Resolve all invalid field override errors, workaround current
reflection limitations in Dart Dev Compiler. todo, hello_world and
key_events samples now work with Dart Dev Compiler.
BREAKING CHANGE: remove TemplateRef.elementRef setter
Replace uses of `package:code_transformers`, which is only used to
convert from uri to `AssetId`, with calls to the utility methods in
In the `TemplateCompiler` phase, avoid reading in the `.ng_meta.json` files of
imported libraries when we can determine that the file we are processing
does not define any `View`s.
- Platform pipes can only contain types and arrays of types,
but no bindings any more.
- When using transformers, platform pipes need to be specified explicitly
in the pubspec.yaml via the new config option
- `Compiler.compileInHost` now returns a `HostViewFactoryRef`
- Component view is not yet created when component constructor is called.
-> use `onInit` lifecycle callback to access the view of a component
- `ViewRef#setLocal` has been moved to new type `EmbeddedViewRef`
- `internalView` is gone, use `EmbeddedViewRef.rootNodes` to access
the root nodes of an embedded view
- `renderer.setElementProperty`, `..setElementStyle`, `..setElementAttribute` now
take a native element instead of an ElementRef
- `Renderer` interface now operates on plain native nodes,
instead of `RenderElementRef`s or `RenderViewRef`s
Previously, components that would implement lifecycle interfaces would include methods
like "onChanges" or "afterViewInit." Given that components were at risk of using such
names without realizing that Angular would call the methods at different points of
the component lifecycle. This change adds an "ng" prefix to all lifecycle hook methods,
far reducing the risk of an accidental name collision.
To fix, just rename these methods:
* onInit
* onDestroy
* doCheck
* onChanges
* afterContentInit
* afterContentChecked
* afterViewInit
* afterViewChecked
* _Router Hooks_
* onActivate
* onReuse
* onDeactivate
* canReuse
* canDeactivate
* ngOnInit,
* ngOnDestroy,
* ngDoCheck,
* ngOnChanges,
* ngAfterContentInit,
* ngAfterContentChecked,
* ngAfterViewInit,
* ngAfterViewChecked
* _Router Hooks_
* routerOnActivate
* routerOnReuse
* routerOnDeactivate
* routerCanReuse
* routerCanDeactivate
The names of lifecycle interfaces and enums have not changed, though interfaces
have been updated to reflect the new method names.
This make apps to load quicker with pub serve (only builds what is
Note that lazy transformers seem to make pub build slower, so we wrap
transformers to force them to be eager in release mode.
All common directives, forms, and pipes have been moved out of angular2/core,
but we kept reexporting them to make transition easier.
This commit removes the reexports.
import {NgIf} from 'angular2/core';
import {NgIf} from 'angular2/common';
Currently, core depends on DomRenderer, which depends on the browser.
This means that if you depend on angular2/core, you will always
pull in the browser dom adapter and the browser render, regardless
if you need them or not.
This PR moves the browser dom adapter and the browser renderer out of core.
If you import browser adapter or dom renderer directly (not via angular2/core),
you will have to change the import path.
Fix @Input annotations to work with setter methods in dart, and fix @Output
annotations to work with getter methods in Dart when using transformers.
After discussing it we decided that PLATFORM_ is a better prefix for directives available everywhere in the app.
This is part of ongoing work to make core platform-independent.
All private exports from 'angular2/src/core/facade/{lang,collection,exception_handler}' should be replaced with 'angular2/src/facade/{lang,collection,exception_handler}'.
All private exports from 'angular2/src/core/{directives,pipes,forms}' should be replaced with 'angular2/src/common/{directives,pipes,formis}'
Store dependency import information in a dedicated list in `NgDepsModel`
rather than as a boolean field on `ImportModel`. An `ImportModel` should
not "care" whether it is a .ng_deps.dart import or not -- this
information belongs in `NgDepsModel`.
This simplifies some of the logic around how `NgDepsModel` imports are
processed and eventually output.
- Move zone-related code out of logger.dart and into zone.dart.
- Rename `logger` => `log`.
- Add the ability to specify a zone-local `TemplateCompiler`.
The template compiler update removed the option to run the transformer
without generating change detectors and deprecated the
`generate_change_detectors` transformer parameter.
Now that it has been deprecated for several weeks, remove it from the
transformer code.
Forward `reflectPropertiesAsAttributes` => `reflect_properties_as_attributes`
and add a deprecation warning to `reflectPropertiesAsAttributes`.
- Changes the `alreadyChecked` flag of AbstractChangeDetector to a new `state` flag.
- Changes all checks of alreadyChecked to check that the state is NeverChecked.
- Set state to Errored if an error is thrown during detection.
- Skip change detection for a detector and its children when the state is Errored.
- Add a test to validate this fixes issue #4323.
Match [ViewResolver][]'s semantics for reading template and style values
from `@Component` and `@View` annotations.
We now warn if template and/or style values appear on an `@Component`
annotation and a `@View` annotation is present.
[ViewResolver]: 7c6130c2c5/modules/angular2/src/core/linker/view_resolver.ts
Previously, importing a library twice using different prefixes could
cause the template compiler step to incorrect omit `Directive`
dependencies provided by that library.
Previously, we parsed dependencies out of a the stringified value of
`directives`, which is brittle and error-prone.
Move this parsing into `DirectiveProcessor` where we have the full Dart
ast to help.
Previously, `DeferredRewriter` checked for the existence of
`.ng_deps.dart` files to determine which deferred libraries it needed to
rewrite, requiring that those assets exist at the time it was run.
Update to check for `.ng_meta.json` files instead, which exist after the
`DirectiveProcessor` phase. This allows the `DeferredRewriter` (which
only processes *.dart files) to run in
parallel with `TemplateComplier` (which only processes *.ng_meta.json
files) and `StylesheetCompiler` (which only processes *.css files).
Have DeferredRewriter to check existence of .ng_meta.json assets rather than .ng_deps.dart assets
Update `DirectiveProcessor` and `TemplateCompiler` to generate the
getters, setters, and methods currently generated in `BindGenerator`.
Update `DirectiveMetadataLinker` to output `.ng_meta.json` files instead
of `.ng_deps.dart` files, avoiding full codegen until the last phase.
This allows us to dedupe codegen logic and remove an additional phase
from the transformer.