Replace @Ancestor() with @Host() @SkipSelf()
Replace @Unbounded() wwith @SkipSelf()
Replace @Ancestor({self:true}) with @Host()
Replace @Unbounded({self:true}) with nothing
Replace new AncestorMetadata() with [new HostMetadata(), new SkipSelfMetadata()]
Replace new UnboundedMetadata() with new SkipSelfMetadata()
Replace new Ancestor({self:true}) with new HostMetadata()
The @Parent annotation has been removed. Use @Ancestor instead.
@Parent was used to enforce a particular DOM structure (e.g., a pane component is a direct child of the tabs component).
DI is not the right mechanism to do it. We should enforce it using schema instead.
clang-format 1.0.17 substantially improves formatting for fat arrow functions
and array literal detection. It also fixes a number of minor formatting issues.