- Renderer:
* renderComponent method is removed form `Renderer`, only present on `RootRenderer`
* Renderer.setDebugInfo is removed. Renderer.createElement / createText / createTemplateAnchor
now take the DebugInfo directly.
- Query semantics:
* Queries don't work with dynamically loaded components.
* e.g. for router-outlet: loaded components can't be queries via @ViewQuery,
but router-outlet emits an event `activate` now that emits the activated component
- Exception classes and the context inside changed (renamed fields)
- DebugElement.attributes is an Object and not a Map in JS any more
- ChangeDetectorGenConfig was renamed into CompilerConfig
- AppViewManager.createEmbeddedViewInContainer / AppViewManager.createHostViewInContainer
are removed, use the methods in ViewContainerRef instead
- Change detection order changed:
* 1. dirty check component inputs
* 2. dirty check content children
* 3. update render nodes
Useful for avoiding doing an actual XHR during testing.
Part of the solution for #4051 (Other part is a Karma plugin that will create the template cache).
Instead of running with karma and the karma-dart shim, run dart
tests directly using the new package:test runner. This migrates
away from package:unittest.
Fixes a couple tests, mostly associated with depending on absolute
URLs or editing the test providers after an injector had already
been created.
Remove karma-dart and associated files. Change gupfiles to run tests
via `pub run test` instead.
Now, using `ng.probe(element)` in the browser console returns
a DebugElement when in dev mode.
`ComponentFixture#debugElement` also returns a new DebugElement.
Breaking Change:
This is a breaking change for unit tests. The API for the DebugElement
has changed. Now, there is a DebugElement or DebugNode for every node
in the DOM, not only nodes with an ElementRef. `componentViewChildren` is
removed, and `childNodes` is a list of ElementNodes corresponding to every
child in the DOM. `query` no longer takes a scope parameter, since
the entire rendered DOM is included in the `childNodes`.
// Depending on the DOM structure of your component, the
// index may have changed or the first component child
// may be a sub-child.
debugElement.query(By.css('div'), Scope.all());
- Platform pipes can only contain types and arrays of types,
but no bindings any more.
- When using transformers, platform pipes need to be specified explicitly
in the pubspec.yaml via the new config option
- `Compiler.compileInHost` now returns a `HostViewFactoryRef`
- Component view is not yet created when component constructor is called.
-> use `onInit` lifecycle callback to access the view of a component
- `ViewRef#setLocal` has been moved to new type `EmbeddedViewRef`
- `internalView` is gone, use `EmbeddedViewRef.rootNodes` to access
the root nodes of an embedded view
- `renderer.setElementProperty`, `..setElementStyle`, `..setElementAttribute` now
take a native element instead of an ElementRef
- `Renderer` interface now operates on plain native nodes,
instead of `RenderElementRef`s or `RenderViewRef`s
Previously Angular would run in dev prod mode by default, and you could enable the dev mode by calling enableDevMode.
Now, Angular runs in the dev mode by default, and you can enable the prod mode by calling enableProdMode.
Change beforeEachBindings to beforeEachProviders but preserve the
@deprecated method beforeEachBindings, in order to keep a working
deprecation warning
Previously, components that would implement lifecycle interfaces would include methods
like "onChanges" or "afterViewInit." Given that components were at risk of using such
names without realizing that Angular would call the methods at different points of
the component lifecycle. This change adds an "ng" prefix to all lifecycle hook methods,
far reducing the risk of an accidental name collision.
To fix, just rename these methods:
* onInit
* onDestroy
* doCheck
* onChanges
* afterContentInit
* afterContentChecked
* afterViewInit
* afterViewChecked
* _Router Hooks_
* onActivate
* onReuse
* onDeactivate
* canReuse
* canDeactivate
* ngOnInit,
* ngOnDestroy,
* ngDoCheck,
* ngOnChanges,
* ngAfterContentInit,
* ngAfterContentChecked,
* ngAfterViewInit,
* ngAfterViewChecked
* _Router Hooks_
* routerOnActivate
* routerOnReuse
* routerOnDeactivate
* routerCanReuse
* routerCanDeactivate
The names of lifecycle interfaces and enums have not changed, though interfaces
have been updated to reflect the new method names.
import * as p from 'angular2/profile';
import * as t from 'angular2/tools';
import * as p from 'angular2/instrumentation';
import * as t from 'angular2/platform/browser';
Often some init logic needs to run when a platform or an application is boostrapped.
For example, boostraping a platform requires initializing the dom adapter.
Now, it can be done as follows:
new Provider(PLATFORM_INITIALIZER, {useValue: initDomAdapter, multi: true}),
All platform initializers will be run after the platform injector has been created.
Similarly, all application initializers will be run after the app injector has been
Currently, core depends on DomRenderer, which depends on the browser.
This means that if you depend on angular2/core, you will always
pull in the browser dom adapter and the browser render, regardless
if you need them or not.
This PR moves the browser dom adapter and the browser renderer out of core.
If you import browser adapter or dom renderer directly (not via angular2/core),
you will have to change the import path.
Currently, core depends on the browser, which means that other platforms (e.g., NativeScript or webworker) cannot use the bootstrapping logic core provides.
This PR extract makes bootstrapping logic in core completely platform-independent. The browser-specific code was moved to "angular2/platforms/browser".
A few private helpers (e.g., platformCommon or applicationCommon) were removed or replaced with other helpers. Look at PLATFORM_COMMON_PROVIDERS, APPLICATION_COMMON_PROVIDERS, BROWSER_PROVIDERS, BROWSER_APP_PROVIDERS to see if they export the providers you need.
Currently, core depends on the browser, which means that other platforms (e.g., NativeScript or webworker) cannot use the bootstrapping logic core provides.
This PR extract makes bootstrapping logic in core completely platform-independent. The browser-specific code was moved to "angular2/platforms/browser".
A few private helpers (e.g., platformCommon or applicationCommon) were removed or replaced with other helpers. Look at PLATFORM_COMMON_PROVIDERS, APPLICATION_COMMON_PROVIDERS, BROWSER_PROVIDERS, BROWSER_APP_PROVIDERS to see if they export the providers you need.