/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {PLATFORM_ID} from '@angular/core'; import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {NgswCommChannel} from '@angular/service-worker/src/low_level'; import {ngswCommChannelFactory, SwRegistrationOptions} from '@angular/service-worker/src/module'; import {SwPush} from '@angular/service-worker/src/push'; import {SwUpdate} from '@angular/service-worker/src/update'; import {MockPushManager, MockPushSubscription, MockServiceWorkerContainer, MockServiceWorkerRegistration, patchDecodeBase64} from '@angular/service-worker/testing/mock'; { describe('ServiceWorker library', () => { let mock: MockServiceWorkerContainer; let comm: NgswCommChannel; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockServiceWorkerContainer(); comm = new NgswCommChannel(mock as any); }); describe('NgswCommsChannel', () => { it('can access the registration when it comes before subscription', done => { const mock = new MockServiceWorkerContainer(); const comm = new NgswCommChannel(mock as any); const regPromise = mock.getRegistration() as any as MockServiceWorkerRegistration; mock.setupSw(); (comm as any).registration.subscribe((reg: any) => { done(); }); }); it('can access the registration when it comes after subscription', done => { const mock = new MockServiceWorkerContainer(); const comm = new NgswCommChannel(mock as any); const regPromise = mock.getRegistration() as any as MockServiceWorkerRegistration; (comm as any).registration.subscribe((reg: any) => { done(); }); mock.setupSw(); }); }); describe('ngswCommChannelFactory', () => { it('gives disabled NgswCommChannel for platform-server', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ {provide: PLATFORM_ID, useValue: 'server'}, {provide: SwRegistrationOptions, useValue: {enabled: true}}, { provide: NgswCommChannel, useFactory: ngswCommChannelFactory, deps: [SwRegistrationOptions, PLATFORM_ID] } ] }); expect(TestBed.inject(NgswCommChannel).isEnabled).toEqual(false); }); it('gives disabled NgswCommChannel when \'enabled\' option is false', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ {provide: PLATFORM_ID, useValue: 'browser'}, {provide: SwRegistrationOptions, useValue: {enabled: false}}, { provide: NgswCommChannel, useFactory: ngswCommChannelFactory, deps: [SwRegistrationOptions, PLATFORM_ID] } ] }); expect(TestBed.inject(NgswCommChannel).isEnabled).toEqual(false); }); it('gives disabled NgswCommChannel when navigator.serviceWorker is undefined', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ {provide: PLATFORM_ID, useValue: 'browser'}, {provide: SwRegistrationOptions, useValue: {enabled: true}}, { provide: NgswCommChannel, useFactory: ngswCommChannelFactory, deps: [SwRegistrationOptions, PLATFORM_ID], }, ], }); const context: any = global || window; const originalDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(context, 'navigator'); const patchedDescriptor = {value: {serviceWorker: undefined}, configurable: true}; try { // Set `navigator` to `{serviceWorker: undefined}`. Object.defineProperty(context, 'navigator', patchedDescriptor); expect(TestBed.inject(NgswCommChannel).isEnabled).toBe(false); } finally { if (originalDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty(context, 'navigator', originalDescriptor); } else { delete context.navigator; } } }); it('gives enabled NgswCommChannel when browser supports SW and enabled option is true', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ {provide: PLATFORM_ID, useValue: 'browser'}, {provide: SwRegistrationOptions, useValue: {enabled: true}}, { provide: NgswCommChannel, useFactory: ngswCommChannelFactory, deps: [SwRegistrationOptions, PLATFORM_ID] } ] }); const context: any = global || window; const originalDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(context, 'navigator'); const patchedDescriptor = {value: {serviceWorker: mock}, configurable: true}; try { // Set `navigator` to `{serviceWorker: mock}`. Object.defineProperty(context, 'navigator', patchedDescriptor); expect(TestBed.inject(NgswCommChannel).isEnabled).toBe(true); } finally { if (originalDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty(context, 'navigator', originalDescriptor); } else { delete context.navigator; } } }); }); describe('SwPush', () => { let unpatchDecodeBase64: () => void; let push: SwPush; // Patch `SwPush.decodeBase64()` in Node.js (where `atob` is not available). beforeAll(() => unpatchDecodeBase64 = patchDecodeBase64(SwPush.prototype as any)); afterAll(() => unpatchDecodeBase64()); beforeEach(() => { push = new SwPush(comm); mock.setupSw(); }); it('is injectable', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ SwPush, {provide: NgswCommChannel, useValue: comm}, ] }); expect(() => TestBed.inject(SwPush)).not.toThrow(); }); describe('requestSubscription()', () => { it('returns a promise that resolves to the subscription', async () => { const promise = push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); expect(promise).toEqual(jasmine.any(Promise)); const sub = await promise; expect(sub).toEqual(jasmine.any(MockPushSubscription)); }); it('calls `PushManager.subscribe()` (with appropriate options)', async () => { const decode = (charCodeArr: Uint8Array) => Array.from(charCodeArr).map(c => String.fromCharCode(c)).join(''); // atob('c3ViamVjdHM/') === 'subjects?' const serverPublicKey = 'c3ViamVjdHM_'; const appServerKeyStr = 'subjects?'; const pmSubscribeSpy = spyOn(MockPushManager.prototype, 'subscribe').and.callThrough(); await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey}); expect(pmSubscribeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(pmSubscribeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ applicationServerKey: jasmine.any(Uint8Array) as any, userVisibleOnly: true, }); const actualAppServerKey = pmSubscribeSpy.calls.first().args[0]!.applicationServerKey; const actualAppServerKeyStr = decode(actualAppServerKey as Uint8Array); expect(actualAppServerKeyStr).toBe(appServerKeyStr); }); it('emits the new `PushSubscription` on `SwPush.subscription`', async () => { const subscriptionSpy = jasmine.createSpy('subscriptionSpy'); push.subscription.subscribe(subscriptionSpy); const sub = await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(sub); }); }); describe('unsubscribe()', () => { let psUnsubscribeSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { psUnsubscribeSpy = spyOn(MockPushSubscription.prototype, 'unsubscribe').and.callThrough(); }); it('rejects if currently not subscribed to push notifications', async () => { try { await push.unsubscribe(); throw new Error('`unsubscribe()` should fail'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toBe('Not subscribed to push notifications.'); } }); it('calls `PushSubscription.unsubscribe()`', async () => { await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); await push.unsubscribe(); expect(psUnsubscribeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('rejects if `PushSubscription.unsubscribe()` fails', async () => { psUnsubscribeSpy.and.callFake(() => { throw new Error('foo'); }); try { await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); await push.unsubscribe(); throw new Error('`unsubscribe()` should fail'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toBe('foo'); } }); it('rejects if `PushSubscription.unsubscribe()` returns false', async () => { psUnsubscribeSpy.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); try { await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); await push.unsubscribe(); throw new Error('`unsubscribe()` should fail'); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toBe('Unsubscribe failed!'); } }); it('emits `null` on `SwPush.subscription`', async () => { const subscriptionSpy = jasmine.createSpy('subscriptionSpy'); push.subscription.subscribe(subscriptionSpy); await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); await push.unsubscribe(); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null); }); it('does not emit on `SwPush.subscription` on failure', async () => { const subscriptionSpy = jasmine.createSpy('subscriptionSpy'); const initialSubEmit = new Promise(resolve => subscriptionSpy.and.callFake(resolve)); push.subscription.subscribe(subscriptionSpy); await initialSubEmit; subscriptionSpy.calls.reset(); // Error due to no subscription. await push.unsubscribe().catch(() => undefined); expect(subscriptionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Subscribe. await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); subscriptionSpy.calls.reset(); // Error due to `PushSubscription.unsubscribe()` error. psUnsubscribeSpy.and.callFake(() => { throw new Error('foo'); }); await push.unsubscribe().catch(() => undefined); expect(subscriptionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Error due to `PushSubscription.unsubscribe()` failure. psUnsubscribeSpy.and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(false)); await push.unsubscribe().catch(() => undefined); expect(subscriptionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('messages', () => { it('receives push messages', () => { const sendMessage = (type: string, message: string) => mock.sendMessage({type, data: {message}}); const receivedMessages: string[] = []; push.messages.subscribe((msg: any) => receivedMessages.push(msg.message)); sendMessage('PUSH', 'this was a push message'); sendMessage('NOTPUSH', 'this was not a push message'); sendMessage('PUSH', 'this was a push message too'); sendMessage('HSUP', 'this was a HSUP message'); expect(receivedMessages).toEqual([ 'this was a push message', 'this was a push message too', ]); }); }); describe('notificationClicks', () => { it('receives notification clicked messages', () => { const sendMessage = (type: string, action: string) => mock.sendMessage({type, data: {action}}); const receivedMessages: string[] = []; push.notificationClicks.subscribe( (msg: {action: string}) => receivedMessages.push(msg.action)); sendMessage('NOTIFICATION_CLICK', 'this was a click'); sendMessage('NOT_IFICATION_CLICK', 'this was not a click'); sendMessage('NOTIFICATION_CLICK', 'this was a click too'); sendMessage('KCILC_NOITACIFITON', 'this was a KCILC_NOITACIFITON message'); expect(receivedMessages).toEqual([ 'this was a click', 'this was a click too', ]); }); }); describe('subscription', () => { let nextSubEmitResolve: () => void; let nextSubEmitPromise: Promise; let subscriptionSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { nextSubEmitPromise = new Promise(resolve => nextSubEmitResolve = resolve); subscriptionSpy = jasmine.createSpy('subscriptionSpy').and.callFake(() => { nextSubEmitResolve(); nextSubEmitPromise = new Promise(resolve => nextSubEmitResolve = resolve); }); push.subscription.subscribe(subscriptionSpy); }); it('emits on worker-driven changes (i.e. when the controller changes)', async () => { // Initial emit for the current `ServiceWorkerController`. await nextSubEmitPromise; expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null); subscriptionSpy.calls.reset(); // Simulate a `ServiceWorkerController` change. mock.setupSw(); await nextSubEmitPromise; expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null); }); it('emits on subscription changes (i.e. when subscribing/unsubscribing)', async () => { await nextSubEmitPromise; subscriptionSpy.calls.reset(); // Subscribe. await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(MockPushSubscription)); subscriptionSpy.calls.reset(); // Subscribe again. await push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(MockPushSubscription)); subscriptionSpy.calls.reset(); // Unsubscribe. await push.unsubscribe(); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(subscriptionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null); }); }); describe('with no SW', () => { beforeEach(() => { comm = new NgswCommChannel(undefined); push = new SwPush(comm); }); it('does not crash on subscription to observables', () => { push.messages.toPromise().catch(err => fail(err)); push.notificationClicks.toPromise().catch(err => fail(err)); push.subscription.toPromise().catch(err => fail(err)); }); it('gives an error when registering', done => { push.requestSubscription({serverPublicKey: 'test'}).catch(err => { done(); }); }); it('gives an error when unsubscribing', done => { push.unsubscribe().catch(err => { done(); }); }); }); }); describe('SwUpdate', () => { let update: SwUpdate; beforeEach(() => { update = new SwUpdate(comm); mock.setupSw(); }); it('processes update availability notifications when sent', done => { update.available.subscribe(event => { expect(event.current).toEqual({hash: 'A'}); expect(event.available).toEqual({hash: 'B'}); expect(event.type).toEqual('UPDATE_AVAILABLE'); done(); }); mock.sendMessage({ type: 'UPDATE_AVAILABLE', current: { hash: 'A', }, available: { hash: 'B', }, }); }); it('processes unrecoverable notifications when sent', done => { update.unrecoverable.subscribe(event => { expect(event.reason).toEqual('Invalid Resource'); expect(event.type).toEqual('UNRECOVERABLE_STATE'); done(); }); mock.sendMessage({type: 'UNRECOVERABLE_STATE', reason: 'Invalid Resource'}); }); it('processes update activation notifications when sent', done => { update.activated.subscribe(event => { expect(event.previous).toEqual({hash: 'A'}); expect(event.current).toEqual({hash: 'B'}); expect(event.type).toEqual('UPDATE_ACTIVATED'); done(); }); mock.sendMessage({ type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVATED', previous: { hash: 'A', }, current: { hash: 'B', }, }); }); it('activates updates when requested', done => { mock.messages.subscribe((msg: {action: string, statusNonce: number}) => { expect(msg.action).toEqual('ACTIVATE_UPDATE'); mock.sendMessage({ type: 'STATUS', nonce: msg.statusNonce, status: true, }); }); return update.activateUpdate().then(() => done()).catch(err => done.fail(err)); }); it('reports activation failure when requested', done => { mock.messages.subscribe((msg: {action: string, statusNonce: number}) => { expect(msg.action).toEqual('ACTIVATE_UPDATE'); mock.sendMessage({ type: 'STATUS', nonce: msg.statusNonce, status: false, error: 'Failed to activate', }); }); return update.activateUpdate() .catch(err => { expect(err.message).toEqual('Failed to activate'); }) .then(() => done()) .catch(err => done.fail(err)); }); it('is injectable', () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ SwUpdate, {provide: NgswCommChannel, useValue: comm}, ] }); expect(() => TestBed.inject(SwUpdate)).not.toThrow(); }); describe('with no SW', () => { beforeEach(() => { comm = new NgswCommChannel(undefined); }); it('can be instantiated', () => { update = new SwUpdate(comm); }); it('does not crash on subscription to observables', () => { update = new SwUpdate(comm); update.available.toPromise().catch(err => fail(err)); update.activated.toPromise().catch(err => fail(err)); update.unrecoverable.toPromise().catch(err => fail(err)); }); it('gives an error when checking for updates', done => { update = new SwUpdate(comm); update.checkForUpdate().catch(err => { done(); }); }); it('gives an error when activating updates', done => { update = new SwUpdate(comm); update.activateUpdate().catch(err => { done(); }); }); }); }); }); }