test(aio): add e2e tests for non-public previews

This commit is contained in:
Georgios Kalpakas 2017-06-20 20:22:32 +03:00 committed by Matias Niemelä
parent 8ae0eec230
commit f90b35a85e
5 changed files with 508 additions and 248 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
// Imports
import {GithubPullRequests} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
import {BUILD_VERIFICATION_STATUS, BuildVerifier} from './build-verifier';
import {UploadError} from './upload-error';
// Run
// TODO(gkalpak): Add e2e tests to cover these interactions as well.
GithubPullRequests.prototype.addComment = () => Promise.resolve();
BuildVerifier.prototype.verify = () => Promise.resolve(BUILD_VERIFICATION_STATUS.verifiedAndTrusted);
BuildVerifier.prototype.verify = (expectedPr: number, authHeader: string) => {
switch (authHeader) {
// For e2e tests, fake a verification error.
return Promise.reject(new UploadError(403, `Error while verifying upload for PR ${expectedPr}: Test`));
// For e2e tests, fake a `verifiedNotTrusted` verification status.
return Promise.resolve(BUILD_VERIFICATION_STATUS.verifiedNotTrusted);
// For e2e tests, default to `verifiedAndTrusted` verification status.
return Promise.resolve(BUILD_VERIFICATION_STATUS.verifiedAndTrusted);
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-var-requires

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import * as http from 'http';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as shell from 'shelljs';
import {getEnvVar} from '../common/utils';
import {BuildCreator} from '../upload-server/build-creator';
// Constans
@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ class Helper {
public get nginxHostname() { return TEST_AIO_NGINX_HOSTNAME; }
public get nginxPortHttp() { return TEST_AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTP; }
public get nginxPortHttps() { return TEST_AIO_NGINX_PORT_HTTPS; }
public get wwwUser() { return WWW_USER; }
public get uploadHostname() { return TEST_AIO_UPLOAD_HOSTNAME; }
public get uploadPort() { return TEST_AIO_UPLOAD_PORT; }
public get uploadMaxSize() { return TEST_AIO_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE; }
public get wwwUser() { return WWW_USER; }
// Properties - Protected
protected cleanUpFns: CleanUpFn[] = [];
@ -50,6 +51,11 @@ class Helper {
// Methods - Public
public buildExists(pr: string, sha = '', isPublic = true): boolean {
const dir = path.join(this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic), sha);
return fs.existsSync(dir);
public cleanUp() {
while (this.cleanUpFns.length) {
// Clean-up fns remove themselves from the list.
@ -66,7 +72,7 @@ class Helper {
const cmd1 = `tar --create --gzip --directory "${inputDir}" --file "${archivePath}" .`;
const cmd2 = `chown ${this.wwwUser} ${archivePath}`;
const cleanUpTemp = this.createDummyBuild(`uploaded/${pr}`, sha, true);
const cleanUpTemp = this.createDummyBuild(`uploaded/${pr}`, sha, true, true);
@ -74,8 +80,8 @@ class Helper {
return this.createCleanUpFn(() => shell.rm('-rf', archivePath));
public createDummyBuild(pr: string, sha: string, force = false): CleanUpFn {
const prDir = path.join(this.buildsDir, pr);
public createDummyBuild(pr: string, sha: string, isPublic = true, force = false): CleanUpFn {
const prDir = this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic);
const shaDir = path.join(prDir, sha);
const idxPath = path.join(shaDir, 'index.html');
const barPath = path.join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js');
@ -87,8 +93,8 @@ class Helper {
return this.createCleanUpFn(() => shell.rm('-rf', prDir));
public deletePrDir(pr: string) {
const prDir = path.join(this.buildsDir, pr);
public deletePrDir(pr: string, isPublic = true) {
const prDir = this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic);
if (fs.existsSync(prDir)) {
// Undocumented signature (see https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs/pull/663).
@ -97,8 +103,14 @@ class Helper {
public readBuildFile(pr: string, sha: string, relFilePath: string): string {
const absFilePath = path.join(this.buildsDir, pr, sha, relFilePath);
public getPrDir(pr: string, isPublic: boolean): string {
const prDirName = isPublic ? pr : BuildCreator.HIDDEN_DIR_PREFIX + pr;
return path.join(this.buildsDir, prDirName);
public readBuildFile(pr: string, sha: string, relFilePath: string, isPublic = true): string {
const prDir = this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic);
const absFilePath = path.join(prDir, sha, relFilePath);
return fs.readFileSync(absFilePath, 'utf8');
@ -129,7 +141,8 @@ class Helper {
const [headers, body] = result.stdout.
map(s => s.trim()).
slice(-2); // In case of redirect, discard the previous headers.
// Only keep the last to sections (final headers and body).
if (!result.success) {
console.log('Stdout:', result.stdout);
@ -143,8 +156,8 @@ class Helper {
public writeBuildFile(pr: string, sha: string, relFilePath: string, content: string): CleanUpFn {
const absFilePath = path.join(this.buildsDir, pr, sha, relFilePath);
public writeBuildFile(pr: string, sha: string, relFilePath: string, content: string, isPublic = true): CleanUpFn {
const absFilePath = path.join(this.getPrDir(pr, isPublic), sha, relFilePath);
return this.writeFile(absFilePath, {content}, true);

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe(`nginx`, () => {
h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`nginx (on ${scheme.toUpperCase()})`, () => {
h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`(on ${scheme.toUpperCase()})`, () => {
const hostname = h.nginxHostname;
const host = `${hostname}:${port}`;
const pr = '9';
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ describe(`nginx`, () => {
describe(`pr<pr>-<sha>.${host}/*`, () => {
describe('(for public builds)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha0);
@ -141,6 +143,30 @@ describe(`nginx`, () => {
describe('(for hidden builds)', () => {
beforeEach(() => h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9, false));
it('should respond with 404 for any file or directory', done => {
const origin = `${scheme}://pr${pr}-${sha9}.${host}`;
const assert404 = h.verifyResponse(404);
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/index.html`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/bar.js`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo/`).then(assert404),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${origin}/foo`).then(assert404),
describe(`${host}/health-check`, () => {
it('should respond with 200', done => {

View File

@ -13,19 +13,25 @@ h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`integration (on ${scheme
const getFile = (pr: string, sha: string, file: string) =>
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${scheme}://pr${pr}-${sha}.${host}/${file}`);
const uploadBuild = (pr: string, sha: string, archive: string) => {
const curlPost = 'curl -iLX POST --header "Authorization: Token FOO"';
const uploadBuild = (pr: string, sha: string, archive: string, authHeader = 'Token FOO') => {
// we can fake the response of the overwritten `BuildVerifier.verify()` method.
// (See 'lib/upload-server/index-test.ts'.)
const curlPost = `curl -iLX POST --header "Authorization: ${authHeader}"`;
return h.runCmd(`${curlPost} --data-binary "@${archive}" ${scheme}://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha}`);
beforeEach(() => jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000);
afterEach(() => {
h.deletePrDir(pr9, false);
it('should be able to upload and serve a build for a new PR', done => {
describe('for a new PR', () => {
it('should be able to upload and serve a public build', done => {
const regexPrefix9 = `^PR: uploaded\\/${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha9} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
@ -41,7 +47,48 @@ h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`integration (on ${scheme
it('should be able to upload and serve a build for an existing PR', done => {
it('should be able to upload but not serve a hidden build', done => {
const regexPrefix9 = `^PR: uploaded\\/${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha9} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
h.createDummyArchive(pr9, sha9, archivePath);
uploadBuild(pr9, sha9, archivePath, 'FAKE_VERIFIED_NOT_TRUSTED').
then(() => Promise.all([
getFile(pr9, sha9, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(pr9, sha9, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, sha9)).toBe(false);
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, sha9, false)).toBe(true);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha9, 'index.html', false)).toMatch(idxContentRegex9);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha9, 'foo/bar.js', false)).toMatch(barContentRegex9);
it('should reject an upload if verification fails', done => {
const errorRegex9 = new RegExp(`Error while verifying upload for PR ${pr9}: Test`);
h.createDummyArchive(pr9, sha9, archivePath);
uploadBuild(pr9, sha9, archivePath, 'FAKE_VERIFICATION_ERROR').
then(h.verifyResponse(403, errorRegex9)).
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, '', false)).toBe(false);
describe('for an existing PR', () => {
it('should be able to upload and serve a public build', done => {
const regexPrefix0 = `^PR: ${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha0} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex0 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix0} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex0 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix0} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
@ -64,7 +111,56 @@ h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`integration (on ${scheme
it('should not be able to overwrite a build', done => {
it('should be able to upload but not serve a hidden build', done => {
const regexPrefix0 = `^PR: ${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha0} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex0 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix0} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex0 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix0} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
const regexPrefix9 = `^PR: uploaded\\/${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha9} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
h.createDummyBuild(pr9, sha0, false);
h.createDummyArchive(pr9, sha9, archivePath);
uploadBuild(pr9, sha9, archivePath, 'FAKE_VERIFIED_NOT_TRUSTED').
then(() => Promise.all([
getFile(pr9, sha0, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(pr9, sha0, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(pr9, sha9, 'index.html').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
getFile(pr9, sha9, 'foo/bar.js').then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, sha9)).toBe(false);
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, sha9, false)).toBe(true);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha0, 'index.html', false)).toMatch(idxContentRegex0);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha0, 'foo/bar.js', false)).toMatch(barContentRegex0);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha9, 'index.html', false)).toMatch(idxContentRegex9);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha9, 'foo/bar.js', false)).toMatch(barContentRegex9);
it('should reject an upload if verification fails', done => {
const errorRegex9 = new RegExp(`Error while verifying upload for PR ${pr9}: Test`);
h.createDummyBuild(pr9, sha0);
h.createDummyArchive(pr9, sha9, archivePath);
uploadBuild(pr9, sha9, archivePath, 'FAKE_VERIFICATION_ERROR').
then(h.verifyResponse(403, errorRegex9)).
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, sha0)).toBe(true);
expect(h.buildExists(pr9, sha9)).toBe(false);
it('should not be able to overwrite an existing public build', done => {
const regexPrefix9 = `^PR: ${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha9} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
@ -81,4 +177,24 @@ h.runForAllSupportedSchemes((scheme, port) => describe(`integration (on ${scheme
it('should not be able to overwrite an existing hidden build', done => {
const regexPrefix9 = `^PR: ${pr9} \\| SHA: ${sha9} \\| File:`;
const idxContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/index\\.html$`);
const barContentRegex9 = new RegExp(`${regexPrefix9} \\/foo\\/bar\\.js$`);
h.createDummyBuild(pr9, sha9, false);
h.createDummyArchive(pr9, sha9, archivePath);
uploadBuild(pr9, sha9, archivePath, 'FAKE_VERIFIED_NOT_TRUSTED').
then(() => {
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha9, 'index.html', false)).toMatch(idxContentRegex9);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr9, sha9, 'foo/bar.js', false)).toMatch(barContentRegex9);

View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
describe(`${host}/create-build/<pr>/<sha>`, () => {
const authorizationHeader = `--header "Authorization: Token FOO"`;
const xFileHeader = `--header "X-File: ${h.buildsDir}/snapshot.tar.gz"`;
const curl = `curl -iL ${authorizationHeader} ${xFileHeader}`;
const defaultHeaders = `${authorizationHeader} ${xFileHeader}`;
const curl = (url: string, headers = defaultHeaders) => `curl -iL ${headers} ${url}`;
it('should disallow non-GET requests', done => {
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'AUTHORIZATION' header/;
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${headers1} ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(401, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${headers2} ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(401, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(curl(url, headers1)).then(h.verifyResponse(401, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(curl(url, headers2)).then(h.verifyResponse(401, bodyRegex)),
@ -55,14 +56,25 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'X-FILE' header/;
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${headers1} ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${headers2} ${url}`).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(curl(url, headers1)).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
h.runCmd(curl(url, headers2)).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)),
it('should reject requests for which the PR verification fails', done => {
const headers = `--header "Authorization: FAKE_VERIFICATION_ERROR" ${xFileHeader}`;
const url = `http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`;
const bodyRegex = new RegExp(`Error while verifying upload for PR ${pr}: Test`);
h.runCmd(curl(url, headers)).
then(h.verifyResponse(403, bodyRegex)).
it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', done => {
const cmdPrefix = `${curl} http://${host}`;
const cmdPrefix = curl(`http://${host}`);
@ -78,7 +90,7 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
it('should reject PRs with leading zeros', done => {
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/0${pr}/${sha9}`).
@ -86,48 +98,49 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
it('should accept SHAs with leading zeros (but not trim the zeros)', done => {
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/0${sha9}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)),
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).then(h.verifyResponse(500)),
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha0}`).then(h.verifyResponse(500)),
[true, false].forEach(isPublic => describe(`(for ${isPublic ? 'public' : 'hidden'} builds)`, () => {
const authorizationHeader2 = isPublic ?
authorizationHeader : '--header "Authorization: FAKE_VERIFIED_NOT_TRUSTED"';
const cmdPrefix = curl('', `${authorizationHeader2} ${xFileHeader}`);
it('should not overwrite existing builds', done => {
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html')).toContain('index.html');
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha9, isPublic);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain('index.html');
h.writeBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', 'My content');
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html')).toBe('My content');
h.writeBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content');
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).
h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).
then(h.verifyResponse(409, /^Request to overwrite existing directory/)).
then(() => expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html')).toBe('My content')).
then(() => expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content')).
it('should delete the PR directory on error (for new PR)', done => {
const prDir = path.join(h.buildsDir, pr);
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).
h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).
then(() => expect(fs.existsSync(prDir)).toBe(false)).
then(() => expect(h.buildExists(pr, '', isPublic)).toBe(false)).
it('should only delete the SHA directory on error (for existing PR)', done => {
const prDir = path.join(h.buildsDir, pr);
const shaDir = path.join(prDir, sha9);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha0, isPublic);
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha0);
h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).
h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`).
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha9, isPublic)).toBe(false);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, '', isPublic)).toBe(true);
@ -135,32 +148,34 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
describe('on successful upload', () => {
const archivePath = path.join(h.buildsDir, 'snapshot.tar.gz');
const statusCode = isPublic ? 201 : 202;
let uploadPromise: Promise<CmdResult>;
beforeEach(() => {
h.createDummyArchive(pr, sha9, archivePath);
uploadPromise = h.runCmd(`${curl} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`);
uploadPromise = h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha9}`);
afterEach(() => h.deletePrDir(pr));
afterEach(() => h.deletePrDir(pr, isPublic));
it('should respond with 201', done => {
it(`should respond with ${statusCode}`, done => {
it('should extract the contents of the uploaded file', done => {
then(() => {
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html')).toContain(`uploaded/${pr}`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'foo/bar.js')).toContain(`uploaded/${pr}`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain(`uploaded/${pr}`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'foo/bar.js', isPublic)).toContain(`uploaded/${pr}`);
it(`should create files/directories owned by '${h.wwwUser}'`, done => {
const shaDir = path.join(h.buildsDir, pr, sha9);
const prDir = h.getPrDir(pr, isPublic);
const shaDir = path.join(prDir, sha9);
const idxPath = path.join(shaDir, 'index.html');
const barPath = path.join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js');
@ -188,7 +203,8 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
it('should make the build directory non-writable', done => {
const shaDir = path.join(h.buildsDir, pr, sha9);
const prDir = h.getPrDir(pr, isPublic);
const shaDir = path.join(prDir, sha9);
const idxPath = path.join(shaDir, 'index.html');
const barPath = path.join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js');
@ -210,6 +226,81 @@ describe('upload-server (on HTTP)', () => {
describe('when the PR\'s visibility has changed', () => {
const archivePath = path.join(h.buildsDir, 'snapshot.tar.gz');
const statusCode = isPublic ? 201 : 202;
const checkPrVisibility = (isPublic2: boolean) => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr, '', isPublic2)).toBe(true);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, '', !isPublic2)).toBe(false);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, isPublic2)).toBe(true);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, !isPublic2)).toBe(false);
const uploadBuild = (sha: string) => h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix} http://${host}/create-build/${pr}/${sha}`);
beforeEach(() => {
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha0, !isPublic);
h.createDummyArchive(pr, sha9, archivePath);
afterEach(() => h.deletePrDir(pr, isPublic));
it('should update the PR\'s visibility', done => {
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha9, isPublic)).toBe(true);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain(`uploaded/${pr}`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha9, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain(sha9);
it('should not overwrite existing builds (but keep the updated visibility)', done => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, isPublic)).toBe(false);
then(h.verifyResponse(409, /^Request to overwrite existing directory/)).
then(() => {
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha0, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain(pr);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha0, 'index.html', isPublic)).not.toContain(`uploaded/${pr}`);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha0, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain(sha0);
expect(h.readBuildFile(pr, sha0, 'index.html', isPublic)).not.toContain(sha9);
it('should reject the request if it fails to update the PR\'s visibility', done => {
// One way to cause an error is to have both a public and a hidden directory for the sme PR.
h.createDummyBuild(pr, sha0, isPublic);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, isPublic)).toBe(true);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, !isPublic)).toBe(true);
const errorRegex = new RegExp(`^Request to move '${h.getPrDir(pr, !isPublic)}' ` +
`to existing directory '${h.getPrDir(pr, isPublic)}'.`);
then(h.verifyResponse(409, errorRegex)).
then(() => {
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, isPublic)).toBe(true);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha0, !isPublic)).toBe(true);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha9, isPublic)).toBe(false);
expect(h.buildExists(pr, sha9, !isPublic)).toBe(false);