Add a step that reads `DirectiveMetadata` object off annotated classes
into `.ng_meta.dart` files. These will be used by the `TemplateCompiler`
step as inputs to the Angular 2 render compiler.
Update one test to avoid unsupported functionality, format others.
Add a transformer for `di` which generates `.ng_deps.dart` files for all
`.dart` files it is run on. These `.ng_deps.dart` files register
metadata for any `@Injectable` classes.
Fix unit tests for changes introduced by the di transformer.
When using `pub (build|serve) --mode=ngstatic`, we will also generate
getters and setters, parse templates, and remove import of `dart:mirrors`
in the Angular transform. Because this is still relatively immature, we
use the mode to keep it opt-in for now.
When a `Template` annotation declares a `url` value, parse it to
generate `getter`s, `setter`s, and `method`s which will it needs to
access reflectively.
Adds any metadata attached to a parameter to the "parameters" value
passed in to `registerType`.
For example:
`MyComponent(@Inject(Foo) foo)` generates
`"parameters": const [const [const Inject(Foo)]]`
Also reorganizes the testing code.