const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); const processorFactory = require('./computeApiBreadCrumbs'); const Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('angular-api-package: computeApiBreadCrumbs processor', () => { it('should be available on the injector', () => { const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-api-package')]); const injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); const processor = injector.get('computeApiBreadCrumbs'); expect(processor.$process).toBeDefined(); expect(processor.$runAfter).toEqual(['paths-computed']); expect(processor.$runBefore).toEqual(['rendering-docs']); }); it('should attach a breadCrumbs property to each of the API_DOC_TYPES_TO_RENDER docs', () => { const API_DOC_TYPES_TO_RENDER = ['class', 'interface', 'package']; const processor = processorFactory(API_DOC_TYPES_TO_RENDER); const httpPackage = { docType: 'package', name: '@angular/http', id: 'http', path: 'http', isPrimaryPackage: true }; const httpTestingPackage = { docType: 'package', name: '@angular/http/testing', id: 'http/testing', path: 'http/testing', packageInfo: { primary: httpPackage } }; const testRequestClass = { docType: 'class', name: 'TestRequest', path: 'http/testing/test-request', moduleDoc: httpTestingPackage }; const docs = [ { docType: 'class', name: 'ClassA', path: 'module-1/class-a', moduleDoc: { id: 'moduleOne', path: 'module-1' } }, { docType: 'interface', name: 'InterfaceB', path: 'module-2/interface-b', moduleDoc: { id: 'moduleTwo', path: 'module-2' } }, { docType: 'guide', name: 'Guide One', path: 'guide/guide-1' }, httpPackage, httpTestingPackage, testRequestClass ]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[0].breadCrumbs).toEqual([ { text: 'API', path: '/api' }, { text: '@angular/moduleOne', path: 'module-1' }, { text: 'ClassA', path: 'module-1/class-a' }, ]); expect(docs[1].breadCrumbs).toEqual([ { text: 'API', path: '/api' }, { text: '@angular/moduleTwo', path: 'module-2' }, { text: 'InterfaceB', path: 'module-2/interface-b' }, ]); expect(docs[2].breadCrumbs).toBeUndefined(); expect(docs[3].breadCrumbs).toEqual([ { text: 'API', path: '/api' }, { text: '@angular/http', path: 'http' }, ]); expect(docs[4].breadCrumbs).toEqual([ { text: 'API', path: '/api' }, { text: '@angular/http', path: 'http' }, { text: '@angular/http/testing', path: 'http/testing' }, ]); expect(docs[5].breadCrumbs).toEqual([ { text: 'API', path: '/api' }, { text: '@angular/http', path: 'http' }, { text: '@angular/http/testing', path: 'http/testing' }, { text: 'TestRequest', path: 'http/testing/test-request' }, ]); }); });