Misc fixes to problems with the tutorial examples, as detected by the new e2e tests. Now the toh-4 index.html is identical to those of the previous parts.
New Dart prose, update Dart and Ts code
+ guide/server-communication/ts: update to docs and example code
+ guide/server-communication/dart: new prose, update example code
+ ignore all npm-debug.logs
+ make Jade ul li TOC elements more compact.
Change `ngFor=“#…”` to `ngFor=“let…` in code. All are .dart files
except for `app_component.html` which also has changes for:
- `<inpuf var-foo…`> to `<input ref-foo…>`
- `#docregion` tag name updates from var-foo to ref-foo.
- Other misc updates to minimize diffs with TS version of file,
whitespace differences were ignored.
+ Minor update to sync up Dart prose with TS prose.
+ Used
ved_identifiers to solve
Guide/pipes not updated as it will be rolled back to
beta.15 in PR #1220.
Updated docs and samples to beta.16.
For this first time, among other things, I payed particular attention
to the changes that were made on the `ts` side of things
(https://github.com/angular/angular.io/pull/1178). Since I wrote it up
in my notes, here is the check list of `ts` updates with notes about
how there might be corresponding changes on the Dart side:
- public/docs/_examples/cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/main.ts
- public/docs/_examples/cb-ts-to-js/ts/app/main.ts
- cb not in Dart docs yet.
- public/docs/_examples/dependency-injection/ts/app/car/car-injector.ts
- Updated Dart example code to avoid null argument.
- public/docs/_examples/homepage-hello-world/ts/index.1.html
- public/docs/_examples/homepage-tabs/ts/index.1.html
- public/docs/_examples/homepage-todo/ts/index.1.html
- public/docs/_examples/package.json
- N/A for Dart.
- public/docs/_examples/pipes/ts/app/app.component.html
- public/docs/_examples/pipes/ts/app/app.component.ts
- public/docs/_examples/pipes/ts/app/exponential-strength.pipe.ts
- public/docs/_examples/pipes/ts/app/fetch-json.pipe.ts
- public/docs/_examples/pipes/ts/app/random-pipe.component.ts
- Dart version of sample code is incomplete, but did run in beta.15.
- Example no longer runs, see
- public/docs/_examples/quickstart/js/package.1.json
- public/docs/_examples/quickstart/ts/package.1.json
- public/docs/_examples/router/ts/app/main.2.ts
- public/docs/_examples/testing/ts/app/mock-router.ts
- N/A for Dart.
- public/docs/js/latest/_data.json
- public/docs/ts/latest/_data.json
- Dart equivalent updated.
- public/docs/ts/latest/guide/dependency-injection.jade
- No need to update since it imports the TS version.
- public/docs/ts/latest/guide/pipes.jade
- Not in Dart prose yet.
- tools/plunker-builder/indexHtmlTranslator.js
- N/A for Dart.
ToH History (oldest-to-latest):
created code example/snippets files for use with +makeExample, replace usage of "pre.prettyprint.lang-bash" with this: code-example(format="." language="bash").
fixed spelling errors in examples file path used by +makeExample
changed usage of "code-example" to "+makeExample"
adding code example/snippets files used in toh 1
fixed example file paths, replaced "pre.prettyprint.lang-bash" with "code-example. "
(docs) toh-pt3 initial state
created code examples for display in jade, starting conversion of Google doc and trying +makeExample rendering
all text copied from doc to jade, still some styling and formatting to perform
completed conversion and styling, moved toh3 example files to "tutorial" folder under _examples
created specific code example files for chapter toh 3 and re-pathed references in +makeExample
minor edit
docs) toh combined - initial combined commit
updated ToH for a.52
tons of changes, including de-kebab-ing, removed src folder, updated tsconfig too
fixing snippets using incorrect ending input tag
using inline html and css for the app.component.
ToH Part 1 Code: updated the imports, removed obsolete directive delcarations
ToH Code Part 1: updated to use imports, interface. will hit others soon
toh part 1: ngModel fix
toh part1: removed obsolete story that referred to how we used to have to import and declare all directives we used. yay!
ToH Part 1: updated to use `boot.ts` and `app.component.ts`. this affected the partials, snippets, and the story.
toh part 1: using `npm run go`
toh parts 1 -4: modified all places to use `npm run go`
toh part 1: refactor for jade
toh part 1: fixing the code samples
toh part 2: seeping through the story
toh part 2: fixing snippets.
toh part 2: replaced ngClass with class.selected
toh part 2: removed whitespace
toh part 2: added final state to the code
toh: fixing paths
toh part 4: fixing src/app path to app
toh part 3: fixing folder path
toh part 2: fixed typo
toh part 2: typo on ngModel
toh part 2: added ngif
toh part 2: removed old hero property. moved the details lower, where we need it
toh index: updated hero list image to show consistent styling as the other images here
QS spelling error (targes -> targets)
tweeks: space and ngIF