The typings property is being removed because angular2.ts is deprecated, and the developers should import from angular2/core and angular2/platform/*. So aliasing angular2 to angular2/angular2 does not make sense.
import * as ng from 'angular2';
import * as core from 'angular2/core';
This was used for , but now that our typings are laid out in the node_module, users should no longer need that.
Also fix the project name in root package.json. There is a risk that someone runs npm publish in this directory, which will create a new version of angular 1, and contain a scary source tree.
So this package.json may as well have a name that doesn't exist on npm, and if we did publish by accident, it would be a package name that matches the contents.
This makes it simple to run the `tsd link` command in a project
to automatically include paths to typings files. The definitions
also include transitive dependencies of rx.d.ts and es6-promise.d.ts.