Create an integration test for testing support for Trusted Types in Ivy.
Generated with:
yarn ng new ivy-trusted-types -g --skip-install --style css --routing --strict
PR Close#39614
As with regular Angular components, Angular elements are expected to
have their views update when inputs change.
Previously, Angular Elements views were not updated if the underlying
component used the `OnPush` change detection strategy.
This commit fixes this by calling `markForCheck()` on the component
view's `ChangeDetectorRef`.
This is similar to how `@angular/upgrade` does it:
3236ae0ee1/packages/upgrade/src/common/src/downgrade_component_adapter.ts (L146).
PR Close#39452
Previously, the project used for running integration tests for Angular
Elements declared a component that used `ShadowDom` for view
encopsulation, but it did not include any tests to verify that the view
was updated correctly.
This commit adds the missing tests.
PR Close#39452
In production mode, the `ngDevMode` global may not have been declared.
This is typically not a problem, as optimizers should have removed all
usages of the `ngDevMode` variables. This does however require the
bundler/optimizer to have been configured in a certain way, as to allow
for `ngDevMode` guarded code to be removed.
As an example, Terser can be configured to remove the `ngDevMode`
guarded code using the following configuration:
const terserOptions = {
// ...
compress: {
// ...
global_defs: require('@angular/compiler-cli').GLOBAL_DEFS_FOR_TERSER,
(Taken from
If this is not done, however, the bundle should still work (albeit with
larger code size due to missed tree-shaking opportunities). This commit
adds a check for whether `ngDevMode` has been declared, as it is a
top-level statement that executes before `ngDevMode` has been initialized.
PR Close#39415
Upgrade the karma dependency to version 4.4.0 in the root package.json
and in integration tests. Compared to version 4.3.0, which most of the
packages were previously depending on, it has the following changes:
Bug Fixes
- runner: remove explicit error on all tests failed
- client: Add trusted types support
- Preprocessor can return Promise
- config: add failOnSkippedTests option.
- config: clientDisplayNone sets client elements display none.
- deps: Remove core-js dependency.
The motivation for upgrading the package is the Trusted Types support
that it adds, which is necessary to enable Trusted Types in Angular's
unit tests.
PR Close#39180
Zone.js 0.11.0 release an empty bundle, and now the npm_package tests all target
bazel rule `npm_package`, but not `npm_package.pack`, and these two rules may
generate different results, for example, Zone.js 0.11.0's issue is `package.json`
define files array which make the bundle only include the files in the files array.
So this PR install the zone.js package from the archive generated from `npm_package.pack` rule.
PR Close#38649
Updates to rules_nodejs 2.2.0. This is the first major release in 7 months and includes a number of features as well
as breaking changes.
Release notes:
Features of note for angular/angular:
* stdout/stderr/exit code capture; this could be potentially be useful
* TypeScript (ts_project); a simpler tsc rule that ts_library that can be used in the repo where ts_library is too
heavy weight
Breaking changes of note for angular/angular:
* loading custom rules from npm packages: `ts_library` is no longer loaded from `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl`
(which no longer exists) but is now loaded from `@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl`
* with the loading changes above, `load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies")` is
no longer needed in the WORKSPACE which also means that yarn_install does not need to run unless building/testing
a target that depends on @npm. In angular/angular this is a minor improvement as almost everything depends on @npm.
* @angular/bazel package is also updated in this PR to support the new load location; Angular + Bazel users that
require it for ng_package (ng_module is no longer needed in OSS with Angular 10) will need to load from
`@npm//@angular/bazel:index.bzl`. I investigated if it was possible to maintain backward compatability for the old
load location `@npm_angular_bazel` but it is not since the package itself needs to be updated to load from
`@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl` instead of `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl` as it depends on ts_library
internals for ng_module.
* runfiles.resolve will now throw instead of returning undefined to match behavior of node require
Other changes in angular/angular:
* integration/bazel has been updated to use both ng_module and ts_libary with use_angular_plugin=true.
The latter is the recommended way for rules_nodejs users to compile Angular 10 with Ivy. Bazel + Angular ViewEngine is
supported with @angular/bazel <= 9.0.5 and Angular <= 8. There is still Angular ViewEngine example on rules_nodejs on these older versions but users
that want to update to Angular 10 and are on Bazel must switch to Ivy and at that point ts_library with
use_angular_plugin=true is more performant that ng_module. Angular example in rules_nodejs is configured this way
as well: As an aside, we also have an
example of building Angular 10 with architect() rule directly instead of using ts_library with angular plugin:
NB: ng_module is still required for angular/angular repository as it still builds ViewEngine & @angular/bazel
also provides the ng_package rule. ng_module can be removed in the future if ViewEngine is no longer needed in
angular repo.
* JSModuleInfo provider added to ng_module. this is for forward compat for future rules_nodejs versions.
PR Close#39182
Updates to rules_nodejs 2.2.0. This is the first major release in 7 months and includes a number of features as well
as breaking changes.
Release notes:
Features of note for angular/angular:
* stdout/stderr/exit code capture; this could be potentially be useful
* TypeScript (ts_project); a simpler tsc rule that ts_library that can be used in the repo where ts_library is too
heavy weight
Breaking changes of note for angular/angular:
* loading custom rules from npm packages: `ts_library` is no longer loaded from `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl`
(which no longer exists) but is now loaded from `@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl`
* with the loading changes above, `load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies")` is
no longer needed in the WORKSPACE which also means that yarn_install does not need to run unless building/testing
a target that depends on @npm. In angular/angular this is a minor improvement as almost everything depends on @npm.
* @angular/bazel package is also updated in this PR to support the new load location; Angular + Bazel users that
require it for ng_package (ng_module is no longer needed in OSS with Angular 10) will need to load from
`@npm//@angular/bazel:index.bzl`. I investigated if it was possible to maintain backward compatability for the old
load location `@npm_angular_bazel` but it is not since the package itself needs to be updated to load from
`@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl` instead of `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl` as it depends on ts_library
internals for ng_module.
* runfiles.resolve will now throw instead of returning undefined to match behavior of node require
Other changes in angular/angular:
* integration/bazel has been updated to use both ng_module and ts_libary with use_angular_plugin=true.
The latter is the recommended way for rules_nodejs users to compile Angular 10 with Ivy. Bazel + Angular ViewEngine is
supported with @angular/bazel <= 9.0.5 and Angular <= 8. There is still Angular ViewEngine example on rules_nodejs on these older versions but users
that want to update to Angular 10 and are on Bazel must switch to Ivy and at that point ts_library with
use_angular_plugin=true is more performant that ng_module. Angular example in rules_nodejs is configured this way
as well: As an aside, we also have an
example of building Angular 10 with architect() rule directly instead of using ts_library with angular plugin:
NB: ng_module is still required for angular/angular repository as it still builds ViewEngine & @angular/bazel
also provides the ng_package rule. ng_module can be removed in the future if ViewEngine is no longer needed in
angular repo.
* JSModuleInfo provider added to ng_module. this is for forward compat for future rules_nodejs versions.
@josephperrott, this touches `packages/bazel/src/external.bzl` which will make the sync to g3 non-trivial.
PR Close#37727
Remove @angular/platform-webworker and @angular/platform-webworker-dynamic
as they were deprecated in v8
BREAKING CHANGE: @angular/platform-webworker and @angular/platform-webworker-dynamic
have been removed as they were deprecated in v8
PR Close#38846
Update the API used to request a timestamp. The previous API we relied on for this
test application, no longer serves times and simply 403s on all
requests. This caused our test to timeout as the HTTP request did not handle a failure
case. By moving to a new api, the HTTP request responds as expected and timeouts
are corrected as there is not longer a pending microtask in the queue.
PR Close#38629
We should define ngDevMode to false in Closure, but --define only works in the global scope.
With ngDevMode not being set to false, this size tracking test provides little value but a lot of
headache to continue updating the size.
PR Close#38449
Currently the `getInheritedFactory` function is implemented to allow
closure to remove the call if the base factory is unused. However, this
method does not work with terser. By adding the PURE annotation,
terser will also be able to remove the call when unused.
PR Close#38291
As of v10, the `undecorated-classes-with-decorated-fields` migration
generally deals with undecorated classes using Angular features. We
intended to run this migation as part of v10 again as undecorated
classes with Angular features are no longer supported in planned v11.
The migration currently behaves incorrectly in some cases where an
`@Injectable` or `@Pipe` decorated classes uses the `ngOnDestroy`
lifecycle hook. We incorrectly add a TODO for those classes. This
commit fixes that.
Additionally, this change makes the migration more robust to
not migrate a class if it inherits from a component, pipe
injectable or non-abstract directive. We previously did not
need this as the undecorated-classes-with-di migration ran
before, but this is no longer the case.
Last, this commit fixes an issue where multiple TODO's could be
added. This happens when multiple Angular CLI build targets have
an overlap in source files. Multiple programs then capture the
same source file, causing the migration to detect an undecorated
class multiple times (i.e. adding a TODO twice).
PR Close#37732
The integration test for i18n now makes use of the new extraction tooling
from the `@angular/localize` package rather than the old ViewEngine extractor.
PR Close#32912
In the current version of zone.js, zone.js uses it's own package format, and it is not following the rule
of Angualr package format(APF), so it is not easily to be consumed by Angular CLI or other bundle tools.
For example, zone.js npm package has two bundles,
1. zone.js/dist/zone.js, this is a `es5` bundle.
2. zone.js/dist/zone-evergreen.js, this is a `es2015` bundle.
And Angular CLI has to add some hard-coding code to handle this case, o5376a8b139/packages/schematics/angular/application/files/src/polyfills.ts.template (L55-L58)
This PR upgrade zone.js npm package format to follow APF rule,
The updated points are:
1. in package.json, update all bundle related properties
"main": "./bundles/zone.umd.js",
"module": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
"es2015": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/zone.js",
2. re-organize dist folder, for example for `zone.js` bundle, now we have
zone.js // this is the es5 bundle
zone.js // this is the es2015 bundle (in the old version is `zone-evergreen.js`)
3. have several sub-packages.
1. `zone-testing`, provide zone-testing bundles include zone.js and testing libraries
2. `zone-node`, provide zone.js implemention for NodeJS
3. `zone-mix`, provide zone.js patches for both Browser and NodeJS
All those sub-packages will have their own `package.json` and the bundle will reference `bundles(es5)` and `fesm2015(es2015)`.
4. keep backward compatibility, still keep the `zone.js/dist` folder, and all bundles will be redirected to `zone.js/bundles` or `zone.js/fesm2015` folders.
PR Close#36540
In #37221 we disabled tsickle passes from transforming the tsc output that is used to publish all
Angular framework and components packages (@angular/*).
This change however revealed a bug in the ngc that caused __decorate and __metadata calls to still
be emitted in the JS code even though we don't depend on them.
Additionally it was these calls that caused code in @angular/material packages to fail at runtime
due to circular dependency in the emitted decorator code documeted as
This change partially rolls back #37221 by reenabling the decorator to static fields (static
properties) downleveling.
This is just a temporary workaround while we are also fixing root cause in `ngc` - tracked as
Resolves FW-2198.
Related to FW-2196
PR Close#37317
This commit removes the integration test for schematics in
`@angular/bazel` that is used to generate a Bazel builder. The Bazel
builder has been deprecated.
PR Close#37190
As of TypeScript 3.9, the tsc emit is not compatible with Closure
Compiler due to
There is some hope that this will be fixed by a solution like the one
proposed in but currently it's
unclear if / when that will
Since the Closure support has been somewhat already broken, and the
tsickle pass has been a source
of headaches for some time for Angular packages, we are removing it for
now while we rethink our
strategy to make Angular Closure compatible outside of Google.
This change has no effect on our Closure compatibility within Google
which work well because all the
code is compiled from sources and passed through tsickle.
This change only disables the tsickle pass but doesn't remove it.
A follow up PR should either remove all the traces of tscikle or
re-enable the fixed version.
BREAKING CHANGE: Angular npm packages no longer contain jsdoc comments
to support Closure Compiler's advanced optimizations
The support for Closure compiler in Angular packages has been
experimental and broken for quite some
As of TS3.9 Closure is unusable with the JavaScript emit. Please follow for more
information and updates.
If you used Closure compiler with Angular in the past, you will likely
be better off consuming
Angular packages built from sources directly rather than consuming the
version we publish on npm
which is primarily optimized for Webpack/Rollup + Terser build pipeline.
As a temporary workaround you might consider using your current build
pipeline with Closure flag
`--compilation_level=SIMPLE`. This flag will ensure that your build
pipeline produces buildable and
runnable artifacts, at the cost of increased payload size due to
advanced optimizations being disabled.
If you were affected by this change, please help us understand your
needs by leaving a comment on
PR Close#37221
Tslib version is bound to the TypeScript version used to compile the library. Thus, we shouldn't list `tslib` as a `peerDependencies`. This is because, a user can install libraries which have been compiled with older versions of TypeScript and thus require multiple `tslib` versions to be installed.
Reference: TOOL-1374 and TOOL-1375
Closes: #37188
PR Close#37198
With this change we drop support for TypeScript 3.8 and remove all related tests.
TypeScript 3.8 is no longer supported, please update to TypeScript 3.9.
PR Close#37129
This is a workaround for a TS 3.9 regression where the emitted `__exportStar` helpers have a missing semi-colon at the end of the unnamed function, when targetting UMD, and causes the following runtime error `Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value)(…) is not a function`.
This is because the anonymous `__exportStar` function will be invoked with the function on the next like as the parameter which is subsequently invoking whatever was returned.
To get around this TS bug, add `importHelpers: true` in your tsconfig. This also, is recommanded to avoid multiple copies of the same helper being inlined, which might cause increase in bundle size.
PR Close#36989
With this changer we update the CLI size-tracking changes for uncompressed
main-es2015 file. This file is larger due to new emitted shape of
ES2015 classes in TypeScript 3.9, which are now wrapped in IIFE.
PR Close#36989
Enables the `ng update` migrations for v10. Status for individual
This migration dealt exlusively with inherited constructors and
cases where a derived component was undecorated. In those cases,
the migration added `@Directive()` or copied the inherited decorator
to the derived class.
We don't need to run this migration again because ngtsc throws if
constructor is inherited from an undecorated class. Also ngtsc will
throw if a NgModule references an undecorated class in the declarations.
This migration exclusively deals with undecorated classes that use
Angular features but are not decorated. Angular features include
the use of lifecycle hooks or class fields with Angular decorators,
such as `@Input()`.
We want to re-run this migration in v10 as we will disable the
compatibility code in ngtsc that detects such undecorated classes
as `@Directive`.
This migration adds an explicit generic type to `ModuleWithProviders`.
As of v10, the generic type is required, so we need to re-run the
migration again.
We don't need to re-run that migration again as the
renderer has been already removed in v9.
This migration is exclusively concerned with undecorated
providers referenced in an `NgModule`. We should re-run
that migration again as we don't have proper backsliding
prevention for this yet. We can consider adding an error
in ngtsc for v10, or v11. In either way, we should re-run
the migration.
We ran this one in v9 to reduce code complexity in projects. Instead
of explicitly passing `static: false`, not passing any object literal
has the same semantics. We don't need to re-run the migration again
since there is no good way to prevent backsliding and we cannot always
run this migration for future versions (as some apps might actually
intentionally use the explicit `static: false` option).
PR Close#36921
As mentioned in previous commits, as of v10 the release output
does no longer contain ESM5 output due to an update to the APF.
This means that the side-effect integration test needs to be
updated as it currently expects/tests esm5 output.
PR Close#36944
As of version 10, libraries following the APF will no longer contain
ESM5 output. Hence, tests in ngcc need to be updated as they currently
rely on the release output of `@angular/core`.
Additionally, we'd need to support in ngcc that the `module`
property of entry-points no longer necessarily refers to
`esm5` output, but instead can also target `esm2015`.
We currently achieve this by checking the path the `module`
property points to. We can do this because as per APF, the
folder name is known for the esm2015 output. Long-term for
more coverage, we want to sniff the format by looking for
known ES2015 constructs in the file `module` refers to.
PR Close#36944
esm5 and fesm5 are no longer needed and have been deprecated in the past.
This commit modifies ng_package to no longer distribute these two formats in npm packages
built by ng_package (e.g. @angular/core).
This commit intentionally doesn't fully clean up the ng_package rule to remove all traces of esm5 and fems5
build artifacts as that is a bigger cleanup and currently we are narrowing down the scope of this change
to the MVP needed for v10, which in this case is 'do not put esm5 and fesm5' into the npm packages.
More cleanup to follow:
BREAKING CHANGE: esm5 and fesm5 format is no longer distributed in
Angular's npm packages e.g. @angular/core
If you are not using Angular CLI to build your application or library,
and you need to be able to build es5 artifacts, then you will need to
downlevel the distributed Angular code to es5 on your own.
Angular CLI will automatically downlevel the code to es5 if differential
loading is enabled in the Angular project, so no action is required from
Angular CLI users.
PR Close#36944
The legacy HTTP package was deprecated in v5 with the launch of
@angular/common/http. The legacy package hasn't been published
since v7, and will therefore not include a migration.
PR Close#27038
Remove TypeScript 3.6 and 3.7 support from Angular along with tests that
ensure those TS versions work.
BREAKING CHANGE: typescript 3.6 and 3.7 are no longer supported, please
update to typescript 3.8
PR Close#36329
The commit adds support to the ngcc.config.js file for setting the
`retryAttempts` and `retryDelay` options for the `AsyncLocker`.
An integration test adds a new check for a timeout and actually uses the
ngcc.config.js to reduce the timeout time to prevent the test from taking
too long to complete.
PR Close#36838
Previously only one translation file per locale could be loaded.
Now the user can specify multiple files per locale, and the translations
from each of these files will be merged together by message id.
The merging is on a first-wins approach. So if to you have three files
to be merged:
['a.xlf', 'b.xmb', 'c.json']
Then any message from `a.xlf` will be used rather than a message from `b.xmb`
or `c.json` and so on. In practice this means that you should put the files
in order of most important first, with "fallback" translations later.
PR Close#36792
This change is part of a larger effort to migrate all golden type
tracking files to a single location. Additionally, this makes it
a bit easier to manage file ownership in pullapprove.
PR Close#36455
The cached file-system was implemented to speed up ngcc
processing, but in reality most files are not accessed many times
and there is no noticeable degradation in speed by removing it.
Benchmarking `ngcc -l debug` for AIO on a local machine
gave a range of 196-236 seconds with the cache and 197-224
seconds without the cache.
Moreover, when running in parallel mode, ngcc has a separate
file cache for each process. This results in excess memory usage.
Notably the master process, which only does analysis of entry-points
holds on to up to 500Mb for AIO when using the cache compared to
only around 30Mb when not using the cache.
Finally, the file-system cache being incorrectly primed with file
contents before being processed has been the cause of a number
of bugs. For example
PR Close#36687
Currently destroy hooks are stored in memory as `[1, hook, 5, hook]` where
the numbers represent the index at which to find the context and `hook` is
the function to be invoked. This breaks down for `multi` providers,
because the value at the index will be an array of providers, resulting in
the hook being invoked with an array of all the multi provider values,
rather than the provider that was destroyed. In ViewEngine `ngOnDestroy`
wasn't being called for `multi` providers at all.
These changes fix the issue by changing the structure of the destroy hooks to `[1, hook, 5, [0, hook, 3, hook]]` where the indexes inside the inner array point to the provider inside of the multi provider array. Note that this is slightly different from the original design which called for the structure to be `[1, hook, 5, [hook, hook]`, because in the process of implementing it, I realized that we wouldn't get passing the correct context if only some of the `multi` providers have `ngOnDestroy` and others don't.
I've run the newly-added `view_destroy_hooks` benchmark against these changes and compared it to master. The difference seems to be insignificant (between 1% and 2% slower).
PR Close#35840