import { AsyncTestCompleter, describe, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, inject, beforeEach, SpyObject } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {PathRecognizer} from 'angular2/src/router/path_recognizer'; import {parser, Url, RootUrl} from 'angular2/src/router/url_parser'; import {SyncRouteHandler} from 'angular2/src/router/sync_route_handler'; class DummyClass { constructor() {} } var mockRouteHandler = new SyncRouteHandler(DummyClass); export function main() { describe('PathRecognizer', () => { it('should throw when given an invalid path', () => { expect(() => new PathRecognizer('/hi#', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "/hi#" should not include "#". Use "HashLocationStrategy" instead.`); expect(() => new PathRecognizer('hi?', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "hi?" contains "?" which is not allowed in a route config.`); expect(() => new PathRecognizer('hi;', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "hi;" contains ";" which is not allowed in a route config.`); expect(() => new PathRecognizer('hi=', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "hi=" contains "=" which is not allowed in a route config.`); expect(() => new PathRecognizer('hi(', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "hi(" contains "(" which is not allowed in a route config.`); expect(() => new PathRecognizer('hi)', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "hi)" contains ")" which is not allowed in a route config.`); expect(() => new PathRecognizer('hi//there', mockRouteHandler)) .toThrowError(`Path "hi//there" contains "//" which is not allowed in a route config.`); }); it('should return the same instruction instance when recognizing the same path', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/one', mockRouteHandler); var one = new Url('one', null, null, {}); var firstMatch = rec.recognize(one); var secondMatch = rec.recognize(one); expect(firstMatch.instruction).toBe(secondMatch.instruction); }); describe('querystring params', () => { it('should parse querystring params so long as the recognizer is a root', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/hello/there', mockRouteHandler); var url = parser.parse('/hello/there?name=igor'); var match = rec.recognize(url); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'name': 'igor'}); }); it('should return a combined map of parameters with the param expected in the URL path', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/hello/:name', mockRouteHandler); var url = parser.parse('/hello/paul?topic=success'); var match = rec.recognize(url); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'name': 'paul', 'topic': 'success'}); }); }); describe('matrix params', () => { it('should be parsed along with dynamic paths', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/hello/:id', mockRouteHandler); var url = new Url('hello', new Url('matias', null, null, {'key': 'value'})); var match = rec.recognize(url); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'id': 'matias', 'key': 'value'}); }); it('should be parsed on a static path', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/person', mockRouteHandler); var url = new Url('person', null, null, {'name': 'dave'}); var match = rec.recognize(url); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'name': 'dave'}); }); it('should be ignored on a wildcard segment', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/wild/*everything', mockRouteHandler); var url = parser.parse('/wild/super;variable=value'); var match = rec.recognize(url); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'everything': 'super;variable=value'}); }); it('should set matrix param values to true when no value is present', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/path', mockRouteHandler); var url = new Url('path', null, null, {'one': true, 'two': true, 'three': '3'}); var match = rec.recognize(url); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'one': true, 'two': true, 'three': '3'}); }); it('should be parsed on the final segment of the path', () => { var rec = new PathRecognizer('/one/two/three', mockRouteHandler); var three = new Url('three', null, null, {'c': '3'}); var two = new Url('two', three, null, {'b': '2'}); var one = new Url('one', two, null, {'a': '1'}); var match = rec.recognize(one); expect(match.instruction.params).toEqual({'c': '3'}); }); }); }); }