block includes include _util-fns - var _Install = 'Install' - var _InstallCn = '安装' - var _prereq = 'Node.js and npm' - var _angular_browser_uri = '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic' - var _angular_core_uri = '@angular/core' - var _stepInit = 3 // Step # after NgModule step - var _quickstartSrcURL='' //- TS/Dart shared step counter - var step = _stepInit header Don't want #{_Lang}? header 不喜欢#{_Lang}? p. Although you're getting started in #{_Lang}, you can also write Angular applications in JavaScript and #{_docsFor == 'ts' ? 'Dart' : 'TypeScript'}. Use the language selector in the left nav to switch development languages for this guide. p. 虽然我们正在用#{_Lang},但你也可以用JavaScript和#{_docsFor == 'ts' ? 'Dart' : 'TypeScript'}来写Angular 2应用。 只要从本指南左侧导航区的语言选择器选择想用哪种语言就可以了。 .l-main-section h1 Overview h1 概览 :marked The live example link opens the finished application in Plunker so that you can interact with the code. You'll find live examples at the start of most sections. 在线例子的链接会在Plunker中打开最终的应用, 以便你亲自体验代码的效果。在大多数章节的开头部分都能找到在线例子。 :marked The QuickStart application has the structure of a real-world Angular application and displays the simple message: 这个“快速起步”应用具有真实Angular应用的典型结构,并显示一条消息: figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/quickstart/my-first-app.png' alt="Output of QuickStart app") :marked **Try it out**. Here's a link to a . 点在线例子的链接来**试用一下**。 You can also clone the entire QuickStart application from GitHub. 你还可以去GitHub克隆这个完整的应用。 h2 Build this application! h2 构建此应用! :marked - [Prerequisite](#prereq): Install #{_prereq}. - [环境准备](#prereq): 安装#{_prereq}。 - [Step 1](#create-and-configure): Create and configure the project. - [步骤1](#create-and-configure):创建并配置此项目。
  • [Step 2](#ngmodule): Create your application.
  • [步骤2](#ngmodule):创建应用
  • - [Step !{step++}](#root-component): Create a component and add it to your application. - [步骤3](#root-component):创建组件并添加到应用程序中。 - [Step !{step++}](#main): Start up your application. - [步骤4](#main):启动应用程序。 - [Step !{step++}](#index): Define the web page that hosts the application. - [步骤5](#index):定义作为该应用的宿主的页面。 - [Step !{step++}](#build-and-run): Build and run the application. - [步骤6](#build-and-run):构建并运行此应用。 - [Step !{step++}](#make-changes): Make some live changes. - [步骤7](#make-changes):做一些修改,并立即查看效果。 - [Wrap up and Next Steps](#wrap-up) - [收工,下一步](#wrap-up) - var step = _stepInit // reinitialize step counter for headers to come .l-main-section#prereq h1 Prerequisite: Install #{_prereq} h1 环境准备:安装#{_prereq} block setup-tooling :marked If Node.js and npm aren't already on your machine, install them. Our examples require node **v4.x.x** or higher and npm **3.x.x** or higher. To check which version you are using, run `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal window. 如果你的机器上还没有Node.js和npm,安装它们。 我们的例子需要node **v5.x.x**或更高版本以及npm **3.x.x**或更高版本。 要检查你正在使用的版本,请在终端窗口中运行`node -v`和`npm -v`命令。 .l-main-section h1#create-and-configure Step 1: Create and configure the project h1#create-and-configure 步骤1:创建并配置本项目 - var _package_and_config_files = _docsFor == 'dart' ? 'pubspec.yaml' : 'configuration files' - var _package_and_config_files_cn = _docsFor == 'dart' ? 'pubspec.yaml' : '配置文件' :marked In this step you will: 这一步我们将: * [Create the project folder](#create-the-project-folder) * [创建项目目录](#create-the-project-folder) * [Create #{_package_and_config_files}](#add-config-files) * [创建#{_package_and_config_files_cn}](#add-config-files) * [#{_Install} packages](#install-packages) * [安装包](#install-packages) h2 Create the project folder h2 创建项目目录 :marked Using a terminal window, create a directory for the project, and change into this directory. 使用终端窗口,为项目创建目录,并进入此目录。 - var _ = _docsFor == 'dart' ? '_' : '-'; code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell"). mkdir angular!{_}quickstart cd angular!{_}quickstart h2#add-config-files Create #{_package_and_config_files} h2#add-config-files 创建#{_package_and_config_files_cn} block package-and-config-files - var _tsconfigUri = 'guide/typescript-configuration.html#tsconfig' p Our typical Angular project needs several configuration files: p 典型的Angular项目需要一系列配置文件 ul li. #[b package.json] identifies npm package dependencies for the project. li. #[b package.json]用来标记出本项目所需的npm依赖包。 li. #[b tsconfig.json] defines how the TypeScript compiler generates JavaScript from the project's files. li. #[b tsconfig.json]定义了TypeScript编译器如何从项目源文件生成JavaScript代码。 li. #[b typings.json] provides additional definition files for libraries that the TypeScript compiler doesn't natively recognize. li. #[b typings.json]为那些TypeScript编译器无法识别的库提供了别的定义文件。 li. #[b systemjs.config.js] provides information to a module loader about where to find application modules, and registers all the necessary packages. It also contains other packages that will be needed by later documentation examples. li. #[b systemjs.config.js]为模块加载器提供了该到哪里查找应用模块的信息,并注册了所有必备的依赖包。 它还包括文档中后面的例子需要用到的包。 p. Create each of these files in your project directory. Populate them by pasting in text from the tabs in the example box below. p. 在你的项目目录中创建这些文件,并从下面的例子框中拷贝粘贴文本来填充它们。 a#config-files +makeTabs(` quickstart/ts/package.1.json, quickstart/ts/tsconfig.1.json, quickstart/ts/typings.1.json, quickstart/ts/systemjs.config.1.js `, '', ` package.json, tsconfig.json, typings.json, systemjs.config.js `) p. Learn more about these configuration files in the #[a(href="guide/npm-packages.html") Npm Package Configuration] guide and the #[a(href="#{_tsconfigUri}") TypeScript Configuration] guide. A detailed discussion of module loading is beyond the scope of this guide. p. 要了解这些配置文件的更多知识,参见#[a(href="guide/npm-packages.html") npm包配置指南]和 #[a(href="#{_tsconfigUri}") TypeScript配置指南]。 对模块加载器的详细探讨则超出了本指南的范畴。 header SystemJS or Webpack? header SystemJS还是Webpack? p. Although we use SystemJS for illustrative purposes here, it's only one option for loading modules. Use the module loader that you prefer. For Webpack and Angular, see Webpack: an Introduction. Or, learn more about SystemJS configuration in general here. p. 虽然我们这里使用了SystemJS来达到目标,不过它也只是加载模块的选项之一。尽管用你喜欢的模块加载器吧。关于Webpack和Angular,参见 Webpack简介。 或者到这里学习关于SystemJS配置的知识。 h2#install-packages #{_Install} packages h2#install-packages #{_InstallCn}依赖包 block install-packages :marked Using npm from the command line, install the packages listed in `package.json` with the command: 使用`npm`命令来安装`package.json`中列出的依赖包。请在终端窗口(或Windows的cmd窗口)中输入下列命令: code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell"). npm install :marked Error messages—in red—might appear during the install, and you might see `npm WARN` messages. As long as there are no `npm ERR!` messages at the end, you can assume success. 在安装期间可能出现红色的错误信息,你还会看到`npm WARN`信息。不过不用担心,只要末尾处没有`npm ERR!`信息就算成功了。 :marked You should now have the following structure: 你现在应该得到了如下结构: .filetree .file angular-quickstart .children .file node_modules ... .file typings ... .file package.json .file systemjs.config.js .file tsconfig.json .file typings.json :marked If the `typings` folder doesn't show up after running `npm install`, you'll need to install it manually with the command: 如果在运行`npm install`之后没有出现`typings`目录,你就需要通过命令手动安装它: code-example(language="sh" class="code-shell"). npm run typings install :marked You're now ready to write some code! 现在,你可以开始写代码了! +ifDocsFor('ts') .l-main-section h1#ngmodule Step 2: Create your application h1#ngmodule 步骤2:创建应用 :marked You compose Angular applications into closely related blocks of functionality with [NgModules](guide/ngmodule.html). Angular itself is split into separate Angular Modules. This makes it possible for you to keep payload size small by only importing the parts of Angular that your application needs. 我们用[NgModules](guide/ngmodule.html)把Angular应用组织成了一些功能相关的代码块。Angular本身也被拆成了一些独立的Angular模块。 这让你可以只导入你应用中所需的Angular部件,以得到较小的文件体积。 Every Angular application has at least one module: the _root module_, named `AppModule` here. 每个Angular应用都至少有一个模块:_根模块_,在这里它叫做`AppModule`。 **Create #{_an} #{_appDir} subfolder** off the project root directory: **在应用的根目录下创建#{_appDir}子目录: code-example.code-shell. mkdir #{_appDir} :marked Create the file `app/app.module.ts` with the following content: 使用下列内容创建`app/app.module.ts`文件: +makeExample('app/app.module.1.ts')(format='.') :marked This is the entry point to your application. 这里是应用的入口点。 Since the QuickStart application is a web application that runs in a browser, your root module needs to import the [`BrowserModule`](../latest/api/platform-browser/index/BrowserModule-class.html) from `@angular/platform-browser` to the `imports` array. 由于QuickStart是运行在浏览器中的Web应用,所以根模块需要从`@angular/platform-browser`中导入[`BrowserModule`](../latest/api/platform-browser/index/BrowserModule-class.html)并添加到`imports`数组中。 This is the smallest amount of Angular that is needed for a minimal application to run in the browser. 这是要让最小的应用在浏览器中运行时,对Angular的最低需求。 The QuickStart application doesn't do anything else, so you don't need any other modules. In a real application, you'd likely import [`FormsModule`](../latest/api/forms/index/FormsModule-class.html) as well as [`RouterModule`](../latest/api/router/index/RouterModule-class.html) and [`HttpModule`](../latest/api/http/index/HttpModule-class.html). These are introduced in the [Tour of Heroes Tutorial](./tutorial/). QuickStart应用不做别的,也就先不需要其它模块。在真实的应用中,我们可能还得导入[`FormsModule`](../latest/api/forms/index/FormsModule-class .html)、[`RouterModule`](../latest/api/router/index/RouterModule-class.html)和 [`HttpModule`](../latest/api/http/index/HttpModule-class.html)。这些会在[英雄指南教程](./tutorial/)中引入。 .l-main-section h1#root-component Step !{step++}: Create a component and add it to your application h1#root-component 步骤3:创建组件并添加到应用中 :marked Every Angular application has at least one component: the _root component_, named `AppComponent` here. 每个Angular应用都至少有一个组件:*根组件*,这里名叫`AppComponent`。 Components are the basic building blocks of Angular applications. A component controls a portion of the screen—a *view*—through its associated template. 组件是Angular应用的基本构造块。每个组件都会通过与它相关的模板来控制屏幕上的一小块(视图)。 a#app-component p. #[b Create the component file] #[code #[+adjExPath('app/app.component.ts')]] with the following content: p. #[b 使用下列内容创建组件文件] #[code #[+adjExPath('app/app.component.ts')]]: +makeExample('app/app.component.ts') :marked The QuickStart application has the same essential structure as any other Angular component: QuickStart应用具有和其它Angular组件相同的基本结构: * **An import statement**. Importing gives your component access to Angular's core [`@Component` decorator function](../latest/api/core/index/Component-decorator .html). * **import语句**。它让你能访问Angular核心库中的[`@Component`装饰器函数](../latest/api/core/index/Component-decorator.html)。 * **A @Component #{_decorator}** that associates *metadata* with the `AppComponent` component class: * **@Component#{_decoratorCn}**,它会把一份*元数据*关联到`AppComponent`组件类上: - a *selector* that specifies a simple CSS selector for an HTML element that represents the component. - *selector*为用来代表该组件的HTML元素指定简单的CSS选择器。 - a *template* that tells Angular how to render the component's view. - *template*用来告诉Angular如何渲染该组件的视图。 * **A component class** that controls the appearance and behavior of a view through its template. Here, you only have the root component, `AppComponent`. Since you don't need any application logic in the simple QuickStart example, it's empty. * **组件类**通过它的模板来控制视图的外观和行为。这里,你只有一个根组件`AppComponent`。由于这个简单的QuickStart范例中并不需要应用逻辑,因此它是空的。 You *export* the `AppComponent` class so that you can *import* it into the application that you just created. 我们还要*导出*这个`AppComponent`类,以便让刚刚创建的这个应用导入它。 Edit the file `app/app.module.ts` to import your new `AppComponent` and add it in the declarations and bootstrap fields in the `NgModule` decorator: 编辑`app/app.module.ts`文件,导入这个新的`AppComponent`,并把它添加到`NgModule`装饰器中的`declarations`和`bootstrap`字段: +makeExample('app/app.module.ts', null, title='app/app.module.ts') .l-main-section h1#main Step !{step++}: Start up your application h1#main 步骤4:启动应用 block create-main :marked Now you need to tell Angular to start up your application. 现在,我们还需要做点什么来让Angular加载这个根组件。 Create the file `app/main.ts` with the following content: 添加新文件#[code #[+adjExPath('app/main.ts')]],内容如下: +makeExample('app/main.ts') - var _pBD_bootstrapModule = _docsFor == 'dart' ? _bootstrapModule : 'platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule' :marked This code initializes the platform that your application runs in, then uses the platform to bootstrap your `!{_AppModuleVsAppComp}`. 这些代码初始化了应用所在的平台,然后使用此平台引导你的`!{_AppModuleVsAppComp}`。 ### Why create separate *main.ts*, app module and app component files? ### 为什么要分别创建*main.ts*、应用模块和应用组件的文件呢? App bootstrapping is a separate concern from creating a module or presenting a view. Testing the component is much easier if it doesn't also try to run the entire application. 应用的引导过程与创建模块或者展现视图是相互独立的关注点。如果该组件不会试图运行整个应用,那么测试它就会更容易。 header Bootstrapping is platform-specific header 引导过程是与平台有关的 :marked Because the QuickStart application runs directly in the browser, `main.ts` imports the `!{_platformBrowserDynamicVsBootStrap}` function from `#{_angular_browser_uri}`, not `#{_angular_core_uri}`. On a mobile device, you might load a !{_moduleVsComp} with [Apache Cordova]( or [NativeScript](, using a bootstrap function that's specific to that platform. 但我们应该用正确的方式组织Angular应用的文件结构。 启动App与展现视图是两个相互分离的关注点。 把这些关注点混在一起会增加不必要的难度。 可以通过使用不同的引导器(bootstraper)来在不同的环境中启动`AppComponent`。 测试组件也变得更容易,因为不需要再运行整个程序才能跑测试。 让我们多花一点精力来用*“正确的方式”*实现它。 .l-main-section h1#index Step !{step++}: Define the web page that hosts the application h1#index 步骤5:定义该应用的宿主页面 :marked In the *#{_indexHtmlDir}* folder, create an `index.html` file and paste the following lines into it: 在*#{_indexHtmlDirCn}*目录下创建`index.html`文件,并粘贴下列内容: +makeExample('index.html') +ifDocsFor('ts') :marked The noteworthy sections here are: 这里值得注意的地方有: * JavaScript libraries: `core-js` polyfills for older browsers, the `zone.js` and `reflect-metadata` libraries needed by Angular, and the `SystemJS` library for module loading. * JavaScript库:`core-js`是为老式浏览器提供的填充库,`zone.js`和`reflect-metadata`库是Angular需要的,而`SystemJS`库是用来做模块加载的。 * Configuration file for `SystemJS`, and a script where you import and run the `app` module which refers to the `main` file that you just wrote. * `SystemJS`的配置文件和一段脚本,它导入并运行了我们刚刚在`main`文件中写的`app`模块。 * The [``](#my-app) tag in the `` which is *where your app lives!* * ``中的[``](#my-app)标签是*应用程序生活的地方!* :marked ## Add some style ## 添加一些样式 Styles aren't essential, but they're nice, and `index.html` assumes that you have a stylesheet called `styles.css`. 样式不是必须的,但能让应用更漂亮。`index.html`中假定有一个叫做`styles.css`的样式表。 Create a `styles.css` file in the *#{_indexHtmlDir}* folder, and start styling, perhaps with the minimal styles shown below. 在*#{_indexHtmlDir}*目录下创建`styles.css`文件,并且用下面列出的最小化样式作为初始样式。 +makeExcerpt('styles.css (excerpt)', 'quickstart') :marked For the full set of master styles used by the documentation samples, see [styles.css]( 要查看本文档中所用到的主样式表的完整集合,参见 [styles.css]( .l-main-section#build-and-run h1 Step !{step++}: Build and run the application h1 步骤6: 编译并运行应用程序 block run-app :marked Open a terminal window and enter this command: 打开终端窗口,并输入如下命令: code-example.code-shell. npm start :marked [Read more]( about other useful npm scripts included in this example's `package.json`. 到[这里](了解更多关于`package.json`中其它脚本的知识。 :marked That command runs the following two parallel node processes: 该命令会同时运行两个并行的node进程: * The TypeScript compiler in watch mode. * TypeScript编译器运行在监听模式。 * A static file server called _lite-server_ that loads `index.html` in a browser and refreshes the browser when application files change. * 一个名叫*lite-server*的静态文件服务器,它把`index.html`加载到浏览器中,并且在该应用中的文件发生变化时刷新浏览器。 In a few moments, a browser tab should open and display the following: 稍后,一个浏览器页标签就会打开并显示出来。 figure.image-display img(src='/resources/images/devguide/quickstart/my-first-app.png' alt="Output of QuickStart app") block build-app //- Nothing for ts. .l-main-section#make-changes h1 Step !{step++}: Make some live changes h1 步骤7:做一些即时修改 :marked Try changing the message in `app/app.component.ts` to "My SECOND Angular App". 尝试把`app/app.component.ts`中的消息修改成"My SECOND Angular App"。 block server-watching :marked The TypeScript compiler and `lite-server` will detect your change, recompile the TypeScript into JavaScript, refresh the browser, and display your revised message. TypeScript编译器和`lite-server`将会检测这些修改,重新把TypeScript编译成JavaScript,刷新浏览器,并显示修改过的消息。 Close the terminal window when you're done to terminate both the compiler and the server. 当终止了编译器和服务器之后,可以关闭terminal窗口。 .l-main-section h1#wrap-up Wrap up and next steps h1#wrap-up 收工,下一步 :marked The final project folder structure looks like this: 项目的最终目录结构看起来是这样的: block project-file-structure .filetree .file angular-quickstart .children .file app .children .file app.component.ts .file app.module.ts .file main.ts .file node_modules ... .file typings ... .file index.html .file package.json .file styles.css .file systemjs.config.js .file tsconfig.json .file typings.json :marked To see the file contents, open the . 要查看文件的内容,请打开在线例子。 .l-main-section :marked ## What next? ## 下一步干什么? This first application doesn't do much. It's basically "Hello, World" for Angular. 第一个应用没做什么,它只是Angular的"Hello, World"而已。 You wrote a little Angular component, created a simple `index.html`, and launched with a static file server. 我们写了很小的Angular组件,创建了简单的`index.html`,并且启动了静态文件服务器。 +ifDocsFor('ts') :marked You also created the basic application setup that you'll re-use for other sections in this guide. From here, the changes you'll make in the `package.json` or `index.html` files are only minor updates to add libraries or some css stylesheets. You also won't need to revisit module loading again. 我们还设置了基本的应用环境,你可以把它用在本指南的其它部分。以后,我们对`package.json`和`index.html`的修改将仅限于添加库或一些css样式,不用再需要修改模块加载部分。 :marked To take the next step and build a small application that demonstrates real features that you can build with Angular, carry on to the [Tour of Heroes tutorial](./tutorial)! 下一步我们会开始构建小型的应用,用于示范能通过Angular构建的真实特性。 来吧!开始[“英雄指南”教程](./tutorial)!