`zone.js` patches event listeners and run all event listeners together, if
one event handler throws error, the listeners afterward may not be invoked.
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild('btn') btn: ElementRef;
title = 'event-error';
constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {}
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
this.btn.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
throw new Error('test1');
this.btn.nativeElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('add eventlistener click');
Until now no Angular users report this issue becuase in the `ngZone`, all
error will be caught and will not rethrow, so the event listeners afterward
will still continue to execute, but if the event handlers are outside of `ngZone`,
the error will break the execution.
This commit catch all errors, and after all event listeners finished invocation,
rethrow the errors in seperate `microTasks`, the reason I am using `microTask` here
is to handle multiple errors case.
PR Close#41562
`zone.js` 0.8.25 introduces `zone-testing` bundle and move all `fakeAsync/async` logic
from `@angular/core/testing` to `zone.js` package. But in case some user still using the old
version of `zone.js`, an old version of `fakeAsync/async` logic were still kept inside `@angular/core/testing`
package as `fallback` logic. Since now `Angular8+` already use `zone.js 0.9+`, so
those fallback logic is removed.
PR Close#37879
Remove `global` declaration in `zone.ts` to avoid compile error when
upgrade to `@types/node` v12.12.68. Since the new type of global become
` & typeof globalThis` and not compatible with `zone.ts` declaration.
PR Close#37861
zone.js provides a flag DISABLE_WRAPPING_UNCAUGHT_PROMISE_REJECTION to let zone.js
throw the original error instead of wrap it when uncaught promise rejection found.
But the rejection value could be anything includes primitive value such as number.
In that case, we should not attach any additional properties to the value.
PR Close#38476
Now we have two implementations of Zone in Angular, one is NgZone, the other is NoopZone.
They should have the same signatures, includes
1. properties
2. methods
In this PR, unify the signatures of the two implementations, and remove the unnecessary cast.
PR Close#37581
In the early Zone.js versions (< 0.10.3), `ZoneAwarePromise` did not support `Symbol.species`,
so when user used a 3rd party `Promise` such as `es6-promise`, and try to load the promise library after import of `zone.js`, the loading promise library will overwrite the patched `Promise` from `zone.js` and will break `Promise` semantics with respect to `zone.js`.
Starting with `zone.js` 0.10.3, `Symbol.species` is supported therefore this will not longer be an issue. (
Before 0.10.3, the logic in zone.js tried to handle the case in the wrong way. It did so by overriding the descriptor of `global.Promise`, to allow the 3rd party libraries to override native `Promise` instead of `ZoneAwarePromise`. This is not the correct solution, and since the `Promise.species` is now supported, the 3rd party solution of overriding `global.Promise` is no longer needed.
PR removes the wrong work around logic. (This will improve the bundle size.)
PR Close#36851
If zonejs is sent undefined callbacks it proceeds to attempt to call them, then fails, catches it own fail, rewrites the stack to hide the mistake, and reports a TypeError with a callstack unrelated to inputs.
Throw early if the callback is undefined (as can happen if JS or any-ified TS calls zone invokeTask).
Check for undefined onCommplete callback to zonejs jasmine wrapper.
PR Close#31497
This partially reverts some changes from 71b9371180 (diff-dd469785fca8680a5b33b1e81c5cfd91R1420)
These broke the g3sync of zone.js because we use the output of the TypeScript compiler directly, rather than rely on the rollup commonjs plugin to define the global symbol
PR Close#31453