In zone.js 0.11.1, the `types` field is missing in the `package.json`,
the reason is in zone.js 0.11.0, the `files` field is used to specify the
types, but it cause the npm package not contain any bundles issue, so zone.js
0.11.1 remove the `files` field, which cause the `type` definition gone.
This PR concat the `zone.js.d.ts`, `zone.configurations.api.ts`, `zone.api.extensions.ts`
types into a single `zone.d.ts` file.
PR Close#38585
zone.js monkey patch toString, and check the instance is `Promise` or not by using `instanceof Promise`,
sometimes when Promise is not available, the `instanceof` operation fails
and throw `TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object`
this PR check `typeof Promise` equals to function or not to prevent the error.
PR Close#38350
In some rxjs operator, such as `retryWhen`, rxjs internally will set
`Subscription._unsubscribe` method to null, and the current zone.js monkey patch
didn't handle this case correctly, even rxjs set _unsubscribe to null, zone.js
still return a function by finding the prototype chain.
This PR fix this issue and the following test will pass.
const errorGenerator = () => {
return throwError(new Error('error emit'));
const genericRetryStrategy = (finalizer: () => void) => (attempts: Observable<any>) =>
mergeMap((error, i) => {
const retryAttempt = i + 1;
if (retryAttempt > 3) {
return throwError(error);
return timer(retryAttempt * 1);
finalize(() => finalizer()));
retryWhen(genericRetryStrategy(() => {
catchError(error => of(error)))
PR Close#37091
zone.js nodejs patch should also patch `` as `removeListener`.
So `off` can correctly remove the listeners added by `EventEmitter.prototype.addListener`
PR Close#37863
`clearTimeout` is patched by `zone.js`, and it finally calls the native delegate of `clearTimeout`,
the current implemention only call `clearNative(id)`, but it should call on object `global` like
`, id)`. Otherwise in some env, it will throw error
`clearTimeout called on an object that does not implement interface Window`
PR Close#37858
Adds Firefox as browser to `dev-infra/browsers` with RBE
compatibility. The default Firefox browser is not compatible similar to
the default Chromium version exposed by `rules_webtesting`.
The Angular Components repository will use this browser target as
it enables RBE support. Also it gives us more flexibility about
the Firefox version we test against. The version provided by
`rules_webtesting` is very old and most likely not frequently
updated (based on past experience).
PR Close#38029
in jasmine 3.5, there is a new feature, user can pass a properties object to `jasmine.createSpyObj`
const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('spy', ['method1'], {prop1: 'foo'});
This case will not work for Angular TestBed, for example,
describe('AppComponent', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
//Note the third parameter
// @ts-ignore
const someServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('SomeService', ['someFunction'], ['aProperty']);
declarations: [
providers: [
{provide: SomeService, useValue: someServiceSpy},
it('should create the app', () => {
//spyObj will have someFunction, but will not have aProperty
let spyObj = TestBed.get(SomeService);
Because `jasmine.createSpyObj` will create the `aProperty` with `enumerable=false`,
and `TestBed.configureTestingModule` will try to copy all the properties from spyObj to
the injected service instance. And because `enumerable` is false, so the property (here is aProperty)
will not be copied.
This PR will monkey patch the `jasmine.createSpyObj` and make sure the new property's
PR Close#34624
In the early Zone.js versions (< 0.10.3), `ZoneAwarePromise` did not support `Symbol.species`,
so when user used a 3rd party `Promise` such as `es6-promise`, and try to load the promise library after import of `zone.js`, the loading promise library will overwrite the patched `Promise` from `zone.js` and will break `Promise` semantics with respect to `zone.js`.
Starting with `zone.js` 0.10.3, `Symbol.species` is supported therefore this will not longer be an issue. (
Before 0.10.3, the logic in zone.js tried to handle the case in the wrong way. It did so by overriding the descriptor of `global.Promise`, to allow the 3rd party libraries to override native `Promise` instead of `ZoneAwarePromise`. This is not the correct solution, and since the `Promise.species` is now supported, the 3rd party solution of overriding `global.Promise` is no longer needed.
PR removes the wrong work around logic. (This will improve the bundle size.)
PR Close#36851
Zone.js has a lot of optional bundles, such as `zone-patch-message-port`, those
bundles are monkey patch for specified APIs usually for soem experimental APIs or
some old APIs only available for specified platforms. Those bundles will not be
loaded by default.
In this commit, since we have several main `sub packages` such as `zone`, `zone-node`,
`zone-testing`, I put all the optional bundles under `plugins` folders for consistency.
PR Close#36540
In the current version of zone.js, zone.js uses it's own package format, and it is not following the rule
of Angualr package format(APF), so it is not easily to be consumed by Angular CLI or other bundle tools.
For example, zone.js npm package has two bundles,
1. zone.js/dist/zone.js, this is a `es5` bundle.
2. zone.js/dist/zone-evergreen.js, this is a `es2015` bundle.
And Angular CLI has to add some hard-coding code to handle this case, o5376a8b139/packages/schematics/angular/application/files/src/polyfills.ts.template (L55-L58)
This PR upgrade zone.js npm package format to follow APF rule,
The updated points are:
1. in package.json, update all bundle related properties
"main": "./bundles/zone.umd.js",
"module": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
"es2015": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
2. re-organize dist folder, for example for `zone.js` bundle, now we have
zone.js // this is the es5 bundle
zone.js // this is the es2015 bundle (in the old version is `zone-evergreen.js`)
3. have several sub-packages.
1. `zone-testing`, provide zone-testing bundles include zone.js and testing libraries
2. `zone-node`, provide zone.js implemention for NodeJS
3. `zone-mix`, provide zone.js patches for both Browser and NodeJS
All those sub-packages will have their own `package.json` and the bundle will reference `bundles(es5)` and `fesm2015(es2015)`.
4. keep backward compatibility, still keep the `zone.js/dist` folder, and all bundles will be redirected to `zone.js/bundles` or `zone.js/fesm2015` folders.
PR Close#36540
Rename bazel workspace from npm_dev_infra to npm_angular_dev_infra_private to make it clear that this package is private to angular.
Change driver-utilities module_name to match the new bazel workspace name.
Correct a comment by rewording it from "deployed version" to "published version".
Fix merge conflicts in tmpl-package.json
Make "//packages/bazel/src:esm5.bzl" replacement more generalized so that importing from "//packages/bazel" works.
Deleted "dev_infra/*" path from modules/benchmarks tsconfig.
Moved //dev-infra/benchmark/browsers to //dev-infra/browsers.
PR Close#36800
* Move tools/brotli-cli, tools/browsers, tools/components,
tools/ng_rollup_bundle, and modules/e2e_util to dev-infra/benchmarking
* Fix imports and references to moved folders and files
* Set up BUILD.bazel files for moved folders so they can be packaged with
dev-infra's :npm_package
PR Close#36434
1. update jasmine to 3.5
2. update @types/jasmine to 3.5
3. update @types/jasminewd2 to 2.0.8
Also fix several cases, the new jasmine 3 will help to create test cases correctly,
such as in the `jasmine 2.x` version, the following case will pass
expect(1 == 2);
But in jsamine 3, the case will need to be
expect(1 == 2).toBeTrue();
PR Close#34625
`zone.js` supports jest `test.each()` methods, but it
introduces a bug, which is the `done()` function will not be handled correctly.
it('should work with done', done => {
// done will be undefined.
The reason is the logic of monkey patching `test` method is different from `jasmine` patch
// jasmine patch
return testBody.length === 0
? () =>, null)
: done =>, null, [done]);
// jest patch
return function(...args) {
return, null, args);
the purpose of this change is to handle the following cases.
test.each([1, 2])('test.each', (arg1, arg2) => {
so in jest, it is a little complex, because the `testBody`'s parameter may be bigger than 1, so the
logic in `jasmine`
return testBody.length === 0
? () =>, null)
: done =>, null, [done]);
will not work for `test.each` in jest.
So in this PR, I created a dynamic `Function` to return the correct length of paramters (which is required by jest core), to handle
1. normal `test` with or without `done`.
2. each with parameters with or without done.
PR Close#36022
`Bluebird.each` and `Bluebird.mapSeries` will accept a callback with `value` parameter,
the `value` should be the item in the array, not array itself.
For example:
const arr = [1, 2];
Bluebird.each(arr, function(value, idx) {
console.log(`value: ${value}, idx: ${idx}`);
the output will be
value: 1, idx: 0
value: 2, idx: 1
This PR fix the test cases for `each` and `mapSeries` APIs.
PR Close#36295
Close#31687, #31684
Zone.js patches rxjs internal `_subscribe` and `_unsubscribe` methods, but zone.js doesn't do null check, so in some operator such as `retryWhen`, the `_unsubscribe` will be set to null, and will cause
zone patched version throw error.
In this PR, if `_subscribe` and `_unsubscribe` is null, will not do the patch.
PR Close#35990
`zone.js` added `removeAllListeners` and `eventListeners` methods in `EventTarget.prototype`, but those methods only exists when user import `zone.js` and also enables `EventTarget` monkey patching.
If user:
1. Does not import `zone.js` and uses `noop` zone when bootstrapping Angular app. OR
2. Disable monkey patching of `EventTarget` patch by defining `__Zone_disable_EventTarget = true`.
Then `removeAllListeners` and `eventListeners` methods will not be present.
PR Close#35954
By default, `zone.js` wrap uncaught promise error and wrap it to a new Error object with some
additional information includes the value of the error and the stack trace.
Consider the following example:
name: 'promise-error',
onHandleError: (delegate: ZoneDelegate, current: Zone, target: Zone, error: any): boolean => {
console.log('caught an error', error);
delegate.handleError(target, error);
return false;
}).run(() => {
const originalError = new Error('testError');
The `promise-error` zone catches a wrapped `Error` object whose `rejection` property equals
to the original error, and the message will be `Uncaught (in promise): testError....`,
You can disable this wrapping behavior by defining a global configuraiton
`__zone_symbol__DISABLE_WRAPPING_UNCAUGHT_PROMISE_REJECTION = true;` before importing `zone.js`.
PR Close#35873
Monkey patch `MessagePort.prototype.onmessage` and `MessagePort.prototype.onmessageerror` to make
these properties's value(callback function) run in the zone when these value are set.
PR Close#34610
Before zone.js 0.10, the rollup config would refer to `rxjs` when bundling `zone-patch-rxjs.js`
From zone.js 0.10, we started to use bazel to build `zone-patch-rxjs.js` and the configuration was wrongly defined to include a copy of `rxjs` in the `zone-patch-rxjs.js`.
PR Close#35983
Calling `tick(0, null)` defaults `processNewMacroTasksSynchronously` flag to `true`, however calling `tick(0, null, {})` defaults `processNewMacroTasksSynchronously` to `undefined`. This is undesirable behavior since unless the flag is set explicitly it should still default to `true`.
PR Close#35814
Now Angular doesn't support add event listeners as passive very easily.
User needs to use `elem.addEventListener('scroll', listener, {passive: true});`
or implements their own EventManagerPlugin to do that.
Angular may finally support new template syntax to support passive event, for now,
this commit introduces a temp solution to allow user to define the passive event names
in zone.js configurations.
User can define a global varibale like this.
(window as any)['__zone_symbol__PASSIVE_EVENTS'] = ['scroll'];
to let all `scroll` event listeners passive.
PR Close#34503
This brings in a few minor fixes including a better way to patch require for bootstrap scripts
Also remove install_source_map_support attribute from nodejs_binary targets This attribute will be removed from nodejs_binary in the future
PR Close#34736
The major one that affects the angular repo is the removal of the bootstrap attribute in nodejs_binary, nodejs_test and jasmine_node_test in favor of using templated_args --node_options=--require=/path/to/script. The side-effect of this is that the bootstrap script does not get the require.resolve patches with explicitly loading the targets _loader.js file.
PR Close#34736