import { AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit, } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {Component, View, Inject} from 'angular2/angular2'; import {createUpgradeModule, UpgradeModule, bootstrapHybrid} from 'upgrade/upgrade'; export function main() { describe('upgrade: ng1 to ng2', () => { it('should have angular 1 loaded', () => expect(angular.version.major).toBe(1)); it('should instantiate ng2 in ng1 template', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2'}) .View({template: `{{ 'NG2' }}`}) .Class({constructor: function() {}}); var element = html("
{{ 'ng1-' }}~~{{ '-ng1' }}
"); var upgradeModule: UpgradeModule = createUpgradeModule(); upgradeModule.importNg2Component(Ng2); upgradeModule.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual("ng1-NG2-ng1"); async.done(); }); })); it('should instantiate ng1 in ng2 template', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var upgradeModule: UpgradeModule = createUpgradeModule(); var Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2-1'}) .View({ template: `{{ 'ng2(' }}{{ ')' }}`, directives: [upgradeModule.exportAsNg2Component('ng1')] }) .Class({constructor: function() {}}); upgradeModule.ng1Module.directive('ng1', () => { return {template: 'ng1 {{ "WORKS" }}!'}; }); upgradeModule.importNg2Component(Ng2); var element = html("
"); upgradeModule.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual("ng1(ng2(ng1 WORKS!))"); async.done(); }); })); }); } function html(html: string): Element { var body = document.body; body.innerHTML = html; if (body.childNodes.length == 1 && body.firstChild instanceof HTMLElement) return body.firstChild; return body; }