mkdir web
&gt; vim web/main.dart # Use your favorite editor!
&gt; <span class="blk">mkdir web</span>
&gt; <span class="blk">vim web/main.dart</span> # Use your favorite editor!
Edit <code>web/main.dart</code> to import the angular2 library
and (for now) two reflection libraries:
and two reflection libraries:
// pre.prettyprint.linenums
code-example(language="dart" format="linenums").
import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart';
// These imports will go away soon:
import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection.dart' show reflector;
import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities.dart' show ReflectionCapabilities;
// [PENDING: add line numbers once we can specify where they start]
// STEP 3 - Define a component ##########################
//- STEP 3 - Define a component ##########################
h2#section-angular-create-account 3. Define a component
@ -89,8 +90,7 @@ p.
Update <code>web/main.dart</code>, adding the following code
after the imports:
code-example(language="dart" format="linenums:5").
selector: 'my-app'
@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ p.
String name = 'Alice';
// [PENDING: add line numbers once we can specify where they start]
The code you just added creates a component that
has the tag <b>&lt;my-app></b>.
@ -125,8 +123,7 @@ p.
specify a <code>templateUrl</code> property
and give it the path to the HTML file.
selector: 'my-app'
@ -134,8 +131,6 @@ p.
template: '&lt;h1&gt;Hello {{ name }}&lt;/h1&gt;'
// [PENDING: add line numbers once we can specify where they start]
The annotations above specify an HTML tag of <code>&lt;my-app&gt;</code>
and a template of <code ng-non-bindable>&lt;h1&gt;Hello &#123;&#123; name }}&lt;/h1&gt;</code>.
@ -154,33 +149,24 @@ p.
template renders, "Hello Alice" appears instead of
<span ng-non-bindable>"Hello {{ name }}"</span>.
class AppComponent {
String name = 'Alice';
// [PENDING: add line numbers once we can specify where they start]
// STEP 4 - Bootstrap ##########################
//- STEP 4 - Bootstrap ##########################
h2#section-transpile 4. Bootstrap
Add the following code to the bottom of <code>web/main.dart</code>:
code-example(language="dart" format="linenums:15").
main() {
// Temporarily needed.
reflector.reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();
// [PENDING: add line numbers once we can specify where they start]
This code adds a <code>main()</code> function
that calls Angular's <code>bootstrap()</code> function.
@ -188,13 +174,18 @@ p.
you defined above.
Setting the value of
is a temporary workaround
that you can remove once Angular's transformer is available.
Setting the value of <code>reflector.reflectionCapabilities</code>
lets your app use the Dart VM's reflection (dart:mirrors)
when running in Dartium.
Reflection is fast in native Dart,
so using it makes sense during development.
Later, when you build a JavaScript version of your app,
the Angular transformer will
convert the reflection-using code to static code,
so your generated JavaScript can be smaller and faster.
// STEP 5 - Declare the HTML ##########################
//- STEP 5 - Declare the HTML ##########################
h2#section-angular-create-account 5. Declare the HTML
@ -204,8 +195,7 @@ p.
the following code,
which loads <code>main.dart</code> and instantiates the my-app component:
code-example(language="html" format="linenums").
&lt;!doctype html>
@ -219,38 +209,96 @@ p.
// STEP 6 - Build and run ##########################
//- STEP 6 - Run ##########################
h2#section-angular-run-app 6. Build and run your app
h2#section-angular-run-app 6. Run your app
You have several options for running your app.
The quickest and easiest, for now,
is to open your project in <b>Dart Editor</b>,
right-click <b>web/index.html</b>,
and choose <b>Open in Dartium</b>.
This starts a web server
and opens your app in an experimental browser that contains the Dart VM.
// TODO: screenshot? embedded app?
You have a few options for running your app.
One is to launch a local HTTP server
and then view the app in
<a href="">Dartium</a>.
You can use whatever server you like, such as WebStorm's server
or Python's SimpleHTTPServer.
Another option is to build and serve the app using <code>pub serve</code>,
and then run it by visiting <b>http://localhost:8080</b> in a browser.
Generating the JavaScript takes a few seconds when you first visit the page,
and the generated JavaScript is currently large.
The generated JavaScript will be smaller once
Angular's transformer becomes available.
and then run it by visiting <b>http://localhost:8080</b> in any modern browser.
Pub serve generates the JavaScript on the fly,
which takes a few seconds when you first visit the page.
// [PENDING: Update when transformer is working!]
Once the app is running,
you should see <b>Hello Alice</b> in your browser window.
// WHAT'S NEXT... ##########################
//- STEP 7 - Generate JavaScript ##########################
h2#section-angular-run-app 7. Generate JavaScript
Before you can deploy your app, you need to generate JavaScript files.
Compiling your Dart code to JavaScript is easy:
just run <code>pub build</code>.
&gt; <span class="blk">pub build</span>
Loading source assets...
Loading angular2 transformers...
INFO: Formatter is being overwritten.
Building hello_world... (3.1s)
[Info from Dart2JS]:
Compiling hello_world|web/main.dart...
[Info from Dart2JS]:
Took 0:00:16.123086 to compile hello_world|web/main.dart.
Built 41 files to "build".
//- REGENERATE THIS OUTPUT - or delete it? - when updating from 2.0.0-alpha.25
The generated JavaScript appears, along with supporting files,
under the <code>build</code> directory.
When you generate JavaScript for an Angular app,
be sure you use the Angular transformer.
It analyzes your code,
converting reflection-using code to static code
that Dart's build tools can compile to faster, smaller JavaScript.
The highlighted lines in <code>pubspec.yaml</code>
configure the Angular transformer:
code-example(language="yaml" format="linenums").
name: hello_world
version: 0.0.1
angular2: 2.0.0-alpha.25
browser: ^0.10.0+2
<span class="pnk">transformers:
- angular2:
entry_points: web/main.dart</span>
The <code>entry_points</code> entry
identifies the Dart file in your app
that has a <code>main()</code> function.
For more information, see the
<a href="">Angular
transformer wiki page</a>.
//- WHAT'S NEXT... ##########################
h2#section-transpile Great job! Next step...
We plan to add a developer guide soon.
Until then, check out <a href="resources.html">Angular Resources</a>.
To learn more about Dart, go to
<a href=""></a>.
Follow the <a href="guide">developer guide</a>
to continue playing with Angular 2 for Dart.
Or read more about Angular or Dart:
<a href="resources.html">Angular resources</a>
<a href=""></a>