BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes#10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close#18284
BREAKING CHANGE: `NgFor` has been removed as it was deprecated since v4. Use `NgForOf` instead. This does not impact the use of`*ngFor` in your templates.
PR Close#18758
BREAKING CHANGE: `NgTemplateOutlet#ngOutletContext` has been removed as it was deprecated since v4. Use `NgTemplateOutlet#ngTemplateOutletContext` instead.
PR Close#18780
BREAKING CHANGE: `DifferFactory.create` no longer takes ChangeDetectionRef as a first argument as it was not used and deprecated since v4.
PR Close#18757
BREAKING CHANGE: `NgProbeToken` has been removed from `@angular/platform-browser` as it was deprecated since v4. Import it from `@angular/core` instead.
PR Close#18760
This commit introduces a new Input property called
`ngFormOptions` to the `NgForm` directive. You can use it
to set default `updateOn` values for all the form's child
controls. This default will be used unless the child has
already explicitly set its own `updateOn` value in
Potential values: `change` | `blur` | `submit`
<form [ngFormOptions]="{updateOn: blur}">
<input name="one" ngModel> <!-- will update on blur-->
For more context, see [#18577](
toString() from DefaultIterableDiffer is only used in tests and should not
be part of the production code. toString() methods from differs add
~ 0.3KB (min+gzip) to the production bundle size.
This commit introduces a new option to template-driven forms that
improves performance by delaying form control updates until the
"blur" or "submit" event. To use it, set the `updateOn` property
in `ngModelOptions`.
<input ngModel [ngModelOptions]="{updateOn: blur}">
Like in AngularJS, setting `updateOn` to `blur` or `submit` will
delay the update of the value as well as the validation status.
Updating value and validity together keeps the system easy to reason
about, as the two will always be in sync. It's also worth noting
that the value/validation pipeline does still run when the form is
initialized (in order to support initial values).
Upcoming PRs will address:
* Support for setting group-level `updateOn` in template-driven forms
* Option for skipping initial validation run or more global error
display configuration
* Better support of reactive validation strategies
See more context in #18408, #18514, and the [design doc](
It is no longer possible to declare classes in this format.
constructor: function() {...}
This format would only work with JIT and with ES5. This mode doesn’t
allow build tools like Webpack to process and optimize the code, which
results in prohibitively large bundles. We are removing this API
because we are trying to ensure that everyone is on the fast path by
default, and it is not possible to get on the fast path using the ES5
DSL. The replacement is to use TypeScript and `@Decorator` format.
class {
constructor() {...}
The source map does not currently work with the transformer pipeline.
It will be re-enabled after TypeScript 2.4 is made the min version.
To revert to the former compiler, use the `disableTransformerPipeline` in
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"disableTransformerPipeline": true
This commit adds support for setting default `updateOn` values
in `FormGroups` and `FormArrays`. If you set `updateOn` to
’blur’` at the group level, all child controls will default to `’blur’`,
unless the child has explicitly specified a different `updateOn` value.
const c = new FormGroup({
one: new FormControl()
}, {updateOn: blur});
It's worth noting that parent groups will always update their value and
validity immediately upon value/validity updates from children. In other
words, if a group is set to update on blur and its children are individually
set to update on change, the group will still update on change with its
children; its default value will simply not be used.
This change allows ReflectiveInjector to be tree shaken resulting
in not needed Reflect polyfil and smaller bundles.
Code savings for HelloWorld using Closure:
Reflective: bundle.js: 105,864(34,190 gzip)
Static: bundle.js: 154,889(33,555 gzip)
645( 2%)
`platformXXXX()` no longer accepts providers which depend on reflection.
Specifically the method signature when from `Provider[]` to
{provide: ClassA, useClass: SubClassA}
{provide: MyClass, deps: [Dep1,...]},
{provide: ClassA, useClass: SubClassA, deps: [Dep1,...]}
NOTE: This only applies to platform creation and providers for the JIT
compiler. It does not apply to `@Compotent` or `@NgModule` provides
Benchpress note: Previously Benchpress also supported reflective
provides, which now require static providers.
- `ReflectiveInjector` is now deprecated as it will be remove. Use
`Injector.create` as a replacement.
FormControls, FormGroups, and FormArrays now optionally accept an options
object as their second argument. Validators and async validators can be
passed in as part of this options object (though they can still be passed
in as the second and third arg as before).
const c = new FormControl(, {
validators: [Validators.required],
asyncValidators: [myAsyncValidator]
This commit also adds support for passing arrays of validators and async
validators to FormGroups and FormArrays, which formerly only accepted
individual functions.
const g = new FormGroup({
one: new FormControl()
}, [myPasswordValidator, myOtherValidator]);
This change paves the way for adding more options to AbstractControls,
such as more fine-grained control of validation timing.
Angular can make many assumptions about its event handlers. As a result
the bookkeeping for native addEventListener is significantly cheaper
than Zone's addEventLister which can't make such assumptions.
This change bypasses the Zone's addEventListener if present and always
uses the native addEventHandler. As a result registering event listeners
is about 3 times faster.
PR Close#18107