Despite local testing, multiple users failed to run the postinstall to install typings.
Instead, we can distribute the typings we installed locally.
This is an alternative to #7003.
This also reverts rxjs to beta.1 since we have errors using beta.2, being addressed
in #7001.
This is more correct and resolves the issue of having dupes within the same project.
This change has no impact on our shrinkwrap since peerDeps and deps are merged into one
within the shrinkwrap file.
BREAKING CHANGE: rxjs, reflect-metadata, zone.js and es6-shims now must be specified as
explicit dependencies of each angular app that uses npm for package management.
To migrate, please add the following into the "dependencies" section of your package.json:
"dependencies": {
"es6-promise": "^3.0.2",
"es6-shim": "^0.33.3",
"reflect-metadata": "0.1.2",
"rxjs": "5.0.0-alpha.11",
"zone.js": "0.5.8"
move to new RxJS distribution.
RxJS imports now are via `rxjs` instead of `@reactivex/rxjs`
Individual operators can be imported `import 'rxjs/operators/map'`
The typings property is being removed because angular2.ts is deprecated, and the developers should import from angular2/core and angular2/platform/*. So aliasing angular2 to angular2/angular2 does not make sense.
import * as ng from 'angular2';
import * as core from 'angular2/core';
This was used for , but now that our typings are laid out in the node_module, users should no longer need that.
Also fix the project name in root package.json. There is a risk that someone runs npm publish in this directory, which will create a new version of angular 1, and contain a scary source tree.
So this package.json may as well have a name that doesn't exist on npm, and if we did publish by accident, it would be a package name that matches the contents.
This makes it simple to run the `tsd link` command in a project
to automatically include paths to typings files. The definitions
also include transitive dependencies of rx.d.ts and es6-promise.d.ts.