Instead of running with karma and the karma-dart shim, run dart
tests directly using the new package:test runner. This migrates
away from package:unittest.
Fixes a couple tests, mostly associated with depending on absolute
URLs or editing the test providers after an injector had already
been created.
Remove karma-dart and associated files. Change gupfiles to run tests
via `pub run test` instead.
With providers split into bundles, the test injector is now able to
use providers for a given bundle. Suggested provider lists for tests are
available in `angular2/platform/testing/<platform>`.
Change the providers for a test suite using `setBaseTestProviders`. This
should be done once at the start of the test suite, before any test cases
BREAKING CHANGE: Tests are now required to use `setBaseTestProviders`
to set up. Assuming your tests are run on a browser, setup would change
as follows.
// Somewhere in test setup
import {BrowserDomAdapter} from 'angular2/src/platform/browser/browser_adapter';
// Somewhere in the test setup
import {setBaseTestProviders} from 'angular2/testing';
import {
} from 'angular2/platform/testing/browser';
Closes#5351, Closes#5585Closes#5975
- Platform pipes can only contain types and arrays of types,
but no bindings any more.
- When using transformers, platform pipes need to be specified explicitly
in the pubspec.yaml via the new config option
- `Compiler.compileInHost` now returns a `HostViewFactoryRef`
- Component view is not yet created when component constructor is called.
-> use `onInit` lifecycle callback to access the view of a component
- `ViewRef#setLocal` has been moved to new type `EmbeddedViewRef`
- `internalView` is gone, use `EmbeddedViewRef.rootNodes` to access
the root nodes of an embedded view
- `renderer.setElementProperty`, `..setElementStyle`, `..setElementAttribute` now
take a native element instead of an ElementRef
- `Renderer` interface now operates on plain native nodes,
instead of `RenderElementRef`s or `RenderViewRef`s
Previously, components that would implement lifecycle interfaces would include methods
like "onChanges" or "afterViewInit." Given that components were at risk of using such
names without realizing that Angular would call the methods at different points of
the component lifecycle. This change adds an "ng" prefix to all lifecycle hook methods,
far reducing the risk of an accidental name collision.
To fix, just rename these methods:
* onInit
* onDestroy
* doCheck
* onChanges
* afterContentInit
* afterContentChecked
* afterViewInit
* afterViewChecked
* _Router Hooks_
* onActivate
* onReuse
* onDeactivate
* canReuse
* canDeactivate
* ngOnInit,
* ngOnDestroy,
* ngDoCheck,
* ngOnChanges,
* ngAfterContentInit,
* ngAfterContentChecked,
* ngAfterViewInit,
* ngAfterViewChecked
* _Router Hooks_
* routerOnActivate
* routerOnReuse
* routerOnDeactivate
* routerCanReuse
* routerCanDeactivate
The names of lifecycle interfaces and enums have not changed, though interfaces
have been updated to reflect the new method names.
After discussing it we decided that PLATFORM_ is a better prefix for directives available everywhere in the app.
This is part of ongoing work to make core platform-independent.
All private exports from 'angular2/src/core/facade/{lang,collection,exception_handler}' should be replaced with 'angular2/src/facade/{lang,collection,exception_handler}'.
- we don't mark an element as bound any more if it only contains text bindings
E.g. <div>{{hello}}</div>
This changes the indices when using `DebugElement.componentViewChildren` / `DebugElement.children`.
- `@Directive.compileChildren` was removed,
`ng-non-bindable` is now builtin and not a directive any more
- angular no more adds the `ng-binding` class to elements with bindings
- directives are now ordered as they are listed in the View.directives regarding change detection.
Previously they had an undefined order.
- the `Renderer` interface has new methods `createProtoView` and `registerComponentTemplate`. See `DomRenderer` for default implementations.
- reprojection with `ng-content` is now all or nothing per `ng-content` element
- angular2 transformer can't be used in tests that modify directive metadata.
Use `angular2/src/transform/inliner_for_test` transformer instead.
- use `$implicit` variable value correctly
- handle `ng-non-bindable` correctly
- add some more assertions to `TemplateCompiler`
- make `CompiledTemplate` const
- fix default value for `@Directive.moduleId`
- add new compiler to application bindings
- `Compiler.compileInHost` and all methods of `DynamicComponentLoader` don’t take `Binding` any more, only `Type`s. This is in preparation for the new compiler which does not support this.
Part of #3605Closes#4346
- Rename `DirectiveMetadata` into `CompileDirectiveMetadata`, merge
with `NormalizedDirectiveMetadata` and remove `ChangeDetectionMetadata`
- Store change detector factories not as array but
directly at the `CompiledTemplate` or the embedded template
to make instantiation easier later on
- Already analyze variable values and map them
to `Directive.exportAs`
- Keep the directive sort order as specified in the
`@View()` annotation
- Allow to clear the runtime cache in `StyleCompiler`
and `TemplateCompiler`
- Ignore `script` elements to match the semantics of the
current compiler
- Make all components dynamically loadable and remove
the previously introduced property `@Component#dynamicLoadable`
for now until we find a better option to configure this
- Don’t allow to specify bindings in `@View#directives` and `@View#pipes` as this was never supported by the transformer (see below for the breaking change)
- don't support DI bindings in `@View#directives` and `@View@pipes` any more in preparation of integrating the new compiler. Use `@Directive#bindings` to reexport directives under a different token instead.
Part of #3605Closes#4314