This reverts commit c3fafa0651afd07b6fb5905b426121b2467e16c3.
The symbols should be configured at the component level and not be global to the compiler.
- many entry points were previously missing (e.g. all testing entry points, http, etc)
- upgrade ts-api-guardian to 0.0.3 that adds support for more api surface
- add all info to the spec that was surfaced by ts-api-guardian@0.0.3
This adds basic security hooks to Angular 2.
* `SecurityContext` is a private API between core, compiler, and
platform-browser. `SecurityContext` communicates what context a value is used
in across template parser, compiler, and sanitization at runtime.
* `SanitizationService` is the bare bones interface to sanitize values for a
particular context.
* `SchemaElementRegistry.securityContext(tagName, attributeOrPropertyName)`
determines the security context for an attribute or property (it turns out
attributes and properties match for the purposes of sanitization).
Based on these hooks:
* `DomSchemaElementRegistry` decides what sanitization applies in a particular
* `DomSanitizationService` implements `SanitizationService` and adds *Safe
Value*s, i.e. the ability to mark a value as safe and not requiring further
* `url_sanitizer` and `style_sanitizer` sanitize URLs and Styles, respectively
`DomSanitizationService` is the default implementation bound for browser
applications, in the three contexts (browser rendering, web worker rendering,
server side rendering).
Angular 2 Release Candidates do not implement proper contextual escaping yet.
Make sure to correctly escape all values that go into the DOM.
Reviewers: IgorMinar
Differential Revision:
- ViewRef.changeDetectorRef was removed as using ChangeDetectorRefs
for EmbeddedViewRefs does not make sense. Use ComponentRef.changeDetectorRef
or inject ChangeDetectorRef instead.
- Before, a `EmbeddedViewRef` used to have methods for
setting variables. Now, a user has to pass in a context
object that represents all variables when an `EmbeddedViewRef`
should be created.
- `ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedViewRef` now takes
a context object as 2nd argument.
- `EmbeddedViewRef.setLocal` and `getLocal` have been removed.
Use `EmbeddedViewRef.context` to access the context.
- `DebugNode.locals` has been removed. Use the new methods `DebugElement.references`
to get the references that are present on this element,
or `DebugElement.context` to get the context of the `EmbeddedViewRef` or the component to which the element belongs.
Introduces `ref-` to give a name to an element or a directive (also works for `<template>` elements), and `let-` to introduce an input variable for a `<template>` element.
- `#...` now always means `ref-`.
- `<template #abc>` now defines a reference to the TemplateRef, instead of an input variable used inside of the template.
- `#...` inside of a *ngIf, … directives is deprecated.
Use `let …` instead.
- `var-...` is deprecated. Replace with `let-...` for `<template>` elements and `ref-` for non `<template>` elements.
Pure pipes as well as arrays and maps are
implemented via proxy functions. This is
faster than the previous implementation
and also generates less code.
- pipes now take a variable number of arguments, and not an array that contains all arguments.
This changes Angular so that it can be used without reflection (assuming a codegen for injectors).
- Drops `APP_COMPONENT` provider. Instead, inject
`ApplicationRef` and read its `componentTypes` property.
- long form bootstrap has changed into the following:
var platform = createPlatform(ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate(BROWSER_PROVIDERS));
var appInjector =
ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([BROWSER_APP_PROVIDERS, appProviders], platform.injector);
coreLoadAndBootstrap(appInjector, MyApp);
- Injector was renamed into `ReflectiveInjector`,
as `Injector` is only an abstract class with one method on it
- `Injector.getOptional()` was changed into `Injector.get(token, notFoundValue)`
to make implementing injectors simpler
- `ViewContainerRef.createComponent` now takes an `Injector`
instead of `ResolvedProviders`. If a reflective injector
should be used, create one before calling this method.
(e.g. via `ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate(…)`.
This adds the feature for `@ViewChild`/`@ViewChildren`/`@ContentChild`/`@ContentChildren` to define what to read from the queried element.
E.g. `@ViewChild(`someVar`, read: ViewContainerRef)` will locate the element with a variable `someVar` on it and return a `ViewContainerRef` for it.
Background: With this change, Angular knows exactly at which elements there will be `ViewConainerRef`s as the user has to ask explicitly of them. This simplifies codegen and will make converting Angular templates into server side templates simpler as well.
- `DynamicComponentLoader.loadIntoLocation` has been removed. Use `@ViewChild(‘myVar’, read: ViewContainerRef)` to get hold of a `ViewContainerRef` at an element with variable `myVar`.
- `DynamicComponentLoader.loadNextToLocation` now takes a `ViewContainerRef` instead of an `ElementRef`.
- `AppViewManager` is renamed into `ViewUtils` and is a mere private utility service.
Each compile template now exposes a `<CompName>NgFactory` variable
with an instance of a `ComponentFactory`.
Calling `ComponentFactory.create` returns a `ComponentRef` that can
be used directly.
- `Compiler` is renamed to `ComponentResolver`,
`Compiler.compileInHost` has been renamed to `ComponentResolver.resolveComponent`.
- `ComponentRef.dispose` is renamed to `ComponentRef.destroy`
- `ViewContainerRef.createHostView` is renamed to `ViewContainerRef.createComponent`
- `ComponentFixture_` has been removed, the class `ComponentFixture`
can now be created directly as it is no more using private APIs.
- Renderer:
* renderComponent method is removed form `Renderer`, only present on `RootRenderer`
* Renderer.setDebugInfo is removed. Renderer.createElement / createText / createTemplateAnchor
now take the DebugInfo directly.
- Query semantics:
* Queries don't work with dynamically loaded components.
* e.g. for router-outlet: loaded components can't be queries via @ViewQuery,
but router-outlet emits an event `activate` now that emits the activated component
- Exception classes and the context inside changed (renamed fields)
- DebugElement.attributes is an Object and not a Map in JS any more
- ChangeDetectorGenConfig was renamed into CompilerConfig
- AppViewManager.createEmbeddedViewInContainer / AppViewManager.createHostViewInContainer
are removed, use the methods in ViewContainerRef instead
- Change detection order changed:
* 1. dirty check component inputs
* 2. dirty check content children
* 3. update render nodes
`OnPushObserve` was an experimental
feature for Dart and had
conceptual performance problems,
as setting up observables is slow.
Use `OnPush` instead.