refactor(compiler): introduce summaries for metadata (#12799)
This does not yet introduce loading / serialization of summaries. Part of #12787
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,6 +98,15 @@ export class CompileIdentifierMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier
get identifier(): CompileIdentifierMetadata { return this; }
* A CompileSummary is the data needed to use a directive / pipe / module
* in other modules / components. However, this data is not enough to compile
* the directive / module itself.
export interface CompileSummary {
isSummary: boolean /* TODO: `true` when we drop TS 1.8 support */;
export class CompileDiDependencyMetadata {
isAttribute: boolean;
isSelf: boolean;
@ -264,6 +273,16 @@ export class CompileStylesheetMetadata {
* Summary Metadata regarding compilation of a template.
export interface CompileTemplateSummary extends CompileSummary {
isSummary: boolean /* TODO: `true` when we drop TS 1.8 support */;
animations: string[];
ngContentSelectors: string[];
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation;
* Metadata regarding compilation of a template.
@ -303,6 +322,34 @@ export class CompileTemplateMetadata {
this.interpolation = interpolation;
toSummary(): CompileTemplateSummary {
return {
isSummary: true,
animations: =>,
ngContentSelectors: this.ngContentSelectors,
encapsulation: this.encapsulation
export interface CompileDirectiveSummary extends CompileSummary {
isSummary: boolean /* TODO: `true` when we drop TS 1.8 support */;
type: CompileTypeMetadata;
isComponent: boolean;
selector: string;
exportAs: string;
inputs: {[key: string]: string};
outputs: {[key: string]: string};
hostListeners: {[key: string]: string};
hostProperties: {[key: string]: string};
hostAttributes: {[key: string]: string};
providers: CompileProviderMetadata[];
viewProviders: CompileProviderMetadata[];
queries: CompileQueryMetadata[];
entryComponents: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy;
template: CompileTemplateSummary;
@ -394,7 +441,6 @@ export class CompileDirectiveMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
viewProviders: CompileProviderMetadata[];
queries: CompileQueryMetadata[];
viewQueries: CompileQueryMetadata[];
// Note: Need to keep types here to prevent cycles!
entryComponents: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
template: CompileTemplateMetadata;
@ -442,6 +488,27 @@ export class CompileDirectiveMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
get identifier(): CompileIdentifierMetadata { return this.type; }
toSummary(): CompileDirectiveSummary {
return {
isSummary: true,
type: this.type,
isComponent: this.isComponent,
selector: this.selector,
exportAs: this.exportAs,
inputs: this.inputs,
outputs: this.outputs,
hostListeners: this.hostListeners,
hostProperties: this.hostProperties,
hostAttributes: this.hostAttributes,
providers: this.providers,
viewProviders: this.viewProviders,
queries: this.queries,
entryComponents: this.entryComponents,
changeDetection: this.changeDetection,
template: this.template && this.template.toSummary()
@ -479,6 +546,12 @@ export function createHostComponentMeta(compMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata):
export interface CompilePipeSummary extends CompileSummary {
isSummary: boolean /* TODO: `true` when we drop TS 1.8 support */;
type: CompileTypeMetadata;
name: string;
pure: boolean;
export class CompilePipeMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
type: CompileTypeMetadata;
@ -495,8 +568,33 @@ export class CompilePipeMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
this.pure = !!pure;
get identifier(): CompileIdentifierMetadata { return this.type; }
toSummary(): CompilePipeSummary {
return {isSummary: true, type: this.type, name:, pure: this.pure};
export interface CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary extends CompileSummary {
isSummary: boolean /* TODO: `true` when we drop TS 1.8 support */;
type: CompileTypeMetadata;
entryComponents: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
providers: CompileProviderMetadata[];
importedModules: CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary[];
exportedModules: CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary[];
export interface CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary extends CompileSummary {
isSummary: boolean /* TODO: `true` when we drop TS 1.8 support */;
type: CompileTypeMetadata;
exportedDirectives: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
exportedPipes: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
exportedModules: CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary[];
loadingPromises: Promise<any>[];
export type CompileNgModuleSummary =
CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary & CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary;
* Metadata regarding compilation of a module.
@ -506,13 +604,12 @@ export class CompileNgModuleMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
exportedDirectives: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
declaredPipes: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
exportedPipes: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
// Note: See CompileDirectiveMetadata.entryComponents why this has to be a type.
entryComponents: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
bootstrapComponents: CompileIdentifierMetadata[];
providers: CompileProviderMetadata[];
importedModules: CompileNgModuleMetadata[];
exportedModules: CompileNgModuleMetadata[];
importedModules: CompileNgModuleSummary[];
exportedModules: CompileNgModuleSummary[];
schemas: SchemaMetadata[];
id: string;
@ -531,8 +628,8 @@ export class CompileNgModuleMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
exportedPipes?: CompileIdentifierMetadata[],
entryComponents?: CompileIdentifierMetadata[],
bootstrapComponents?: CompileIdentifierMetadata[],
importedModules?: CompileNgModuleMetadata[],
exportedModules?: CompileNgModuleMetadata[],
importedModules?: CompileNgModuleSummary[],
exportedModules?: CompileNgModuleSummary[],
transitiveModule?: TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata,
schemas?: SchemaMetadata[],
id?: string
@ -553,6 +650,41 @@ export class CompileNgModuleMetadata implements CompileMetadataWithIdentifier {
get identifier(): CompileIdentifierMetadata { return this.type; }
toSummary(): CompileNgModuleSummary {
return {
isSummary: true,
type: this.type,
entryComponents: this.entryComponents,
providers: this.providers,
importedModules: this.importedModules,
exportedModules: this.exportedModules,
exportedDirectives: this.exportedDirectives,
exportedPipes: this.exportedPipes,
loadingPromises: this.transitiveModule.loadingPromises
toInjectorSummary(): CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary {
return {
isSummary: true,
type: this.type,
entryComponents: this.entryComponents,
providers: this.providers,
importedModules: this.importedModules,
exportedModules: this.exportedModules
toDirectiveSummary(): CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary {
return {
isSummary: true,
type: this.type,
exportedDirectives: this.exportedDirectives,
exportedPipes: this.exportedPipes,
exportedModules: this.exportedModules,
loadingPromises: this.transitiveModule.loadingPromises
export class TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata {
@ -560,7 +692,7 @@ export class TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata {
pipesSet = new Set<any>();
public modules: CompileNgModuleMetadata[], public providers: CompileProviderMetadata[],
public modules: CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary[], public providers: CompileProviderMetadata[],
public entryComponents: CompileIdentifierMetadata[],
public directives: CompileIdentifierMetadata[], public pipes: CompileIdentifierMetadata[],
public loadingPromises: Promise<any>[]) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata} from './compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileIdentifierMetadata} from './compile_metadata';
import {createCheckBindingField, createCheckBindingStmt} from './compiler_util/binding_util';
import {EventHandlerVars, convertActionBinding, convertPropertyBinding} from './compiler_util/expression_converter';
import {triggerAnimation, writeToRenderer} from './compiler_util/render_util';
@ -355,8 +355,8 @@ function parseHostBindings(
const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(
new ParseLocation(sourceFile, null, null, null),
new ParseLocation(sourceFile, null, null, null));
const parsedHostProps = parser.createDirectiveHostPropertyAsts(dirMeta, sourceSpan);
const parsedHostListeners = parser.createDirectiveHostEventAsts(dirMeta, sourceSpan);
const parsedHostProps = parser.createDirectiveHostPropertyAsts(dirMeta.toSummary(), sourceSpan);
const parsedHostListeners = parser.createDirectiveHostEventAsts(dirMeta.toSummary(), sourceSpan);
return new ParseResult(parsedHostProps, parsedHostListeners, errors);
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ export class DirectiveWrapperExpressions {
return [];
static ngOnDestroy(dir: CompileDirectiveMetadata, dirWrapper: o.Expression): o.Statement[] {
static ngOnDestroy(dir: CompileDirectiveSummary, dirWrapper: o.Expression): o.Statement[] {
if (dir.type.lifecycleHooks.indexOf(LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy) !== -1 ||
Object.keys(dir.outputs).length > 0) {
return [dirWrapper.callMethod('ngOnDestroy', []).toStmt()];
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ export class DirectiveWrapperExpressions {
static subscribe(
dirMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata, hostProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[], usedEvents: string[],
dirMeta: CompileDirectiveSummary, hostProps: BoundElementPropertyAst[], usedEvents: string[],
dirWrapper: o.Expression, view: o.Expression, eventListener: o.Expression): o.Statement[] {
let needsSubscribe = false;
let eventFlags: o.Expression[] = [];
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import {assertArrayOfStrings, assertInterpolationSymbols} from './assertions';
import * as cpl from './compile_metadata';
import {DirectiveNormalizer} from './directive_normalizer';
import {DirectiveResolver} from './directive_resolver';
import {ListWrapper} from './facade/collection';
import {ListWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from './facade/collection';
import {isBlank, isPresent, stringify} from './facade/lang';
import {Identifiers, resolveIdentifierToken} from './identifiers';
import {hasLifecycleHook} from './lifecycle_reflector';
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import {getUrlScheme} from './url_resolver';
import {MODULE_SUFFIX, SyncAsyncResult, ValueTransformer, sanitizeIdentifier, visitValue} from './util';
// Design notes:
// - don't lazily create metadata:
// For some metadata, we need to do async work sometimes,
@ -34,7 +35,9 @@ import {MODULE_SUFFIX, SyncAsyncResult, ValueTransformer, sanitizeIdentifier, vi
export class CompileMetadataResolver {
private _directiveCache = new Map<Type<any>, cpl.CompileDirectiveMetadata>();
private _directiveSummaryCache = new Map<Type<any>, cpl.CompileDirectiveSummary>();
private _pipeCache = new Map<Type<any>, cpl.CompilePipeMetadata>();
private _pipeSummaryCache = new Map<Type<any>, cpl.CompilePipeSummary>();
private _ngModuleCache = new Map<Type<any>, cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata>();
private _ngModuleOfTypes = new Map<Type<any>, Type<any>>();
private _anonymousTypes = new Map<Object, number>();
@ -63,7 +66,9 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
clearCacheFor(type: Type<any>) {
const dirMeta = this._directiveCache.get(type);
// Clear all of the NgModule as they contain transitive information!
@ -74,7 +79,9 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
clearCache() {
@ -205,6 +212,7 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
entryComponents: entryComponentMetadata
this._directiveCache.set(directiveType, meta);
this._directiveSummaryCache.set(directiveType, meta.toSummary());
return meta;
@ -259,6 +267,15 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
return dirMeta;
getDirectiveSummary(dirType: any): cpl.CompileDirectiveSummary {
const dirSummary = this._directiveSummaryCache.get(dirType);
if (!dirSummary) {
throw new Error(
`Illegal state: getDirectiveSummary can only be called after loadNgModuleMetadata for a module that imports it. Directive ${stringify(dirType)}.`);
return dirSummary;
isDirective(type: any) { return this._directiveResolver.isDirective(type); }
isPipe(type: any) { return this._pipeResolver.isPipe(type); }
@ -276,6 +293,14 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
return modMeta;
private _loadNgModuleSummary(moduleType: any, isSync: boolean): cpl.CompileNgModuleSummary {
// TODO(tbosch): add logic to read summary files!
// - needs to add directive / pipe summaries to this._directiveSummaryCache /
// this._pipeSummaryCache as well!
const moduleMeta = this._loadNgModuleMetadata(moduleType, isSync, false);
return moduleMeta ? moduleMeta.toSummary() : null;
* Loads an NgModule and all of its directives. This includes loading the exported directives of
* imported modules,
@ -301,11 +326,10 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
return null;
const declaredDirectives: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const exportedDirectives: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const exportedNonModuleIdentifiers: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const declaredPipes: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const exportedPipes: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const importedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[] = [];
const exportedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[] = [];
const importedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleSummary[] = [];
const exportedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleSummary[] = [];
const providers: any[] = [];
const entryComponents: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const bootstrapComponents: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
@ -327,12 +351,12 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
if (importedModuleType) {
const importedMeta = this._loadNgModuleMetadata(importedModuleType, isSync, false);
if (importedMeta === null) {
const importedModuleSummary = this._loadNgModuleSummary(importedModuleType, isSync);
if (!importedModuleSummary) {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected ${this._getTypeDescriptor(importedType)} '${stringify(importedType)}' imported by the module '${stringify(moduleType)}'`);
} else {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected value '${stringify(importedType)}' imported by the module '${stringify(moduleType)}'`);
@ -346,18 +370,12 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected value '${stringify(exportedType)}' exported by the module '${stringify(moduleType)}'`);
let identifier =
this._getIdentifierMetadata(exportedType, staticTypeModuleUrl(exportedType));
let exportedModuleMeta: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata;
if (this._directiveResolver.isDirective(exportedType)) {
} else if (this._pipeResolver.isPipe(exportedType)) {
} else if (exportedModuleMeta = this._loadNgModuleMetadata(exportedType, isSync, false)) {
const exportedModuleSummary = this._loadNgModuleSummary(exportedType, isSync);
if (exportedModuleSummary) {
} else {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected ${this._getTypeDescriptor(exportedType)} '${stringify(exportedType)}' exported by the module '${stringify(moduleType)}'`);
this._getIdentifierMetadata(exportedType, staticTypeModuleUrl(exportedType)));
@ -395,6 +413,19 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
const exportedDirectives: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
const exportedPipes: cpl.CompileIdentifierMetadata[] = [];
exportedNonModuleIdentifiers.forEach((exportedId) => {
if (transitiveModule.directivesSet.has(exportedId.reference)) {
} else if (transitiveModule.pipesSet.has(exportedId.reference)) {
} else {
throw new Error(
`Can't export ${this._getTypeDescriptor(exportedId.reference)} ${stringify(exportedId.reference)} from ${stringify(moduleType)} as it was neither declared nor imported!`);
// The providers of the module have to go last
// so that they overwrite any other provider we already added.
if (meta.providers) {
@ -444,29 +475,11 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
this._ngModuleCache.set(moduleType, compileMeta);
return compileMeta;
private _verifyModule(moduleMeta: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata) {
moduleMeta.exportedDirectives.forEach((dirIdentifier) => {
if (!moduleMeta.transitiveModule.directivesSet.has(dirIdentifier.reference)) {
throw new Error(
`Can't export directive ${stringify(dirIdentifier.reference)} from ${stringify(moduleMeta.type.reference)} as it was neither declared nor imported!`);
moduleMeta.exportedPipes.forEach((pipeIdentifier) => {
if (!moduleMeta.transitiveModule.pipesSet.has(pipeIdentifier.reference)) {
throw new Error(
`Can't export pipe ${stringify(pipeIdentifier.reference)} from ${stringify(moduleMeta.type.reference)} as it was neither declared nor imported!`);
private _getTypeDescriptor(type: Type<any>): string {
if (this._directiveResolver.isDirective(type)) {
return 'directive';
@ -500,20 +513,20 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
private _getTransitiveNgModuleMetadata(
importedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[],
exportedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[]): cpl.TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata {
importedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleSummary[],
exportedModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleSummary[]): cpl.TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata {
// collect `providers` / `entryComponents` from all imported and all exported modules
const transitiveModules = getTransitiveModules(importedModules.concat(exportedModules), true);
const transitiveModules = getTransitiveImportedModules(importedModules.concat(exportedModules));
const providers = flattenArray( => ngModule.providers));
const entryComponents =
flattenArray( => ngModule.entryComponents));
const transitiveExportedModules = getTransitiveModules(importedModules, false);
const transitiveExportedModules = getTransitiveExportedModules(importedModules);
const directives =
flattenArray( => ngModule.exportedDirectives));
const pipes = flattenArray( => ngModule.exportedPipes));
const loadingPromises = ListWrapper.flatten(
|||| => ngModule.transitiveModule.loadingPromises));
const loadingPromises =
ListWrapper.flatten( => ngModule.loadingPromises));
return new cpl.TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata(
transitiveModules, providers, entryComponents, directives, pipes, loadingPromises);
@ -562,6 +575,15 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
return pipeMeta;
getPipeSummary(pipeType: any): cpl.CompilePipeSummary {
const pipeSummary = this._pipeSummaryCache.get(pipeType);
if (!pipeSummary) {
throw new Error(
`Illegal state: getPipeSummary can only be called after loadNgModuleMetadata for a module that imports it. Pipe ${stringify(pipeType)}.`);
return pipeSummary;
private _loadPipeMetadata(pipeType: Type<any>): void {
pipeType = resolveForwardRef(pipeType);
const pipeMeta = this._pipeResolver.resolve(pipeType);
@ -575,6 +597,7 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
pure: pipeMeta.pure
this._pipeCache.set(pipeType, meta);
this._pipeSummaryCache.set(pipeType, meta.toSummary());
private _getDependenciesMetadata(typeOrFunc: Type<any>|Function, dependencies: any[]):
@ -790,17 +813,31 @@ export class CompileMetadataResolver {
function getTransitiveModules(
modules: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[], includeImports: boolean,
targetModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[] = [],
visitedModules = new Set<Type<any>>()): cpl.CompileNgModuleMetadata[] {
function getTransitiveExportedModules(
modules: cpl.CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary[],
targetModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary[] = [],
visitedModules = new Set<Type<any>>()): cpl.CompileNgModuleDirectiveSummary[] {
modules.forEach((ngModule) => {
if (!visitedModules.has(ngModule.type.reference)) {
const nestedModules = includeImports ?
ngModule.importedModules.concat(ngModule.exportedModules) :
getTransitiveModules(nestedModules, includeImports, targetModules, visitedModules);
getTransitiveExportedModules(ngModule.exportedModules, targetModules, visitedModules);
// Add after recursing so imported/exported modules are before the module itself.
// This is important for overwriting providers of imported modules!
return targetModules;
function getTransitiveImportedModules(
modules: cpl.CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary[],
targetModules: cpl.CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary[] = [],
visitedModules = new Set<Type<any>>()): cpl.CompileNgModuleInjectorSummary[] {
modules.forEach((ngModule) => {
if (!visitedModules.has(ngModule.type.reference)) {
const nestedModules = ngModule.importedModules.concat(ngModule.exportedModules);
getTransitiveImportedModules(nestedModules, targetModules, visitedModules);
// Add after recursing so imported/exported modules are before the module itself.
// This is important for overwriting providers of imported modules!
@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ export class OfflineCompiler {
fileSuffix: string, targetStatements: o.Statement[]): string {
const parsedAnimations = this._animationParser.parseComponent(compMeta);
const directives =
|||| => this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dir.reference));
|||| => this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveSummary(dir.reference));
const pipes =
pipe => this._metadataResolver.getPipeMetadata(pipe.reference));
pipe => this._metadataResolver.getPipeSummary(pipe.reference));
const parsedTemplate = this._templateParser.parse(
compMeta, compMeta.template.template, directives, pipes, ngModule.schemas,
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import {CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileNgModuleMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from './compile_metadata';
import {CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileNgModuleMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from './compile_metadata';
import {isBlank, isPresent} from './facade/lang';
import {Identifiers, resolveIdentifierToken} from './identifiers';
import {ParseError, ParseSourceSpan} from './parse_util';
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ function _normalizeProviders(
function _resolveProvidersFromDirectives(
directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[], sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan,
directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[], sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan,
targetErrors: ParseError[]): Map<any, ProviderAst> {
var providersByToken = new Map<any, ProviderAst>();
directives.forEach((directive) => {
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ function _getViewQueries(component: CompileDirectiveMetadata): Map<any, CompileQ
return viewQueries;
function _getContentQueries(directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[]):
function _getContentQueries(directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[]):
Map<any, CompileQueryMetadata[]> {
var contentQueries = new Map<any, CompileQueryMetadata[]>();
directives.forEach(directive => {
@ -149,7 +149,9 @@ export class RuntimeCompiler implements Compiler {
const moduleByDirective = new Map<any, CompileNgModuleMetadata>();
const templates = new Set<CompiledTemplate>();
ngModule.transitiveModule.modules.forEach((localModuleMeta) => {
ngModule.transitiveModule.modules.forEach((localModuleSummary) => {
const localModuleMeta =
localModuleMeta.declaredDirectives.forEach((dirIdentifier) => {
moduleByDirective.set(dirIdentifier.reference, localModuleMeta);
const dirMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dirIdentifier.reference);
@ -165,7 +167,9 @@ export class RuntimeCompiler implements Compiler {
ngModule.transitiveModule.modules.forEach((localModuleMeta) => {
ngModule.transitiveModule.modules.forEach((localModuleSummary) => {
const localModuleMeta =
localModuleMeta.declaredDirectives.forEach((dirIdentifier) => {
const dirMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dirIdentifier.reference);
if (dirMeta.isComponent) {
@ -279,9 +283,9 @@ export class RuntimeCompiler implements Compiler {
stylesCompileResult.componentStylesheet, externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl);
const parsedAnimations = this._animationParser.parseComponent(compMeta);
const directives =
|||| => this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dir.reference));
|||| => this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveSummary(dir.reference));
const pipes =
pipe => this._metadataResolver.getPipeMetadata(pipe.reference));
pipe => this._metadataResolver.getPipeSummary(pipe.reference));
const parsedTemplate = this._templateParser.parse(
compMeta, compMeta.template.template, directives, pipes, template.ngModule.schemas,
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveSummary, CompilePipeSummary} from '../compile_metadata';
import {AST, ASTWithSource, BindingPipe, EmptyExpr, Interpolation, LiteralPrimitive, ParserError, RecursiveAstVisitor, TemplateBinding} from '../expression_parser/ast';
import {Parser} from '../expression_parser/parser';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ export class BoundProperty {
* Parses bindings in templates and in the directive host area.
export class BindingParser {
pipesByName: Map<string, CompilePipeMetadata> = new Map();
pipesByName: Map<string, CompilePipeSummary> = new Map();
private _exprParser: Parser, private _interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig,
private _schemaRegistry: ElementSchemaRegistry, pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[],
private _schemaRegistry: ElementSchemaRegistry, pipes: CompilePipeSummary[],
private _targetErrors: ParseError[]) {
pipes.forEach(pipe => this.pipesByName.set(, pipe));
createDirectiveHostPropertyAsts(dirMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan):
createDirectiveHostPropertyAsts(dirMeta: CompileDirectiveSummary, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan):
BoundElementPropertyAst[] {
if (dirMeta.hostProperties) {
const boundProps: BoundProperty[] = [];
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export class BindingParser {
createDirectiveHostEventAsts(dirMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan):
createDirectiveHostEventAsts(dirMeta: CompileDirectiveSummary, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan):
BoundEventAst[] {
if (dirMeta.hostListeners) {
const targetEventAsts: BoundEventAst[] = [];
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {AST} from '../expression_parser/ast';
import {ParseSourceSpan} from '../parse_util';
import {LifecycleHooks} from '../private_import_core';
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ export class BoundDirectivePropertyAst implements TemplateAst {
export class DirectiveAst implements TemplateAst {
public directive: CompileDirectiveMetadata, public inputs: BoundDirectivePropertyAst[],
public directive: CompileDirectiveSummary, public inputs: BoundDirectivePropertyAst[],
public hostProperties: BoundElementPropertyAst[], public hostEvents: BoundEventAst[],
public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {Inject, Injectable, OpaqueToken, Optional, SchemaMetadata, SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, removeIdentifierDuplicates} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompilePipeSummary, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTemplateSummary, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata, removeIdentifierDuplicates} from '../compile_metadata';
import {AST, ASTWithSource, BindingPipe, EmptyExpr, Interpolation, ParserError, RecursiveAstVisitor, TemplateBinding} from '../expression_parser/ast';
import {Parser} from '../expression_parser/parser';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ export class TemplateParser {
@Optional() @Inject(TEMPLATE_TRANSFORMS) public transforms: TemplateAstVisitor[]) {}
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[], schemas: SchemaMetadata[], templateUrl: string): TemplateAst[] {
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[],
pipes: CompilePipeSummary[], schemas: SchemaMetadata[], templateUrl: string): TemplateAst[] {
const result = this.tryParse(component, template, directives, pipes, schemas, templateUrl);
const warnings = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.WARNING);
const errors = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.FATAL);
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ export class TemplateParser {
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[], schemas: SchemaMetadata[],
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[],
pipes: CompilePipeSummary[], schemas: SchemaMetadata[],
templateUrl: string): TemplateParseResult {
return this.tryParseHtml(
@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ export class TemplateParser {
htmlAstWithErrors: ParseTreeResult, component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: string,
directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[], pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[],
schemas: SchemaMetadata[], templateUrl: string): TemplateParseResult {
directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[], pipes: CompilePipeSummary[], schemas: SchemaMetadata[],
templateUrl: string): TemplateParseResult {
var result: TemplateAst[];
var errors = htmlAstWithErrors.errors;
if (htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes.length > 0) {
const uniqDirectives = removeIdentifierDuplicates(directives);
const uniqPipes = removeIdentifierDuplicates(pipes);
const uniqDirectives = removeSummaryDuplicates(directives);
const uniqPipes = removeSummaryDuplicates(pipes);
const providerViewContext =
new ProviderViewContext(component, htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes[0].sourceSpan);
let interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig;
@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ export class TemplateParser {
class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
selectorMatcher = new SelectorMatcher();
directivesIndex = new Map<CompileDirectiveMetadata, number>();
directivesIndex = new Map<CompileDirectiveSummary, number>();
ngContentCount: number = 0;
public providerViewContext: ProviderViewContext, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
public providerViewContext: ProviderViewContext, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[],
private _bindingParser: BindingParser, private _schemaRegistry: ElementSchemaRegistry,
private _schemas: SchemaMetadata[], private _targetErrors: TemplateParseError[]) {
directives.forEach((directive: CompileDirectiveMetadata, index: number) => {
directives.forEach((directive, index) => {
const selector = CssSelector.parse(directive.selector);
this.selectorMatcher.addSelectables(selector, directive);
this.directivesIndex.set(directive, index);
@ -360,7 +360,8 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
const componentTemplate = providerContext.viewContext.component.template;
this._validateElementAnimationInputOutputs(elementProps, events, componentTemplate);
elementProps, events, componentTemplate.toSummary());
if (hasInlineTemplates) {
@ -392,9 +393,9 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
private _validateElementAnimationInputOutputs(
inputs: BoundElementPropertyAst[], outputs: BoundEventAst[],
template: CompileTemplateMetadata) {
template: CompileTemplateSummary) {
const triggerLookup = new Set<string>();
template.animations.forEach(entry => { triggerLookup.add(; });
template.animations.forEach(entry => { triggerLookup.add(entry); });
const animationInputs = inputs.filter(input => input.isAnimation);
animationInputs.forEach(input => {
@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
private _parseDirectives(selectorMatcher: SelectorMatcher, elementCssSelector: CssSelector):
{directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[], matchElement: boolean} {
{directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[], matchElement: boolean} {
// Need to sort the directives so that we get consistent results throughout,
// as selectorMatcher uses Maps inside.
// Also deduplicate directives as they might match more than one time!
@ -538,12 +539,12 @@ class TemplateParseVisitor implements html.Visitor {
private _createDirectiveAsts(
isTemplateElement: boolean, elementName: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
isTemplateElement: boolean, elementName: string, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[],
props: BoundProperty[], elementOrDirectiveRefs: ElementOrDirectiveRef[],
elementSourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan, targetReferences: ReferenceAst[]): DirectiveAst[] {
const matchedReferences = new Set<string>();
let component: CompileDirectiveMetadata = null;
const directiveAsts = CompileDirectiveMetadata) => {
let component: CompileDirectiveSummary = null;
const directiveAsts = => {
const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(
elementSourceSpan.start, elementSourceSpan.end, `Directive ${}`);
if (directive.isComponent) {
@ -837,3 +838,15 @@ const NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR = new NonBindableVisitor();
function _isEmptyTextNode(node: html.Node): boolean {
return node instanceof html.Text && node.value.trim().length == 0;
export function removeSummaryDuplicates<T extends{type: CompileTypeMetadata}>(items: T[]): T[] {
const map = new Map<any, T>();
items.forEach((item) => {
if (!map.get(item.type.reference)) {
map.set(item.type.reference, item);
return Array.from(map.values());
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import {CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {createDiTokenExpression} from '../compiler_util/identifier_util';
import {DirectiveWrapperCompiler, DirectiveWrapperExpressions} from '../directive_wrapper_compiler';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ export class CompileElement extends CompileNode {
parent: CompileElement, view: CompileView, nodeIndex: number, renderNode: o.Expression,
sourceAst: TemplateAst, public component: CompileDirectiveMetadata,
private _directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
sourceAst: TemplateAst, public component: CompileDirectiveSummary,
private _directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[],
private _resolvedProvidersArray: ProviderAst[], public hasViewContainer: boolean,
public hasEmbeddedView: boolean, references: ReferenceAst[],
private _targetDependencies:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import {CompilePipeMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompilePipeSummary} from '../compile_metadata';
import {createPureProxy} from '../compiler_util/identifier_util';
import {Identifiers, resolveIdentifier, resolveIdentifierToken} from '../identifiers';
import * as o from '../output/output_ast';
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export class CompilePipe {
instance: o.ReadPropExpr;
private _purePipeProxyCount = 0;
constructor(public view: CompileView, public meta: CompilePipeMetadata) {
constructor(public view: CompileView, public meta: CompilePipeSummary) {
this.instance = o.THIS_EXPR.prop(`_pipe_${}_${view.pipeCount++}`);
var deps = => {
if (diDep.token.reference ===
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ export class CompilePipe {
function _findPipeMeta(view: CompileView, name: string): CompilePipeMetadata {
var pipeMeta: CompilePipeMetadata = null;
function _findPipeMeta(view: CompileView, name: string): CompilePipeSummary {
var pipeMeta: CompilePipeSummary = null;
for (var i = view.pipeMetas.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var localPipeMeta = view.pipeMetas[i];
if ( == name) {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import {AnimationEntryCompileResult} from '../animation/animation_compiler';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompilePipeSummary} from '../compile_metadata';
import {EventHandlerVars, NameResolver} from '../compiler_util/expression_converter';
import {createPureProxy} from '../compiler_util/identifier_util';
import {CompilerConfig} from '../config';
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export class CompileView implements NameResolver {
public component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, public genConfig: CompilerConfig,
public pipeMetas: CompilePipeMetadata[], public styles: o.Expression,
public pipeMetas: CompilePipeSummary[], public styles: o.Expression,
public animations: AnimationEntryCompileResult[], public viewIndex: number,
public declarationElement: CompileElement, public templateVariableBindings: string[][]) {
this.createMethod = new CompileMethod(this);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveSummary, CompilePipeSummary} from '../compile_metadata';
import {DirectiveWrapperExpressions} from '../directive_wrapper_compiler';
import * as o from '../output/output_ast';
import {LifecycleHooks} from '../private_import_core';
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var STATE_IS_NEVER_CHECKED = o.THIS_EXPR.prop('numberOfChecks').identical(new o.
var NOT_THROW_ON_CHANGES = o.not(DetectChangesVars.throwOnChange);
export function bindDirectiveAfterContentLifecycleCallbacks(
directiveMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata, directiveInstance: o.Expression,
directiveMeta: CompileDirectiveSummary, directiveInstance: o.Expression,
compileElement: CompileElement) {
var view = compileElement.view;
var lifecycleHooks = directiveMeta.type.lifecycleHooks;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export function bindDirectiveAfterContentLifecycleCallbacks(
export function bindDirectiveAfterViewLifecycleCallbacks(
directiveMeta: CompileDirectiveMetadata, directiveInstance: o.Expression,
directiveMeta: CompileDirectiveSummary, directiveInstance: o.Expression,
compileElement: CompileElement) {
var view = compileElement.view;
var lifecycleHooks = directiveMeta.type.lifecycleHooks;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export function bindInjectableDestroyLifecycleCallbacks(
export function bindPipeDestroyLifecycleCallbacks(
pipeMeta: CompilePipeMetadata, pipeInstance: o.Expression, view: CompileView) {
pipeMeta: CompilePipeSummary, pipeInstance: o.Expression, view: CompileView) {
var onDestroyMethod = view.destroyMethod;
if (pipeMeta.type.lifecycleHooks.indexOf(LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy) !== -1) {
onDestroyMethod.addStmt(pipeInstance.callMethod('ngOnDestroy', []).toStmt());
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {createDiTokenExpression} from '../compiler_util/identifier_util';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {Identifiers, resolveIdentifier} from '../identifiers';
@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ export function injectFromViewParentInjector(
export function getViewClassName(
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, embeddedTemplateIndex: number): string {
component: CompileDirectiveSummary | CompileDirectiveMetadata,
embeddedTemplateIndex: number): string {
return `View_${}${embeddedTemplateIndex}`;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import {ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileIdentifierMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {createSharedBindingVariablesIfNeeded} from '../compiler_util/expression_converter';
import {createDiTokenExpression, createInlineArray} from '../compiler_util/identifier_util';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ function _isNgContainer(node: CompileNode, view: CompileView): boolean {
function _mergeHtmlAndDirectiveAttrs(
declaredHtmlAttrs: {[key: string]: string}, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[]): string[] {
declaredHtmlAttrs: {[key: string]: string}, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[]): string[] {
const mapResult: {[key: string]: string} = {};
Object.keys(declaredHtmlAttrs).forEach(key => { mapResult[key] = declaredHtmlAttrs[key]; });
directives.forEach(directiveMeta => {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {AnimationEntryCompileResult} from '../animation/animation_compiler';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeSummary} from '../compile_metadata';
import {CompilerConfig} from '../config';
import * as o from '../output/output_ast';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from '../schema/element_schema_registry';
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class ViewCompiler {
component: CompileDirectiveMetadata, template: TemplateAst[], styles: o.Expression,
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeSummary[],
compiledAnimations: AnimationEntryCompileResult[]): ViewCompileResult {
const dependencies:
Array<ViewClassDependency|ComponentFactoryDependency|DirectiveWrapperDependency> = [];
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CompileAnimationEntryMetadata, CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompilePipeMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from '@angular/compiler/src/compile_metadata';
import {CompileAnimationEntryMetadata, CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileDirectiveSummary, CompilePipeMetadata, CompilePipeSummary, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from '@angular/compiler/src/compile_metadata';
import {DomElementSchemaRegistry} from '@angular/compiler/src/schema/dom_element_schema_registry';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from '@angular/compiler/src/schema/element_schema_registry';
import {AttrAst, BoundDirectivePropertyAst, BoundElementPropertyAst, BoundEventAst, BoundTextAst, DirectiveAst, ElementAst, EmbeddedTemplateAst, NgContentAst, PropertyBindingType, ProviderAstType, ReferenceAst, TemplateAst, TemplateAstVisitor, TextAst, VariableAst, templateVisitAll} from '@angular/compiler/src/template_parser/template_ast';
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {SchemaMetadata, SecurityContext, Type} from '@angular/core';
import {Console} from '@angular/core/src/console';
import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {beforeEach, describe, expect, inject, it} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {Identifiers, identifierToken, resolveIdentifierToken} from '../../src/identifiers';
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, InterpolationConfig} from '../../src/ml_parser/interpolation_config';
import {MockSchemaRegistry} from '../../testing/index';
@ -31,9 +32,9 @@ const MOCK_SCHEMA_REGISTRY = [{
export function main() {
var ngIf: CompileDirectiveMetadata;
var ngIf: CompileDirectiveSummary;
var parse: (
template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[], pipes?: CompilePipeMetadata[],
template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[], pipes?: CompilePipeSummary[],
schemas?: SchemaMetadata[]) => TemplateAst[];
var console: ArrayConsole;
@ -52,17 +53,19 @@ export function main() {
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'Root', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
isComponent: true
ngIf = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[ngIf]',
template: someTemplate,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'NgIf', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['ngIf']
ngIf = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[ngIf]',
template: someTemplate,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'NgIf', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['ngIf']
parse =
(template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
pipes: CompilePipeMetadata[] = null, schemas: SchemaMetadata[] = []): TemplateAst[] => {
(template: string, directives: CompileDirectiveSummary[],
pipes: CompilePipeSummary[] = null, schemas: SchemaMetadata[] = []): TemplateAst[] => {
if (pipes === null) {
pipes = [];
@ -462,25 +465,34 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should not issue a warning when host attributes contain a valid property-bound animation trigger',
() => {
const animationEntries = [new CompileAnimationEntryMetadata('prop', [])];
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({animations: animationEntries}),
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[@prop]': 'expr'}
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({animations: animationEntries}),
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirA',
reference: {} as Type<any>
host: {'[@prop]': 'expr'}
humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]));
it('should throw descriptive error when a host binding is not a string expression', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'broken',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[]': null}
var dirA =
selector: 'broken',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[]': null}
expect(() => { parse('<broken></broken>', [dirA]); })
@ -488,12 +500,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should throw descriptive error when a host event is not a string expression', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'broken',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'(click)': null}
var dirA =
selector: 'broken',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'(click)': null}
expect(() => { parse('<broken></broken>', [dirA]); })
@ -553,12 +568,17 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should allow events on explicit embedded templates that are emitted by a directive',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'template',
outputs: ['e'],
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: 'template',
outputs: ['e'],
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirA',
reference: {} as Type<any>
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template (e)="f"></template>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[BoundEventAst, 'e', null, 'f'],
@ -591,21 +611,36 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
describe('directives', () => {
it('should order directives by the directives array in the View and match them only once',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirC = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[c]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirC', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirA',
reference: {} as Type<any>
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirB',
reference: {} as Type<any>
var dirC = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[c]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirC',
reference: {} as Type<any>
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a c b a b>', [dirA, dirB, dirC]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', ''], [AttrAst, 'c', ''], [AttrAst, 'b', ''],
[AttrAst, 'a', ''], [AttrAst, 'b', ''], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
@ -614,16 +649,22 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should locate directives in property bindings', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a=b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA =
selector: '[a=b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirB =
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [a]="b">', [dirA, dirB]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'a', 'b', null],
@ -632,11 +673,14 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should locate directives in event bindings', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div (a)="b">', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [BoundEventAst, 'a', null, 'b'], [DirectiveAst, dirA]
@ -644,12 +688,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should parse directive host properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[a]': 'expr'}
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[a]': 'expr'}
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundElementPropertyAst, PropertyBindingType.Property, 'a', 'expr', null]
@ -657,24 +704,30 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should parse directive host listeners', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'(a)': 'expr'}
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'(a)': 'expr'}
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA], [BoundEventAst, 'a', null, 'expr']
it('should parse directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['aProp']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['aProp']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [aProp]="expr"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'aProp', 'expr']
@ -682,12 +735,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should parse renamed directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['b:a']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['b:a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div [a]="expr"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'b', 'expr']
@ -695,12 +751,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should parse literal directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a="literal"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', 'literal'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'a', '"literal"']
@ -708,12 +767,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should favor explicit bound properties over literal properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a="literal" [a]="\'literal2\'"></div>', [dirA])))
[ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'a', 'literal'], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
@ -722,12 +784,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should support optional directive properties', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [DirectiveAst, dirA]
@ -795,23 +860,25 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
viewProviders?: CompileProviderMetadata[],
deps?: string[],
queries?: string[]
} = {}): CompileDirectiveMetadata {
} = {}): CompileDirectiveSummary {
var isComponent = !selector.startsWith('[');
return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: selector,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: selector,
reference: selector as any as Type<any>
isComponent: isComponent,
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []}),
providers: providers,
viewProviders: viewProviders,
(value) => new CompileQueryMetadata({selectors: [createToken(value)]}))
return CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: selector,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: selector,
reference: selector as any as Type<any>
isComponent: isComponent,
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []}),
providers: providers,
viewProviders: viewProviders,
(value) => new CompileQueryMetadata({selectors: [createToken(value)]}))
beforeEach(() => { nextProviderId = 0; });
@ -1051,12 +1118,15 @@ Binding to attribute 'onEvent' is disallowed for security reasons ("<my-componen
it('should assign references to directives via exportAs', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
exportAs: 'dirA'
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
exportAs: 'dirA'
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a #a="dirA"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[AttrAst, 'a', ''],
@ -1095,14 +1165,17 @@ Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>
it('should assign references with empty value to components', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
exportAs: 'dirA',
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
exportAs: 'dirA',
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div a #a></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'],
[AttrAst, 'a', ''],
@ -1112,11 +1185,14 @@ Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>
it('should not locate directives in references', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ref-a>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]
@ -1159,11 +1235,14 @@ Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>
it('should not locate directives in variables', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<template let-a="b"></template>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b']
@ -1202,17 +1281,25 @@ Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>
describe('directives', () => {
it('should locate directives in property bindings', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a=b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA =
selector: '[a=b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['a']
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[b]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirB',
reference: {} as Type<any>
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div template="a b" b>', [dirA, dirB]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [DirectiveAst, dirA],
[BoundDirectivePropertyAst, 'a', 'b'], [ElementAst, 'div'], [AttrAst, 'b', ''],
@ -1221,22 +1308,32 @@ Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>
it('should not locate directives in variables', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirA',
reference: {} as Type<any>
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div template="let a=b">', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[EmbeddedTemplateAst], [VariableAst, 'a', 'b'], [ElementAst, 'div']
it('should not locate directives in references', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: 'DirA',
reference: {} as Type<any>
expect(humanizeTplAst(parse('<div ref-a>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div'], [ReferenceAst, 'a', null]
@ -1265,28 +1362,32 @@ Reference "#a" is defined several times ("<div #a></div><div [ERROR ->]#a></div>
beforeEach(() => { compCounter = 0; });
function createComp(
selector: string, ngContentSelectors: string[]): CompileDirectiveMetadata {
return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: selector,
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: `SomeComp${compCounter++}`,
reference: {} as Type<any>
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: ngContentSelectors})
selector: string, ngContentSelectors: string[]): CompileDirectiveSummary {
return CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: selector,
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: `SomeComp${compCounter++}`,
reference: {} as Type<any>
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: ngContentSelectors})
function createDir(selector: string): CompileDirectiveMetadata {
return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: selector,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: `SomeDir${compCounter++}`,
reference: {} as Type<any>
function createDir(selector: string): CompileDirectiveSummary {
return CompileDirectiveMetadata
selector: selector,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({
moduleUrl: someModuleUrl,
name: `SomeDir${compCounter++}`,
reference: {} as Type<any>
describe('project text nodes', () => {
@ -1454,12 +1555,15 @@ Can't bind to 'invalidProp' since it isn't a known property of 'div'. ("<div [ER
it('should report invalid host property names', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[invalidProp]': 'someProp'}
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
host: {'[invalidProp]': 'someProp'}
expect(() => parse('<div></div>', [dirA])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'invalidProp' since it isn't a known property of 'div'. ("[ERROR ->]<div></div>"): TestComp@0:0, Directive DirA`);
@ -1471,30 +1575,39 @@ Parser Error: Unexpected token 'b' at column 3 in [a b] in TestComp@0:5 ("<div [
it('should not throw on invalid property names if the property is used by a directive',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['invalidProp']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['invalidProp']
expect(() => parse('<div [invalid-prop]></div>', [dirA])).not.toThrow();
it('should not allow more than 1 component per element', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirB = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirB =
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirB', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(() => parse('<div>', [dirB, dirA]))
`Template parse errors:\n` +
@ -1505,13 +1618,16 @@ Parser Error: Unexpected token 'b' at column 3 in [a b] in TestComp@0:5 ("<div [
it('should not allow components or element bindings nor dom events on explicit embedded templates',
() => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(() => parse('<template [a]="b" (e)="f"></template>', [dirA]))
.toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Event binding e not emitted by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the event name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("<template [a]="b" [ERROR ->](e)="f"></template>"): TestComp@0:18
@ -1520,13 +1636,16 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
it('should not allow components or element bindings on inline embedded templates', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(() => parse('<div *a="b"></div>', [dirA])).toThrowError(`Template parse errors:
Components on an embedded template: DirA ("[ERROR ->]<div *a="b"></div>"): TestComp@0:0
Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the property name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "directives" section. ("[ERROR ->]<div *a="b"></div>"): TestComp@0:0`);
@ -1678,18 +1797,24 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
it('should support directive', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var comp = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'ZComp', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
var dirA =
selector: '[a]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var comp =
selector: 'div',
isComponent: true,
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'ZComp', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({ngContentSelectors: []})
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div a>', [dirA, comp]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div a>'], [AttrAst, 'a', '', 'a'],
[DirectiveAst, dirA, '<div a>'], [DirectiveAst, comp, '<div a>']
@ -1697,16 +1822,22 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
it('should support directive in namespace', () => {
var tagSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'circle',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'elDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var attrSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: '[href]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'attrDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var tagSel =
selector: 'circle',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'elDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var attrSel =
selector: '[href]',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'attrDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
parse('<svg><circle /><use xlink:href="Port" /></svg>', [tagSel, attrSel])))
@ -1721,12 +1852,15 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
it('should support directive property', () => {
var dirA = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['aProp']
var dirA =
selector: 'div',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>}),
inputs: ['aProp']
expect(humanizeTplAstSourceSpans(parse('<div [aProp]="foo"></div>', [dirA]))).toEqual([
[ElementAst, 'div', '<div [aProp]="foo">'],
[DirectiveAst, dirA, '<div [aProp]="foo">'],
@ -1735,11 +1869,14 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
it('should support endSourceSpan for elements', () => {
const tagSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'circle',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'elDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
const tagSel =
selector: 'circle',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'elDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
const result = parse('<circle></circle>', [tagSel]);
const circle = result[0] as ElementAst;
@ -1748,16 +1885,22 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
it('should report undefined for endSourceSpan for elements without an end-tag', () => {
const ulSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'ul',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'ulDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
const liSel = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
selector: 'li',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'liDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
const ulSel =
selector: 'ul',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'ulDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
const liSel =
selector: 'li',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'liDir', reference: {} as Type<any>})
const result = parse('<ul><li><li></ul>', [ulSel, liSel]);
const ul = result[0] as ElementAst;
const li = ul.children[0] as ElementAst;
@ -1767,11 +1910,12 @@ Property binding a not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure
describe('pipes', () => {
it('should allow pipes that have been defined as dependencies', () => {
var testPipe = new CompilePipeMetadata({
name: 'test',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
var testPipe =
new CompilePipeMetadata({
name: 'test',
type: new CompileTypeMetadata(
{moduleUrl: someModuleUrl, name: 'DirA', reference: {} as Type<any>})
expect(() => parse('{{a | test}}', [], [testPipe])).not.toThrow();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user