feat(dev-infra): pullapprove verify should handle files in conditions (#36661)

Currently, when verifying our pullapprove configuration, we don't
respect modifications to the set of files in a condition.

e.g. It's not possible to do the following:

contains_any_globs(files.exclude(...), [

This prevents us from having codeowner groups which match a directory,
but want to filter out specific sub directories. For example, `fw-core`
matches all files in the core package. We want to exclude the schematics
from that glob. Usually we do this by another exclude condition.

This has a *significant* downside though. It means that fw-core will not
be requested if a PR changes schematic code, _and_ actual fw-core code.

To support these conditions, the pullapprove verification tool is
refactored, so that it no longer uses Regular expressions for parsing,
but rather evaluates the code through a dynamic function. This is
possible since the conditions are written in simple Python that can
be run in NodeJS too (with small modifications/transformations).

PR Close #36661
This commit is contained in:
Paul Gschwendtner 2020-04-16 20:12:25 +02:00 committed by Andrew Kushnir
parent e5d2853070
commit f0c570bd41
8 changed files with 190 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ groups:

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ ts_library(
name = "pullapprove",
srcs = [

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@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ import {verify} from './verify';
/** Build the parser for the pullapprove commands. */
export function buildPullapproveParser(localYargs: yargs.Argv) {
return localYargs.help().strict().demandCommand().command(
'verify', 'Verify the pullapprove config', {}, () => verify());
return localYargs.help()
.option('verbose', {alias: ['v'], description: 'Enable verbose logging'})
.command('verify', 'Verify the pullapprove config', {}, ({verbose}) => verify(verbose));
if (require.main === module) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {IMinimatch, Minimatch} from 'minimatch';
/** Map that holds patterns and their corresponding Minimatch globs. */
const patternCache = new Map<string, IMinimatch>();
* Context that is provided to conditions. Conditions can use various helpers
* that PullApprove provides. We try to mock them here. Consult the official
* docs for more details: https://docs.pullapprove.com/config/conditions.
const conditionContext = {
'len': (value: any[]) => value.length,
'contains_any_globs': (files: PullApproveArray, patterns: string[]) => {
// Note: Do not always create globs for the same pattern again. This method
// could be called for each source file. Creating glob's is expensive.
return files.some(f => patterns.some(pattern => getOrCreateGlob(pattern).match(f)));
* Converts a given condition to a function that accepts a set of files. The returned
* function can be called to check if the set of files matches the condition.
export function convertConditionToFunction(expr: string): (files: string[]) => boolean {
// Creates a dynamic function with the specified expression. The first parameter will
// be `files` as that corresponds to the supported `files` variable that can be accessed
// in PullApprove condition expressions. The followed parameters correspond to other
// context variables provided by PullApprove for conditions.
const evaluateFn = new Function('files', ...Object.keys(conditionContext), `
return (${transformExpressionToJs(expr)});
// Create a function that calls the dynamically constructed function which mimics
// the condition expression that is usually evaluated with Python in PullApprove.
return files => {
const result = evaluateFn(new PullApproveArray(...files), ...Object.values(conditionContext));
// If an array is returned, we consider the condition as active if the array is not
// empty. This matches PullApprove's condition evaluation that is based on Python.
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
return result.length !== 0;
return !!result;
* Transforms a condition expression from PullApprove that is based on python
* so that it can be run inside JavaScript. Current transformations:
* 1. `not <..>` -> `!<..>`
function transformExpressionToJs(expression: string): string {
return expression.replace(/not\s+/g, '!');
* Superset of a native array. The superset provides methods which mimic the
* list data structure used in PullApprove for files in conditions.
class PullApproveArray extends Array<string> {
constructor(...elements: string[]) {
// Set the prototype explicitly because in ES5, the prototype is accidentally
// lost due to a limitation in down-leveling.
// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/FAQ#why-doesnt-extending-built-ins-like-error-array-and-map-work.
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, PullApproveArray.prototype);
/** Returns a new array which only includes files that match the given pattern. */
include(pattern: string): PullApproveArray {
return new PullApproveArray(...this.filter(s => getOrCreateGlob(pattern).match(s)));
/** Returns a new array which only includes files that did not match the given pattern. */
exclude(pattern: string): PullApproveArray {
return new PullApproveArray(...this.filter(s => !getOrCreateGlob(pattern).match(s)));
* Gets a glob for the given pattern. The cached glob will be returned
* if available. Otherwise a new glob will be created and cached.
function getOrCreateGlob(pattern: string) {
if (patternCache.has(pattern)) {
return patternCache.get(pattern)!;
const glob = new Minimatch(pattern, {dot: true});
patternCache.set(pattern, glob);
return glob;

View File

@ -5,162 +5,101 @@
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {IMinimatch, Minimatch} from 'minimatch';
import {convertConditionToFunction} from './condition_evaluator';
import {PullApproveGroupConfig} from './parse-yaml';
/** A condition for a group. */
interface GroupCondition {
glob: string;
matcher: IMinimatch;
expression: string;
checkFn: (files: string[]) => boolean;
matchedFiles: Set<string>;
/** Result of testing files against the group. */
export interface PullApproveGroupResult {
groupName: string;
matchedIncludes: GroupCondition[];
matchedExcludes: GroupCondition[];
matchedConditions: GroupCondition[];
matchedCount: number;
unmatchedIncludes: GroupCondition[];
unmatchedExcludes: GroupCondition[];
unmatchedConditions: GroupCondition[];
unmatchedCount: number;
// Regex Matcher for contains_any_globs conditions
const CONTAINS_ANY_GLOBS_REGEX = /^'([^']+)',?$/;
// Regular expression that matches conditions for the global approval.
const GLOBAL_APPROVAL_CONDITION_REGEX = /^"global-(docs-)?approvers" not in groups.approved$/;
INCLUDE_GLOBS: /^contains_any_globs/,
EXCLUDE_GLOBS: /^not contains_any_globs/,
ATTR_LENGTH: /^len\(.*\)/,
GLOBAL_APPROVAL: /^"global-(docs-)?approvers" not in groups.approved$/,
// Name of the PullApprove group that serves as fallback. This group should never capture
// any conditions as it would always match specified files. This is not desired as we want
// to figure out as part of this tool, whether there actually are unmatched files.
const FALLBACK_GROUP_NAME = 'fallback';
/** A PullApprove group to be able to test files against. */
export class PullApproveGroup {
// Lines which were not able to be parsed as expected.
private misconfiguredLines: string[] = [];
// Conditions for the group for including files.
private includeConditions: GroupCondition[] = [];
// Conditions for the group for excluding files.
private excludeConditions: GroupCondition[] = [];
// Whether the group has file matchers.
public hasMatchers = false;
/** List of conditions for the group. */
conditions: GroupCondition[] = [];
constructor(public groupName: string, group: PullApproveGroupConfig) {
if (group.conditions) {
for (let condition of group.conditions) {
condition = condition.trim();
constructor(public groupName: string, config: PullApproveGroupConfig) {
if (condition.match(CONDITION_TYPES.INCLUDE_GLOBS)) {
const [conditions, misconfiguredLines] = getLinesForContainsAnyGlobs(condition);
conditions.forEach(globString => this.includeConditions.push({
glob: globString,
matcher: new Minimatch(globString, {dot: true}),
matchedFiles: new Set<string>(),
this.hasMatchers = true;
} else if (condition.match(CONDITION_TYPES.EXCLUDE_GLOBS)) {
const [conditions, misconfiguredLines] = getLinesForContainsAnyGlobs(condition);
conditions.forEach(globString => this.excludeConditions.push({
glob: globString,
matcher: new Minimatch(globString, {dot: true}),
matchedFiles: new Set<string>(),
this.hasMatchers = true;
} else if (condition.match(CONDITION_TYPES.ATTR_LENGTH)) {
// Currently a noop as we do not take any action on this condition type.
} else if (condition.match(CONDITION_TYPES.GLOBAL_APPROVAL)) {
private _captureConditions(config: PullApproveGroupConfig) {
if (config.conditions && this.groupName !== FALLBACK_GROUP_NAME) {
return config.conditions.forEach(condition => {
const expression = condition.trim();
if (expression.match(GLOBAL_APPROVAL_CONDITION_REGEX)) {
// Currently a noop as we don't take any action for global approval conditions.
} else {
const errMessage =
`Unrecognized condition found, unable to parse the following condition: \n\n` +
`From the [${groupName}] group:\n` +
` - ${condition}` +
`\n\n` +
`Known condition regexs:\n` +
`${Object.entries(CONDITION_TYPES).map(([k, v]) => ` ${k} - ${v}`).join('\n')}` +
try {
checkFn: convertConditionToFunction(expression),
matchedFiles: new Set(),
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Could not parse condition in group: ${this.groupName}`);
console.error(` - ${expression}`);
console.error(`Error:`, e.message, e.stack);
/** Retrieve all of the lines which were not able to be parsed. */
getBadLines(): string[] {
return this.misconfiguredLines;
/** Retrieve the results for the Group, all matched and unmatched conditions. */
getResults(): PullApproveGroupResult {
const matchedIncludes = this.includeConditions.filter(c => !!c.matchedFiles.size);
const matchedExcludes = this.excludeConditions.filter(c => !!c.matchedFiles.size);
const unmatchedIncludes = this.includeConditions.filter(c => !c.matchedFiles.size);
const unmatchedExcludes = this.excludeConditions.filter(c => !c.matchedFiles.size);
const unmatchedCount = unmatchedIncludes.length + unmatchedExcludes.length;
const matchedCount = matchedIncludes.length + matchedExcludes.length;
return {
groupName: this.groupName,
* Tests a provided file path to determine if it would be considered matched by
* the pull approve group's conditions.
testFile(file: string) {
let matched = false;
this.includeConditions.forEach((includeCondition: GroupCondition) => {
if (includeCondition.matcher.match(file)) {
let matchedExclude = false;
this.excludeConditions.forEach((excludeCondition: GroupCondition) => {
if (excludeCondition.matcher.match(file)) {
// Add file as a discovered exclude as it is negating a matched
// include condition.
matchedExclude = true;
// An include condition is only considered matched if no exclude
// conditions are found to matched the file.
if (!matchedExclude) {
matched = true;
testFile(filePath: string): boolean {
return this.conditions.every(({matchedFiles, checkFn, expression}) => {
try {
const matchesFile = checkFn([filePath]);
if (matchesFile) {
return matchesFile;
} catch (e) {
const errMessage = `Condition could not be evaluated: \n\n` +
`From the [${this.groupName}] group:\n` +
` - ${expression}` +
`\n\n${e.message} ${e.stack}\n\n`;
return matched;
/** Retrieve the results for the Group, all matched and unmatched conditions. */
getResults(): PullApproveGroupResult {
const matchedConditions = this.conditions.filter(c => !!c.matchedFiles.size);
const unmatchedConditions = this.conditions.filter(c => !c.matchedFiles.size);
return {
matchedCount: matchedConditions.length,
unmatchedCount: unmatchedConditions.length,
groupName: this.groupName,
* Extract all of the individual globs from a group condition,
* providing both the valid and invalid lines.
function getLinesForContainsAnyGlobs(lines: string) {
const invalidLines: string[] = [];
const validLines = lines.split('\n')
.slice(1, -1)
.map((glob: string) => {
const trimmedGlob = glob.trim();
const match = trimmedGlob.match(CONTAINS_ANY_GLOBS_REGEX);
if (!match) {
return '';
return match[1];
.filter(globString => !!globString);
return [validLines, invalidLines];

View File

@ -5,26 +5,20 @@
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {PullApproveGroupResult} from './group';
/** Create logs for each pullapprove group result. */
export function logGroup(group: PullApproveGroupResult, matched = true) {
const includeConditions = matched ? group.matchedIncludes : group.unmatchedIncludes;
const excludeConditions = matched ? group.matchedExcludes : group.unmatchedExcludes;
const conditions = matched ? group.matchedConditions : group.unmatchedConditions;
if (includeConditions.length) {
matcher => console.info(`${matcher.glob} - ${matcher.matchedFiles.size}`));
if (conditions.length) {
conditions.forEach(matcher => {
const count = matcher.matchedFiles.size;
console.info(`${count} ${count === 1 ? 'match' : 'matches'} - ${matcher.expression}`)
if (excludeConditions.length) {
matcher => console.info(`${matcher.glob} - ${matcher.matchedFiles.size}`));
/** Logs a header within a text drawn box. */
@ -39,4 +33,4 @@ export function logHeader(...params: string[]) {
console.info(`${fill(fillWidth, '─')}`);
console.info(`${fill(leftSpace, ' ')}${headerText}${fill(rightSpace, ' ')}`);
console.info(`${fill(fillWidth, '─')}`);

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {parse as parseYaml} from 'yaml';
export interface PullApproveGroupConfig {
conditions?: string;
conditions?: string[];
reviewers: {
users: string[],
teams?: string[],

View File

@ -15,11 +15,9 @@ import {PullApproveGroup} from './group';
import {logGroup, logHeader} from './logging';
import {parsePullApproveYaml} from './parse-yaml';
export function verify() {
export function verify(verbose = false) {
// Exit early on shelljs errors
// Whether to log verbosely
const VERBOSE_MODE = process.argv.includes('-v');
// Full path of the angular project directory
const PROJECT_DIR = getRepoBaseDir();
// Change to the Angular project directory
@ -39,24 +37,11 @@ export function verify() {
const groups = Object.entries(pullApprove.groups).map(([groupName, group]) => {
return new PullApproveGroup(groupName, group);
// PullApprove groups without matchers.
const groupsWithoutMatchers = groups.filter(group => !group.hasMatchers);
// PullApprove groups with matchers.
const groupsWithMatchers = groups.filter(group => group.hasMatchers);
// All lines from group conditions which are not parsable.
const groupsWithBadLines = groups.filter(g => !!g.getBadLines().length);
// If any groups contains bad lines, log bad lines and exit failing.
if (groupsWithBadLines.length) {
logHeader('PullApprove config file parsing failure');
console.info(`Discovered errors in ${groupsWithBadLines.length} groups`);
groupsWithBadLines.forEach(group => {
console.info(` - [${group.groupName}]`);
group.getBadLines().forEach(line => console.info(` ${line}`));
`Correct the invalid conditions, before PullApprove verification can be completed`);
// PullApprove groups without conditions. These are skipped in the verification
// as those would always be active and cause zero unmatched files.
const groupsSkipped = groups.filter(group => !group.conditions.length);
// PullApprove groups with conditions.
const groupsWithConditions = groups.filter(group => !!group.conditions.length);
// Files which are matched by at least one group.
const matchedFiles: string[] = [];
// Files which are not matched by at least one group.
@ -64,14 +49,14 @@ export function verify() {
// Test each file in the repo against each group for being matched.
REPO_FILES.forEach((file: string) => {
if (groupsWithMatchers.filter(group => group.testFile(file)).length) {
if (groupsWithConditions.filter(group => group.testFile(file)).length) {
} else {
// Results for each group
const resultsByGroup = groupsWithMatchers.map(group => group.getResults());
const resultsByGroup = groupsWithConditions.map(group => group.getResults());
// Whether all group condition lines match at least one file and all files
// are matched by at least one group.
const verificationSucceeded =
@ -94,7 +79,7 @@ export function verify() {
logHeader('PullApprove results by file');
console.groupCollapsed(`Matched Files (${matchedFiles.length} files)`);
VERBOSE_MODE && matchedFiles.forEach(file => console.info(file));
verbose && matchedFiles.forEach(file => console.info(file));
console.groupCollapsed(`Unmatched Files (${unmatchedFiles.length} files)`);
unmatchedFiles.forEach(file => console.info(file));
@ -103,12 +88,12 @@ export function verify() {
* Group by group Summary
logHeader('PullApprove results by group');
console.groupCollapsed(`Groups without matchers (${groupsWithoutMatchers.length} groups)`);
VERBOSE_MODE && groupsWithoutMatchers.forEach(group => console.info(`${group.groupName}`));
console.groupCollapsed(`Groups skipped (${groupsSkipped.length} groups)`);
verbose && groupsSkipped.forEach(group => console.info(`${group.groupName}`));
const matchedGroups = resultsByGroup.filter(group => !group.unmatchedCount);
console.groupCollapsed(`Matched conditions by Group (${matchedGroups.length} groups)`);
VERBOSE_MODE && matchedGroups.forEach(group => logGroup(group));
verbose && matchedGroups.forEach(group => logGroup(group));
const unmatchedGroups = resultsByGroup.filter(group => group.unmatchedCount);
console.groupCollapsed(`Unmatched conditions by Group (${unmatchedGroups.length} groups)`);