import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {I18nPluralPipe} from 'angular2/common'; import {PipeResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/linker/pipe_resolver'; export function main() { describe('I18nPluralPipe', () => { var pipe; var mapping = {'=0': 'No messages.', '=1': 'One message.', 'other': 'There are some messages.'}; var interpolatedMapping = { '=0': 'No messages.', '=1': 'One message.', 'other': 'There are # messages, that is #.' }; beforeEach(() => { pipe = new I18nPluralPipe(); }); it('should be marked as pure', () => { expect(new PipeResolver().resolve(I18nPluralPipe).pure).toEqual(true); }); describe('transform', () => { it('should return 0 text if value is 0', () => { var val = pipe.transform(0, [mapping]); expect(val).toEqual('No messages.'); }); it('should return 1 text if value is 1', () => { var val = pipe.transform(1, [mapping]); expect(val).toEqual('One message.'); }); it('should return other text if value is anything other than 0 or 1', () => { var val = pipe.transform(6, [mapping]); expect(val).toEqual('There are some messages.'); }); it('should interpolate the value into the text where indicated', () => { var val = pipe.transform(6, [interpolatedMapping]); expect(val).toEqual('There are 6 messages, that is 6.'); }); it('should use \'other\' if value is undefined', () => { var messageLength; var val = pipe.transform(messageLength, [interpolatedMapping]); expect(val).toEqual('There are messages, that is .'); }); it('should not support bad arguments', () => { expect(() => pipe.transform(0, ['hey'])).toThrowError(); }); }); }); }