const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); const processorFactory = require('./processPackages'); const Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('processPackages processor', () => { it('should be available on the injector', () => { const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-api-package')]); const injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); const processor = injector.get('processPackages'); expect(processor.$process).toBeDefined(); expect(processor.$runAfter).toEqual(['extractDecoratedClassesProcessor', 'computeStability']); expect(processor.$runBefore).toEqual(['computing-ids', 'generateKeywordsProcessor']); }); it('should filter out any `package-content` docs from the collection', () => { const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/a' }, docType: 'a', id: 'a' }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/x' }, docType: 'package-content', id: 'x' }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/b' }, docType: 'b', id: 'b' }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/y' }, docType: 'package-content', id: 'y' }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/z' }, docType: 'package-content', id: 'z' }, ]; const processor = processorFactory(); const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); expect(newDocs).toEqual([ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/a' }, docType: 'a', id: 'a' }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/b' }, docType: 'b', id: 'b' }, ]); }); it('should change `module` docs to `package` docs', () => { const processor = processorFactory(); const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/a' }, docType: 'module', id: 'a' }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/b' }, docType: 'module', id: 'b' }, { docType: 'other', id: 'c' }, ]; const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); expect(newDocs).toEqual([ jasmine.objectContaining({ docType: 'package', id: 'a' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ docType: 'package', id: 'b' }), jasmine.objectContaining({ docType: 'other', id: 'c' }), ]); }); it('should attach the relevant package contents to the package doc', () => { const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1', someProp: 'foo', }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/' }, docType: 'package-content', id: 'package-1/', shortDescription: 'some short description', description: 'some description', see: [ 'a', 'b' ], }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-2/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-2', }, ]; const processor = processorFactory(); const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); const package1 = jasmine.objectContaining({ fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/' }, docType: 'package', name: '@angular/package-1', id: 'package-1', someProp: 'foo', shortDescription: 'some short description', description: 'some description', see: [ 'a', 'b' ], isPrimaryPackage: true, }); const package2 = jasmine.objectContaining({ fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-2/index' }, docType: 'package', name: '@angular/package-2', id: 'package-2', isPrimaryPackage: true, }); expect(newDocs).toEqual([package1, package2]); }); it('should compute primary and second package info', () => { const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1', }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/sub-1index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1/sub-1', }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/sub-2index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1/sub-2', }, ]; const processor = processorFactory(); const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); expect(newDocs[0].isPrimaryPackage).toBe(true); expect(newDocs[1].isPrimaryPackage).toBe(false); expect(newDocs[2].isPrimaryPackage).toBe(false); expect(newDocs[0].packageInfo.primary).toBe(newDocs[0]); expect(newDocs[1].packageInfo.primary).toBe(newDocs[0]); expect(newDocs[2].packageInfo.primary).toBe(newDocs[0]); expect(newDocs[0].packageInfo.secondary).toEqual([newDocs[1], newDocs[2]]); expect(newDocs[1].packageInfo.secondary).toEqual([newDocs[1], newDocs[2]]); expect(newDocs[2].packageInfo.secondary).toEqual([newDocs[1], newDocs[2]]); }); it('should partition the exports of packages into groups, sorted by id', () => { const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/x' }, docType: 'module', id: 'x', exports: [ { docType: 'function', id: 'function-1' }, { docType: 'directive', id: 'directive-2' }, { docType: 'decorator', id: 'decorator-1' }, { docType: 'class', id: 'class-1' }, { docType: 'directive', id: 'directive-1' }, { docType: 'type-alias', id: 'type-alias-1' }, { docType: 'class', id: 'class-2' }, { docType: 'pipe', id: 'pipe-1' }, { docType: 'const', id: 'const-1' }, { docType: 'interface', id: 'interface-2' }, { docType: 'const', id: 'const-2' }, { docType: 'enum', id: 'enum-1' }, { docType: 'interface', id: 'interface-1' }, ] }, ]; const processor = processorFactory(); const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); expect(newDocs[0].decorators).toEqual([ { docType: 'decorator', id: 'decorator-1' }, ]); expect(newDocs[0].functions).toEqual([ { docType: 'function', id: 'function-1' }, ]); expect(newDocs[0].structures).toEqual([ { docType: 'enum', id: 'enum-1' }, { docType: 'interface', id: 'interface-1' }, { docType: 'interface', id: 'interface-2' }, ]); expect(newDocs[0].directives).toEqual([ { docType: 'directive', id: 'directive-1' }, { docType: 'directive', id: 'directive-2' }, ]); expect(newDocs[0].pipes).toEqual([ { docType: 'pipe', id: 'pipe-1' }, ]); expect(newDocs[0].types).toEqual([ { docType: 'const', id: 'const-1' }, { docType: 'const', id: 'const-2' }, { docType: 'type-alias', id: 'type-alias-1' }, ]); }); it('should compute the deprecated status of each entry point', () => { const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-1', deprecated: true }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/sub-1index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1/sub-1', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-2', deprecated: true }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-2/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-2', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-3' }, { docType: 'class', id: 'class-4', deprecated: true }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-3/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-3', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-5' }, { docType: 'class', id: 'class-6' }, ] }, ]; const processor = processorFactory(); const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); expect(newDocs[0].deprecated).toBeTruthy(); expect(newDocs[1].deprecated).toBeTruthy(); expect(newDocs[2].deprecated).toBeUndefined(); expect(newDocs[3].deprecated).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should compute the deprecated status of packages', () => { const docs = [ { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-1', deprecated: true }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-1/sub-1index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-1/sub-1', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-2', deprecated: true }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-2/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-2', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-3', deprecated: true }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-2/sub-1index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-2/sub-1', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-4', deprecated: false }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-3/index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-3', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-5', deprecated: false }, ] }, { fileInfo: { filePath: 'some/package-3/sub-1index' }, docType: 'module', id: 'package-3/sub-1', exports: [ { docType: 'class', id: 'class-6', deprecated: true }, ] }, ]; const processor = processorFactory(); const newDocs = processor.$process(docs); expect(newDocs[0].packageDeprecated).toBe(true); expect(newDocs[1].packageDeprecated).toBeUndefined(); expect(newDocs[2].packageDeprecated).toBe(false); expect(newDocs[3].packageDeprecated).toBeUndefined(); expect(newDocs[4].packageDeprecated).toBe(false); }); });