The migrator was updated to automatically fix these links.
See fca5fb0280
and 3927b7a038
The result of this is that, going forward, we should ask
authors to include the path from the base href to the thing
being linked. E.g. guide/architecture#intro
The rationale of this change is to improve the inter-operability with web
components that might make use of the `<template>` tag.
The template tags and template attribute are deprecated:
<template ngFor [ngFor]=items let-item><li>...</li></template>
<li template="ngFor: let item of items">...</li>
should be rewritten as:
<ng-template ngFor [ngFor]=items let-item><li>...</li></ng-template>
Note that they still be supported in 4.x with a deprecartion warning in
development mode.
- `template` tags (or elements with a `template` attribute) should be rewritten
as a `ng-template` tag,
- `ng-content` selectors should be updated to referto a `ng-template` where they
use to refer to a template: `<ng-content selector="template[attr]">` should be
rewritten as `<ng-content selector="ng-template[attr]">`
- if you consume a component relying on your templates being actual `template`
elements (that is they include a `<ng-content selector="template[attr]">`). You
should still migrate to `ng-template` and make use of `ngProjectAs` to override
the way `ng-content` sees the template:
`<ng-template projectAs="template[attr]">`
- while `template` elements are deprecated in 4.x they continue to work.
All the docs related files (docs-app, doc-gen, content, etc)
are now to be found inside the `/aio` folder.
The related gulp tasks have been moved from the top level
gulp file to a new one inside the `/aio` folder.
The structure of the `/aio` folder now looks like:
build/ # gulp tasks
content/ #MARKDOWN FILES for devguides, cheatsheet, etc
transforms/ #dgeni packages, templates, etc
content/ #HTML + JSON build artifacts produced by dgeni from /aio/content.
#This dir is .gitignored-ed
e2e/ #protractor tests for the doc viewer app
node_modules/ #dependencies for both the doc viewer builds and the dgeni stuff
#This dir is .gitignored-ed
gulpfile.js #Tasks for generating docs and building & deploying the doc viewer