fix(router): handle path:'' redirects and matches
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/*global jasmine, __karma__, window*/
Error.stackTraceLimit = 10;
Error.stackTraceLimit = 5;
__karma__.loaded = function () {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {Route, RouterConfig} from './config';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from './shared';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree, mapChildren} from './url_tree';
import {merge} from './utils/collection';
class NoMatch {
constructor(public segment: UrlSegment = null) {}
@ -38,7 +39,10 @@ export function applyRedirects(urlTree: UrlTree, config: RouterConfig): Observab
function createUrlTree(urlTree: UrlTree, root: UrlSegment): Observable<UrlTree> {
function createUrlTree(urlTree: UrlTree, rootCandidate: UrlSegment): Observable<UrlTree> {
const root = rootCandidate.pathsWithParams.length > 0 ?
new UrlSegment([], {[PRIMARY_OUTLET]: rootCandidate}) :
return of (new UrlTree(root, urlTree.queryParams, urlTree.fragment));
@ -70,10 +74,10 @@ function expandPathsWithParams(
function expandPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
segment: UrlSegment, routes: Route[], route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[], outlet: string,
allowRedirects: boolean): UrlSegment {
if ((route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET) !== outlet) throw new NoMatch();
if (route.redirectTo && !allowRedirects) throw new NoMatch();
if (getOutlet(route) !== outlet) throw new NoMatch();
if (route.redirectTo !== undefined && !allowRedirects) throw new NoMatch();
if (route.redirectTo) {
if (route.redirectTo !== undefined) {
return expandPathsWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(segment, routes, route, paths, outlet);
} else {
return matchPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(segment, route, paths);
@ -115,22 +119,23 @@ function expandRegularPathWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(
function matchPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
segment: UrlSegment, route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]): UrlSegment {
rawSegment: UrlSegment, route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]): UrlSegment {
if (route.path === '**') {
return new UrlSegment(paths, {});
} else {
const {consumedPaths, lastChild} = match(segment, route, paths);
const {consumedPaths, lastChild} = match(rawSegment, route, paths);
const childConfig = route.children ? route.children : [];
const slicedPath = paths.slice(lastChild);
const rawSlicedPath = paths.slice(lastChild);
if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedPath.length === 0) {
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths, {});
const {segment, slicedPath} = split(rawSegment, consumedPaths, rawSlicedPath, childConfig);
// TODO: check that the right segment is present
} else if (slicedPath.length === 0 && segment.hasChildren()) {
if (slicedPath.length === 0 && segment.hasChildren()) {
const children = expandSegmentChildren(childConfig, segment);
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths, children);
} else if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedPath.length === 0) {
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths, {});
} else {
const cs = expandPathsWithParams(segment, childConfig, slicedPath, PRIMARY_OUTLET, true);
return new UrlSegment(consumedPaths.concat(cs.pathsWithParams), cs.children);
@ -183,12 +188,11 @@ function match(segment: UrlSegment, route: Route, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]): {
function applyRedirectCommands(
paths: UrlPathWithParams[], redirectTo: string,
posParams: {[k: string]: UrlPathWithParams}): UrlPathWithParams[] {
if (redirectTo.startsWith('/')) {
const parts = redirectTo.substring(1).split('/');
return createPaths(redirectTo, parts, paths, posParams);
const r = redirectTo.startsWith('/') ? redirectTo.substring(1) : redirectTo;
if (r === '') {
return [];
} else {
const parts = redirectTo.split('/');
return createPaths(redirectTo, parts, paths, posParams);
return createPaths(redirectTo, r.split('/'), paths, posParams);
@ -219,3 +223,72 @@ function findOrCreatePath(part: string, paths: UrlPathWithParams[]): UrlPathWith
return new UrlPathWithParams(part, {});
function split(
segment: UrlSegment, consumedPaths: UrlPathWithParams[], slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[],
config: Route[]) {
if (slicedPath.length > 0 &&
containsEmptyPathRedirectsWithNamedOutlets(segment, slicedPath, config)) {
const s = new UrlSegment(
createChildrenForEmptyPaths(config, new UrlSegment(slicedPath, segment.children)));
return {segment: s, slicedPath: []};
} else if (slicedPath.length === 0 && containsEmptyPathRedirects(segment, slicedPath, config)) {
const s = new UrlSegment(
addEmptyPathsToChildrenIfNeeded(segment, slicedPath, config, segment.children));
return {segment: s, slicedPath};
} else {
return {segment, slicedPath};
function addEmptyPathsToChildrenIfNeeded(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[],
children: {[name: string]: UrlSegment}): {[name: string]: UrlSegment} {
const res: {[name: string]: UrlSegment} = {};
for (let r of routes) {
if (emptyPathRedirect(segment, slicedPath, r) && !children[getOutlet(r)]) {
res[getOutlet(r)] = new UrlSegment([], {});
return merge(children, res);
function createChildrenForEmptyPaths(
routes: Route[], primarySegment: UrlSegment): {[name: string]: UrlSegment} {
const res: {[name: string]: UrlSegment} = {};
res[PRIMARY_OUTLET] = primarySegment;
for (let r of routes) {
if (r.path === '') {
res[getOutlet(r)] = new UrlSegment([], {});
return res;
function containsEmptyPathRedirectsWithNamedOutlets(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[]): boolean {
return routes
r => emptyPathRedirect(segment, slicedPath, r) && getOutlet(r) !== PRIMARY_OUTLET)
.length > 0;
function containsEmptyPathRedirects(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[]): boolean {
return routes.filter(r => emptyPathRedirect(segment, slicedPath, r)).length > 0;
function emptyPathRedirect(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], r: Route): boolean {
if ((segment.hasChildren() || slicedPath.length > 0) && r.terminal) return false;
return r.path === '' && r.redirectTo !== undefined;
function getOutlet(route: Route): string {
return route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET;
@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ function processSegment(config: Route[], segment: UrlSegment, extraParams: Param
if (segment.pathsWithParams.length === 0 && segment.hasChildren()) {
return processSegmentChildren(config, segment, extraParams);
} else {
return [processPathsWithParams(
config, segment, 0, segment.pathsWithParams, extraParams, outlet)];
return processPathsWithParams(config, segment, 0, segment.pathsWithParams, extraParams, outlet);
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ function sortActivatedRouteSnapshots(nodes: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[]):
function processPathsWithParams(
config: Route[], segment: UrlSegment, pathIndex: number, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
extraParams: Params, outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
extraParams: Params, outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
for (let r of config) {
try {
return processPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(r, segment, pathIndex, paths, extraParams, outlet);
@ -84,8 +83,8 @@ function processPathsWithParams(
function processPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
route: Route, segment: UrlSegment, pathIndex: number, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
parentExtraParams: Params, outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
route: Route, rawSegment: UrlSegment, pathIndex: number, paths: UrlPathWithParams[],
parentExtraParams: Params, outlet: string): TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[] {
if (route.redirectTo) throw new NoMatch();
if ((route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET) !== outlet) throw new NoMatch();
@ -93,30 +92,33 @@ function processPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
if (route.path === '**') {
const params = paths.length > 0 ? last(paths).parameters : {};
const snapshot = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
paths, merge(parentExtraParams, params), outlet, route.component, route, segment, -1);
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, []);
paths, merge(parentExtraParams, params), outlet, route.component, route,
getSourceSegment(rawSegment), getPathIndexShift(rawSegment) - 1);
return [new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, [])];
const {consumedPaths, parameters, extraParams, lastChild} =
match(segment, route, paths, parentExtraParams);
const snapshot = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
consumedPaths, parameters, outlet, route.component, route, segment,
pathIndex + lastChild - 1);
const slicedPath = paths.slice(lastChild);
match(rawSegment, route, paths, parentExtraParams);
const rawSlicedPath = paths.slice(lastChild);
const childConfig = route.children ? route.children : [];
if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedPath.length === 0) {
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, []);
const {segment, slicedPath} = split(rawSegment, consumedPaths, rawSlicedPath, childConfig);
// TODO: check that the right segment is present
} else if (slicedPath.length === 0 && segment.hasChildren()) {
const snapshot = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(
consumedPaths, parameters, outlet, route.component, route, getSourceSegment(rawSegment),
getPathIndexShift(rawSegment) + pathIndex + lastChild - 1);
if (slicedPath.length === 0 && segment.hasChildren()) {
const children = processSegmentChildren(childConfig, segment, extraParams);
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, children);
return [new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, children)];
} else if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedPath.length === 0) {
return [new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, [])];
} else {
const child = processPathsWithParams(
const children = processPathsWithParams(
childConfig, segment, pathIndex + lastChild, slicedPath, extraParams, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
return new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, [child]);
return [new TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>(snapshot, children)];
@ -173,4 +175,103 @@ function checkOutletNameUniqueness(nodes: TreeNode<ActivatedRouteSnapshot>[]): v
names[n.value.outlet] = n.value;
function getSourceSegment(segment: UrlSegment): UrlSegment {
let s = segment;
while (s._sourceSegment) {
s = s._sourceSegment;
return s;
function getPathIndexShift(segment: UrlSegment): number {
let s = segment;
let res = 0;
while (s._sourceSegment) {
s = s._sourceSegment;
res += segment._pathIndexShift;
return res;
function split(
segment: UrlSegment, consumedPaths: UrlPathWithParams[], slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[],
config: Route[]) {
if (slicedPath.length > 0 &&
containsEmptyPathMatchesWithNamedOutlets(segment, slicedPath, config)) {
const s = new UrlSegment(
segment, consumedPaths, config, new UrlSegment(slicedPath, segment.children)));
s._sourceSegment = segment;
s._pathIndexShift = 0;
return {segment: s, slicedPath: []};
} else if (slicedPath.length === 0 && containsEmptyPathMatches(segment, slicedPath, config)) {
const s = new UrlSegment(
addEmptyPathsToChildrenIfNeeded(segment, slicedPath, config, segment.children));
s._sourceSegment = segment;
s._pathIndexShift = 0;
return {segment: s, slicedPath};
} else {
return {segment, slicedPath};
function addEmptyPathsToChildrenIfNeeded(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[],
children: {[name: string]: UrlSegment}): {[name: string]: UrlSegment} {
const res: {[name: string]: UrlSegment} = {};
for (let r of routes) {
if (emptyPathMatch(segment, slicedPath, r) && !children[getOutlet(r)]) {
const s = new UrlSegment([], {});
s._sourceSegment = segment;
s._pathIndexShift = segment.pathsWithParams.length;
res[getOutlet(r)] = s;
return merge(children, res);
function createChildrenForEmptyPaths(
segment: UrlSegment, consumedPaths: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[],
primarySegment: UrlSegment): {[name: string]: UrlSegment} {
const res: {[name: string]: UrlSegment} = {};
res[PRIMARY_OUTLET] = primarySegment;
primarySegment._sourceSegment = segment;
primarySegment._pathIndexShift = consumedPaths.length;
for (let r of routes) {
if (r.path === '') {
const s = new UrlSegment([], {});
s._sourceSegment = segment;
s._pathIndexShift = consumedPaths.length;
res[getOutlet(r)] = s;
return res;
function containsEmptyPathMatchesWithNamedOutlets(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[]): boolean {
return routes
.filter(r => emptyPathMatch(segment, slicedPath, r) && getOutlet(r) !== PRIMARY_OUTLET)
.length > 0;
function containsEmptyPathMatches(
segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], routes: Route[]): boolean {
return routes.filter(r => emptyPathMatch(segment, slicedPath, r)).length > 0;
function emptyPathMatch(segment: UrlSegment, slicedPath: UrlPathWithParams[], r: Route): boolean {
if ((segment.hasChildren() || slicedPath.length > 0) && r.terminal) return false;
return r.path === '' && r.redirectTo === undefined;
function getOutlet(route: Route): string {
return route.outlet ? route.outlet : PRIMARY_OUTLET;
@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ export class UrlTree {
export class UrlSegment {
* @internal
_sourceSegment: UrlSegment;
* @internal
_pathIndexShift: number;
public parent: UrlSegment = null;
public pathsWithParams: UrlPathWithParams[], public children: {[key: string]: UrlSegment}) {
@ -306,7 +316,11 @@ class UrlParser {
parsePathWithParams(): UrlPathWithParams {
let path = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
const path = matchPathWithParams(this.remaining);
if (path === '' && this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
throw new Error(`Empty path url segment cannot have parameters: '${this.remaining}'.`);
let matrixParams: {[key: string]: any} = {};
if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
@ -73,95 +73,37 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
'c/b', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
it('should redirect empty path', () => {
it('should support redirects with both main and aux', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a'}
'b', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'bb', component: ComponentB}, {path: 'b', redirectTo: 'bb'},
{path: 'cc', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: 'b', redirectTo: 'cc', outlet: 'aux'}
'a/(b//aux:b)', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(bb//aux:cc)')); });
it('should redirect empty path (global redirect)', () => {
it('should support redirects with both main and aux (with a nested redirect)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: '/a/b'}
'', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'bb', component: ComponentB}, {path: 'b', redirectTo: 'bb'},
xit('should support nested redirects', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}]
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a'}
'', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
xit('should support nested redirects (when redirected to an empty path)', () => {
path: '',
component: ComponentA,
children: [{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}]
{path: 'a', redirectTo: ''}
'a', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('b')); });
xit('should support redirects with both main and aux', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
{path: 'a', redirectTo: ''}
'a', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b//aux:c)')); });
it('should redirect empty path route only when terminal', () => {
const config = [
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a', terminal: true}
applyRedirects(tree('b'), config)
(_) => { throw 'Should not be reached'; },
e => { expect(e.message).toEqual('Cannot match any routes: \'b\''); });
path: 'cc',
component: ComponentC,
outlet: 'aux',
children: [{path: 'dd', component: ComponentC}, {path: 'd', redirectTo: 'dd'}]
{path: 'b', redirectTo: 'cc/d', outlet: 'aux'}
'a/(b//aux:b)', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(bb//aux:cc/dd)')); });
it('should redirect wild cards', () => {
@ -185,6 +127,187 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
'/a/b/1', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('/global/1')); });
describe('empty paths', () => {
it('redirect from an empty path should work (local redirect)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a'}
'b', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
it('redirect from an empty path should work (global redirect)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: '/a/b'}
'', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
it('should redirect empty path route only when terminal', () => {
const config = [
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a', terminal: true}
applyRedirects(tree('b'), config)
(_) => { throw 'Should not be reached'; },
e => { expect(e.message).toEqual('Cannot match any routes: \'b\''); });
it('redirect from an empty path should work (nested case)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}]
{path: '', redirectTo: 'a'}
'', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b)')); });
it('redirect to an empty path should work', () => {
{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}]},
{path: 'a', redirectTo: ''}
'a/b', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('b')); });
describe('aux split is in the middle', () => {
it('should create a new url segment (non-terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
'a/b', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b//aux:c)')); });
it('should create a new url segment (terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '', terminal: true, redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
'a/b', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/b')); });
describe('split at the end (no right child)', () => {
it('should create a new child (non-terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
'a', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b//aux:c)')); });
it('should create a new child (terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
{path: '', terminal: true, redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
'a', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b//aux:c)')); });
it('should work only only primary outlet', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}, {path: '', redirectTo: 'b'},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'}
'a/(aux:c)', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b//aux:c)')); });
describe('split at the end (right child)', () => {
it('should create a new child (non-terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB, children: [{path: 'd', component: ComponentB}]},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}, {
path: 'c',
component: ComponentC,
outlet: 'aux',
children: [{path: 'e', component: ComponentC}]
{path: '', redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
'a/(d//aux:e)', (t: UrlTree) => { compareTrees(t, tree('a/(b/d//aux:c/e)')); });
it('should not create a new child (terminal)', () => {
const config = [{
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB, children: [{path: 'd', component: ComponentB}]},
{path: '', redirectTo: 'b'}, {
path: 'c',
component: ComponentC,
outlet: 'aux',
children: [{path: 'e', component: ComponentC}]
{path: '', terminal: true, redirectTo: 'c', outlet: 'aux'}
applyRedirects(tree('a/(d//aux:e)'), config)
(_) => { throw 'Should not be reached'; },
e => { expect(e.message).toEqual('Cannot match any routes: \'a\''); });
function checkRedirect(config: RouterConfig, url: string, callback: any): void {
@ -107,20 +107,6 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
xit('should handle nested secondary routes', () => {
{path: 'a', component: ComponentA}, {path: 'b', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'left'},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'right'}
'a(left:b(right:c))', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const c = s.children(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], 'a', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], 'b', {}, ComponentB, 'left');
checkActivatedRoute(c[2], 'c', {}, ComponentC, 'right');
it('should handle non top-level secondary routes', () => {
@ -168,86 +154,219 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
describe('matching empty url', () => {
it('should support root index routes', () => {
recognize(RootComponent, [{path: '', component: ComponentA}], tree(''), '')
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), '', {}, ComponentA);
describe('empty path', () => {
describe('root', () => {
it('should work', () => {
checkRecognize([{path: '', component: ComponentA}], '', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), '', {}, ComponentA);
it('should support nested root index routes', () => {
[{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}],
tree(''), '')
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), '', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), '', {}, ComponentB);
it('should match when terminal', () => {
[{path: '', terminal: true, component: ComponentA}], '', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), '', {}, ComponentA);
it('should set url segment and index properly', () => {
const url = tree('');
[{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}], url,
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const c = s.firstChild(s.root);
const c2 = s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root));
it('should support index routes', () => {
[{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}],
tree('a'), 'a')
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), '', {}, ComponentB);
it('should support index routes with children', () => {
RootComponent, [{
path: '',
component: ComponentA,
children: [{
it('should not match when terminal', () => {
RootComponent, [{
path: '',
component: ComponentB,
children: [{path: 'c/:id', component: ComponentC}]
tree('c/10'), 'c/10')
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), '', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), '', {}, ComponentB);
s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root))), 'c/10', {id: '10'},
terminal: true,
component: ComponentA,
children: [{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}]
tree('b'), '')
() => {}, (e) => { expect(e.message).toEqual('Cannot match any routes: \'b\''); });
it('should work (nested case)', () => {
[{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}], '',
(s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), '', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), '', {}, ComponentB);
it('should set url segment and index properly', () => {
const url = tree('');
[{path: '', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}], url,
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const c = s.firstChild(s.root);
const c2 = s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root));
xit('should pass parameters to every nested index route (case with non-index route)', () => {
[{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, children: [{path: '', component: ComponentB}]}],
tree('/a;a=1'), '/a;a=1')
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {a: '1'}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(<any>s.firstChild(s.root)), '', {a: '1'}, ComponentB);
describe('aux split is in the middle', () => {
it('should match (non-terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'}
'a/b', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], 'b', {}, ComponentB);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {}, ComponentC, 'aux');
it('should match (terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', terminal: true, component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'}
'a/b', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], 'b', {}, ComponentB);
it('should set url segment and index properly', () => {
const url = tree('a/b');
RootComponent, [{
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'}
url, 'a/b')
.forEach((s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const a = s.firstChild(s.root);
const b = s.firstChild(a);
const c = s.children(a)[1];
describe('aux split at the end (no right child)', () => {
it('should match (non-terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentB},
{path: '', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
'a', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {}, ComponentB);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {}, ComponentC, 'aux');
it('should match (terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: '', terminal: true, component: ComponentB},
{path: '', terminal: true, component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
'a', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {}, ComponentB);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {}, ComponentC, 'aux');
it('should work only only primary outlet', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentB},
{path: 'c', component: ComponentC, outlet: 'aux'},
'a/(aux:c)', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {}, ComponentB);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], 'c', {}, ComponentC, 'aux');
describe('split at the end (right child)', () => {
it('should match (non-terminal)', () => {
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentB, children: [{path: 'd', component: ComponentD}]},
path: '',
component: ComponentC,
outlet: 'aux',
children: [{path: 'e', component: ComponentE}]
'a/(d//aux:e)', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(s.root), 'a', {}, ComponentA);
const c = s.children(s.firstChild(s.root));
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {}, ComponentB);
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(c[0]), 'd', {}, ComponentD);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {}, ComponentC, 'aux');
checkActivatedRoute(s.firstChild(c[1]), 'e', {}, ComponentE);
@ -307,64 +426,6 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
checkActivatedRoute(c, 'c', {}, ComponentC);
xit('should work with empty paths', () => {
path: 'p/:id',
children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentA},
{path: '', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'aux'}
'p/11', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const p = s.firstChild(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(p, 'p/11', {id: '11'}, undefined);
const c = s.children(p);
console.log('lsfs', c);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {}, ComponentB, 'aux');
xit('should work with empty paths and params', () => {
path: 'p/:id',
children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentA},
{path: '', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'aux'}
'p/11/(;pa=33//aux:;pb=44)', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const p = s.firstChild(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(p, 'p/11', {id: '11'}, undefined);
const c = s.children(p);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {pa: '33'}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {pb: '44'}, ComponentB, 'aux');
xit('should work with only aux path', () => {
path: 'p/:id',
children: [
{path: '', component: ComponentA},
{path: '', component: ComponentB, outlet: 'aux'}
'p/11', (s: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
const p = s.firstChild(s.root);
checkActivatedRoute(p, 'p/11(aux:;pb=44)', {id: '11'}, undefined);
const c = s.children(p);
checkActivatedRoute(c[0], '', {}, ComponentA);
checkActivatedRoute(c[1], '', {pb: '44'}, ComponentB, 'aux');
describe('query parameters', () => {
@ -441,3 +502,5 @@ class RootComponent {}
class ComponentA {}
class ComponentB {}
class ComponentC {}
class ComponentD {}
class ComponentE {}
@ -27,31 +27,9 @@ describe('url serializer', () => {
it('should parse segments with empty paths', () => {
const tree = url.parse('/one/two/(;a=1//right:;b=2)');
const c = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 'one/two', true);
expect(c.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].pathsWithParams[0].parameters).toEqual({a: '1'});
expect(c.children['right'].pathsWithParams[0].parameters).toEqual({b: '2'});
it('should parse segments with empty paths (only aux)', () => {
const tree = url.parse('/one/two/(right:;b=2)');
const c = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
expectSegment(tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 'one/two', true);
expect(c.children['right'].pathsWithParams[0].parameters).toEqual({b: '2'});
it('should not parse empty path segments with params', () => {
expect(() => url.parse('/one/two/(;a=1//right:;b=2)'))
.toThrowError(/Empty path url segment cannot have parameters/);
it('should parse scoped secondary segments', () => {
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