/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {IInjectorService, Ng1Token} from '@angular/upgrade/static/src/common/angular1'; import {compileFactory, injectorFactory, parseFactory, rootScopeFactory, setTempInjectorRef} from '@angular/upgrade/static/src/static/angular1_providers'; { describe('upgrade angular1_providers', () => { describe('compileFactory', () => { it('should retrieve and return `$compile`', () => { const services: {[key: string]: any} = {$compile: 'foo'}; const mockInjector = {get: (name: Ng1Token): any => services[name], has: () => true}; expect(compileFactory(mockInjector)).toBe('foo'); }); }); describe('injectorFactory', () => { it('should return the injector value that was previously set', () => { const mockInjector = {get: () => undefined, has: () => false}; setTempInjectorRef(mockInjector); const injector = injectorFactory(); expect(injector).toBe(mockInjector); }); it('should throw if the injector value has not been set yet', () => { let injector: IInjectorService|null = null; try { injector = injectorFactory(); } catch { // Throwing an error is the expected behavior. return; } // Normally, we should never get here (but sometimes we do on CI). // Log some info to help debug the issue. console.error(`Unexpected injector (${typeof injector}):`, injector); fail(`Expected no injector, but got: ${jasmine.pp(injector)}`); }); it('should unset the injector after the first call (to prevent memory leaks)', () => { const mockInjector = {get: () => undefined, has: () => false}; setTempInjectorRef(mockInjector); injectorFactory(); expect(injectorFactory).toThrowError(); // ...because it has been unset }); }); describe('parseFactory', () => { it('should retrieve and return `$parse`', () => { const services: {[key: string]: any} = {$parse: 'bar'}; const mockInjector = {get: (name: Ng1Token): any => services[name], has: () => true}; expect(parseFactory(mockInjector)).toBe('bar'); }); }); describe('rootScopeFactory', () => { it('should retrieve and return `$rootScope`', () => { const services: {[key: string]: any} = {$rootScope: 'baz'}; const mockInjector = {get: (name: Ng1Token): any => services[name], has: () => true}; expect(rootScopeFactory(mockInjector)).toBe('baz'); }); }); }); }