ctx.actions.declare_file now used in @angular/bazel ng_module rule as ctx.new_file is now deprecated. Fixes error:
File "ng_module.bzl", line 272, in _expected_outs
ctx.new_file(ctx.genfiles_dir, (ctx.label.name ..."))
Use ctx.actions.declare_file instead of ctx.new_file.
Use --incompatible_new_actions_api=false to temporarily disable this check.
This can be worked around with incompatible_new_actions_api flag but may as well fix it proper so downstream doesn't require this flag due to this code.
Also, depset() is no longer iterable by default without a flag. This required fixing in a few spots in @angular/bazel.
fix: foo
PR Close#31019
* entry_point attribute of nodejs_binary & rollup_bundle is now a label
* symlinking of node_modules for yarn_install temporarily disabled (except for integration/bazel) until the fix for https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/8487 makes it into a future bazel release
PR Close#30627
nodejs rules 0.30.1 has new feature to symlink node_modules with yarn_install and bazel 0.26.0 includes new managed_directories feature which enables this
PR Close#30627
Preserve compatibility with rollup_bundle rule.
Add missing npm dependencies, which are now enforced by the strict_deps plugin in tsc_wrapped
PR Close#30370
* fixes prodmode issue in integration/bazel
@bazel/typescript is now a peerDependency of @angular/bazel so user's of @angular/bazel must add @bazel/typescript to their package.json
PR Close#29508
Bazel users: rules_angular_dependencies() will no longer install transitive dependencies of build_bazel_rules_nodejs and build_bazel_rules_typescript. User WORKSPACE files will now need to install rules_nodejs and rules_typescript transitive deps directly:
load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:package.bzl", "rules_typescript_dependencies")
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:package.bzl", "rules_nodejs_dependencies")
PR Close#27264
Some engineers were already on Yarn 0.10.x which was permitted by the range in our package.json#engines
However this introduced 'integrity sha512' lines into the yarn.lock files.
Then when engineers use yarn 0.9 (in particular, Bazel did this) then the lock files get tons of meaningless edits.
We could force everyone back to yarn 0.9 but this commit chooses to instead advance everyone past 0.10
PR Close#27193
This reverts commit 4eb8ac6de945bbc0d425e97d9f034ed68b307c50 because 0.16 is not
widely available yet (e.g. on Mac) and it is blocking the Angular release.
PR Close#25391
This change turns on preserve-symlinks in nodejs to verify hermeticity of the Angular build.
BREAKING CHANGE: Use of @angular/bazel rules now requires calling ng_setup_workspace() in your WORKSPACE file.
For example:
name = "angular",
path = "node_modules/@angular/bazel",
load("@angular//:index.bzl", "ng_setup_workspace")
PR Close#24881