add test in gulpfile which will compile a basic TS file with generated
angular2.d.ts to ensure generated d.ts is valid syntactic TS
Adds support for enums in .d.ts generation pipeline.
Removes renaming reexports in http module.
At the moment we are not parsing param tags. This commit ignores them
TODO: hook up param descriptions with the actual param data in the doc.
Previously, class members were ordered alphabetically.
This change leaves it up to the class author to
determine the order in which they would like
properties and methods to appear in class
documentation, without having to create methods like
This requires some hacks, documented in
- include subtyping info in angular2.d.ts by adding 'extends supertype'
- export missing symbols needed transitively by angular2/angular2
- because of decorator/annotation mismatch, we can't export these to applications.
So I've added a separate angular2.api.ts file to re-export specifically to .d.ts
- Hack to remove aliases introduced by 'import * as alias' syntax
- Hack to deal with Error still an interface
note that we require users to install the transitive dependencies - this is how TSD works.
Previously this was a bit cryptic as we just had a `hideSpecialExports` flag.
Now it ignores exports that match an array of regexes, with the default case
being those exports called `___esModule`.
You can now write a link to a member of a class by appending the member name
to the class name joined by a hash sign:
{@link ControlGroupDirective#addDirective `addDirective`}
By default the link will contain the text of the class rather than the member
so you must add it as an inline code text snippet in the link tag.
This commit enables links to other docs, such as classes and modules,
via the `{@link CodeIdentifier}` style inline tag.
Dgeni identifies what you are linking to by comparing the identifier to the
aliases for each doc. If no alias matches the identifier then the dgeni
run exits with a missing doc in link error. If more than one alias matches
the identifier then dgeni exits with an ambiguous link error.
In the future we could build in some heuristics for choosing a preferred
doc when the link is ambiguous, such as choosing a public doc over a
non-public doc; and choosing a code component that is in the same module as
the doc where the link is found.
Currently there are two aliases for each API component: its name and its
identier. For example, if the `Directive` class is exported from
`angular2/annotations`, so its aliases are 'Directive' and
There is an issue in the non-public doc generation, which means that it
does not yet have `{@link}` tags implemented. This is that when we re-export
a code component, it gets cloned into another module. This means that a
simple reference to the code component's name will always produce an
ambiguous link. This can be fixed with a heuristic as described above.
Meanwhile you can avoid this by always using the full id of the code
component if it is being re-exported.