This change allows ReflectiveInjector to be tree shaken resulting
in not needed Reflect polyfil and smaller bundles.
Code savings for HelloWorld using Closure:
Reflective: bundle.js: 105,864(34,190 gzip)
Static: bundle.js: 154,889(33,555 gzip)
645( 2%)
`platformXXXX()` no longer accepts providers which depend on reflection.
Specifically the method signature when from `Provider[]` to
{provide: ClassA, useClass: SubClassA}
{provide: MyClass, deps: [Dep1,...]},
{provide: ClassA, useClass: SubClassA, deps: [Dep1,...]}
NOTE: This only applies to platform creation and providers for the JIT
compiler. It does not apply to `@Compotent` or `@NgModule` provides
Benchpress note: Previously Benchpress also supported reflective
provides, which now require static providers.
- `ReflectiveInjector` is now deprecated as it will be remove. Use
`Injector.create` as a replacement.
HttpClient is an evolution of the existing Angular HTTP API, which exists
alongside of it in a separate package, @angular/common/http. This structure
ensures that existing codebases can slowly migrate to the new API.
The new API improves significantly on the ergonomics and features of the legacy
API. A partial list of new features includes:
* Typed, synchronous response body access, including support for JSON body types
* JSON is an assumed default and no longer needs to be explicitly parsed
* Interceptors allow middleware logic to be inserted into the pipeline
* Immutable request/response objects
* Progress events for both request upload and response download
* Post-request verification & flush based testing framework