diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade index fca7db0e52..2ece2d1e42 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/upgrade.jade @@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ code-example(format=""). 在`index.html`中,我们启用SystemJS。添加一组用于加载SystemJS库和一个为它加载配置文件的`<script>`标签。 然后添加更多的`<script>`标签,以通过SystemJS加载我们的应用。 - 它将会*替换掉*我们以前用来为应用程序加载组件的许多`<script>`标签。 + 它将会*替换掉*我们以前用来为应用程序加载部件的许多`<script>`标签。 +makeExample('upgrade-phonecat/ts/typescript-conversion/app/index.html', 'scripts', 'app/index.html') @@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ code-example(format=""). 这个项目中同时有基于Protractor的E2E测试和一些基于Karma的单元测试。 对这两者来说,E2E测试的转换要快得多:根据定义,E2E测试通过与应用中显示的这些UI元素互动,从*外部*访问我们的应用来进行测试。 - E2E测试实际上并不关心这些应用代码的内部结构。这也意味着,虽然我们已经修改了一点儿此应用程序, + E2E测试实际上并不关心这些应用中各部件的内部结构。这也意味着,虽然我们已经修改了一点儿此应用程序, 但是E2E测试套件仍然应该能像以前一样全部通过。因为从用户的角度来说,我们并没有改变应用的行为。 For unit tests, on the other hand, we'll do a bit of conversion work. @@ -2634,7 +2634,7 @@ table but there isn't really any need for that anymore, and we can begin to pull out the last remnants of Angular 1. - 此时,我们已经把所有的Angular 1程序代码替换成了它们在Angular 2中的对应物。该应用仍然是作为混合应用进行引导的, + 此时,我们已经把所有的Angular 1程序的各部件替换成了它们在Angular 2中的对应物。该应用仍然是作为混合应用进行引导的, 但实际上我们已经不需要它了,我们这就彻底移除Angular 1的残余势力。 There are just two more things to do: We need to switch the router to diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/_data.json b/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/_data.json index b1b0adc952..979a818557 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/_data.json +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/_data.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ }, "jasmine-testing-101": { - "title": "Jasmine测试101", + "title": "Jasmine测试101(译注:国外大学中最基础的课号通常是101)", "intro": "用Jasmine测试任何东西时所需的基础知识" }, diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/first-app-tests.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/first-app-tests.jade index cb0e4ef520..9fb47f5740 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/first-app-tests.jade +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/first-app-tests.jade @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ include ../_util-fns the [Tour of Heroes](../tutorial/) tutorial such as npm, gulp, and live-server. - 这一章单元测试是在其它章节的基础上写的。我们建议你按顺序阅读它们。同时,我们假设你已经对Angular 2的原理、[“快速起步”](../quickstart.html)中介绍的工具、 - [英雄指南](../tutorial)、npmgulplive-server等工具都已经有所了解。 + 这一章单元测试是在其它章节的基础上写的。我们建议你按顺序阅读它们。同时,我们假设你已经对Angular 2的原理、[“快速起步”](../quickstart.html)和 + [英雄指南](../tutorial)中介绍的npmgulplive-server等工具都已经有所了解。 .l-main-section :marked diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/testing-an-angular-pipe.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/testing-an-angular-pipe.jade index c67be49d8c..0284064b55 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/testing-an-angular-pipe.jade +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/testing/testing-an-angular-pipe.jade @@ -93,87 +93,146 @@ include ../_util-fns the [Tour of Heroes](../tutorial/) tutorial such as npm, gulp, and live-server. - 这一章单元测试是在其它章节的基础上写的。我们建议你按顺序阅读它们。同时,我们假设你已经对Angular 2的原理、[“快速起步”](../quickstart.html)中介绍的工具、 - [英雄指南](../tutorial)、npmgulplive-server等工具都已经有所了解。 + 这一章单元测试是在其它章节的基础上写的。我们建议你按顺序阅读它们。同时,我们假设你已经对Angular 2的原理、[“快速起步”](../quickstart.html)和 + [英雄指南](../tutorial)中介绍的npmgulplive-server等工具都已经有所了解。 :marked ## Add another spec file + ## 添加另一个规约文件 + **Create** a `my-uppercase.pipe.spec.ts` in `app/`. + 在`app/`中创建一个`my-uppercase.pipe.spec.ts`文件。 + **Stop and restart the TypeScript compiler** to ensure we compile the new file. + **停止并重新启动TypeScript编译器**以确保我们能编译这个新文件。 + **Add** the following lines of rather obvious Jasmine test code. + **添加**下面这些直白的Jasmine测试代码。 + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/my-uppercase.pipe.spec.ts', 'base-pipe-spec', 'app/my-uppercase.pipe.spec.ts') :marked Note that each test is short (one line in our case). It has a clear label that accurately describes the test. And it makes exactly one expectation. + 注意,每个测试都很短(在这里是一行)。 + 它有一个清晰的用来精确描述本测试的标签,并且只表达一条期待。 + Anyone can read these tests and understand quickly what the test does and what the pipe does. If one of the tests fails, we know which expected behavior is no longer true. We’ll have little trouble maintaining these tests and adding more like them as we encounter new conditions to explore. + 任何人都可以读这些测试,并快速理解这个测试是做什么的,以及这个管道是做什么的。 + 如果这些测试之一失败了,我们就知道它所期待的行为出问题了。 + 要维护这些测试我们会遇到一些小麻烦,并且如果我们遇到了需要探索的新条件,还得添加更多类似的测试。 + That’s the way we like our tests! + 但这就是我们关爱这些测试的方式! + ## Add this spec to `unit-tests.html` + ## 把规约添加到`unit-tests.html`中 + Now let’s wire our new spec file into the HTML test harness. + 现在,让我们把这个新的规约文件放进这个HTML测试挽具中。 + Open `unit-tests.html`. Find `System.import('app/hero.spec')`. + 打开`unit-tests.html`。查找`System.import('app/hero.spec')`。 + Hmm. We can’t just add `System.import('app/my-uppercase.pipe.spec')`. + 恩……我们不能只添加`System.import('app/my-uppercase.pipe.spec')`。 + The first `System.import` returns a promise as does this second import. We can’t run any of the Jasmine tests until **both imports are finished**. + 第一个`System.import`返回一个承诺(promise),第二个也一样。 + 直到**这两个`import`都执行完**,Jasmine的测试才会开始运行。 + Fortunately, we can create a new `Promise` that wraps both import promises and waits for both to finish loading. + 幸运的是,我们可以创建一个新的`Promise`来包装这两个`import`语句返回的承诺,并等它们两个加载结束。 + +makeExample('testing/ts/unit-tests-4.html', 'promise-all')(format=".") :marked We have a pattern for adding new tests. + 这下我们有了一种添加新测试的模式。 + In future, when we add a new spec, we add another `System.import('app/some.spec')` to the array argument passed to `Promise.all`. + 将来我们再添加新的规约时,只要往传给`Promise.all`的数组参数中添加另一个`System.import('app/some.spec')`语句就可以了。 + Try it. The browser should refresh and show the following in the console: + 试一下。浏览器会刷新,并在控制台中显示如下内容: + code-example(format="" language="html" escape="html"). GET http://localhost:8080/app/my-uppercase.pipe.js 404 (Not Found) :marked Our test failed, as expected. We're importing something that doesn't exist and our test fails saying that. All is going according to plan. + 如预期的一样,测试失败了。我们在导入一些不存在的东西,就像测试的失败信息中所说的那样。一切都在按照计划发生。 + :marked ## The pipe, if you please + ## 管道,请上场 + The test is asking for a pipe, and we shall deliver. + 这个测试需要一个管道,我们这就给它。 + **Create** a `my-uppercase.pipe.ts` in `app/`. + 在`app/`中**创建**一个`my-uppercase.pipe.ts`文件。 + **Stop and restart the TypeScript compiler** to ensure we compile the new file. + **停止并重启TypeScript编译器**,以确保我们能编译这个新文件。 + **Add** a basic pipe that doesn't do anything. We know how to make strings uppercase, but we since we're letting the test take the lead let's wait for it to tell us what's next. Maybe it'll surprise us. + **添加**一个什么也不做的基本管道。我们知道该如何让字符串变大写,但由于要让测试先行,所以就让测试来告诉我们下一步做什么。也许它会带给我们一些惊喜。 + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/my-uppercase.pipe.1.ts', null, 'app/my-uppercase.pipe.ts') :marked Reload our test page and... + 刷新我们的测试页面,并且…… + code-example(format="" language="html" escape="html"). GET http://localhost:8080/angular2/core 404 (Not Found) :marked ## The Angular library, if you please + + ## Angular库,请上场 + Looking back at `unit-tests.html` we realize that we have not loaded the Angular library. Yet we were able to load and test the application’s `Hero` interface. + 往回看`unit-tests.html`,我们认识到自己还没加载过Angular库。 + 但我们甚至都已经能加载应用中`Hero`接口的测试了。 + **We were lucky!** The `Hero` interface has no dependence on Angular. If it had depended on Angular, we’d still be staring at the Jasmine “big-time fail” screen: + **那是我们幸运!**`Hero`接口并不依赖Angular。 + 如果它依赖于Angular,当初我们就得从Jasmine的“大败局”界面开始了: + figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/testing-an-angular-pipe/big-time-fail-screen.png' alt="Jasmine's' big time fail screen") @@ -182,30 +241,46 @@ figure.image-display We are writing an Angular application after all and we were going to need Angular sooner or later. That time has come. + 毕竟我们写的是Angular程序,迟早会需要Angular登场。对,就是现在! + `MyUppercasePipe` depends on Angular as is clear in the first few lines: + 在开始的寥寥几行中,`MyUppercasePipe`对Angular的依赖就清晰可见了: + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/my-uppercase.pipe.ts', 'depends-on-angular')(format=".") :marked **Open** `unit-tests.html` + **打开**`unit-tests.html` + **Find** the `` comment. + **查找**``注释。 + **Replace** the scripts tags beneath it with the all the needed angular scripts: + 把它下方的`script`标记**替换成**这些所需的Angular脚本: + +makeExample('testing/ts/unit-tests-5.html', 'import-angular')(format=".") :marked We should now be ready to see our 3 expectations fail when reloading our test page. + 当刷新测试页面时,我们会期待看到三条期待都落空了。 + figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/testing-an-angular-pipe/two-failures.png' alt="2 failed tests") :marked ## Uppercase, if you please + ## Uppercase,请上场 + The first two tests that passed were our old `hero` interface tests, so it makes sense that those passed. Of our three new expectations, one still passed though. + 前两个通过的测试是我们以前的`hero`接口测试,所以它们的通过是有意义的。当然,这三条新的期待中,有一条还是通过了。 + ``` MyUppercasePipe transforms "abc" to "ABC" @@ -216,30 +291,52 @@ figure.image-display Ah but of course! Our simple pipe doesn't transform the input at all, and the third test expected input to not be changed. + 啊,当然!我们这个简单的管道还完全没有转换输入,而第三条测试期待的是输入内容没变化。 + All we have to do now is actually transform text to uppercase in our pipe. + 我们现在要做的一切,实际上是在我们的管道中把这些文本转换成大写。 + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/my-uppercase.pipe.ts', 'uppercase')(format=".") :marked Are we done now? + 现在,我们完成了吗? + figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/testing-an-angular-pipe/zero-failures.png' alt="0 failed tests") :marked The glorious green is back with us again! + 我们光荣的绿条儿又回来了! + We tried a bit of test driven development and it seems to have guided us to success. + 我们尝试了一点点测试驱动开发,看起来它确实指导我们走向了成功。 + But it's not always feasible. For instance, sometimes we need to write tests for existing functionality, like what we're about to do with the rest of Tour of Heroes. + 但这也并不总是可行的。比如,优势我们需要为现有功能写测试,就像我们即将对《英雄指南》的其余部分所做的那样。 + If we are writing new code though, writing tests might just be what we need to help us track our progress and keep the end result in sight at all times. + 如果我们正在写新代码,写测试可以帮助我们追踪进度和保持最终结果全程可见。 + :marked ## What’s Next? + ## 接下来呢? + Now we can test parts of our application that we *load* asynchronously with system.js. + 现在,我们可以测试应用程序中的各个部分,我们可以用system.js来异步*加载*它们。 + What about testing parts that *are themselves asynchronous*? + 如果这些要测试的部分*本身就是异步的*呢? + Let's test a service with a public asynchronous method that fetches heroes from a remote server. + + 我们来测试一个带有异步方法的服务,它会从远端服务器中获取英雄列表。