docs(changelog): update change log to rc.5

Closes #10599
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Fluin 2016-08-09 10:15:41 -07:00 committed by Igor Minar
parent b65f66feff
commit ebcd14f8e9
1 changed files with 495 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,498 @@
<a name="2.0.0-rc.5"></a>
# [2.0.0-rc.5]( (2016-08-09)
### Bug Fixes
* **animations:** change trigger binding syntax to function as a property binding [] ([7f4954b](
* **animations:** ensure a null easing value is never used with web-animations ([9cc3b2c](, closes [#9780]( [#9752](
* **animations:** ensure all child elements are rendered before running animations ([c3bdd50](, closes [#9402]( [#9775]( [#9887](
* **animations:** ensure animation detection doesn't rely on the body node ([0d1bf81](, closes [#10230]( [#10191]( [#10273](
* **animations:** throw errors when duplicate component trigger names are registered ([5af1e89](
* **compiler:** allow to use pipes inside of `*ngIf` ([#10452]( ([8efbcc9](, closes [#9746](
* **compiler:** auto declare `entryComponents` recursively ([a32c4ad](, closes [#10348](
* **compiler:** Collector collects enum values. ([#9967]( ([e6b2443](
* **compiler:** Fixed ?. operator to short-circut execution ([#9965]( ([4ec2a30](, closes [#9965](
* **compiler:** Generates function expressions as returning any ([#9980]( ([eb5763c](
* **compiler:** Ignore references to declared modules and unneeded types ([#9776]( ([4ef8689](
* **compiler:** Missing metadata files should result in undefined ([#9704]( ([30bec78](, closes [#9678](
* **compiler:** No longer writes 0 length files outside of genDir ([#10023]( ([6518ff8](
* **compiler:** Query expression lambdas should have dynamic type ([961c9d4](
* **compiler:** report better error messages for `host` bindings ([fb3608a](, closes [#10346](
* **compiler:** Report references to non-exported symbols. ([9925aa8](
* **compiler:** StaticReflect now resolves re-exported symbols ([#10453]( ([82e7ecd](, closes [#10453](
* **compiler:** treat custom elements as unknown elements by default ([fc83bbb](, closes [#10300](
* **compiler:** Catch exceptions in the logging of binding update ([2743627](, closes [#9994](
* **compiler:** Better error message in case of unknown property binding ([a55d796](
* **compiler:** String.split(str, n) stops after n separator ([#10408]( ([13c8211](
* **compiler-cli:** put all `ngc` files into a single directory ([#10486]( ([790362e](
* **compiler-cli:** support trailing slash in basePath ([#10533]( ([0d1f3c3](
* **core:** allow module providers to overwrite providers from `ModuleWithProviders` ([5533447](, closes [#10313]( [#10317](
* **core:** Don't use ES6 spread operator when undefined is allowed. ([2ff8332](
* **core:** ensure ngFor only inserts/moves/removes elements when necessary ([#10287]( ([e18626b](, closes [#9960]( [#7239]( [#9672]( [#9454]( [#10287](
* **core:** fix offline detection in ng_module_factory_loader ([915a666](
* **core:** only warn and auto declare undeclared `entryComponents`. ([e44e866](, closes [#10316](
* **core:** support components without a selector ([#10331]( ([9b39e49](, closes [#3464]( [#10216](
* **CurrencyPipe:** use default Intl formatting options when none provided ([d455942](, closes [#10189](
* **datePipe:** short timezone not displayed, closes [#9812]( ([#9816]( ([f29457f](, closes [#9812]( [#9816](
* **DirectiveResolver:** throw on duplicate Input & Output names ([d1a3e3a](
* **docs:** typo in comments ([#9743]( ([afb7216](
* **ExpressionParser:** undefined is undefined (was null) ([b4613ab](
* **fake_async:** share zone between `beforeEach` and `it` ([16cc9b4](
* **forms:** allow arrays as parents ([#10440]( ([d6d4568](, closes [#10432](
* **forms:** export AbstractFormGroupDirective ([6195a45](
* **forms:** export form directive arrays for offline compile ([#9893]( ([93025d1](
* **forms:** improve ngModel error messages ([#10314]( ([43349dd](
* **forms:** improve no value accessor error message ([#10051]( ([34feecf](
* **forms:** mark control containers as touched when child controls are touched ([#9735]( ([77dc6ef](
* **forms:** normalize written value in NumberValueAccessor ([b48f7bc](, closes [#10379](
* **forms:** re-enable form provider functions for easier migration ([#9972]( ([e68252a](
* **forms:** throw error if wrong control container for reactive forms ([#10286]( ([0aba42a](
* **forms:** update dirty before emitting value change ([#10362]( ([7c76a75](, closes [#5328](
* **forms:** missing export for validators ([91c64d2](
* **forms:** use change event for select multiple ([#9713]( ([3cbded6](
* **HtmlParser:** correctly propagate the interpolation config across layers ([25e070d](
* **http:** convert objects passed to requests into a string ([#10124]( ([83bc5c9](, closes [#10073](
* **http:** headers should be case-insensitive. ([7f64782](, closes [#9452](
* **http:** URLSearchParams.clone propagate the QueryEncoder ([#9900]( ([2519532](
* **i18n extractor:** array manipulation ([df44e3e](
* **KeyValueDiffer:** check for changes ([3f08efa](, closes [#9115](
* **linker:** prevent pollution of empty embeddedView context ([#10548]( ([46bbcef](, closes [#10045](
* **linker/compiler:** rename const to avoid duplicate declaration ([#10457]( ([2b704f0](
* **metadata:** fix typechecking with typescript[@next]( ([0a46f37](
* **ng upgrade:** do not compile ng2 components until after ng1 bootstrap ([#10084]( ([9edea0b](, closes [#9407]( [angular/protractor#2944](
* **ngc:** gather metadata for OpaqueToken ([c8d53d7](, closes [#10482](
* **ngClass:** do not deconstruct classes on element removal ([#10303]( ([ba88db5](, closes [#10008]( [#10303](
* **NgPlural:** expression inside cases ([#9883]( ([b7e69bc](, closes [#9868](
* **NgStyle:** remove duplicate input declaration ([#9978]( ([94dc632](, closes [#9977](
* **ngUpgrade:** to work with [@NgModule]( ([d21331e](
* **platform-browser:** IEMobile is badly detected when testing ([#10382]( ([43c71ae](
* **platform-browser:** remove testing_e2e target ([#10029]( ([4a96505](
* **platform-browser:** throw useful error on missing platform module. ([73f02c7](
* **platform-browser-dynamic:** Add [@Injectable]( annotation to XHRImpl. ([7b31178](
* **router:** absolute redirects should work with lazy loading ([3a307c2](
* **router:** add segmentPath to the link DSL ([4f17dbc](
* **router:** advance query params and fragment after advanced routes ([06e4ca4](
* **router:** back button does not work in IE11 and Safari ([f08060b](
* **router:** configure DI correctly when using the old `provideRouter` function ([93ade74](
* **router:** disallow root segments with matrix params ([34b3c53](
* **router:** do not fire events on 'duplicate' location events ([0b54e3c](
* **router:** encode/decode params and path segments ([46e105f](
* **router:** export navigation extras ([51e661e](
* **router:** expose initalNavigation and dispose so they can be used with webworkers ([b77a4a4](
* **router:** fix matrix params check to handle 'special' objects ([d2d36c6](
* **router:** fix offline compilation by exporting provideLocationStrategy ([8dc82a0](
* **router:** fix rollup config to properly set up rxjs ([1803ed2](
* **router:** fix RouterLinKActive to work with RouterLink ([f7a0e9e](
* **router:** fix type definition ([c586656](
* **router:** freeze params and queryParams to prevent common source of bugs ([0668ba5](
* **router:** handle lastPathIndex of empty-path routes ([7a4f662](
* **router:** handle router outlets in ngIf ([0c65d5c](
* **router:** handle url fragments when no url segments present ([43437c1](
* **router:** handle urls with only secondary top-level segments ([44709e0](
* **router:** handle when both primary and secondary are empty-path and primary has a child ([2b63330](
* **router:** lazily-loaded modules should use loaded injectors instead of the root one ([85be729](
* **router:** lazy loaded components should use loaded injector ([921a179](
* **router:** make an outlet to unregister itself when it is removed from the dom ([3e377f5](
* **router:** make router provides work with cli and offline compilation ([d15a1d6](
* **router:** merge SystemJsAppModuleFactoryLoader and SystemJsAllModuleLoader ([0426325](
* **router:** navigation should not preserve query params and fragment by default ([23ee29b](
* **router:** provideRouter should use provideRoutes ([#10488]( ([2eda7a5](
* **router:** relax type defintion of Route to improve dev ergonomics ([bb8b82b](
* **router:** remove a circular dep ([6bfd514](
* **router:** remove private and internal annotations ([#9745]( ([dabf214](
* **router:** remove private and internal annotations ([#9753]( ([137fff9](
* **router:** remove the precompile warning ([fb2539e](
* **router:** route.parent should work for secondary children ([5a99393](
* **router:** router link active should take all descendants into account ([8d90a5a](
* **router:** routerLinkActive should only set classes after the router has successfully navigated ([db54a84](
* **router:** support outlets in non-absolute positions ([afcb3c0](
* **router:** throw when cannot parse a url ([27b87ef](
* **router:** update current state and url before activating components ([5cf5897](
* **router:** update dts files ([81d27da](
* **router:** update dts files ([a415613](
* **router:** update links when query params change ([f65ebec](
* **router:** updates router module to be offline-compilation friendly ([72da547](
* **static_reflector:** report methods with decorators in `propMetadata` as well ([367f0fd](, closes [#10308]( [#10318](
* **static_reflector:** resolve values of functions in the function context ([d6b65db](
* **SyncAsyncResult:** fix default async value ([#10013]( ([6d02d2f](, closes [#10013](
* **TemplateParser:** add support for data-template attribute ([d84a43c](, closes [#9904](
* **TemplateParser:** report empty expression ([#10391]( ([e73d051](, closes [#3754](
* **testing:** add an explicit doAsyncPrecompilation step ([#10015]( ([b43f954](, closes [#9975]( [#9593](
* **testing:** Add platform directives to the shim that keeps setBaseTestProviders running ([#10154]( ([979946c](
* **testing:** ComponentFixture - Avoid extra scheduleMicrotask ([#10223]( ([e34eb45](
* **testing:** correctly import NgMatchers ([#10077]( ([64fc464](
* **testing:** Fix error message in test bed ([3b690b6](
* **testing:** reintroduce and deprecate setBaseTestProviders ([#9905]( ([2923187](
* **testing:** remove deprecated testing APIs ([#9923]( ([9af2d8b](
* **typescript:** make router compile with typescript[@next]( ([73f017b](, closes [#9731](
* **UrlParser:** stop setting default value 'true' ([#10399]( ([0d6cc17](
### Code Refactoring
* **core:** change bootstrap of modules and names of platforms ([5a21f16](
* **core:** change module semantics ([46b2127](, closes [#10164](
* **core:** clean up platform bootstrap and initTestEnvironment ([fa47890](, closes [#9922](
* **core:** deprecate `coreBootstrap`, `PLATFORM_PIPES/DIRECTIVES` providers and `ComponentResolver` ([daa9da4](, closes [#9726](
* **core:** deprecate old methods on `ApplicationRef` ([34624b2](
* **core:** introduce `APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER` multi provider ([af2e80e](
* **core:** Introduce `AppInitStatus` ([6300283](
* **core:** introduce `NgModule.schemas` ([00b726f](
* **core:** make `lockRunMode` a noop and deprecate it. ([98d49d4](, closes [#9878](
* **core:** remove `ViewResolver` and `ViewResolverMock` ([0988cc8](
* **core:** rename `precompile` into `entryComponents`. ([6f4e49e](
* **core:** use `ngOnDestroy` in providers ([8e6091d](
* **testing:** introduce new testing api to support ng modules ([d0a95e3](, closes [#10354](
### Features
* **animations:** allow animation integration support into host params ([806a254](, closes [#9044]( [#9933](
* **browser:** use AppModules for bootstrap in the browser ([3f55aa6](
* **compiler:** add `MockPipeResolver` ([4ad6bcc](
* **compiler:** Added support for conditional expressions. ([#10366]( ([20b03ba](
* **compiler:** Added support for references to static fields. ([#10334]( ([b58e9ea](
* **compiler:** Allow calls to simple static methods ([#10289]( ([b449467](
* **compiler:** Expression span information and error correction ([#9772]( ([9a04fcd](
* **compiler:** introduce `MockDirectiveResolver.setDirective` ([acc6c8d](
* **compiler:** Support default parameters in static reflector ([#10370]( ([763ca60](
* **core:** add AddModuleFactoryLoader ([6fcf962](
* **core:** allow to add precompiled tokens via a provider ([7073cf7](, closes [#9874](
* **core:** introduce `[@AppModule](` ([17e4cfc](, closes [#9730](
* **core:** introduce `ModuleWithProviders`. ([f02da4e](
* **core:** introduce `NgModuleRef.destroy` and call `ngOnDestroy` on all providers ([ecdaded](
* **core:** support `ngOnDestroy` on providers of a directive. ([c161ed4](
* **ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedException:** more meaningful error message ([2de8364](, closes [#9882](
* **ExpressionParser:** add support for `this` ([0ca05ee](
* **facade:** add support for all thenables ([#10278]( ([58d9e7f](
* **forms:** add ability to reset forms ([#9974]( ([da8eb9f](, closes [#4914]( [#4933](
* **forms:** add get method for easy access to child controls ([#10428]( ([8d44999](
* **forms:** add invalid prop to abstract controls ([#10439]( ([e0eea6c](
* **forms:** add modules for forms and deprecatedForms ([#9859]( ([9d265b6](, closes [#9732](
* **forms:** allow both patching and strict setting of values ([#10537]( ([fcafdff](
* **forms:** updateValue() for form groups and form arrays ([#9901]( ([30a332e](, closes [#9553](
* **HtmlLexer:** better hint on unclosed ICU message errors ([4117836](, closes [#10227](
* **http:** add content-type override support for http request ([#10211]( ([bdb5912](
* **http:** add options method to Http ([#10540]( ([0bd97ec](, closes [#10500]( [#7918](
* **http:** add support for ArrayBuffer ([1266460](
* **http:** add support for blob as a response type ([#10190]( ([76b8a49](
* **i18n:** merge translations ([7a8ef1e](
* **i18n:** xmb serializer ([cc5cfe8](
* **i18n:** xtb serializer ([0eee1d5](
* **I18nAst:** introduce an intermediate AST ([48f230a](
* **ICU:** enable ICU extraction even when when in is not used ([3050ae1](
* **ICU:** extract ICU messages ([28e8b2f](
* **NgStyle:** add support for the style.unit notation ([#10496]( ([8b18ef4](, closes [#10326](
* **ngUpgrade:** add support for NgModules ([6b564ec](
* **NumberPipe:** add string support ([#10163]( ([f3dd91e](, closes [#10159](
* **router:** activateroute should expose its route config ([2fdb39e](
* **router:** add a validation to make sure pathMatch is set correctly ([3c3e9dd](
* **router:** add activate and deactivate events to RouterOutlet ([245b091](
* **router:** add isActive to router ([5162fb6](
* **router:** add parent, children, firstChild to ActivatedRoute ([550ab31](
* **router:** add queryParams and fragment to every activated route ([422d380](
* **router:** add RouterAppModule ([8aa2a0c](
* **router:** add RouterTestModule ([72544ba](
* **router:** add support for canActivateChild ([9e3d13f](
* **router:** add support for lazily loaded modules ([8ebb8e4](
* **router:** add the ANALYZE_FOR_PRECOMPILE provider to make dev ergonomics better ([96a9e66](
* **router:** Allow navigation without updating the URL ([#9608]( ([63b82cd](
* **router:** empty-path routes should inherit matrix params ([a77db44](
* **router:** guards and data resolvers can now return promises ([a5dc570](
* **router:** implement canLoad ([62e7c0f](
* **router:** rename UrlPathWithParams into UrlSegment ([6f68330](
* **router:** support sibling modules providing routes ([29caa37](
* **router:** update routerLink DSL to handle aux routes ([ded518d](
* **router:** update the example app to use lazily-loaded modules ([6fbe56d](
* **Router:** add extra validation for when route was passed as Array ([#9942]( ([aa88438](
* **security:** categorize <track src> as a regular URL. ([a441b5b](, closes [#10089](
* **security:** only warn when actually sanitizing HTML. ([#10272]( ([482c019](, closes [#10206](
* **security:** trust resource URLs as URLs. ([#10220]( ([51f3d22](
* **testing:** add implicit test module ([8d746e3](, closes [#9846](
* **xmb/xtb:** support dtd ([e34a04d](
* core:
## Bootstrap changes
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
declarations: […], // directives, components, and pipes owned by this NgModule
imports: [BrowserModule],
providers: […], // additional providers
boostrap: [MainComponent],
class MyAppModule {}
// Ahead of Time compile
import {platformBrowser} from @angular/platform-browser;
// JIT compile long form
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from @angular/platform-browser-dynamic;
* browser:
- short form bootstrap does no longer allow
to inject compiler internals (i.e. everything
from `@angular/compiler`). Inject `Compiler` instead.
* core:
- `ApplicationRef.waitForAsyncInitializers` is deprecated. Use
`AppInitStatus.donePromise` / `AppInitStatus.done` instead.
* core:
- `ApplicationRef.registerBootstrapListener` is deprecated. Provide a multi
provider for the new token `APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER` instead.
* core:
- `ApplicationRef.dispose` is deprecated. Destroy the module that was
created during bootstrap instead by calling `NgModuleRef.destroy`.
- `AplicationRef.registerDisposeListener` is deprecated.
Use the `ngOnDestroy` lifecycle hook for providers or
`NgModuleRef.onDestroy` instead.
- `disposePlatform` is deprecated. Use `destroyPlatform` instead.
- `PlatformRef.dipose()` is deprecated. Use `PlatformRef.destroy()`
- `PlatformRef.registerDisposeListener` is deprecated. Use
`PlatformRef.onDestroy` instead.
- `PlaformRef.diposed` is deprecated. Use `PlatformRef.destroyed`
* testing:
* `withProviders`, use `TestBed.withModule` instead
* `addProviders`, use `TestBed.configureTestingModule` instead
* `TestComponentBuilder`, use `TestBed.configureTestModule` / `TestBed.override...` / `TestBed.createComponent` instead.
* core:
- ES5 users can no longer use the `View(…)` function to provide `ViewMetadata`.
This mirrors the removal of the `@View` decorator a while ago.
* core:
- `bootstrapModule` and `bootstrapModuleFactory` have been moved to be members of `PlaformRef`.
E.g. `platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(MyModule)`.
* core:
- By default, Angular will error during parsing
on unknown properties,
even if they are on elements with a `-` in their name
(aka custom elements). If you application is using
custom elements, fill the new parameter `@NgModule.schemas`
with the value `[CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA]`.
E.g. :
declarations: [MyComponentThatUsesAWebComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule],
boostrap: [MyComponentThatUsesAWebComponent],
export class MyAppModule{}
* core:
- `coreLoadAndBootstrap` and `coreBootstrap` can't be used any more (without migration support).
Use `bootstrapModule` / `bootstrapModuleFactory` instead.
- All Components listed in routes have to be part of the `declarations` of an NgModule.
Either directly on the bootstrap module / lazy loaded module, or in an NgModule imported by them.
* router:
`UrlPathWithParams` => `UrlSegment`
`UrlSegment` => `UrlSegmentGroup`
* core:
- `` is deprecated. Use `` directly
- `ApplicationRef.injector` is deprecated. Inject an `Injector` or
use `NgModuleRef.injector` instead
- `` is deprecated. Inject `NgZone` instead.
* testing: `TestInjector` is now renamed to `TestBed`
import {TestInjector, getTestInjector} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {TestBed, getTestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
* http: The behavior in this commit is the same as before PR 7260 : the objects sent with the request are converted to a string, therefore there is no need for the user to take care of the serialization.
* platform-browser: The following API was never intended to be public and is removed:
import {verifyNoBrowserErrors} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing_e2e';
Consider using Protractor's console plugin:
* ICU:
"{" is used a a delimiter for ICU messages then it could not be used in text nodes.
"{" should be escaped as "{{ '{' }}"
<span>some { valid } text</span>
<span>some { invalid } text<span> <!-- throw parse error -->
<span>some {{ '{' }} valid } text</span>
* core: (deprecations)
- Instead of `coreBootstrap`, create an `@NgModule` and use `bootstrapModule`.
- Instead of `coreLoadAndBootstarp`, create an `@NgModule` and use `bootstrapModuleFactory`.
- Instead of `bootstrapWorkerApp`, create an `@NgModule` that includes the `WorkerAppModule` and use `bootstrapModule` with the `workerAppPlatform()`.
- Instead of `bootstrapWorkerUi`, create an @AppModule that includes the `WorkerUiModule` and use `bootstrapModule` with the `workerUiPlatform()` instead.
- Instead of `serverBootstrap`, create an @AppModule and use `bootstrapModule` with the `serverDynamicPlatform()` instead.
- Instead of `PLATFORM_PIPES` and `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES`, provide platform directives/pipes via an `@NgModule`.
- Instead of `ComponentResolver`:
- use `ComponentFactoryResolver` together with `@NgModule.entryComponents` or `ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS` provider for dynamic component creation.
- use `NgModuleFactoryLoader` for lazy loading.
- Instead of `SystemJsComponentResolver`, create an `@NgModule` and use `SystemJsNgModuleLoader`.
- Instead of `SystemJsCmpFactoryResolver`, create an `@NgModule` and use `SystemJsNgModuleFactoryLoader`
* core:
- `lockRunMode` is deprecated and no more needed.
* animations:
- animation trigger expressions within the template that are assigned as
an element attribute (e.g. `@prop`) are deprecated. Please use the
Angular2 property binding syntax (e.g. `[@prop]`) when assigning
// this is now deprecated
<div @trigger="expression"></div>
// do this instead
<div [@trigger]="expression"></div>
* forms:
We have removed the deprecated form directives from the built-in platform directive list, so apps are not required to package forms with their app. This also makes forms friendly to offline compilation.
Instead, we have exposed three modules:
- `DeprecatedFormsModule`
- `FormsModule`
- `ReactiveFormsModule`
If you provide one of these modules, the default forms directives and providers from that module will be available to you app-wide. Note: You can provide both the `FormsModule` and the `ReactiveFormsModule` together if you like, but they are fully-functional separately.
import {disableDeprecatedForms, provideForms} from @angular/forms;
bootstrap(App, [
import {DeprecatedFormsModule} from @angular/common;
declarations: [MyComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, DeprecatedFormsModule],
boostrap: [MyComponent],
export class MyAppModule{}
* testing:
- Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything
from `@angular/compiler`). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the
changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3).
- Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`.
Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead.
- Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via
`configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the
- `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and
now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a
- E.g. for the browser platform:
import {setBaseTestProviders} from @angular/core/testing;
TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from @angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing;
import {TestBed} from @angular/core/testing;
import {BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting} from @angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing;
- E.g. for the server platform:
import {setBaseTestProviders} from @angular/core/testing;
TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from @angular/platform-server/testing/server;
import {TestBed} from @angular/core/testing;
import {ServerTestingModule, serverTestingPlatform} from @angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing;
Related to #9726
* router: Previously both imperative (router.navigate) and declarative (routerLink) navigations
would preserve the current query params and fragment. This behavior turned out to
be confusing. This commit changes it.
Now, neither is preserved by default. To preserve them, you need to do the following:
`router.naviage("newUrl", {preserveQueryParams: true, preserveFragment: true})`
`<a routerLink="newUrl" preserveQueryParams preserveFragment></a>`
* ngUpgrade: UpgradeAdapter.addProvider are now deprecated in favor of passing in an NgModule into the adapter's constructor
let upgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter();
providers: myProvidersArray
class MyModule {}
let upgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(MyModule);
<a name="2.0.0-rc.4"></a>
# [2.0.0-rc.4]( (2016-06-30)