import { describe, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, inject, beforeEach, } from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal'; import {UrlParser, Url} from '../src/url_parser'; export function main() { describe('ParsedUrl', () => { var urlParser: UrlParser; beforeEach(() => { urlParser = new UrlParser(); }); it('should work in a simple case', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there'); }); it('should remove the leading slash', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('/hello/there'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there'); }); it('should parse an empty URL', () => { var url = urlParser.parse(''); expect(url.toString()).toEqual(''); }); it('should work with a single aux route', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there(a)'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there(a)'); }); it('should work with multiple aux routes', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there(a//b)'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there(a//b)'); }); it('should work with children after an aux route', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there(a//b)/c/d'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there(a//b)/c/d'); }); it('should work when aux routes have children', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello(aa/bb//bb/cc)'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello(aa/bb//bb/cc)'); }); it('should parse an aux route with an aux route', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello(aa(bb))'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello(aa(bb))'); }); it('should simplify an empty aux route definition', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello()/there'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there'); }); it('should parse a key-value matrix param', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/friend;name=bob'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/friend;name=bob'); }); it('should parse multiple key-value matrix params', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there;greeting=hi;whats=up'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there;greeting=hi;whats=up'); }); it('should ignore matrix params on the first segment', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('profile;a=1/hi'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('profile/hi'); }); it('should parse a key-only matrix param', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there;hi'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there;hi'); }); it('should parse a URL with just a query param', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('?name=bob'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('?name=bob'); }); it('should parse a key-value query param', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/friend?name=bob'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/friend?name=bob'); }); it('should parse multiple key-value query params', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there?greeting=hi&whats=up'); expect(url.params).toEqual({'greeting': 'hi', 'whats': 'up'}); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there?greeting=hi&whats=up'); }); it('should parse a key-only query param', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there?hi'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there?hi'); }); it('should parse a route with matrix and query params', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there;sort=asc;unfiltered?hi&friend=true'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there;sort=asc;unfiltered?hi&friend=true'); }); it('should parse a route with matrix params and aux routes', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there;sort=asc(modal)'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there;sort=asc(modal)'); }); it('should parse an aux route with matrix params', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there(modal;sort=asc)'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there(modal;sort=asc)'); }); it('should parse a route with matrix params, aux routes, and query params', () => { var url = urlParser.parse('hello/there;sort=asc(modal)?friend=true'); expect(url.toString()).toEqual('hello/there;sort=asc(modal)?friend=true'); }); it('should allow slashes within query parameters', () => { var url = urlParser.parse( 'hello?code=4/B8o0n_Y7XZTb-pVKBw5daZyGAUbMljyLf7uNgTy6ja8&scope='); expect(url.toString()) .toEqual( 'hello?code=4/B8o0n_Y7XZTb-pVKBw5daZyGAUbMljyLf7uNgTy6ja8&scope='); }); }); }