From f8b80ad3e5e9ac731e04ca170ebabbd653ab5858 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rexebin Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 21:48:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] translate: testing is done. --- public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade | 237 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 227 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade index 0c0e1249e2..001adab949 100644 --- a/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade +++ b/public/docs/ts/latest/guide/testing.jade @@ -3452,165 +3452,270 @@ table A few of the `TestBed` instance methods are not covered by static `TestBed` _class_ methods. These are rarely needed. + 少数`TestBed`实例方法没有对应的静态方法。它们很少被使用。 + #component-fixture-api-summary :marked ## The _ComponentFixture_ + ## _ComponentFixture_ + The `TestBed.createComponent` creates an instance of the component `T` and returns a strongly typed `ComponentFixture` for that component. + `TestBed.createComponent`创建一个组件`T`的实例,并为该组件返回一个强类型的`ComponentFixture`。 + The `ComponentFixture` properties and methods provide access to the component, its DOM representation, and aspects of its Angular environment. + `ComponentFixture`的属性和方法提供了对组件、它的DOM和它的Angular环境方面的访问。 + #component-fixture-properties :marked ### _ComponentFixture_ properties + ### _ComponentFixture_ 属性 + Here are the most important properties for testers, in order of likely utility. + + 下面是对测试最重要的属性,以使用频率排序: table tr - th Properties - th Description + th + :marked + Properties + + 属性 + th + :marked + Description + + 描述 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") componentInstance td :marked The instance of the component class created by `TestBed.createComponent`. + + 被`TestBed.createComponent`创建的组件类实例。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") debugElement td :marked The `DebugElement` associated with the root element of the component. + 与组件根元素关联的`DebugElement`。 + The `debugElement` provides insight into the component and its DOM element during test and debugging. It's a critical property for testers. The most interesting members are covered [below](#debug-element-details). + + `debugElement`在测试和调试期间,提供对组件及其DOM元素的访问。 + 它是测试者至关重要的属性。它最有用的成员在[下面](#debug-element-details)有所介绍。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") nativeElement td :marked The native DOM element at the root of the component. + + 组件的原生根DOM元素。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") changeDetectorRef td :marked The `ChangeDetectorRef` for the component. + 组件的`ChangeDetectorRef`。 + The `ChangeDetectorRef` is most valuable when testing a component that has the `ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush` or the component's change detection is under your programmatic control. + 在测试一个拥有`ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush`的组件,或者在组件的变化测试在你的程序控制下时,`ChangeDetectorRef`是最重要的。 + #component-fixture-methods :marked ### _ComponentFixture_ methods + ### _ComponentFixture_方法 + The _fixture_ methods cause Angular to perform certain tasks to the component tree. Call these method to trigger Angular behavior in response to simulated user action. + **fixture**方法使组件对组件树执行某些任务。 + 调用此方法来触发针对模拟的用户行为作出的Angular行为。 + Here are the most useful methods for testers. + + 下面使对测试最有用的方法。 table tr - th Methods - th Description + th + :marked + Methods + + 方法 + th + :marked + Description + + 描述 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") detectChanges td :marked Trigger a change detection cycle for the component. + 为组件触发一轮变化检查。 + Call it to initialize the component (it calls `ngOnInit`) and after your test code change the component's data bound property values. Angular can't see that you've changed `` and won't update the `name` binding until you call `detectChanges`. + 调用它来初始化组件(它调用`ngOnInit`)。或者在你的测试代码改变了组件的数据绑定属性值后调用它。 + Angular不能检测到你已经改变了``属性,也不会更新`name`的绑定,直到你调用了`detectChanges`。 + Runs `checkNoChanges`afterwards to confirm there are no circular updates unless called as `detectChanges(false)`; + + 之后,运行`checkNoChanges`,来确认没有循环更新,除非它被这样调用:`detectChanges(false)`。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") autoDetectChanges td :marked Set whether the fixture should try to detect changes automatically. + 设置fixture是否应该自动试图检测变化。 + When autodetect is true, the test fixture listens for _zone_ events and calls `detectChanges`. You probably still have to call `fixture.detectChanges` to trigger data binding updates when your test code modifies component property values directly. + 当自动检测打开时,测试fixture监听**zone**事件,并调用`detectChanges`。 + 当你的测试代码直接修改了组件属性值时,你还是要调用`fixture.detectChanges`来触发数据绑定更新。 + The default is `false` and testers who prefer fine control over test behavior tend to keep it `false`. + 默认值是`false`,喜欢对测试行为进行精细控制的测试者一般保持它为`false`。 + Calls `detectChanges` immediately which detects existing changes and will trigger `ngOnInit` if the component has not yet been initialized. + + 如果组件还没有被初始化,立刻调用`detectChanges`将检测已有变化并触发`ngOnInit`。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") checkNoChanges td :marked Do a change detection run to make sure there are no pending changes. Throws an exceptions if there are. + + 运行一次变化检测来确认没有待处理的变化。如果有未处理的变化,它将抛出一个错误。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") isStable td :marked Return `true` if the fixture is currently _stable_. Returns `false` if there are async tasks that have not completed. + + 如果fixture当前是**稳定的**,则返回`true`。 + 如果有异步任务没有完成,则返回`false`。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") whenStable td :marked Returns a promise that resolves when the fixture is stable. + + 返回一个承诺,在fixture稳定时解析。 Hook that promise to resume testing after completion of asynchronous activity or asynchronous change detection. See [above](#when-stable) + + 勾住这个承诺,以在异步行为或者异步变化检测之后继续测试。 + 参见[上面](#when-stable) tr td(style="vertical-align: top") destroy td :marked Trigger component destruction. + 触发组件的销毁。 + #debug-element-details :marked ### _DebugElement_ + ### _DebugElement_ + The `DebugElement` provides crucial insights into the component's DOM representation. + `DebugElement`提供了对组件的DOM提供了访问渠道。 + From the test root component's `DebugElement`, returned by `fixture.debugElement`, you can walk (and query) the fixture's entire element and component sub-trees. + `fixture.debugElement`返回测试根组件的`DebugElement`,通过它你可以访问(查询)fixture的整个元素和组件子树。 + Here are the most useful `DebugElement` members for testers in approximate order of utility. + 下面是`DebugElement`最有用的成员,以使用频率排序。 + table tr - th Member - th Description + th + :marked + Members + + 成员 + th + :marked + Description + + 描述 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") nativeElement td :marked The corresponding DOM element in the browser (null for WebWorkers). + + 与浏览器中DOM元素对应(WebWorkers时,值为null)。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") query td :marked Calling `query(predicate: Predicate)` returns the first `DebugElement` that matches the [predicate](#query-predicate) at any depth in the subtree. + + 调用`query(predicate: Predicate)`返回第一个`DebugElement`, + 它在子树所有层中匹配[predicate](#query-predicate)。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") queryAll td :marked Calling `queryAll(predicate: Predicate)` returns all `DebugElements` that matches the [predicate](#query-predicate) at any depth in subtree. + + 调用`query(predicate: Predicate)`返回所有`DebugElement`, + 它在子树所有层中匹配[predicate](#query-predicate)。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") injector td :marked The host dependency injector. For example, the root element's component instance injector. + + 宿主依赖注入器。 + 比如,根元素的组件实例注入器。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") componentInstance td :marked The element's own component instance, if it has one. + + 元素自己的组件实例(如果有)。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") context td @@ -3618,32 +3723,47 @@ table An object that provides parent context for this element. Often an ancestor component instance that governs this element. + 为元素提供父级上下文的对象。 + 通常是控制该元素的祖级组件实例。 + When an element is repeated with in `*ngFor`, the context is an `NgForRow` whose `$implicit` property is the value of the row instance value. For example, the `hero` in `*ngFor="let hero of heroes"`. + + 当一个元素被`*ngFor`重复,它的上下文为`NgForRow`,它的`$implicit`属性值是该行的实例值。 + 比如,`*ngFor="let hero of heroes"`里的`hero`。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") children td :marked The immediate `DebugElement` children. Walk the tree by descending through `children`. + `DebugElement`的直接子级。通过`children`来降序探索元素树。 + .l-sub-section :marked `DebugElement` also has `childNodes`, a list of `DebugNode` objects. `DebugElement` derives from `DebugNode` objects and there are often more nodes than elements. Testers can usually ignore plain nodes. + + `DebugElement`还有`childNodes`,即`DebugNode`对象列表。 + `DebugElement`从`DebugNode`对象衍生,而且通常节点(node)比元素多。测试者通常忽略赤裸节点。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") parent td :marked The `DebugElement` parent. Null if this is the root element. + `DebugElement`的父级。如果它是根元素,则为null。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") name td :marked The element tag name, if it is an element. + 元素的标签名字,如果它是一个元素的话。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") triggerEventHandler td @@ -3653,27 +3773,40 @@ table The second parameter is the _event object_ expected by the handler. See [above](#trigger-event-handler). + 如果在元素的`listeners`列表中有一个对应的`listener`,则以事件名字触发。 + 第二个参数是**事件对象**,一般为事件处理器。 + 参见[上面](#trigger-event-handler)。 + If the event lacks a listener or there's some other problem, consider calling `nativeElement.dispatchEvent(eventObject)` + 如果事件缺乏监听器,或者有其它问题,考虑调用`nativeElement.dispatchEvent(eventObject)`。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") listeners td :marked The callbacks attached to the component's `@Output` properties and/or the element's event properties. + 元素的`@Output`属性以及/或者元素的事件属性所附带的回调函数。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") providerTokens td :marked This component's injector lookup tokens. Includes the component itself plus the tokens that the component lists in its `providers` metadata. + + 组件注入器的查询令牌。 + 包括组件自己的令牌和组件的`providers`元数据中列出来的令牌。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") source td :marked Where to find this element in the source component template. + source是在源组件模板中查询这个元素的处所。 + tr td(style="vertical-align: top") references td @@ -3681,20 +3814,39 @@ table Dictionary of objects associated with template local variables (e.g. `#foo`), keyed by the local variable name. + 与模板本地变量(比如`#foo`)关联的词典对象,关键字与本地变量名字配对。 + #query-predicate :marked The `DebugElement.query(predicate)` and `DebugElement.queryAll(predicate)` methods take a predicate that filters the source element's subtree for matching `DebugElement`. + `DebugElement.query(predicate)`和`DebugElement.queryAll(predicate)`方法接受一个条件方法, + 它过滤源元素的子树,返回匹配的`DebugElement`。 + The predicate is any method that takes a `DebugElement` and returns a _truthy_ value. The following example finds all `DebugElements` with a reference to a template local variable named "content": + + 这个条件方法是任何接受一个`DebugElement`并返回真值的方法。 + 下面的例子查询所有拥有名为`content`的模块本地变量的所有`DebugElement`: +makeExample('testing/ts/app/bag/bag.spec.ts', 'custom-predicate')(format=".") :marked The Angular `By` class has three static methods for common predicates: + + Angular的`By`类为常用条件方法提供了三个静态方法: + * `By.all` - return all elements + + * `By.all` - 返回所有元素 + * `By.css(selector)` - return elements with matching CSS selectors. - * `By.directive(directive)` - return elements that Angular matched to an instance of the directive class. + + * `By.css(selector)` - 返回符合CSS选择器的元素。 + + * `By.directive(directive)` - return elements that Angular matched to an instance of the directive class. + + * `By.directive(directive)` - 返回Angular能匹配一个指令类实例的所有元素。 +makeExample('testing/ts/app/hero/hero-list.component.spec.ts', 'by', 'app/hero/hero-list.component.spec.ts')(format=".") @@ -3702,54 +3854,87 @@ table :marked Many custom application directives inject the `Renderer` and call one of its `set...` methods. + 很多制定应用程序指令注入`Renderer`并调用它其中一个方法`set...`。 + The test environment substitutes the `DebugDomRender` for the runtime `Renderer`. The `DebugDomRender` updates additional dictionary properties of the `DebugElement` when something calls a `set...` method. + + 运行时的`Renderer`在测试环境中的替代品为`DebugDomRender`。 + 在调用`set...`方法时,`DebugDomRender`更新`DebugElement`额外词典属性。 These dictionary properties are primarily of interest to authors of Angular DOM inspection tools but they may provide useful insights to testers as well. + 这些词典属性主要是为Angular DOM检测工具准备的,但是它们可能对测试者提供有用的信息。 + table tr - th Dictionary - th Description + th + :marked + Dictionary + + 词典 + th + :marked + Description + + 描述 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") properties td :marked Updated by `Renderer.setElementProperty`. Many Angular directives call it, including `NgModel`. + + 被`Renderer.setElementProperty`更新。 + 很多Angular指令调用它,包括`NgModel`。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") attributes td :marked Updated by `Renderer.setElementAttribute`. Angular `[attribute]` bindings call it. + + 被`Renderer.setElementAttribute`更新。 + Angular的`[attribute]`绑定调用它。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") classes td :marked Updated by `Renderer.setElementClass`. Angular `[class]` bindings call it. + + 被`Renderer.setElementClass`更新。 + Angular的`[class]`绑定调用它。 tr td(style="vertical-align: top") styles td :marked Updated by `Renderer.setElementStyle`. Angular `[style]` bindings call it. + + 被`Renderer.setElementStyle`更新。 + Angular的 `[style]`绑定调用它。 :marked Here's an example of `Renderer` tests from the live "Specs Bag" sample. + 下面是在线"Specs Bag"例子中`Renderer`测试的例子 + +makeExample('testing/ts/app/bag/bag.spec.ts', 'debug-dom-renderer')(format=".") a(href="#top").to-top Back to top +a(href="#top").to-top 返回顶部 + #faq .l-main-section :marked ## FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions + + ## 常见问题 // :marked General @@ -3788,26 +3973,58 @@ a(href="#top").to-top Back to top :marked ### Why put specs next to the things they test? + ### 为何将测试的spec配置文件放置到被测试文件的傍边? + We recommend putting unit test spec files in the same folder as the application source code files that they test because + + 我们推荐将单元测试的spec配置文件放到与应用程序源代码文件所在的同一个文件夹中,因为: + - Such tests are easy to find + + - 这样的测试很容易被找到 + - You see at a glance if a part of our application lacks tests. - - Nearby tests can reveal how a part works in context. + + - 你可以一眼看出应用程序的那些部分缺乏测试。 + + - Nearby tests can reveal how a part works in context. + + - 临近的测试可以展示代码是如何在上下文中工作的 + - When you move the source (inevitable), you remember to move the test. + + - 当你移动代码(无可避免)时,你记得一起移动测试 + - When you rename the source file (inevitable), you remember to rename the test file. + - 当你重命名源代码文件(无可避免),你记得重命名测试文件。 + + + .l-hr #q-specs-in-test-folder :marked ### When would I put specs in a test folder? + ### 什么时候我应该把测试spec文件放到测试目录中? + Application integration specs can test the interactions of multiple parts spread across folders and modules. They don't really belong to part in particular so they don't have a natural home next to any one file. + 应用程序的整合测试spec文件可以测试横跨多个目录和模块的多个部分之间的互动。 + 它们不属于任何部分,很自然,没有特别的地方存放它们。 + It's often better to create an appropriate folder for them in the `tests` directory. + 通常,在`test`目录中为它们创建一个合适的目录比较好。 + Of course specs that test the test helpers belong in the `test` folder, next to their corresponding helper files. + + 当然,用来测试**测试助手对象**的测试spec文件也属于`test`目录,与它们对应的助手文件相邻。 + +