/** * @module * @description * Maps application URLs into application states, to support deep-linking and navigation. */ export {Router} from './src/router/router'; export {RouterOutlet} from './src/router/router_outlet'; export {RouterLink} from './src/router/router_link'; export {RouteParams} from './src/router/instruction'; export {RouteRegistry} from './src/router/route_registry'; export {LocationStrategy} from './src/router/location_strategy'; export {HashLocationStrategy} from './src/router/hash_location_strategy'; export {PathLocationStrategy} from './src/router/path_location_strategy'; export {Location, APP_BASE_HREF} from './src/router/location'; export * from './src/router/route_config_decorator'; export * from './src/router/route_definition'; export {OnActivate, OnDeactivate, OnReuse, CanDeactivate, CanReuse} from './src/router/interfaces'; export {CanActivate} from './src/router/lifecycle_annotations'; export {Instruction, ComponentInstruction} from './src/router/instruction'; export {OpaqueToken} from 'angular2/angular2'; export {ROUTE_DATA} from './src/router/route_data'; import {LocationStrategy} from './src/router/location_strategy'; import {PathLocationStrategy} from './src/router/path_location_strategy'; import {Router, RootRouter} from './src/router/router'; import {RouterOutlet} from './src/router/router_outlet'; import {RouterLink} from './src/router/router_link'; import {RouteRegistry} from './src/router/route_registry'; import {Location} from './src/router/location'; import {bind, OpaqueToken, Binding} from './core'; import {CONST_EXPR, Type} from './src/core/facade/lang'; /** * Token used to bind the component with the top-level {@link RouteConfig}s for the * application. * * You can use the {@link routerBindings} function in your {@link bootstrap} bindings to * simplify setting up these bindings. * * ## Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm)) * * ``` * import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; * import { * ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, * ROUTER_BINDINGS, * ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, * RouteConfig * } from 'angular2/router'; * * @Component({...}) * @View({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]}) * @RouteConfig([ * {...}, * ]) * class AppCmp { * // ... * } * * bootstrap(AppCmp, [ * ROUTER_BINDINGS, * bind(ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT).toValue(AppCmp) * ]); * ``` */ export const ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT: OpaqueToken = CONST_EXPR(new OpaqueToken('RouterPrimaryComponent')); /** * A list of directives. To use the router directives like {@link RouterOutlet} and * {@link RouterLink}, add this to your `directives` array in the {@link View} decorator of your * component. * * ## Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm)) * * ``` * import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; * import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, routerBindings, RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router'; * * @Component({...}) * @View({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]}) * @RouteConfig([ * {...}, * ]) * class AppCmp { * // ... * } * * bootstrap(AppCmp, [routerBindings(AppCmp)]); * ``` */ export const ROUTER_DIRECTIVES: any[] = CONST_EXPR([RouterOutlet, RouterLink]); /** * A list of {@link Binding}s. To use the router, you must add this to your application. * * Note that you also need to bind to {@link ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT}. * * You can use the {@link routerBindings} function in your {@link bootstrap} bindings to * simplify setting up these bindings. * * ## Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm)) * * ``` * import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; * import { * ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, * ROUTER_BINDINGS, * ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, * RouteConfig * } from 'angular2/router'; * * @Component({...}) * @View({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]}) * @RouteConfig([ * {...}, * ]) * class AppCmp { * // ... * } * * bootstrap(AppCmp, [ * ROUTER_BINDINGS, * bind(ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT).toValue(AppCmp) * ]); * ``` */ export const ROUTER_BINDINGS: any[] = CONST_EXPR([ RouteRegistry, CONST_EXPR(new Binding(LocationStrategy, {toClass: PathLocationStrategy})), Location, CONST_EXPR( new Binding(Router, { toFactory: routerFactory, deps: CONST_EXPR([RouteRegistry, Location, ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT]) })) ]); function routerFactory(registry, location, primaryComponent) { return new RootRouter(registry, location, primaryComponent); } /** * A list of {@link Binding}s. To use the router, you must add these bindings to * your application. * * ## Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm)) * * ``` * import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; * import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, routerBindings, RouteConfig} from 'angular2/router'; * * @Component({...}) * @View({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]}) * @RouteConfig([ * {...}, * ]) * class AppCmp { * // ... * } * * bootstrap(AppCmp, [routerBindings(AppCmp)]); * ``` */ export function routerBindings(primaryComponent: Type): Array { return [ROUTER_BINDINGS, bind(ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT).toValue(primaryComponent)]; }